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1700 - 1825



Name                            Place                           Date

Phillip Adams                   Fogo                            1808
Dinah Adams                     Joe Bats Arm                    1821
W. Adey                         Fogo                            1808
Walter Atwill                   Fogo                            1808
Thomas Baker                    Hants Harbour                   1824
Charles Bates                   Hants Harbour                   1831
Thomas Bath                     Fogo                            1808
Samuel Bennett                  Tilton Harbour                  1819 married
Ned Bishop                      Swains Island,Fogo              1836
John Blake                      Hants Harbour                   1821
William Brett                   Barr'd Islands                  18xx's  X'church
                                Joe Bats Arm                    1821
   ? Buckle                     Fogo                            1792 D'Albert 6
John Burton                     Fogo                            1780 D'Albert 6
John Colbourne                  Fogo                            1792
  ?  Coles                      Fogo                            1816
John Cooper                     Fogo                            1808
William Denine                  Change Islands                  1821
Mike Donahue                    Joe Bats Arm                    1871
George Edwards                  Change Islands                  1821
Edmund Elliott                  Fogo                            1816
Racheal Elliott                 Fogo                            1885
Thomas Ellsworth                Seldom Come By          	1849
John Farwell                    Fogo                            1808
John Freke                      Joe Bats Arm                    1821
John Freke sr.                  Fogo                            1844
George Freke                    Bar'd Island                    1871
Richard Gale                    Fogo                            1808
William Gale                    Fogo                            1808
Thomas Haines                   Joe Bats Arm                    1818
George Hayes                    Change Islands                  1840
Richard Hayes                   Indian Islands,Fogo             1858
Joseph Hancock                  Bar'd Island                    1821
Henry Head                      Fogo                            1808 - 16
Henry Head                      Joe Bats Arm                    1817
Hezekiah Hewett                 Barr'd Islands                  1871
Thomas Humphries                Fogo                            1821
Jermiah Jackson                 Fogo                            1792
Samuel Jacobs                   Fogo                            1808
James Joliffe                   Fogo                            1816
James Joliffe                   Joe Bats Arm                    1821
James Jollop                    Barr'd Island                   1851
John King                       Fogo                            1823
James Lewis                     Barr'd Island                   182x
John Lidlow                     Fogo                            1821
William Lidlow(s of Jas)        Change Islands                  1823
James Mills                     Fogo                            1823
William Osborne                 Change Islands                  1821
John Osborne                    Change Islands                  1821
James Pond                      Fogo                            1821
George Porter                   Change Islands                  1821
John Primer                     Fogo                            1792
William Primer                  Barr'd Island                   1821
James Primer                    Joe Bats Arm                    1842
William Rideout                 Fogo                            1792
Thomas Riggs                    Fogo                            1780
James Rose serv't               Fogo                            1847
George Russell sr.              Fogo                            1792
George Russell jr.              Fogo                            1808
John Rumbolt                    Fogo                            1808
John Smith                      Fogo                            1792
Joshua Stark                    Joe Batts Arm                   1815,1818
Joshua Stark                    Fogo                            1816
Henry Stark                     Little Fogo Island              1871
William Stark                   Little Fogo Island              1871
William Stevenson               Fogo                            1808
Jonathon Stoodley               Fogo                            1792
Edward Stuckley                 Fogo                            1808
James Taylor                    Joe Bats Arm                    1823
John Vincent                    Fogo                            1808
James Warwick                   Fogo                            1821
Robert Waterman                 Fogo                            1821
John Wicher                     Barr'd Island                   1821
William Woodward                Fogo                            1816
William Young                   Fogo                            1808




Transcription by Angus Elliot (Posted May 7, 1999)

Updated Jan. 7, 2000 - Bill Crant.

Page Revised by Craig Peterman (June 2003)

Page Last Modified: Tuesday March 26, 2013 (Don Tate)

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