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P. 79-80 + Holding map
Department of Public Welfare, Annual Report, 1965.

Communities Evacuated under
'Centralization Program'
as listed in 1965 Report of
Department of Public Welfare.
The breakdown of places either vacated
or in the process of being vacated
is listed below

If you find there are errors or omissions please contact Barbara McGrath

Places Vacated No. of families
Barge Bay, Labrador 4
Black Island to Hillgrade 12
Black Island via Exploits 21
Blow Me Down, Kingmans 1
Bonald's Island 22
Braggs Island 66
Browns Cove 11
Brunette Island 62
Burnt Island, B. B. 21
Burnt Island Tickle 8
Cape Cove 4
Cape La Hune 14
Colinet Island 51
Coney Arm, White Bay 5
Corbin, Placentia Bay 9
Cowards Island, B. B. 26
Crawley's Island 15
Deer Island 9
Dog Cove, Burgeo 6
Dove Brook 4
East Cul De Sac 4
East St. Modeste 3
Eastward Cove Via Branch 4
Emberleys Pond via Boyd's Cove 2
Fair Islands ?2
Femme 20
Flat Islands ?3
Gad's Harbour to Norris Point 1
George's Cove 9
Gold Cove 6
Goose Cove 12
Granby Island 1
Great Harbour 12
Great Jervois 5
Green Island 9
Grosis Island 16
Gullies to Riverhead 4
Harbour ??? (Placentia Bay Area) 6
Head Jimbo 15
Hodge Cove 8
Hunt's Island, Burgeo 25
Indian Islands, Fogo 59
Ireland Bight 8
Island Cove via Long Beach 6
Ivanhoe 10
Jiggin Cove 2
Kearley's Harbour 9
King's Cove, Spirit Cove 1
Lally Cove 10
Lears Cove 1
Little Bona 3
Little Brehat 24
Little Harbour 8
Long Beach 1
Lower Head 6
Lower Little Harbour, via Twillingate 1
Lumsden South 22
Mansfield's Point 6
Marguise Cove 12
Mehaney's Point 1
Miles Cove 4
Muddy Bay, Cartwright 1
North East Arm, W. B. 12
North East Arm of Trinity, B. B. 7
North East Cove, Harbour Buffett 1
North East & South West Croque 21
North West Arm, B. B. 20
Northern Harbour, (Little Bay Islands) 1
Nuggetville, (Markland) 2
Pardy's Island 6
Patrick's Island 3
Paul's Island 14
Pinch Gut Tickle 2
Point Crewe 6
Pope's Harbour 8
Port Nelson 22
Pumbley's Cove 10
Raymond's Point via Gaultois 9
Red Island (Burgeo) 6
Rouge Harbour 1
Round Harbour 6
Round Harbour (Hermitage) 12
Safe Harbour 19
Sand Hill Bay (Labrador) 3
Sandy Cove via Port aux Choix 2
Sandy Cove, Twillingate 8
Silver Fox Island 45
Sop's Island West 44
Sound Island 12
South Branch, Codroy 2
Spencer's Cove 28
St. Anne's 3
St. John's Bay 2
Stones Cove 21
Sunnyside, W. B. 6
Sydney Cove, B. B. 36
Tickle Island, (St. Mary's Bay) 1
Tickles, (Harbour Buffett) 3
The Head, (Summerville) 4
Thoroughfare, T. B. 9
Traytown 8
Triton East 14
Webber's Cove 9
West Bay 13
Western Arm, W. B. 10
Western Arm of Western Point, Pushthrough 2
Western Head, (New World Island) 14
Wild Beach, Jean De Baie 1
Wild Cove 18
Winterhouse Cove 11
Woodford's Cove 4
Woods Island 81



"Communities approved for assistance under Household Resettlement Program for the period April 1st, 1965 - June 30, 1969 - now up to date"

Alexander Bay Station, Bonavista N.
Anderson's Cove, T. B.
Bar Haven, P. B.
Battle Hr., Labrador
Bay du Nord, T. B.
Bear Cove, W. B.
Birch Island, Lab.
Bobby's Cove, Port Royal, P. B.
Bobby's Cove, Via Pleasantview
Bluff Head Cove, Labrador
Boone's Point
Head - outside Cottrell's Cove, Pt. Leamington
Bradley's Cove
Brake's Cove, Bay of Islands
Brule, P. B.
British Hr., T. B.
Burnt Arm, Laurenoton
Butler's Cove, Pt. Leamington
Caines Island, Rose Blanche
Canada Hr., W. B.
Cape Broyle (Southside), S. S.
Cape Freel's South, B. B.
Chimney Cove, Harbour West
Clattice Harbour, N. W. & S. W., P. B.
Coffee Cove (outside)
Corbin, Burin District
Cove - across River Cox Cove, Bay of Islands
Cow Head, Summerside, St. Barbe
Current Island, St. Barbe
Crant's Point
Daniel's Cove
Davis Cove, P. B.
Deer Harbour, T. B.
Eskimo Island, Lab.
Fishell's River
Fishell's River East
Fisher's Cove
Flat Bay West, St. George's District
Flat Island, P. B.
Flat Rock, Carbonear, C. B.
Gallow's Cove
Great Jervis, T. B.
Great Paradise, P. B.
Crole, Hermitage Bay
Hr. Buffett, P. B.
High Beach, Burin Peninsula
N. E. Harbour Buffett, P. B.
Southside Harry's Hr., Little Bay Islands
Hodderville, B. B.
Horse Islands, W. B.
Hooping Hr., W. B.
Indian Bay Depot, B. B.
Indian Burying Place, Nippers Hr.
Ireland's Eye, T. B.
Isle Valen, P. B.
John's Pond, S.M.B.
Journois Brook, St. Theresa's
Cove - near Keel's, B. B.
Kingwell, P. B.
LaManche, S. ?
Lance Cove (Lancaster), B. B.
Leverett, Nipper Islands, Fogo
Little Bay West, T. B.
Little Bridgeport, New World Island, N. D. B.
Little Hr. Deep, W. B.
Little Hr. West, P. B.
Little Paradise, P. B.
Lobster Hr.
Lock's Cove
Lomond, Bonne Bay
Long Point, Port au Port
Lorebura, Random Island
Lower Tickles, Hr. Buffett, P. B.
Lumsden North, N. D. B.
Marasheen, P. B.
Miller's Passage, T. B.
Millertown Branch
Monroe, T. B.
Muddy Cove, Cobb's Arm, N.W.I.
Muddy Hole
New Ferrolls
Cove outside Nipper's Hr., Lt. Bay Isl. N.D.B.
North Bay, LaPoile Bay
Oderin, P. B.
North East Brook, Roddickton
Penquin Arm
Piccaire, Heritage Bay
Point Rosie, T. B.
Port Anne, P. B.
Port Royal, P. B.
Presque, P. B.
Prowseton, P. B.
Pushthrough, Hermitage Bay
Port Elizabeth, P. B.
Southside Purcell's Hr.
Radio Range, Gander
Red Cove, T. B.
Red Island, P. B.
Red Harbour, P. B.
Red Rod Cove
Richard's Hr.
River of Ponds Brook, St. Barbs
Robinsons (West), Highway
Neck Rose Blanche, S. W. Coast
Sop's Island, W. B.
St. Joseph's, P. B.
St. Leonard's, P. B.
St. Kyran's, P. B.
St. Theresa, Journois Brook
Shoe Cove Bight
Sandy Point
Sagona Island, F. B.
Salvage East, B. B.
Ship Island
Starb Hr.
Southside of Smith's Hr.
Cove - outside Snook's Arm
South East Arm, Cottrell's Cove
South East Bight, P. B.
Spirit Cove, St. Barbe
Spotted Islands, Labrador
Spread Eagle, T. B.
Tack's Beach, P. B.
Templeman, B. B.
Thickets, Hr. Grace, C. B.
Tilley's Pond, Nipper's Hr.
Turnip Cove, F. B.
Virgin Arm Pond
Wandsworth, Burin
West Bottom, Hall's Bay
West Point, Port aux Basques
Western Cove, Bar Haven, P. B.
Cove - near Whale's Gulch
White Rock
Williamsports, W. B.
Woody Island, P. B.



Page contributed by: Barbara McGrath
Page transcribed by: Ivy F. Benoit
Page revised: Oct. 2002 (Terry Piercey)

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