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M.A. Devine
There is one class of men in this country,that never is mentioned in song, And now,since their trade is advancing, they'll come out on top before long. They say that our sailors have danger,and likewise our our warriors bold, But there's none know the life of a driver,what he suffers with hardship and cold. Chorus: With their pike-poles and peavies and bateaus and all, And they're sure to drive out in the spring That's the time with the caulk in their boots as they get on the logs, And its hard to get over their time. Billey Dorothey he is the manager,and he's a good man at the trade, And when he's around seeking drivers,he's like a train going down grade, But still he's a man that's kind hearted,on his word you can always depend, And there's never a man that works with him but likes to go with him again. I tell you today home in London,"The Times" it is read by each man, But little they think of the fellows that drove the wood on Mary Ann. For paper is made out of pulpwood and many things more you may know, And long may our men live to drive it upon Paymeoch and Tomjoe. The drive is just below Badger,and everything is working grand, With a jolly good crew of picked drivers and Ronald Kelly in command, For Ronald is the boss on the river,and I tell you he's a man that's alive, He drove the wood off Victoria,now he's out on the main river drive. So now to conclude and to finish,I hope ye all will agree In wishing success to all Badger and the A.N.D. Company. And long may they live for to flourish,and continue to chop,drive and roll, And long may the business be managed by Mr.Dorothey and Mr.Cole.
Contributed by Martha Warren
Page Revised: July 2002 (Don Tate)
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