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Newfoundland 1921 Census
Fortune Bay District
{33 Persons in 88 Households}

This file "Verified"* with the Original Pages (April 2006 by Don Tate)

Dwelling Family SurName Given Name Sex rela. Status Birth Yr Birth Mo Age Birth Place
PAGE 79                  
107 115 CORNISH John M Head Married 1874 Nov. 46 Green Point
  CORNISH Ann F Wife Married 1885 Nov. 35 East Cul de Sac
  CORNISH Emily F DaughterSingle 1904 Mar. 17 Goblin
  CORNISH James M Son Single 1906 Nov. 14 Goblin
  CORNISH Lilian F DaughterSingle 1909 Feb. 12 Goblin
  CORNISH Bessie F DaughterSingle 1916 Jan. 5 Goblin
  CORNISH Joseph M Son Single 1913 Jan. 8 Goblin
  CORNISH Mary F DaughterSingle 1919 Dec. 1 Goblin
  CORNISH Richard M Father Widower 1838 Mar. 83 Poole, Eng.
108 116 HISCOCK George M Head Married 1875 Jan. 46 Jersey Harbour
  HISCOCK Susanna F Wife Married 1880 Jun. 41 Pushthrough
  HISCOCK John M Son Single 1902 Aug. 19 Goblin
  HISCOCK Mary F DaughterSingle 1903 Sep. 17 Goblin
  HISCOCK Robert M Son Single 1908 Sep. 12 Goblin
  HISCOCK Jacob M Son Single 1911 Jul. 10 Goblin
109 117 HARRIS Samuel M Head Single 1872 Sep. 48 McCallum
PAG 80                  
  HARRIS Ann F Sister Single 1863 Apr. 58McCallum
110 118MULLINS William M Head Married 1861 May 60 Jersey Harbour
  MULLINS Louisa F Wife Married 1864 Oct. 56 Bay d'Est
  MULLINS Alexander M Son Single 1898 Dec. 22 Goblin
  MULLINS Edward M Son Single 1904 Oct. 17 Goblin
  MULLINS Mary F DaughterSingle 1910 Oct. 11 Goblin
  119MULLINS George M Head Married 1892 Nov. 28 Goblin
  MULLINS Annie F Wife Married 1900 May 21 Dawsons Cove
  MULLINS Laura F DaughterSingle 1919 Dec. 1 Goblin
111 120MULLINS John M Head Married 1891 Jul. 30 Goblin
  MULLINS Margaret F Wife Married 1893 Jun. 28 Dawsons Cove
  MULLINS William M Son Single 1917 Jun. 4 Goblin
  MULLINS Irena F DaughterSingle 1918 Dec. 2 Goblin
112 121COURTNEY Mark M Head Married 1874 Mar. 47 Mosquito
  COURTNEY Mary Ann F Wife Married 1878 Jul. 43 Green Point
  COURTNEY George M Son Single 1902 Apr. 19 Goblin
  COURTNEY John M Son Single 1912 Jul. 9 Goblin

Item 1The following columns are verified exactly as to the original (assuming legibility of data):
Dwelling Number, Family Number, Surname (but capitalized for ease of reading), Given Name, Sex, Birth Year, Age
Item 2 Community Name as a column is omitted as it only has repeats of the community name from the title.
Item 3 Words like Relation, Status, Birth Month may or may not have been abbreviated by either the Enumerator or the Transcriber. These variations are self-explanatory, were not considered detrimental to the informational content, and would have taken considerable time to correct. Thus they were not corrected in the verification process. Any informational errors were corrected.
Item 4 The Birth Place spelling may vary somewhat, due to Enumerator's or Transcriber's abbreviations. Any informational errors were corrected.

Original Transcription by Bill Crant

Posted Mar. 4, 1998

Verified to Original Pages (April 2006 - Don Tate)

Page Last Modified: Wednesday March 06, 2013 (Don Tate)

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