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District Photo Album
Port de Grave District

Noesworthy Buildings in North River - c1900

North River

A c1900 photo of buildings in North River, Conception Bay, which
originates from Ed Long's Great Aunt Mary (Snow) Brail
from Bay Roberts.

Francis L. Jackson adds that the main site was Frank Noseworthy's
premises and house. Frank was born in 1849, married 1873
and died 1929. So the general store and house were thus
probably inhabited from, say, 1870 to the mid 1930's
when my aunt, Ethel Templeman tore it down and
built the dutch colonial house that now stands
there, occupied by the Maloney family.

The large house is that of my grandfather Francis (Frank) Noseworthy.
My mother, Rosalie Noseworthy, wife of the Rev. Oliver Jackson,
was born (1886) and raised in the bigger house. The smaller one
belonged to my uncle, William Noseworthy and was later
occupied by his daughter and my cousin, Doris Pike.
William was married in 1890 and died in 1934.

Contributed by Ed Long
January 2006

Photo Information by Francis L. Jackson
November 2006

Page Last Updated February 20, 2013 (Craig Peterman)

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