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Heads of Protestant Households Bay of Islands
A List and Commentary Compiled by the Reverend U. Z. Rule
in Preparation for his Successor ]


Source of Material: Diocesan Synod of Western Newfoundland Archives 2012

Transcribed by John G. Edgar from the original in The Reverend Joseph J. Curling's "Guard Book", Anglican Diocese of Western Newfoundland Archives. To distinguish from Rule's original question marks (?), the transcriber question marks are noted as (t?).
Little Harbour

CE George Legge Came from England a boy
CE Zibra Purdy Nova Scotia – son-in-law of Legge baptised by me.
Lark Harbour

CE W. Park Bay of Islands} {son-in-law of Legge
CE W. Park Bay of Islands} { "
CE Stephen Mollon (French) } { "
CE Abraham Shepherd } {Spaniard's Bay
CE G. Shepherd } { "
CE Js Shepherd } { "

Frenchman's Cove

CE R. Weller {Bay of Islands
CE W. Weller} { "
CE Th. Weller} {Sons of R. Weller { "
Lower Beach

CE Rich Parsons*} {Western Shore Sons-in-Law of S. Matthews
CE Edw. Morgan } { " "

CE John Parsons*} { " "
*I hear that one of the wives is dead, but have not heard which.
CE John Baily A boy from England
- several daughters married in the Bay of Islands
{father-in-law of:}
{Mr. Compagnon}
{Mr. Derigan}
{John Stickland}
{John The Beach
CE Mr. Compagnon (alias Prosper) Bay of Islands
CE John Stickland} {Channel
CE W. Stickland, sen} { "
CE W. Stickland, jun, widower} { "
CE James LeRiche…son-in-law of W.S.} { "
CE Maurice Derigan Bay of Islands
Wife dead
All so far of the Church of England. As we go up the Bay from this point, our people are
intermixeth with others. I will give the names of the Protestants only.
CofE James Mitchell Labrador, England
Pr - Stewart Bay Chaleur
CofE James Cunning Canada
(wife and family RC in Quebec) Park}
Halfway Point

CE Mrs. Weller and two sons Bay of Islands
CE W. Weller (her son) Bay of Islands One of my hosts
A little above

CE Vardy. 2 brothers and a sister Bay of Islands
CE Beverley _________ Bay of Islands
Then a long gap which takes us up away to Birchy Cove congregation – beginning at Child's Point
Pr McGinnis brothers CB
I think they have left the Bay.
Pr McDonald} {son-in-law of Morrison } {CB
McAskill } {son-in-law of Morrison } { "
RCCE McLeod - half transferred to CofE } { " Have baptised the young families
Pr Morrison (wife dead) } { "
CE Perrott (wife dead) Labrador, England
CE Manley (wife dead) Labrador, England
CE Levi Manley (son) Labrador
CE Allen Labrador, Topsail
(Meth. second wife and family CofE)
CE Jordan Cooper Labrador, Topsail
CE McCuish Belleoram
CE R. Weir, sen } {St. John's
CE R. Weir, jun } {St. John's
CE James Duke Nova Scotia
CE John Doman Labrador, England
Pr Petrie Sligo
Me Hinds (sen) (wife dead)} {Flower's Cove, originally St. John's
Hinds (jun) } { " "
? Jenniex Nova Scotia
? Whalen Harbour Grace
Meth Nicholls Labrador, Conception Bay
CE Noseworthy Labrador
CE Wells Labrador
CE John Pennell} {St. George's Bay sons and sons-in-law of
old Mrs. Pennell
CE W. Messervey} { " "
CE Clem Pennell} { " "
CE W. Bagg} { " "
CE Ch. Parsons} { " "
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Here is the church

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CE Thos Knight Labrador, England
CE Sam Baullem Carbonear
CE John Cunning Canada
CE Reub. Leggo Canada

Then another gap, til we get up to Corner Brook where are PrCh. Furnell Nova Scotia:
several years in the B of Islands. Only one of his children the eldest baptised by me. Very plausible (t?).

Pr Tupper NS or NB   Manager of the mill
The mill people live some at Corner Brook and some the greater part of the time in the country.
There are 2 or 3 married whose names I am not certain of. But one Moses (t?) Furnell seem respectable people.
All are Presbyterians but would I hope repay looking after, particularly if we continue to have the only church

My idea was to get up occasional periodical services at Corner Brook for the benefit of these
Presbyterians and the Methodists just above.

CE Ben Brake Bay of Islands
M Fred Clarke
M Butt sen wife dead

M Butt, jun
M Butt, jun
M White son-in-law of Butt
M Marshall
M Marshall
M Harris

Transcriber's note: Rule has bracketed the following comment for all of the above from Fred Clarke to Harris: "Labrador, originally from Conception Bay. All very poor. Not one of them has anything but a shanty. Poverty drove them to the Bay of Islands and poverty would drive them away again if they thought they could better themselves by going.

At Riverhead

CE Thos Park Bay of Islands
CE Brake Bay of Islands
6 brothers and 1 sister
sons of Mrs. Park.
Coming down the river on the other side

CE Leaden ------------ Labrador
McDonald ------------ Conception Bay
RC wife Meth, determined to make her children protestant. I baptised her last child.
M Anthole ----- Labrador, Conception Bay
CE Rude St. George's Bay
He is RC. Wife and family CE Wife sister of Mr. Parsons Bay of Islands (t?)
CE Hunt Labrador, England
M Stephen Genge} {Labrador, Conception Bay
M John Penney} { " "
M Willis Penney} { " "
son-in-law of John Loder
CE John Loder boy from England
? {George Pynn (The Mill) comment: "a very civil man"} United States: Nfld.
{W. Pynn} " " his wife a meth. decent woman would come to church if she could. The difficulty is crossing the Bay.

M James Nicholl} {Labrador, Conception Bay
M Davis} { " " Getting well down the shore
M Moor} { " "
Reuben Taylor (son-in-law- of Moor(t?) )} { " "
CE Stone ------------ Labrador
CE Thos Bolders ---------- Labrador
At Meadows

CE W. Brake} {Bay of Islands
CE Ed. Brake} { "
CE Widow Brake} { "

CE W. House ------ Daniel's Hr. below
Son-in-law of
CE Jos. Blanchard Bay of Islands
CE John Blanchard Bay of Islands
Hear his wife is dead
Apsey Beach

CE Widow Blanchard Bay of Islands
Intelligent family
James Stickland Western Shore
Son-in-law of Mrs. Blanchard -has a very intelligent wife nice children
McIvor's Cove

CE John Park Bay of Islands Very decent family
CE Rob. Park Bay of Islands
CE Thomas Lovell England
(All in this cove very poor. Rob Park should be the best off)
Middle Arm

CE John Cox Labrador, England
My host – father-in-law of
W. Park Bay of Islands
James Park Bay of Islands
& (t?) two old men
CE John Weller Wife RC but she comes to service when I am at their place. We claim all the family.

Rule has inserted the following comment for Middle Arm: "If it were not for the old men,
all the young ones would I fancy move out of the arm. It is the best thing they could do.
The only hope of ever making them any other than they are and the only hope for the young families."

Contributed by Alexander Payne (April 2012)

Page Last Modified May 02, 2012 (Don Tate)

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