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Know all men by this. By these presents that I Humber Green Senior Planter of the Island of Newfoundland Northern district and now residing in the Harbour of Bonavista in the said island by diverse good cause and considerations have hereonto monies have given granted and confirmed and by these presents do give do give grant and confirm unto James Brown Planter of Bonavista aforesaid all my right title and interest into the beach for drying fish situated or lying being in the harbour of Bonavista bounded on the North by the stores and beach in the possession of George Brown & the said James Brown and the dwelling house occupied by the said George Brown on the South by the main path leading to and from Mockbegger and on the East by the dwelling house occupied by the said James Brown and the garden fence of William ??? with all the appurtances and appendages personal belongings I be possessed holding and enjoyed by him the said James Brown his heirs executers administrators and assigns now and forever with out any such hinderances or molestation from any person or persons what so ever. Humber Green
Senior Note
Page Contributed & Transcribed by Keith Brown
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Tuesday February 25, 2020)
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