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Newfoundland 1921 Census
Trinity Bay District

{12 Households - 57 Individuals}

[ 1921 Census Index]

This file "Verified"* with the Original Pages (October 2003 by Don Tate)

Newfoundland 1921 Census
Trinity Bay District
Col. 1
Col. 2
Col. 3
Given Name
Col. 3
Col. 5
Col. 6
Col. 7
Col. 8
Birth Yr.
Col. 9
Birth Month
Col. 10
Col. 11
Birth Pl.
243 264 Absalom RYDER M head widower 1886 Mar. 35 Lancaster
    Selina RYDER F dau single 1920 Oct. 1 Lancaster
    Richard RYDER M brother widower 1894 July 27 Lancaster
    Mary Anna RYDER F niece single 1920 July 1 Lancaster
    Selina RYDER F mother widow 1859 No Entry 62 Bonavista
    Stewart RYDER M brother single 1895 June 26 Lancaster
    Mary Anna RYDER F sister single 1898 June 23 Lancaster
244 266 Alfred TREMBLETT M head married 1866 July 55 Bonavista
    Johanna TREMBLETT F wife married 1881 Mar. 40 Bonavista
    Levi TREMBLETT M son single 1895 Oct. 25 Lancaster
245 267 John FISHER M head married 1881 June 40 Lancaster
    Ethel FISHER F wife married 1896 Feb. 25 Lancaster
246 268 Hubert CHARD M head married 1894 Aug. 27 Bonavista
    Maria CHARD F wife married 1893 Nov. 27 Bonavista
    Elizabeth CHARD F dau single 1919 July 2 Lancaster
247 269 George CHARD M head married 1852 June 69 Bonavista
    Jane CHARD F wife married 1852 Mar. 69 Bonavista
    Jessie CHARD F dau single 1890 Sep. 31 Lancaster
    Joseph CHARD M ason single 1917 Aug. 4 Lancaster
248 270 John RYDER M head married 1884 May 37 Lancaster
    Laura RYDER F wife married 1884 Apr. 37 Lancaster
    Albert M. RYDER M son single 1914 Aug. 7 Lancaster
    Elizabeth RYDER F dau single 1916 July 5 Lancaster
    William C. RYDER M son single 1918 Aug. 3 Lancaster
249 271 William RYDER M head married 1879 Sep. 42 Lancaster
    Rebecca RYDER F wife married 1893 Sep. 28 Elliston
250 272 Absalom RYDER M head married 1861 Feb. 60 Bonavista
    Elizabeth RYDER F wife married 1863 Aug. 58 Bonavista
    Thomas RYDER M son single 1893 June 28 Lancaster
    Robert RYDER M son single 1897 Oct. 24 Lancaster
    Matthew RYDER M son single 1898 Aug. 23 Lancaster
    Susannah RYDER F dau single 1901 May 20 Lancaster
251 273 Edmund TREMBLETT M head married 1891 Oct. 30 Lancaster
    Rhoda TREMBLETT F wife married 1896 Aug. 25 Lancaster
    Janie TREMBLETT F dau single 1915 June 6 Lancaster
    Bennett TREMBLETT M son single 1916 Oct. 4 Lancaster
    Lucy TREMBLETT F dau single 1917 Nov. 3 Lancaster
    Pearl TREMBLETT F dau single 1919 Aug. 2 Lancaster
252 274 Jabez RYDER M head married 1889 No Entry 32 Lancaster
    Gertie RYDER F wife married 1891 June 30 Lancaster
    John RYDER M son single 1915 Jan. 6 Lancaster
    Mildred RYDER F dau single 1917 Oct. 4 Lancaster
    Myra RYDER F dau single 1919 Aug. 2 Lancaster
253 275 Samuel TREMBLETT M head married 1887 Aug. 34 Lancaster
    Harriet TREMBLETT F wife married 1888 No Entry 33 Elliston
    Sarah J TREMBLETT F dau single 1908 May 13 Lancaster
    Job TREMBLETT M son single 1910 Oct. 10 Lancaster
    Tobias TREMBLETT M son single 1912 Apr. 9 Lancaster
    Alfreda TREMBLETT F dau single 1915 Mar. 6 Lancaster
254 276 Arthur MOULAND M head married 1871 No Entry 50 Bonivista
    Rebecca MOULAND F wife married 1895 Feb. 26 Lancaster
    Annie MOULAND F dau single 1904 Aug. 17 Lancaster
    George MOULAND M son single 1906 No Entry 15 Lancaster
    Alexander MOULAND M son single 1910 No Entry 11 Lancaster
    Arthur MOULAND M son single 1912 No Entry 9 Lancaster
    William MOULAND M son married 1899 Jan. 22 Lancaster
    Blanche MOULAND F dil married 1901 Mar. 20 Jamestown
    Phebe MOULAND F gdau single 1 921 Feb. 8mo Lancaster
Item 1The following columns are verified exactly as to the original (assuming legibility of data):
Dwelling Number, Family Number, Surname (but capitalized for ease of reading), Given Name, Sex, Birth Year, Age
Item 2 Community Name as a column is omitted as it only has repeats of the community name from the title.
Item 3 Words like Relation, Status, Birth Month may or may not have been abbreviated by either the Enumerator or the Transcriber. These variations are self-explanatory, were not considered detrimental to the informational content, and would have taken considerable time to correct. Thus they were not corrected in the verification process. Any informational errors were corrected.
Item 4 The Birth Place spelling may vary somewhat, due to Enumerator's or Transcriber's abbreviations. Any informational errors were corrected.

Transcribed by Jennifer Nash, Corbyville, Ontario, Canada
Posted July 22, 1998

Verified to Original Pages and Corrected as necessary (October 2003 - Don Tate)

Page Revised: October 2003 (Don Tate)

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