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Other Misc. Wills & Deeds
Henry Coombs


In the matter of
The Estate of Henry Coombs
Of St. John's deceased

Enlisted, Sept. 5, 1914;
British Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, Aug. 20, 1915;
British Expeditionary Force, March 14, 1916;
killed in action, Beaumont Hamel, July 1, 1916.

I Mrs. Mary Roger of St. Johns married woman, make oath and say as follows: -
( 1 ) I am the petitioner in the here to annexed petition for issue to me of Letters of Administration to the Estate of my deceased brother.
( 2 ) The several matters and things therein contained, together with the inventory there to annexed, are just, correct and true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

Sworn before me this 13 day of August, A.D. 1917
Having been read to me
Signed Mary Roger
Her X mark

DRY. Kurt Commissioner Supreme Court.

To the Honourable the Supreme Court or one of the Honourable the Judges thereof: -
(1) The Petitioner's brother, Henry Coombs, was a volunteer in the Newfoundland Regiment, and has been officially reported killed on the 1st Day of July 1916 in France.
(2) At the date of his death said deceased was entitled to a balance of approximately $200.00 to his credit at the Newfoundland Pay and Record Copy Office. Said deceased owned no other property.
(3) Said Deceased was unmarried, his Father and Mother predeceased him and left him surviving as sole next of kin one sister, who is the petitioner herein.
(4) Said Deceased died intestate.
(5) No letters of Probate to any do neither last Will, nor Letters of Administration to the Estate of said deceased, Have yet been issued to any person.
Your petitioner therefore prays that Letters of Administration to the Estate of the deceased may issue to her, and as in duty bound she will ever pray.
Dated at St. John's Newfoundland, This Thirteenth day of August AD 1917
D Kurt
In The Supreme Court Of Newfoundland.

In the Estate of Henry Coombs Deceased

I Mary Roger, in the Electoral District of St. John's in the Island of Newfoundland Married women, make oath and say that Henry Coombs late of St. John's , in the Electoral District of St. John's in the Island aforesaid Volunteer deceased died interstate; that I will well and faithfully administer the estate and effects of the said deceased, by paying his just debts and distributing the residue of his estate and effects according to law; that I will exhibit a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the said estate and effects, and render a just and true account therefore whenever required by law so to do; that the said deceased was killed in France on the 1st day of July , one thousand nine hundred sixteen; and that the gross value of the said estate and effects of the deceased is Two Hundred Dollars, and no more, according to the best of my knowledge information and belief

Sworn at St. John's on the 30th day of August A.D. 1917, before me, having been first read over and Explained Mary Rogers



Page Contributed by Kevin Taylor

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (November 20, 2002)

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