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Census Of Newfoundland And Labrador 1891 |
Source: |
# |
Males 1 yr and under | 3 | STATISTICS |
Males - Married | 49 |
Females 1 yr and under | 13 | Females - Married | 49 | |
Males 1 - 2 years | 6 | Widowers | 3 | |
Females 1 - 2 years | 7 | Widows | 3 | |
Males 2 - 3 years | 7 | Births During Past 12 Months | 16 | |
Females 2 - 3 years | 13 | Deaths During Past 12 Months | 2 | |
Males 3 - 4 years | 5 | Marriages During Past 12 Months | 2 | |
Females 3 - 4 years | 6 | |||
Males 4 - 5 years | 8 | NATIONALITY |
Inhabitants Born In Newfoundland | 295 |
Females 4 - 5 years | 4 | Inhabitants Born In England | 1 | |
Males 5 - 10 years | 25 | Inhabitants Born In Ireland | - | |
Females 5 - 10 years | 33 | Inhabitants Born In Scotland | - | |
Males 10 - 15 years | 20 | Inhabitants Born In British Colonies | - | |
Females 10 - 15 years | 8 | Inhabitants Born In Foreign & Others | - | |
Males 15 - 20 years | 11 | |||
Females 15 - 20 years | 9 | ORPHANS / HANDICAPPED |
Males Under 15 Bereft Of 2 Parents | 1 |
Males 20 - 25 years | 8 | Females Under 15 Bereft Of 2 Parents | - | |
Females 20 - 25 years | 12 | Crippled And Disabled Paupers | 3 | |
Males 25 - 30 years | 8 | Males - Deaf | - | |
Females 25 - 30 years | 10 | Females - Deaf | - | |
Males 30 - 35 years | 9 | Males - Deaf & Dumb | - | |
Females 30 - 35 years | 14 | Females - Deaf & Dumb | - | |
Males 35 - 40 years | 19 | Males - Blind | - | |
Females 35 - 40 years | 10 | Females - Blind | - | |
Males 40 - 45 years | 4 | Males Of Unsound Mind | - | |
Females 40 - 45 years | 2 | Females Of Unsound Mind | - | |
Males 45 - 50 years | 2 | |||
Females 45 - 50 years | 3 | RELIGION |
Church of England | 44 |
Males 50 - 55 years | 3 | Reformed Church of England | - | |
Females 50 - 55 years | 3 | Church of Rome | 3 | |
Males 55 - 60 years | 2 | Methodist | 249 | |
Females 55 - 60 years | 1 | Presbyterian | - | |
Males 60 - 65 years | - | Congregationalist | - | |
Females 60 - 65 years | 1 | Salvation Army | - | |
Males 65 - 70 years | 2 | Baptist & Others | - | |
Females 65 - 70 years | 1 | |||
Males 70 - 75 years | 1 | TRADES / OCCUPATION |
Clergymen / Ministers | - |
Females 70 - 75 years | 1 | Teachers | - | |
Males 75 - 80 years | 1 | Lawyers | - | |
Females 75 - 80 years | - | Doctors | - | |
Males 80+ years | 1 | Merchants & Traders | 1 | |
Females 80+ years | - | Engaged in Office or Shop Work | - | |
TOTAL POPULATION | 296 | Engaged solely in Government Services | - | |
Farmers | - | |||
Fishermen & Others who cultivate land | 72 | ||
Mechanics | - | |||
Males catching and curing fish | 52 | |||
Females engaged in curing fish | 37 | |||
Number engaged in lumbering | - | |||
Number engaged in mining | - | |||
Number employed in factories or workshops | - | |||
Number of otherwise employed | - | |||
Males Who Can Read | 59 | ||
Females Who Can Read | 37 | |||
Males Who Can Write | 44 | |||
Females Who Can Write | 24 | |||
Children Under 15 Who Have Attended School In The Last Year | 40 | |||
Children Under 15 Who Have Not Attended School In The Last Year | 106 | |||
Children Who Live At Least 1½ Miles From School | 20 |
Contributed and Transcribed by Terry Alexander (2017)
Page Last Modified: Monday April 03, 2017 (Don Tate)Newfoundland's Grand Banks is a non-profit endeavor.
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