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Vital Records
Register of Deaths
Book 7
Pages 316 - 317, 335 - 353 & 501 - 503

1917 - 1918


Source: LDS Microfilm

Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Surname Given Names Sex Religious Denomination Age Place of Birth Place of Internment
PAGE 335                  
                Residence previous to Enlisting  
Jany 21 France Died of Wounds PERRY Alfred M Meth'st 24 Wards Hr. NDB No Entry
Feby 01 France Died of Wounds TOMS Augustus M Meth'st 23 King's Pt. NDB No Entry
Jany 28 France Killed in Action ABBOTT Eli M Meth'st 18 Grand Falls NDB No Entry
Feby 08 France Died of Wounds MOORE James E. M R.C. 23 Grand Falls NDB No Entry
Mar. 04 France Died of Wounds MANUEL Samuel W. M Meth'st 24 Exploits NDB No Entry
Mar. 02 France Killed in Action FORWARD Norman M C.o.E. 21 Tizzard's Hr. NDB No Entry
Mar. 03 France Killed in Action ELLIOTT William M Meth'st 20 Norris Arm NDB No Entry
Mar. 20 Ayr. Scotland Tuberculosis PAUL Stephen J. M R.C. 20 Bishops Falls NDB No Entry
Feby 06 Grand Falls Pneumonia O'KEEFE Mary F R.C. 2 Grand Falls NDB Grand Falls
Jany 05 Grand Falls Diphtheria BARRON Patrick M R.C. 23 Dunville Grand Falls
Jany 07 Exploits Tuberculosis TUFF Jessie F Meth'st 51 Ladle Cove Exploits
Jany 11 Exploits Senility MILLEY Phoebe F Meth'st 83 Twillingate Exploits
Jany 21 Lewisporte Convulsions BUDGELL George M Meth'st 1 Wk. Lewisporte Lewisporte
Jany 30 Botwood Stomach Trouble HANN John M Meth'st 53 Moretons Hr. Lewisporte
Mar. 02 Salt Pond Consumption HODDINOTT Agnes F Meth'st 55 Salt Pond Salt Pond
Mar. 12 Lewisporte Convulsions BUDGELL Joseph W. M Meth'st 14 Lewisporte Lewisporte
Mar. 09 Little Burnt Bay Old Age PARDY John M Meth'st 78 Little Burnt Bay Little Burnt Bay
Mar. 01 Little Burnt Bay Consumption SNOW Solmon M Meth'st 51 Little Burnt Bay Little Burnt Bay
Feby 04 Tilt Cove Consumption WHITE Frederick M Meth'st 24 Tilt Cove Salt Pond, F.Bay
Mar. 25 Merrits Hr. Exposure (On Ice) POWELL Violet Jane F Meth'st 43 No Entry Merrits Hr.
Mar. 24 Herring Neck Old Age MEHANEY Eliza F Meth'st 73 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Mar. 26 Cobbs Arm Typhoid Fever BROWN Emma F Meth'st 35 Burnt Cove Cobbs Arm
Jany 05 Springdale Unknown GRANT Alice Louisa F Meth'st 1 Springdale Springdale
Jany 20 Little Bay Islds. Disease of Genital Organs ANSTEY George M S. Army 72 Twillingate Little Bay Islds.
Mar. 10 Grand Falls Marasmus LOCKE Emma Jane F No Entry 3 1/2 Mos. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Jany 21 Millertown Pneumonia LANE Trixy F No Entry 2 1/2 Millertown Millertown
Mar. 07 Millertown No Entry FURLONG Laurence A.H. M S. Army 2 7/12 Millertown Millertown
Jany 02 Virgin Arm Consumption SEELEY Elizabeth F S. Army 28 Twillingate Virgin Arm
Jany 20 Summerford Heart Disease BURT Matilda F S. Army 48 Moretons Hr. Summerford
Jany 24 Virgin Arm Still Birth HANN No Entry M S. Army SB Virgin Arm Virgin Arm
Mar. 05 Campbellton No Entry HILL Frances F S. Army 71 Campbellton Campbellton
Feby 17 Pilleys Isld. Heart Failure MILLS Edgar Samuel M S. Army 49 Burlington Little Bay
Feby 24 Heads Hr. Dropsy FUDGE Beatrice G. F C.o.E. 11 Gambo Heads Hr.
Feby 17 Point Leamington Heart Failure PAYNE Matthew M Meth'st 38 No Entry Point Leamington
Feby 27 Point Leamington Infantile Debility GOLDING Minnie Melitia F Meth'st 3 Mos. Pt. Leamington Point Leamington
Mar. 27 Paradise, S. Arm No Entry BRETT Asarelah Bartlett M Meth'st 38 Twillingate Paradise, S. Arm
Jany 16 Cutwell Arm Tuberculosis RIDEOUT Jane F Meth'st 47 Wards Hr. Wards Hr.
Feby 25 Cutwell Arm Convulsions HEATH Jesse Ross M Meth'st 3 Mos. Cutwell Arm Wards Hr.
Mar. 22 Port Anson Tuberculosis HEWLETT Joshua M Meth'st 21 Port Anson Port Anson
Mar. 24 Burlington Old Age MILLS Jane F Meth'st 90 Moretons Hr. Burlington
PAGE 336                  
Jany 06 Twillingate Chronic Sciatica STOCKLEY George M Method't 67 Twillingate Twillingate
Jany 22 Ragged Point Senility WHITE James M Method't 85 Ragged Point Twillingate
Jany 25 Gillard's Cove Malnutrition GILLIARD Roland Frederick M Method't 5 Mos. Gilliard's Cv. Bluff Hd. Cove
Feby 03 Twillingate (N.Side) Haematurea PRESTON James M Method't 79 No Entry Twillingate N.S(ide)
Feby 05 Cow Head Infantile Convulsions DOVE Georgina F Method't 4 Crow Head Twillingate N.S(ide)
Feby 07 Kettle Cove Phthisis HOPKINS Mrs. George F Method't 48 Kettle Cove Little Harbour
Feby 09 Durrell Pulmonary Tubercul's ROGERS Mrs. Obediah F Method't 40 Durrell Durrell Cemetery
Feby 26 Twillingate Tuberculosis YOUNG Olive F Method't 21 Twillingate Twillingate N.Side
Feby 22 New Harbor Exposure in Snow Storm EARLE Catherine F Method't 30 Twillingate Durrell Cemetery
Mar. 19 Twillingate Paralysis CURTIS Alfred M Method't 77 Twillingate Twillingate N.Side
Mar. 23 Jones Cove Pneumonia WARR Alice F Method't 87 Little Harbor Little Harbor
Mar. 22 France Died of Wounds HODGE Harvey Lionel M Method't 33 Twillingate France
Jany 01 Tizzard's Harb. Inflamation BOYDE Henry Thos. M Method't 54 Tizzard's Hr. Tizzard's Hr.
Feby 05 Tizzard's Harb. Inflamation BOYDE Allen M Method't 20 Tizzard's Hr. Tizzard's Hr.
Feby 14 Mortons Hr. Insanity CORNICK William M Method't 66 Mortons Hr. Western Hr.
Mar. 02 Bishops Falls Chronic Nephritis SMITH Frederick M C.O.E. 9 Brigus Bishop Falls
Jany 04 Grand Falls Meningitis WARR Harry Charles M C.O.E. 7 Mos. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Feby 14 Grand Falls Heart Failure NELSON John Peter M Presb'n 72 Isle of Man Grand Falls
Jany 09 Bishops Falls Accident RANDELL Richard M S. Army 51 Elliston Bishop Falls
Feby 23 Bishops Falls Cerebro Spinal Meningitis KING Dermenas M S. Army 9 Lewisporte Bishop Falls
Jany 31 Bishops Falls Tuberculosis WILLIAM Myrtle F S. Army 1 1/6 Bishp Falls Bishop Falls
Feby 22 Comfort Cove Died from Exposure LOMBARD Levinia F Method't 37 Comfort Cove Comfort Cove
Feby 15 Mortons Hr. Tuberculosis JENNINGS Jemima F S. Army 60 Mortons Hr. Mortons Hr.
Feby 02 Newstead Tuberculosis HALL Dina F Method't 26 Newstead Newstead
Feby 24 Newstead Tuberculosis HURLEY Herbert M Method't 20 Newstead Newstead
Feby 22 Mortons Hr. Pneumonia JENNINGS Lewis Dawe M S. Army 9 Mos. Mortons Hr. Mortons Hr.
Mar. 03 Southern Arm Inflamation WARFORD William Henry M S. Army 2 Mos. Southern Arm Southern Arm
Jany 26 Pt. Leamington Gene'l Debility SAUNDERS George H.L. M S. Army 3 Mos. Pt. Leaminton Pt. Leamington
Jany 18 Pt. Leamington Tuberculosis CURNEW Nellie Pearl F S. Army 3 Pt. Leaminton Pt. Leamington
Mar. 28 Triton Measles COOPER Kenneth George M S. Army 3 Triton Triton
Mar. 30 Triton Measles COOPER Olivia Carrie F S. Army 7 Triton Triton
Jany 08 The General Hospital, St.John's Pthisis TAYLOR George M Method't 20 Boot Harbor Gen'l Prot. Cemetry St. John's
Feby 13 Lunatic Asylum Senile Debility HYNES Patrick M R.C. 70 No Entry Mt. Carmel Cemetry St. John's
Feby 13 Kings Point Convulsions NEWBURY Marjorie F Method't 2 1/2 Kings Point Kings Point
Feby 15 Jacksons Cove Consumption KNIGHT Maria Fannie F Method't 46 Jacksons Cove Jacksons Cove
Mar. 20 Three Arms Inflamation WELLS Henry M Method't 75 Three Arms Three Arms
Feby 12 Durrel, T'Gate Gastric Cancer SLADE Lucy F C.O.E. 56 Twillingate Twillingate
Feby 21 Twillingate Bronchitis BAIRD Madaline F C.O.E. 4 Mos. Twillingate Twillingate Congretional Cemetry
Mar. 05 Twillingate Rheummatism SPENCER Frances F C.O.E. 83 Twillingate Twillingate
Jany 01 Tilt Cove Inflamation Bowels MOORES Margaret F Method't 42 Indian B. Place Tilt Cove
PAGE 337                  
Feby 12 Kings Point Tuberculosis-Lungs CAKE Naomi F C.O.E. 47 Tilt Cove Kings Point
Mar. 25 Shoe Cove No Entry GUY Henry M Method. 1 1/2 Dys. Shoe Cove Shoe Cove
Apl. 14 Laurenceton Bronchitis, Asthma PERRY George M Method. 79 1/2 Exploits Laurenceton
June 09 Laurenceton Tubercular Hip HUTCHINGS Cyril M Method. 20 Laurenceton Laurenceton
June 02 Mortons Hr. Tuberculosis VERGE Matthew M Method. 63 Twillingate Bridgeport
Apl. 03 Kettle Cove Meningitis HOPKINS Amy F Method. 3 Kettle Cove Little Harbor
Apl. 05 Harts Cove Tuberculosis Pulmonalis SKINNER John M Method. 18 Harts Cove Twillingate N.S
Apl. 30 Sleepy Cove Empyenia Tubercl's ELLIOTT Joseph M Method. 69 Crow Head Twillingate S.S
May 14 Twillingate S.S. Pulmonary Tubercl's POND Elizabeth F Method. 38 Farmer's Arm Twillingate S.S
May 16 Twillingate S.S. Paralysis COOPER George M Method. 86 Twillingate Twillingate S.S
May 21 Harts Cove Tuberculosis SKINNER Hilda Bessie F Method. 20 Harts Cove Twillingate S.S
June 15 Twillingate S.S. Malnutrition STOCKLEY Claude Jeffrey M Method. 11 Mos. Twillingate S.S Twillingate S.S
June 16 Twillingate S.S. Bronchitis COOPER Elizabeth B. F Method. 3 Mos. Twillingate S.S Twillingate S.S
June 30 Farmers Arm Meningitis REID Lucy Ann F Method. 1 7/12 Farmer's Arm Twillingate S.S
June 28 Durrell Tubercular Cystitis JENKINS Edgar M Method. 45 Durrell Twillingate S.S
June 24 Farmers Arm Tuberculosis EARLE Eveline F Method. 48 Twillingate Twillingate S.S
Jany 24 Shoe Cove Pneumonia WIMBLETON Martha A. F Method. 47 Shoe Cove Shoe Cove
Apl. 19 Tilt Cove Convulsions FOOTE Wesley George M Method. 15 Mts. Snooks Arm Tilt Cove
May 01 Shoe Cove Natural Causes DICKS Jacob M Method. 87 Shoe Cove Shoe Cove
May 19 New Bay Diptheria MOORE Ermy Annabel F Method. 7 New Bay New Bay
June 15 Springdale No Entry SAUNDERS Henry Timothy M Method. 8 Springdale Springdale
Mar. 30 King's Point German Measles YATES Chesley Rex M Method. 1 Kings Point Kings Point
May 05 King's Point Consumption NOBLE Katie F Method. 15 Kings Point Kings Point
May 30 Port Anson Still Born Child of John & Mary ROWSELL     M Method. SB Port Anson No Entry
May 31 Port Anson Child Birth ROWSELL Mary F Method. 31 Sunday Cv. Isld. Wellmans Cv.
May 13 Too Good Arm Consumption RUSSELL Martha Elizabeth F Method. 32 Nippers Hr. Too Goo Arm
May 16 Too Good Arm Congenital Debility HURLEY Maxwell Levi M Method. 1 Mt. Too Good Arm Too Goo Arm
May 18 Too Good Arm Congenital Debility HURLEY Mabel Gertrude F Method. 1 Mt. Too Good Arm Too Goo Arm
Apl. 12 Millertown Pneumonia FOGWELL Eric M Method. 13 Dys Millertown Millertown
Apl. 17 Millertown Pneumonia MOREY Meta F Method. 19 ? Millertown Millertown
Apl. 19 Millertown Pneumonia GILLARD Nina F Method. 1 Mt. Millertown Millertown
May 15 Norris Arm Consumption MILES Annie F Method. 30 New Bay Botwood
Apl. 09 Northern Arm S. Infantile Complaint SACREY John Charles M Method. 1 Mt. Northern Arm S. Botwood
Apl. 24 Northern Arm Infantile Debility NOSEWORTHY Frank M Method. 9 Mts. Northern Arm S. Botwood
May 29 Botwood Heart Disease FREAKE Alice F Method. 28 Botwood Botwood
June 12 Northern Arm S. Spinal Meningitis PEYTON Jack M Method. No Entry Northern Arm S. Botwood
June 19 Northern Arm N. Cerebral Meningitis MANUEL Luke M Method. 82 Exploits Northern Arm N.
June 20 Botwood Meningitis NORMORE Kenneth Wesley M Method. 9 Botwood Botwood
Apl. 09 Chance Harbor Consumption DOVE Louetta(?) F Method. 1 1/2 Chance Hr. Chance Hr.
Apl. 07 Summerford Inflamation WATKINS Muriel Winnie(?) F Method. 8 Dys. Summerford Summerfored
PAGE 338                  
May 09 Summerford Consumption TROKE Mary Elizabeth F Method'st 1 1/2 Summerford Summerford
Apl. 19 Grand Falls Scarlet Fever THORNE Garland Claude M C.O.E. 1 1/3 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Apl. 21 St. John's Pulmonary Tubercl's. WARR Loretta F C.O.E. 25 Tilt Cove Grand Falls
May 10 Grand Falls Pneumonia HANN Vera Cavell F C.O.E. 1 1/4 Grand Falls Grand Falls
June 15 Grand Falls Debility WAY Harold Stronich M C.O.E. 10 Mts. Grand Falls Grand Falls
June 16 Grand Falls Congenital Debility LUSH William M C.O.E. 3 Dys. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Apl. 06 Durrell, Tgate Heart Failure JENKINS James M C.O.E. 85 Twillingate Twillingate S.
Jany 22 Herring Neck No Entry WATKINS George M C.O.E. 65 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Apl. 08 Green Cove Pulm'y Tuberculosis CASSELL Miriam F C.O.E. 81 Pikes Arm Green Cove
May 24 Green Cove No Entry KEARLEY Baxter Norman M C.O.E. 4 Green Cove Green Cove
Apl. 2? Glovers Harbor Senile Decay ROWSELL Selena F C.O.E. 65 Locks Hr. Leading Tickles
June 10 Glovers Harbor Convulsions MARTIN Emma F C.O.E. 10 Wks. Glovers Harbor Leading Tickles
June 07 Bishop Falls Burned DEERING Susanna F C.O.E. 4 Bishop Falls Bishop Falls
June 13 Botwood No Entry ELLIOTT Sidney M C.O.E. 1 Botwood Botwood
May 12 Round Hr. Tuberculosis-Lungs COLLINS William F C.O.E. 73 Round Hr. Round Hr.
May 20 Tilt Cove Bronchitis MATTHEWS Albert Goodwin M C.O.E. 3 Kings Pt. S W A Tilt Cove
May 30 Tilt Cove Heart Failure JACKMAN Louisa May F C.O.E. 55 Harbor Grace Tilt Cove
June 14 Tilt Cove Heart Failure SMITH Mary Ann F C.O.E. 59 I. Burying Place Tilt Cove
Apl. 19 Grand Falls Congenital Debility FAHEY Michael M R.C. 6 Mo. Grand Falls Grand Falls
May 08 Grand Falls Congenital Debility WALL Margaret Mary F R.C. 1 Day Grand Falls Grand Falls
May 08 Grand Falls Tuberculosis GARNER Martin M R.C. 9 Mos. Grand Falls Grand Falls
June 10 Grand Falls Tuberculosis BLACKMORE Robert M R.C. 1 Grand Falls Grand Falls
June 15 Grand Falls Congenital Debility AYLWARD Patrick M R.C. 1 Mt. Grand Falls Grand Falls
June 15 Grand Falls Puerpular Fever AYLWARD Margaret F R.C. 28 Little Bay Grand Falls
June 12 Gen. Hosp. St. John's Tubercular Disease Spine SIMON Joseph M R.C. 23 No Entry Belvedere Cemty. St. John's
Aug. 12 Lunatic Asylum Heart Disease EARLE Wilmot M Method'st 73 Twillingate Gen'l Prot. Cemty. St. John's
Sept 17 Lunatic Asylum Enteritis WEBBER Arabella Britt F Method'st 52 Twillingate Gen'l Prot. Cemty. St. John's
Aug. 05 Herring Neck Typhoid Fever CROSSLEY Susan F C.O.E. 63 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Aug. 22 Pikes Arm No Entry WHITE Adelaide F C.O.E. 22 Pikes Arm Pikes Arm
Aug. 27 Herring Neck Old Age SMART James M C.O.E. 81 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Aug. 11 Botwood Summer Diarrhae OKE Mary Jane F C.O.E. 52 St. John's Botwood
Sept 09 Botwood Whooping Cough SNOW Thomas M C.O.E. 4 Mos. Botwood Botwood
Aug. 28 Grand Falls Heart Failure MOSS William M R.C. 16 Gambo Grand Falls
July 25 Springdale Inflamation OXFORD Maria Ann F Method'st 39 Twillingate Springdale
Sept 03 Pilleys Isld. Cancer TAYLOR Jacob M No Entry 64 Cupids Nfld Boot Harbor
July 10 Rattling Brook Inflamation FOSTER William James M Method'st 6 Mts. Rattling Bk. Rattling Brook
July 11 Jacksons Cove Internal Disease MOORES William M Method'st 66 No Entry Jacksons Cv.
July 22 Langdons Cv. Paralysis TILLEY James M Method'st 79 Stocking Hr. Stocking Hr.
Aug. 03 Kings Point Consumption RIDEOUT Harriett F Method'st 45 Kings Pt. Kings Pt.
Aug. 13 Botwood Cholera Infantum DEAN Millie F Method'st 1 1/2 Botwood Botwood
PAGE 339                  
July 05 Tilt Cove Killed by Explosion(Mine) WINSOR Isaac M Method't 46 Tilt Cove Tilt Cove
July 31 Tilt Cove Old Age FRECKLER Mariam F Method't 96 Tilt Cove Tilt Cove
Aug. 30 Tilt Cove Old Age LUSCOMBE Keziah F Method't 75 Tilt Cove Tilt Cove
Aug. 28 Tilt Cove Pneumonia COOK Claude Beatty M Method't 1 Tilt Cove La Scie
Aug. 10 Grand Falls Entero Colitis GREENING Selbie Robert M Method't 11 Mos. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Aug. 20 Grand Falls Entero Colitis PERRY Violet May F Method't 3 Mos. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Sept 03 St. Anthony Brain Tumor WATKINS Mary Emma F Method't 29 Kelligrews Grand Falls
July 01 Browns Arm Bronchitis BAKER Bertram M Method't 6 Mos. Laurenceton Laurenceton
Sept 03 Charle's Brook Meningitis PERRY Effie Alberta F Method't 24 Griquet Charle's Brook
Sept 21 Burnt Arm Obstruction Bowels ELLIOTT Ivy F Method't 4 Dys. Burnt Arm Burnt Arm
Sept 23 Burnt Arm Convulsions ELLIOTT Enid Beatrice F Method't 4 Burnt Arm Burnt Arm
July 22 Millertown Infantile Debility ARTHUR Clarence M Method't 1 Dy. Millertown Millertown
Sept 08 Millertown Still Born Child of Edwin & Martha WHEATON     F Method't SB Millertown Millertown
Aug. 07 Millertown Still Born Child of John W. & Bertha BARTLETT     F Method't SB Millertown Millertown
July 02 Black Duck Cv. Heart Disease GRENFELL Harry M Method't 82 Twillingate Little Harbor
Aug. 05 Twillingate Malnutrition BOURDEN Arthur Kenneth M Method't 24 Dys. Twillingate Twillingate
Aug. 12 Farmers Arm Extensive Burn POND Alice Gertrude F Method't 3 1/2 Farmers Arm Twillingate S.S
Sept 13 Twillingate N.S Encephalitis STUCKLESS Willis J. M. M Method't 25 Twillingate Twillingate N.S
Sept 13 Cow Head Chronic Endocarditis ELLIOTT Bennett M Method't 25 Cow Head Twillingate N.S
Sept 15 Durrell Consumption BURTON Viola F Method't 11 Durrell Twillingate S.S
June 01 These 4 men were accidently drowned while persuing The Herring Fishery. Drowned COLBOURNE John M Method't 47 Purcell's Hr. Twillingate
June 01 These 4 men were accidently drowned while persuing The Herring Fishery. Drowned COLBOURNE Josiah M Method't 44 Purcell's Hr. Twillingate
June 01 These 4 men were accidently drowned while persuing The Herring Fishery. Drowned WHITT Doyle M Method't 21 Kettle Cove Twillingate
June 01 These 4 men were accidently drowned while persuing The Herring Fishery. Drowned STUCKEY Titus M Method't 46 Twillingate Twillingate
July 07 Nippers Hr. Bronchitis BATSTONE Mary Ann F Method't 73 Jackson's Cove Nipper's Hr.
July 29 Nippers Hr. No Entry RUSSELL Wallace William M Method't 2 Mts. Nipper's Hr. Nipper's Hr.
June 14 Burlington Tuberculosis ROBERTS Sarah Helen F Method't 18 Burlington Burlington
Aug. 25 Rogue's Hr. Dysentery GILES Albert Earl M Method't 7 Stocking Hr. Rogue's Hr.
June 13 Harry's Har. Complications STARKS Frances Helen F Method't 27 Nipper's Hr. Nipper's Hr.
Aug. 23 South East Arm Consumption YATES Hayward L. M Method't 17 S. East Arm Cottle's Cove
Aug. 02 Leading Tickles Consumption BILLINGS William Wallace M S. Army 19 New Bay Cottle's Cove
Sept 15 North West Arm Accidentally WHITE Eugene David M Method't 12 North West Arm Leading Tickles
Sept 12 Herring Neck Tuberculosis WARREN Darius M Method't 48 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Sept 26 Boyd's Cv. Tuberculosis BURT Sarah A. F Method't 75 Salt Pans Salt Pans
July 30 Bridge Port Tuberculosis NOEL Kenneth R. M Method't 2 Bridge Port Bridge Port
Aug. 10 Mortons Hr. Heart Failure KNIGHT Wesley Herbert M Method't 21 Mortons Hr. Mortons Hr.
May 08 Campbellton Tuberculosis WHEELER Sarah F Method't 36 No Entry Campbellton
July 02 Campbellton Congenital Debility CALLAHAN Edith Bessie F Method't 8 Mos. Campbellton Campbellton
June 08 Comfort Cove Drowned WALKINS George M Method't 68 No Entry Comfort Cove
May 30 Comfort Cove No Entry HEAD Emily Muriel F Method't 5 Mos. Comfort Cove Comfort Cove
PAGE 340                  
Sept 25 Campbellton No Entry ANSTEY Hilda M. F Meth'st 4 Campbellton Campbellton
July 27 Campbellton Drowned MANUEL Augustus M Meth'st 25 Campbellton Campbellton
July 18 Exploits Convulsions LACEY Albert G. M Meth'st 7 Mos. Glenwood Exploits
July 25 Exploits Tuberculosis LACEY Herbert ?allie M Meth'st 1 1/3 Exploits Exploits
Aug. 15 Exploits Cancer Stomach SCEVIOUR James M Meth'st 74 Exploits Exploits
July 23 Cutwell Arm Congenital Debility RIDEOUT Dulcie Belle F Meth'st 1 Little Bay Isld. Cutwell Arm
July 24 Paddocks Bight Convulsions HEWLETT Pierce Garland M Meth'st 3 Paddocks Bgt. Wellman's Cove
June 29 Wellman's Cove Congenital Debility WELLMAN Laura Dean F Meth'st 6 Dys. Wellman's Cove Wellman's Cove
July 29 Jerry's Hr. Diabetes FUDGE Whilhemina P. F Meth'st 14 Wellman's Cove Wellman's Cove
July 24 Paddocks Bight Diabetes HEWLETT Jane F Meth'st 39 St. John's Wellman's Cove
Sept 05 Grand Falls Acute Brights Disease CHAMBERLAIN Harry B. M Presbyn. 38 Perth,Ontario Grand Falls
July 30 Comfort Cove Tuberculosis SMITH Rebecca F S.Army 73 Twillingate Comfort Cove
Jany 11 Springdale Measles HULL Mamie F S.Army 4 Lt. Bay Isld. Lt. Bay Isld.
Jany 12 Black Isld. Inflamation POTTER Ambrose R. M S.Army 4 1/2 Mts. Black Isld. Black Isld.
Jany 12 Springdale Measles OXFORD Job M S.Army 1 Lt. Bay Island Lt. Bay Island
Jany 15 Horwood Convulsion Fits PECKFORD Alice F S.Army 24 Hare Bay Horwood
Jany 17 Campbellton Dropsy SEYMOUR Sarah F S.Army 77 Exploits Campbellton
Jany 27 Southern Arm Measles ENGLAND Florence F S.Army 10 Mts. Southern Arm Southern Arm
Jany 28 Campbellton Old Age SNOW James M S.Army 83 Campbellton Campbellton
Apl. 05 Triton Measles COOPER Chesley Jas. M S.Army 10 Triton Triton
Apl. 15 Twillingate Endocarditis LAMBERT Lily F S.Army 5 Twillingate Twillingate
Apl. 18 Net Cove Brain Fever FUDGE Willie Dawe M S.Army 15 New Stead Net Cove
Apl. 20 Tilt Cove Bronchitis WARREN Eliol M S.Army 10 La Scie La Scie
Apl. 25 Bishops Falls Child Birth DAY Mary F S.Army 28 Blaketown Bishop Falls
Apl. 30 Triton Measles WINSOR William Stewart M S.Army 11 1/2 Titon(?) Triton
May 08 Herring Neck Measles KEARLEY Francis M S.Army 5 Mts. Herring Neck Herring Neck
May 25 Harrys Harbor Consumption BAKER Milly F S.Army 14 Harry's Hr. Harry's Hr.
May 26 Sampsons Isld. Bone Disease BAKER Laura F S.Army 26 Moreton's Hr. Sampsons Isld.
May 31 Twillingate Pulm'y Tubercul's WATKINS Lily P. F S.Army 17 Twillingate Twillingate
June 05 Campbellton Measles VINEHAM John M S.Army 4 Campbellton Campbellton
June 14 Botwood Consumption HOMER Herbert M S.Army 25 Victoria Village Botwood
June 18 Black Island Inflamation POTTER Oliver J. M S.Army 5 Mts. Black Isld. Black Isld.
June 20 Bishop Falls Convulsions PIPPY Ernest Wm. M S.Army 1 Mt. Bishop Falls Bishop Falls
June 22 Grand Falls Consumption STRATTON Emily F S.Army 17 Port Blanford Port Blanford
June 23 Pilleys Island Child Birth DAWE Ida F S.Army 26 Pilleys Island Pilleys Island
June 23 Triton Consumption WINSOR Susan F S.Army 43 Twillingate Twillingate
June 24 Shoe Cove Bight No Entry DICKS Winnifred F Meth'st 27 Three Arms Shoe Cove Bgt.
June 27 Southern Arm Consumption BUDGELL Lucy F Meth'st 35 Botwood Southern Arm
June 29 Triton Consumption VINCENT Lily L. F S.Army 22 Triton Triton
July 04 Lushes Bight Consumption FIFIELD Mary Elizabeth F S.Army 31 Twillingate Lushes Bight
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July 09 Campbellton Convulsions WOODFORD Mayvis F S. Army 6 Mts. Campbellton Campbellton
July 09 Birchy Bay Child Birth STOCKLEY Sarah A. F S. Army 29 Bard Island Birchy Bay
July 10 Botwood Congenital Debility CANNING Ivy May F Meth. 3 Wks. Botwood Botwood
July 24 Indian Cove Cancer KEEFE Thomas M Meth. 88 Lt. Harbour Indian Cove
July 28 Lt. Bay Island Congenital Debility WISEMAN Mayette Bonette M. F S. Army 9 Mts. Lt. Bay Isld. Lt. Bay Isld.
Aug. 29 Grand Falls Congenital Debility HOLLETT Gladys F S. Army 5 Mts. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Aug. 31 Botwood Brain Fever BEST(?) Annie Jane F S. Army 4 Peters Arm Botwood
Sept 02 Spencers Dock Tuberculosis STUCKLESS Harry D. M S. Army 20 Pilleys Isld. Pilleys Isld.
Sept 20 Lt. Bay Island Hemmorage Lungs OXFORD Edwin Alfred M Meth. 31 Lt. Bay Isld. Lt. Bay Isld.
Apl. 21 France Wounds POPE Robert M Meth. 21 Burnt Arm No Entry
Apl. 23 France Killed in Action BENNETT A. Spencer M Meth. 22 Twillingate No Entry
Apl. 14 France Wounds PEARCE Samuel R. M C.O.Eng. 23 Twillingate No Entry
Apl. 14 France Killed in Action BENNETT Mulford M S. Army 24 Cottle's Isld. No Entry
June 20 Wandsworth, London Wounds GILLETT Phillip M C.O.Eng. 23 Leading Tickles No Entry
Apl. 14 France Killed in Action TARRANT Elias M Meth. 23 Burnt Arm Botwood
Apl. 18 Germany Died of Wounds KEEFE Saul M C.O.Eng. 23 Twillingate No Entry
July 08 France Killed in Action MARTIN William J. M C.O.Eng. 20 Grand Falls No Entry
July 10 France Killed in Action BURTON Willis G. M Meth. 22 Wards Hr. No Entry
Aug. 14 France Died of Wounds CLARKE John M S. Army 20 Campbellton No Entry
Aug. 16 France Killed in Action BLANFORD George M C.O.Eng. 23 Herring Neck No Entry
Aug. 19 France Died of Wounds RICE Fred B. M S. Army 21 Point Leamington No Entry
Apl. 14 France Killed in Action SHERRAN Nelson M Meth. 20 Point Leamington No Entry
Apl. 14 France Killed in Action RIDEOUT Thomas M Meth. 20 Grand Falls No Entry
Apl. 14 France Killed in Action FRAMPTON Harry M S. Army 21 Grand Falls No Entry
Apl. 14 France Killed in Action CLARKE Walter M Meth. 23 Springdale No Entry
Apl. 14 France Killed in Action HOLMES Aubrey M Meth. 21 Springdale No Entry
Apl. 14 France Killed in Action ROWSELL Gordon M S. Army 21 Exploits No Entry
Apl. 14 France Killed in Action MANUEL Alfred M Meth. 25 Botwood No Entry
Apl. 14 France Killed in Action ALPHONSUS(?) Boyd(?) M Meth. 20 Tizzard's Hr. No Entry
Apl. 14 France Killed in Action ROSE Peter M Meth. 20 Twillingate No Entry
Apl. 14 France Killed in Action NORMORE Levi M Meth. 22 Cutwell Arm No Entry
Apl. 14 France Killed in Action COLBOURNE Beadon S. M C.O.Eng. 23 Bishop Falls No Entry
Apl. 14 France Killed in Action FREW Macintosh M Presbyn. 20 Grand Falls No Entry
Apl. 14 France Killed in Action BLACKMORE Edgar M Meth. 27 Pilleys Isld. No Entry
Oct. 10 France Died of Wounds GOODYEAR Stanley C. M Meth. 29 Grand Falls No Entry
Oct. 11 France Killed in Action JONES James M Meth. 24 Point of the Bay No Entry
Oct. 09 France Killed in Action HANN William S. M Meth. 20 Grand Falls No Entry
Oct. 09 France Killed in Action COOPER Ward M Meth. 22 Millertown No Entry
Oct. 09 France Killed in Action STARKS Edward M Meth. 19 Kings Point No Entry
Oct. 09 France Killed in Action RANDELL Peter M Meth. 23 S.S Twillingate No Entry
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Oct. 09 France Killed in Action MUTFORD Albert J. M Meth. 28 Twillingate No Entry
Oct. 09 France Killed in Action UPWARD Pierce M Meth. 21 Harrys Harbor No Entry
Oct. 20 France Died of Wounds INDER Herbert S. M Meth. 25 Springdale No Entry
Nov. 21 France Died of Wounds MCDONALD Bernard M R.C. 34 Norris Arm No Entry
Nov. 20 France Killed in Action RIDEOUT Heywood M Meth. 18 Bluff Head Cv. No Entry
Dec. 01 France Killed in Action WILLIAMS Hugh M Meth. 19 Springdale No Entry
Dec. 03 France Killed in Action BAKER Esau M S.Army 29 Bishop Falls No Entry
Dec. 06 France Died of Wounds JANES Stephen M Ch.Eng. 23 Bishop Falls No Entry
Apl. 02 Lewisport S. Tuberculosis SNOW Harold Jas. M Meth. 8 Mos. Lewisporte S. Lewisporte S.
Apl. 04 Lewisport S. Cancer NORTHCOTT George M Meth. 58 Carbonear Lewisporte S.
Apl. 21 Stanhope Pneumonia CHALK John R. M Meth. 54 Moreton's Hr. Stanhope
Aug. 11 Tilt Cove Diphtheria MANUEL Margaret Bayly F Ch.Eng. 7 2/3 Twillingate Tilt Cove
Sept 17 Round Hr. Senile Decay FUDGE Amelia F Ch.Eng. 89 Twillingate Round Hr.
Feby 06 Fortune Hr. Pneumonia CARROLL Mrs. M. F R.C. 47 Kings Cove Fortune Hr.
Mar. 18 Fortune Hr. Tuberculosis Lungs CARROLL Julia F R.C. 26 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
May 20 Black Island Pneumonia HAMILTON Patrick M R.C. 13 Black Isld. Fortune Hr.
June 20 Fortune Hr. Gen'l Periotonitis WISEMAN John M R.C. 23 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
June 30 Fortune Hr. Convulsions GLAVINE Angus Leo M R.C. 2 Wks. Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Oct. 04 Fortune Hr. Convulsions GLAVINE Henry David M R.C. 2 Wks. Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Aug. 28 Fortune Hr. General Paralysis LANNON James M R.C. 73 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Sept 30 Pilleys Island General Debility GLAVINE Mrs. Dennis F R.C. 90 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Jany 25 Unknown Lost in H.M.S. Laurentic PUDDICOMBE William M Ch.Eng. 27 Stanhope,Lewisporte Fortune Hr.(?)
June 28 England Pulmonary Tubercul's WOODFORD Eric G. M Ch.Eng. 21 Herring Neck Fortune Hr.
Nov. 04 Robert's Arm Tuberculosis STARKS(?) James M Meth. 49 No Entry Robert's Arm
Dec. 13 Heads Harbor No Entry RIDEOUT Claude M Meth. 19 Heads Hr. Heads Hr.
Oct. 05 Glenwood Apoplexy LOCKE Julia F Meth. 84 Moreton's Hr. Glenwood
Oct. 16 Grand Falls Incomplete Gestation FRENCH Nina F Meth. 17 Dys. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Nov. 17 Grand Falls Drowning(Sucidial) RANDALL Minnie M. F Meth. 23 Pilleys Isld. Grand Falls
Nov. 22 Grand Falls Inanition GAULTON Ralph M Meth. 4 Dys. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Nov. 30 Grand Falls Still Born Child of George & Mary Ann BAILEY     M Meth. SB Grand Falls Grand Falls
Nov. 19 Millertown Inanition DAVIS Baby F Meth. 1 Dy. Millertown Millertown
Nov. 20 Millertown Inanition DAVIS Baby F Meth. 1 1/2 Dys Millertown Millertown
Dec. 11 Millertown Bronchitis STUCKLESS John J. M Meth. 2 Mos. Millertown Millertown
Dec. 24 Norris Arm North Whooping Cough MENCHINGTON Miriam Violet F Meth. 3 Mos. Norris Arm Norris Arm
Oct. 09 France Killed in Action BAKER George M Meth. 27 Fox Hr, T.Bay France
Nov. 12 Salt Pond Cancer NEWPORT Julia F Meth. 84 Moreton's Hr. Western Head
Dec. 17 Mortons Hr. Mental Debility SMALL Julia F Meth. 80 Exploits Mortons Hr.
Dec. 31 Mortons Hr. Heart Failure OSMOND Elizabth F Meth. 73 Twillingate Mortons Hr.
Oct. 26 Point of the Bay Congenital Debility JONES(?) Hooper M Meth. 5 Mins. Point of the Bay Point of the Bay
Dec. 07 Laurencetown Paralysis ROSE Naomi F Meth. 65 Port de Grave Laurencetown
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Sept 29 Bishops Falls Senile Decay HOWARD George W. M Presbryn. 75 Milford Maine,USA Bishops Falls
Oct. 09 Norris Arm Convulsions BEATON Mildred Lima F Ch. Eng. 1 Mt. Norris Arm Norris Arm
Oct. 10 Botwood Inanition ELLIOTT Joseph Roy M Ch. Eng. 5 Mts. Botwood Botwood
Oct. 24 Botwood Heart Disease GILL James M Ch. Eng. 47 Indian Point Indian Point
Sept 05 Leading Tickles Meningitis LANNING William M Ch. Eng. 7 Mts. Culls Isld Culls Isld
Sept 06 Culls Island Rickets HAGGETT Eli M Ch. Eng. 1 3/4? Burnt Idld Culls Isld
June 22 Culls Island Convulsions ALCOCK John M Ch. Eng. 7 Dys. Culls Isld Culls Isld
Oct. 02 Exploits Senile Decay PYNN Margurete E.C. F Ch. Eng. 7 Mts. Exploits Exploits
Nov. 21 Browns Arm Pneumonia SEVIOUR Ann Agnes F Ch. Eng. 49 Exploits Exploits
Nov. 28 Black Isld. Old Age RICE Amelia F Methodist 80 Twillingate Salt Pans, T.B.
Dec. 23 Salt Pans, F.B. Tuberculosis MEHANEY Valentine M Methodist 30 Fridays Bay Salt Pans, T.B.
Dec. 29 Boyds Cove Infant Debility BURT Omar R. G. M Methodist 3 Mts. Boyds Cove Salt Pans, T.B.
Nov. 01 Campbellton Internal Trouble HILLIER Annie F Methodist 77 No Entry Campbellton
Oct. 17 Loon Bay Old Age BRINSTON James M Methodist 83 Barr'd Isld Loon Bay
June 28 Loon Bay Inanition MILLS Bessie Oliva F Methodist 4 Mos. Loon Bay Loon Bay
Nov. 05 South Arm Whooping Cough COOPER Willis John H. M Methodist 6 Mos. South Arm Pt. Leaminton
Dec. 14 New Bay Paralysis BOONE Thomas M Methodist 73 Bay Roberts New Bay
Oct. 06 Herring Neck Tuberculosis COLBOURNE Helen F Ch. Eng. 63 Twillingate Twillingate
Oct. 12 Twillingate Pulmn'y Tuberculosis MAY Sarah F Ch. Eng. 59 1/2 Twillingate Twillingate
Nov. 14 Twillingate Pulmn'y Tuberculosis ELLIOTT Leo M Ch. Eng. 27 Twillingate Twillingate
Nov. 15 Twillingate Pulmn'y Tuberculosis BRIDGER Alice F Ch. Eng. 23 Twillingate Twillingate
Dec. 17 Bridgeport Tuberculosis NOEL Pansy F Ch. Eng. 18 Bridgeport Moreton's Hr.
Sept 13 Twillingate Pulmn'y Tuberculosis GINN Edward Peter M Ch. Eng. 20 Twillingate Twillingate
Sept 17 Twillingate Inanition ELLIOTT Robert M Ch. Eng. 2 Dys. Twillingate Twillingate
Oct. 11 Fogo No Entry HUSSEY Lilian F Ch. Eng. 34 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Nov. 28 Herring Neck No Entry TULK Chesley M Ch. Eng. 14 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Dec. 10 Pike's Arm No Entry STUCKEY Mary F Ch. Eng. 9 Pikes Arm Pikes Arm
Dec. 15 Pike's Arm Old Age FUDGE Sarah F Ch. Eng. 84 Fogo Pikes Arm
Dec. 19 Herring Neck Old Age WARREN Mary Jane F Ch. Eng. 84 St. John's Herring Neck
Oct. 23 Grand Falls Accidently Killed CANTWELL Pierce M R.C. 17 Pilleys Isld. Grand Falls
Dec. 02 Grand Falls Tuberculosis STAPLETON Winifred F R.C. 13 St. Mary's, P.B. Grand Falls
Dec. 05 Norris Arm Tuberculosis BEATON Nellie F R.C. 24 Norris Arm Norris Arm
Dec. 13 Grand Falls Tuberculosis BLACKMORE Maria F R.C. 40 Botwood Grand Falls
Oct. 18 Nipper's Hr. Old Age PITTMAN Amy F Methodist 82 Nippers Hr. Nippers Hr.
Oct. 06 Nipper's Hr. Diphtheria STARKS Allan Plemon M Methodist 11 Nippers Hr. Nippers Hr.
Dec. 03 Northern Hr. Convulsions WEIR Edwin John M Methodist 7 Dys. Northern Hr. Little Bay Islds.
Oct. 18 Rattling Brook Consumption WHITE Hezekiah M Methodist 20 Rattling Brook Rattling Brook
Nov. 19 Kings Point Inflamation JENKINS Hannah F Methodist 72 Kings Point Kings Point
Oct. 08 Twillingate Tubercular Enteritis COMPTON Dorothy F Methodist 6 Summerford Summerford
Oct. 19 Carters Cove Inanition BURT Phoebe Louisa F Methodist 8 Dys. Carters Cv. Carters Cv.
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Nov. 29 Summerford Convulsions JENKINS Mary F Methodist 7 Dys. Summerford Summerford
Nov. 29 Exploits Tuberculosis LACEY Willis M Methodist 33 Exploits Exploits
Oct. 16 Springdale No Entry GRANT? Clarence M Methodist 1 5/6 Springdale Springdale
Nov. 27 Springdale No Entry PENNY Marjorie E. F Methodist 3 1/2 Springdale Springdale
Dec. 06 Springdale Congenital Debility WELLMAN John C. M Methodist 7 Dys. Springdale Springdale
Dec. 11 Beachy Cv. Old Age BARNES Martha F Ch. Eng. 77 South Brook South Brook
Nov. 14 Springdale Consumption INDER Edward M Methodist 48 Twillingate Springdale
Oct. 10 Durrell Tuberculosis BLAKE Elizabeth F Methodist 50 Durrell Durrell
Oct. 15 Twillingate S.S. Endocarditis PIPPEY Phillip M Methodist 70 England Rink Road, Twillgt.
Oct. 17 Twillingate N.S. Pulmnry. Tubcl's. STUCKLESS Mrs. John F Methodist 67 Twillingate Twillingate N.S.
Oct. 22 Twillingate N.S. Heart Disease WYETT Mrs. John F Methodist 70 Twillingate Twillingate N.S.
Nov. 05 Durrell Tuberculosis BULGIN George M Methodist 19 1/2 Farmers Arm Durrell
Nov. 12 Gillard's Cove Meningitis GILLARD Harry M Methodist 8 Mos. Gillard's Cove Rink Road
Nov. 18 Twillingate N.S. Acute Bronchitis MOORES Winston M Methodist 4 Mts. Twillingate N.S. Twillingate N.S.
Dec. 02 Twillingate N.S. Pulmonary Tubcls. LACEY George M Methodist 14 Twillingate N.S. Twillingate N.S.
Dec. 27 Durrell Tubercular Bronchitis BURTON Annie F Methodist 71 Twillingate N.S. Durrell
Oct. 04 Lush's Bight Tuberculosis SLADE Bessie B. F Methodist 13 Lush's Bight Lush's Bight
Dec. 18 Ward's Hr. Pneumonia ROWSELL Leander Roland M Methodist 17 Ward's Hr. Ward's Hr.
Dec. 25 Cutwell Hr. Paralysis BURTON Titus M Methodist 37 Ward's Hr. Ward's Hr.
July 08 Grand Falls Tuberculosis SAUNDERS George Hubert M Ch. Eng. 20 Bay of Islds. Grand Falls
Sept 10 Grand Falls Neo-Colitis SMITH Edna May F Ch. Eng. 8 Mts. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Aug. 29 Grand Falls Neo-Colitis BRADSHAW Vera F Ch. Eng. 1 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Sept 15 Grand Falls Senile Decay SHEPPARD Elizabeth F Ch. Eng. 81 Hr. Grace Grand Falls
Sept 24 Grand Falls Neo-Colitis LE MOINE Eva Maud F Ch. Eng. 10 Mts. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Sept 11 Grand Falls Neo-Colitis FEVER William John M Ch. Eng. 6 Mts. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Dec. 11 Grand Falls Weakness NOEL William M Ch. Eng. 2 Dys. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Dec. 11 Grand Falls Weakness NOEL Clement M Ch. Eng. 2 Dys. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Feby 09 Botwood Bronchitis MERCER Frederick M S. Army 4 Botwood Botwood
Mar. 08 Botwood Bronchitis THOMPSON Mable E. F S. Army 2 Botwood Botwood
Sept 05 Woodfords Cv. Fits MILLEY Elsie Matilda F S. Army 13 Dys. Woodfords Cv. Woodfords Cv.
Sept 25 Tilt Cove Pneumonia PENDER Myrtle Vivian F S. Army 6 Tilt Cove Tilt Cove
Oct. 13 Brighton Intestinal Nephritis ANSTEY Dora F S. Army 24 1/2 Brighton Brighton
Oct. 17 Twillingate Convulsions LAMBERT Harold F. M S. Army 2 Dys. Twillingate Twillingate
Oct. 04 Pt. Leamington Whooping Cough JOHN William M S. Army 1 1/3 Little Bay Pt. Leamington
Nov. 10 Pt. Leamington Inflamation SAUNDERS Mary Ann F S. Army 41 Sunday Cv. Isl. Pt. Leamington
Nov. 11 Swan Hr. Tuberculosis PERRY Levinia Ellen F S. Army 21 Exploits Exploits
Nov. 16 Great Triton Convulsions FUDGE Stella L. F S. Army 3 Mts. Triton Triton
Nov. 25 Norris Arm Consumption WALSH John M S. Army 18 Exploits Norris Arm
Nov. 29 Campbellton Whooping Cough LUSH Daisy Evelyn F S. Army 2 1/2 Mts. Campbellton Campbellton
Dec. 03 Lushes Bight Whooping Cough MORGAN Stella F S. Army 2 Mts. Lushes Bight Lushes Bight
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Dec. 27 Germany Wounds received in Action OXFORD 2073 Pvte. Walter M Ch. Eng. Blank Botwood Botwood. Residence previous to enlisting
Oct. 10 Lewisporte Meningitis FORSEY Violetta Louise F Meth'st 10 Mts. Clarenville Lewisporte
Nov. 19 Lewisporte Premature Birth MOYLES Bessie M. F Meth'st 20 Dys. Lewisporte Lewisporte
Oct. 07 Shoe Cove Bronchitis GRAY Taylor M Meth'st 6 Mts. Shoe Cve. Shoe Cve.
Oct. 09 France Killed in Action CLARK 2541 Pte. George S. M Meth'st Blank Springdale Springdale. Residence previous to enlisting.
Nov. 05 Twillingate S. Apoplexy CHURCHILL Mary F Ch. Eng. 48 Twillingate Twillingate
Nov. 24 Halls Bay Infantile Debility TIZZARD Arthur Samuel M Meth'st 10 Dys. Halls Bay Springdale
June 15 Boot Harbor Infantile Debility TAYLOR William M Meth'st 1 Day Boot Hr. Boot Hr.
Oct. 21 Exploits Senility TUFF Lavinia M Meth'st 22 Black Isld. Black Isld.
Sept 06 Triton Tuberculosis Lung WISEMAN Herbert John M S. Army 21 Triton Triton
Oct. 13 Triton Pneumonia VINCENT James M S. Army 14 Triton Triton
PAGE 346                  
Jany 04 Fortune Hr. Asthma AYLWARD Joseph M R.C. 6 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Feby 23 Waldron's Cve. Tuberculosis Lungs LYVER Stephen M R.C. 23 Waldrons Cv. Fortune Hr.
Feby 14 Little Bay Tuberculosis Lungs CLEARY Patrick M R.C. 22 Little Bay Little Bay
Jany 28 Halls Bay Pneumonia STEPHENS Louis M R.C. 28 Halls Bay Halls Bay
Mar. 24 Fortune Hr. Debility BYRNE Michael McD.? M R.C. 86 St. John's Fortune Hr.
Jany 28 Pilleys Isld. Cancer Stomach LANG William M Method. 52 Carbonear Pilleys Isld.
Feby 13 Robert's Arm Bronchitis ANTHONY Walter J. M Method. 2 Mos. Robert's Arm Robert's Arm
Mar. 12 Pilleys Isld. Infantile Paralysis BLACKMORE Raymond M Method. 6 Pilleys Isld. Pilleys Isld.
Mar. 29 Heads Harbor Bronchitis RIDEOUT Ivy B. F Method. 10 Heads Hr. Heads Hr.
Feby 01 S.E. Arm Tuberculosis YATES Allister C. M Method. 23 S.E. Arm Cottles Cove
Mar. 05 Cottles Cove Exposure YATES Emily Janet F Method. 41 Cottles Cove S.E. Arm
Mar. 12 Bobby's Cove Inflamation(Child Birth) SHEPPARD Frances F Method. 40 Leading Tickles Paradise,S.A.
Mar. 10 S.E. Arm Whooping Cough BOONE Blanche F Method. 9 S.E. Arm S.E. Arm
Jany 28 Summerford No Entry WHEELER John M Method. 1 5/12 Summerford Summerford
Feby 22 Virgin Arm Whooping Cough HANN Daisy F Method. 2 Mts. Virgin Arm Carters Cove
Feby 24 Chance Port Typhoid Fever DOVE Thos. Henry M Method. 30 Twillingate Chance Port
Feby 05 Millertown Consumption GOODYEAR Walter M Method. 6 Millertown Millertown
Jany 21 Kings Point Consumption WHITE Emily A. F Method. 38 Indian Islds. Kings Point
Mar. 20 Rattling Brook Consumption BARTLETT Arthur W. M Method. 20 Rattling Brook Rattling Brook
Jany 22 Grand Falls Nephritis PEATEY Mary Hann F Method. 68 Port De Grave Grand Falls
Feby 10 Loon Bay Inflamation MILLES Sarah F Method. 5 Loon Bay Loon Bay
Feby 22 Campbelltown Old Age SEYMORE Isaac M Method. 89 No Entry Campbellton
Dec. 04 Campbelltown Infantile Debility CLAUCEY? Sadie Priscilla F Method. 4 Mos. Campbellton Campbellton
Jany 23 Cobbs Arm Old Age BROWN Henry M Method. 73 Pike's Arm Cobbs Arm
Mar. 06 Seal Cove, F.B. Tuberculosis SANSOME Rachel F Method. 49 Tizzards Hr. Salt Pans
Jany 27 Botwood Pulmnry. Tuberclos. HANCOCK John Chas. M Ch. Eng. 11 Botwood Botwood
Jany 26 Bishops Falls Scalded, Accident SINGARD Gordon W. M Ch. Eng. 4 No Entry No Entry
Feby 02 Bishops Falls Tubercls. Lungs WHITE Robert M Ch. Eng. 19 Harcourt, Trinity Bishops Falls
Jany 08 Botwood Bronchitis BURT Lucy ? F Method. 6 Wks Botwood Botwood
Jany 20 Botwood Multiple Neuritis BARNES Janet F Method. 27 Botwood Botwood
Feby 18 Botwood Heart Disease JEWER Patience F Method. 58 Botwood Botwood
Mar. 29 Botwood Pulmonary Tubercls. POND Abel M Method. 43 Twillingate Botwood
Feby 10 Burlington Unknown ROBERTS Leonard A. M Method. 7 Dys. Burlington Burlington
Feby 06 Middle Arm Tuberculosis BUDGELL Julia A. F Method. 23 Trinity Bay Middle Arm
Jany 05 Little Harbor Heart Disease PARDY James M Method. 86 Little Hr. Little Hr.
Jany 08 Harts Cove Posturition FROUDE Millie F Method. 36 Harts Cve. Durrell
Jany 08 Harts Cove Still Born Child FROUDE No Entry M Method. SB Harts Cve. Durrell
Jany 14 Durrell Endocarditis GILLETT James M Method. 75 Durrell Durrell
Feby 28 Gillards Cove Spina Bifida GILLARD Gordon M Method. 5 Dys. Gilliard's Cve. Rink Road, Tgate.
Mar. 30 Tilt Cove, F.B. Accidentally Killed GILLARD James M Method. 28 Gilliard's Cve. Rink Road, Tgate.
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Feby 06 Norris Arm Apoplexy ROBINSON Joseph M R.C. 75 Joe Batts Arm Norris Arm
Feby 11 Norris Arm Heart Failure MCDONALD James M R.C. 9 Mts. Norris Arm Norris Arm
Feby 14 Grand Falls Tuberculosis KENNEDY Mary F R.C. 50 Greenspond Grand Falls
Feby 14 Grand Falls Heart Failure STAPLETON John M R.C. 65 St. Marys Grand Falls
Feby 26 Millertown Tuberculosis STRICKLAND Frances F R.C. 32 Old Shop Grand Falls
Jany 13 Little Bay Isld. Consumption OXFORD Prudence F Meth'st 75 Tissards Hr. Little Bay Isld.
Jany 03 Laurencetown Convulsions CHAFFEY Mabel G. F Meth'st 1 Wk. Laurencetown Laurencetown
Mar. 21 Laurencetown Tuberculosis PERRY Sarah M. F Meth'st 34 1/2 Northern Arm Laurencetown
Jany 03 Shoe Cove White Mouth GRAY Clarence S. M Meth'st 9 Mts. Tilt Cove Shoe Cove
Jany 06 Summerford Infantile Disease PELLEY Harker(?) Fred M Meth'st 1 Mo. Summerford Summerford
Jany 20 Pilleys Isld. Obstruct. Kidneys BLACKMORE Mrs. Emma F S. Army 29 Pilleys Isld. Pilleys Isld.
Jany 30 Port Anson Tuberculosis RYAN Naomi Ellen F S. Army 46 Twillingate Pilleys Isld.
Feby 04 Bishop Falls Consumption LATE John M S. Army 19 Smiths Sound Bishop Falls
Feby 21 Little Bay Isld. Childbirth WISEMAN Leah F S. Army 37 Greens Pond Little Bay Isld.
Mar. 03 Lushes Bight Paralysis DEAN Joseph M S. Army 70 Lushes Bight Pilleys Isld.
Mar. 04 Standhope Unknown BALL Fanny F S. Army 35 Standhope Standhope
Mar. 05 Little Bay Isld. Paralysis WISEMAN Mariah F S. Army 75 Twillingate Little Bay Isld.
Mar. 11 Twillingate Exposure on Ice SHEPPARD Joseph M S. Army 46 Wild Cove Twillingate
Mar. 11 Twillingate Exposure on Ice SHEPPARD Gertrude F S. Army 23 Manuels Cv. Twillingate
Mar. 22 Campbellton Whooping Cough VINEHAM Mary Susanna F S. Army 6 Mts. Campbellton Campbellton
Jany 21 Springdale Paralysis PETERS Mary A. F Meth'st 73 Hr. Grace Springdale
Feb. 26? Springdale Heart Failure SCEVIOUR Abraham M Ch. Eng. 56 No Entry Springdale
Feb. 14 Springdale Bronchitis BARRETT Gertrude M. F Meth. 10 Mos. St. John's Springdale
Mar. 05 Paddocks Bight Bronchitis MORGAN Mary Elsie F Meth. 3 Mos. Paddocks Bgt. Williams Cove
Mar. 13 Lush's Bight Paralysis CARAVAN William M Meth. 83 Bay Robts. Lush's Bight
Mar. 25 Cutwell Arm Blood Poisoning CROUCHER Joseph M Meth. 18 Cutwell Hr. Wards Hr.
Jany 07 Germany Died of Wounds GWINER 2030 Cpl. H. M Meth. No Entry Bishops Falls Residence at time of enlisting. Bishop Falls
Mch. 14 France Died of Wounds LACEY 3733 Pte. A. M Meth. 22 Expoits Residence at time of enlisting. Exploits
Mch. 13 France Died of Wounds EARLE 3684 Pte. Geo. M S. Army 24 Moreton's Hr. Residence at time of enlisting. Moreton's Hr.
Jany 18 Twillingate Multiple Neuritis MANUEL Frances F Ch. Eng. 42 Twillingate Twillingate
Mar. 03 Bluff Hd. Cove Cancer of Liver PEARCE Maria F Ch. Eng. 73 Twillingate Twillingate
Mar. 17 Crow Head Senility HAMBLYN Jane F Ch. Eng. 90 Twillingate Twillingate
May 05 Grand Falls Tubercl. Meningitis HOLLOHAN Josephine F R.C. 14 Bonne Bay Grand Falls
Feby 25 Lewisporte Heart Failure WOOLFREY Selina F Meth. 65 Twillingate Lewisporte
Jany 20 St. John's Blood Poison WOOLFREY Jessie F Meth. 33 Lewisporte Lewisporte
Mar. 21 Stanhope Old Age BLAKE Mary F Meth. 86 Moreton's Hr. Stanhope
Mar. 20 Lewisporte Meningitis BOONE Julia F Meth. 7 Lewisporte Lewisporte
Apl. 28 Lewisporte Infantile Disease BOONE Edgar W. M Meth. 2 Wks. Lewisporte Lewisporte
May 11 Lewisporte Bronchitis ANSTEY Walter S. M Meth. 2 1/3 Lewisporte Lewisporte
May 19 Lewisporte Old Age DOWNTON Arthur M Meth 77 1/2 Lewisporte Lewisporte
PAGE 348                  
June 06 Masons Cove Senility PETLEY William M Meth. 78 No Entry Salt Pond
Apl. 09 Morton's Hr. Old Age OSMOND Caroline F Meth. 85 Mortons Hr. Western Head
Apl. 18 Bridgeport Tuberculosis CRAMM John M Meth. 37 Mortons Hr. Mortons Hr.
June 02 Tizzard's Hr. Old Age OSMOND Abram M Meth. 79 Mortons Hr. Tizzards Hr.
June 16 Morton's Hr. Measles OSMOND Florence F Meth. 43 New Bay Western Head
June 19 Salt Pond Measles RIDEOUT Carrie F Meth. 20 Salt Pond Western Head
June 23 St. John's Pneumonia CANNINGS* Parmenus D. M Meth. 19 Mortons Hr. Mortons Hr.
Apl. 22 Campbellton Inflamation WELLS Annie Laura F Meth. 1 Campbellton Campbellton
Apl. 23 Loon Bay Inflamation HARVEY Sidney H. M S. Army 1 Birchy Islds. Loon Bay
May 16 Heads Harbor Tuberculosis PITTMAN Harry W. M Meth. 16 Heads Hr. Heads Hr.
June 28 Roberts Arm La Grippe ROWSELL Mazie Olive F Meth. 9 Mos. Roberts Arm Roberts Arm
Feby 10 Long Tickle No Entry BUTCHER William M Meth. 7 Loon Bay Carters Cove
Feby 26 Summerford Old Age HAWKINS Unice F Meth. 85 Durrel's Arm Summerford
Apl. 03 Chance Port Tuberculosis SCOTT Lydia F Meth. 42 Trump Isld. Chance Port
Apl. 12 Chance Port Typhoid Fever DOVE Phoebe F Meth. 43 Twillingate Chance Port
May 07 Virgin Arm Cancer BURT George M Meth. 56 Durrells Arm Carters Cove
June 12 Carters Cove Tuberculosis BURT Lily Edna F Meth. 9 Mts. Carters Cove Carters Cove
June 12 Summerford Measles WHEELER Ernest M Meth. 9 Mts. Summerford Summerford
June 17 Virgin Arm Tuberculosis STOCKLEY Flossie P. F Meth. 9 Carters Cove Carters Cove
Apl. 23 Bishops Falls Consumption ELLIS Mary E. F Meth. 24 Trinity Bishops Falls
June 15 Boot Hr. Infantile Debility TAYLOR William M Meth. 1 Dy. Boot Hr. Boot Hr.
June 22 Pilleys Hr. Pneumonia MOREY Lemuel M Meth. 25 Boot Hr. Wellmans Cve
Mar. 01 Pilleys Hr. Tuberculosis HULL Robert M Meth. 32 Springdale Springdale
Jany 26 Flurries Bight Consumption MITCHELL David M Meth. 5 Mts. Flurries Bight Flurries Bight
May 02 South Arm Pleurisy BUDGELL Maria F Meth. 69 Twillingate South Arm
June 07 S.E. Arm Consumption YATES Kenneth M Meth. 57 Twillingate New Bay
Apl. 16 France Died of Wounds STRONG 3786 Pte. Ross M Meth. No Entry Jackman's Cve. Residence at time of enlisting. Jackman's Cove
Apl. 27 France Died of Wounds RIDEOUT 228 Pte. Pierce M Meth. No Entry Pilleys Island residence at time of enlisting. Grand Falls
Apl. 13 France Killed in Action GILLESPIE 3195 Pte. Saml. J. M R.C. No Entry Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Apl. 13 France Killed in Action SAUNDERS 3367 Pte. Eli M S. Army No Entry Cow Bay Pt. Leamington Pt. Leamington
Apl. 18 France Killed in Action BOONE 3478 Pte. Joseph M Meth. No Entry Leading Tickles N.D.Bay
Apl. 12 France Killed in Action SPENCER 3640 Pte. Max M Ch. Eng. No Entry Twillingate No Entry
Apl. 12 France Killed in Action WHITE 3847 L/C. Hollie M S. Army No Entry Cottles Cove New Bay, N.D.Bay
Apl. 12 France Killed in Action SQUIRES 2456 Pte. John M Ch. Eng. No Entry Round Hr. Round Hr. N.D.Bay
Apl. 12 France Killed in Action RIDEOUT 3736 Pte. Ford M S. Army No Entry Moretons Hr. Moretons Hr.
May 22 England Died of Wounds HOUSE 2554 Pte. George M Ch. Eng. No Entry Lewisporte Lewisporte
May 26 St. John's Pneumonia OSBORNE 4912 Pte. James M Meth. 19 Lewisporte Lewisporte
June 09 St. John's Meningitis HULL 5471 Pte. Victor M Meth. 18 Little Bay Islds. Little Bay Islds.
June 08 St. John's Pneumonia HICKS 5426 Pte. Phillip M Meth. 18 Merrits Hr. Merrits Hr.
June 19 Crow Head Pneumonia HAMLIN(?) 5609 Pte. Stewart M Meth. 20 Crow Head Twillingate
Note: *CANNINGS see Page 349 line 1.
PAGE 349                  
June 23 St.John's Pneumonia CANNING 5455 Pte. Parmanus M Meth. 19 Moretons Hr. Moretons Hr.
June 10 Wellmans Cove Heart Trouble WELLMAN Charles M Meth. 75 Wellmans Cve. Wellmans Cove
May 08 Black Isld. Tuberculosis HILL Ellen F Meth. 22 Black Isld. Black Isld.
Jany 26 Little B. Islands Tuberculosis CAMPBELL Richard Elmar M Meth. 33 L. Bay Islds. L. B. Islds.
June 06 Cobb's Arm Tuberculosis BLAKE Henry M Meth. 21 Cobb's Arm Cobb's Arm
Apl. 11 N. Side Tuberculosis RIDEOUT Amelia A. F Meth. 18 Back Hr. North Side
May 07 N. Side Tuberculosis BARRETT Bennett M Meth. 24 North Side North Side
May 11 South Side Tuberculosis COOPER Blanche F Meth. 24 South Side Rink Road
June 19 Crow Head Pneumonia HAMLYN Daniel S. M Meth. 21 Crow Head North Side
June 13 South Side Hepatic Colic WHITE Mariana H. F Meth. No Entry South Side Durrell
June 24 Durrell Drowning MINTY Harry M Meth. 38 Durrell Durrell
June 24 Durrell Drowning MINTY Arthur M Meth. 36 Durrell Durrell
Apl. 03 Laurencetown Worm Fever PURCHASE Edgar K. M Meth. 3 1/6 Laurencetown Laurencetown
Mar. 09 Laurencetown Convulsions PURCHASE Jessie F Meth. 1 Wk. Laurencetown Laurencetown
Apl. 12 Smith's Hr. Fits CUNSEL Eneas John M Meth. 2 Dys. Smith's Hr. Burlington
Apl. 29 Burlington No Entry JENNINGS Clarence F. M Meth. 3 Dys. Burlington Burlington
Apl. 29 Horwood Drowned HART Dinah F Meth. 29 Horwood Horwood
May 05 Horwood Old Age NIPPARD Martin M Meth. 78 Seldom Horwood
Apl. 13 Little Bay Heart Failure DELANEY John M R.C. 73 Little Bay Little Bay
May 03 Fortune Hr. Inflamt. Bowels CARROLL James M R.C. 76 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
May 27 Fortune Hr. Pulmon'y Tubercl's PENNY Maud F R.C. 19 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
May 28 Leading Tickles Pulmon'y Tubercl's BULTER Edward M R.C. 67 Leading Tickles Fortune Hr.
June 29 Fortune Hr. Enemic POWER Pierce M. M R.C. 1 Mt. Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
June 30 Little Bay Cancer Liver BAKER Solomon M R.C. 72 Little Bay Little Bay
June 25 Black Isld. Pneumonia HENNIFANT Edward P. M R.C. 2 Black Isld. Fortune Hr.
Feby 01 Leading Tickles Convulsions NOSEWORTHY Warrick M Ch. Eng. 3 Mts. South Side Leading Tickles
Mar. 14 Little Bay La Grippe DEWLING Harold J.R. M No Entry 1 1/12 Little Bay Little Bay
Apl. 17 Leading Tickles Consumption ROWSELL Thomas M No Entry 66 Locks Hr. Leading Tickles
June 07 Exploits Heart Failure ARNOLD Frances M. F No Entry 36 Exploits Exploits
Apl. 02 Herring Neck Inflamation WOODFORD Plemon M. M S. Army 8 Mts. Herring Neck Herring Neck
May 17 Comfort Cove White Mouth HARVEY Henry John M S. Army 2 Mts. Comfort Cove Comfort Cove
May 30 Comfort Cove Consumption ADAMS Dora F S. Army 20 Comfort Cove Comfort Cove
May 23 Pilleys Isld. Pneumonia WYATT Thomas M S. Army 79 Twillingate Pilleys Isld.
June 10 Comfort Cove Tuberculosis COOPER Beatrice F S. Army 18 Comfort Cve. Comfort Cove
June 12 Pilleys Isld. Tuberculosis CHAPPLE Elihu M S. Army 32 Twillingate Pilleys Isld.
June 13 Botwood Meningitis LANGDOWN Eric M S. Army 3 Botwood Botwood
June 23 Durrells Arm Meningitis WAKELY Sidney M S. Army 28 Durrels Arm Twillingate
June 25 Bluff Head Cv. Infantile Disease BAGGS Ameta D. F S. Army 8 Dys. Bluff Head Cv. Twillingate
Apl. 10 Shoe Cove Convulsions SAUNDERS Irena B. F Meth. 3 Dys. Shoe Cove Shoe Cove
May 06 I. Burying Place Old Age FUDGE Mary Ann F Ch. Eng. 87 1/6 I. Burying Place I. Burying Place
PAGE 350                  
Apr. 12 No Entry Killed in Action *SQUIRES John M Off Ch. Eng. 25 Round Hr. See #34. 348
May 29 Tilt Cove Heart Failure GULLEN Andrew G. M Ch. Eng. 76 Fifeshire, Scot. Tilt Cove
June 07 Shoe Cove Jaundice & Pneumonia HARDING Joseph M Ch. Eng. 37 Tilt Cove Shoe Cove
June 10 Tilt Cove Old Age GILES Mary F Meth. 64 Tilt Cove Tilt Cove
Mar. 23 Tilt Cove Tuberculosis of Lungs SMITH Irene F Ch. Eng. 16 Tilt Cove Tilt Cove
Feby 05 Pike's Arm Inft. Debility GILLETT Hettie F Ch. Eng. 1 1/3 Pikes Arm Pikes Arm
Apr. 12 Herring Neck Debility REDDICK Elizabeth F Ch. Eng. 86 Herring Neck Herring Neck
May 02 Herring Neck Debility GODDEN Emma F Ch. Eng. 83 Cupids Herring Neck
May 13 Pike's Arm No Entry RICHARDS May F Ch. Eng. 25 Pikes Arm Pikes Arm
May 13 Herring Neck No Entry WHITE Abram M Ch. Eng. 62 Herring Neck Herring Neck
June 01 Herring Neck No Entry EDNEY Mary F Ch. Eng. 72 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Feby 06 Grand Falls Convulsions BEST Cecil M Ch. Eng. 6 Mts. Grand Falls Grand Falls
July 29 Grand Falls Endocarditis OLDFORD Mary Jane F Ch. Eng. 53 Salvage Grand Falls
July 19 Lewisporte Tuberculosis Abscess FREAKE Phoebe B. F Meth. 16 Lewisporte Lewisporte
Aug. 25 Lewisporte Measles WAREHAM Minnie D. F Meth. 3 Mts. Lewisporte Lewisporte
Sept 07 Lewisporte Convulsions KING Phoebe M.E. F Meth. 3 Mts. Lewisporte Lewisporte
Sept 07 Lewisporte Genrl. Tuberculosis RIDEOUT Andy D. M Meth. 17 Lewisporte Lewisporte
Sept 10 Lewisporte Measles BRAGG Annie Louisa F Meth. 11 Mts. Lewisporte Lewisporte
Sept 18 Lewisporte Premature Birth DOWNTOWN Elsie Bell F Meth. 3 Mts. Lewisporte Lewisporte
Sept 25 Lewisporte S. Cancer of Stomach NORTHCOTT Joseph M Meth. 67 Carbonear Lewisporte
Sept 27 Lewisporte S. Convulsions HOYLES Robert Matthew M Meth. 9 Dys. Lewisporte Lewisporte
Oct. 01 Lewisporte S. General Tubercls. NOSEWORTHY Dorcas F Meth. 53 Twillingate Lewisporte
Oct. 02 Lewisporte S. Chronic Bronchitis WOOLFREY Gladys F Meth. 9 Lewisporte Lewisporte
Aug. 19 Heads Hr. Tuberculosis RIDEOUT Thomas M Meth. 55 Twillingate Heads Harbor
July 15 New Bay Quinsy BUDGELL Bertha F Meth. 34 New Bay New Bay
July 27 New Bay Broncho Pneumonia WHITEHORN Archibald M Meth. 25 New Bay New Bay
June 28 Springdale Infantile Disease ANSTEY Harold Maxwell M Meth. 5 1/2 Mts. Springdale Springdale
July 22 Springdale Infantile Disease JENKINS Rowena F Meth. 6 Dys. Springdale Springdale
Aug. 10 Springdale Infantile Disease EARLE Walter M Ch. Eng. 15 Dys. Springdale Springdale
Aug. 12 Springdale Tuberculosis KING Lavina Maud F Meth. 36 Betts Cove Springdale
Feby 11 Springdale Tuberculosis CLARKE Frederick A. M Meth. 33 Springdale Springdale
June 14 Northern Hr. Cancer ROBERTS George M Meth. 67 White Bay Little Bay of Islds.
July 04 L. B. Islands Consumption TUFFIN Frederick John M Meth. 22 L. B. Islands Little Bay of Islds.
June 27 Little Wards Hr. Whooping Cough DICKS Dulcie Laura F S.A. 6 Mos. Lt. Wards Hr. Lt. Wards Hr.
Aug. 30 Kings Point After Childbirth WARFORD Lydia F Meth. 38 Kings Point Kings Point
Sept 28 Rattling Brook No Entry ROWSELL Mabel Loris? F Meth. 1 Mt. Rattling Brook Rattling Brook
May 17 Salt Pond Cancer Stomach WHITEWAY Nicholas M Meth. 74 Western Bay Exploits
July 23 Exploits Paralysis LACEY Mary F Meth. 85 Exploits Exploits
Sept 09 Black Isld. Brain Fever HARRIS Georgina F Meth. 3 Black Isld. Black Isld.
Aug. 08 Tilt Cove, Fridays B. Typhoid Fever WHITE Charles M Meth. 4 Tilt Cove Salt Pans F.B.
Note: * SQUIRES marked as Off, was entered on p. 348 line 34.
PAGE 351                  
Sept 15 Burnt Cove, F.B. Congenital Debility KEEFE Beatrice F Meth. 11 Dys. Burnt Cove Burnt Cove
July 17 Cobb's Arm Congenital Debility STONE Beatrice F Meth. 2 Dys. Cobbs Arm Cove?
June 27 Bras. Harbor, T'gate Suicide CHAPPELL George M Meth. 66 Twillingate Little Harbor
July 05 Little Harbor Paralysis RICE William M Meth. 78 Twillingate Little Harbor
July 10 Purcell's Harbor Whooping Cough WARR Kate F Meth. 10 Mts. Purcells Hr. Purcells Hr.
July 10 Manuels Cve. Bronchitis CONWAY Flora D. F Meth. 9 Mts. Manuel's Cve. Manuel's Cve.
July 31 Little French Beach Pulmn'y Tuberculs. BATH John M Meth. 29 Twillingate Durrell
Aug. 06 Twillingate Tubercul. Peritonitis DECKER Mrs. John F Meth. 65 Brandy Hr. Durrell
Aug. 26 Durrells Arm Old Age MINTY Joseph M Meth. 80 Twillingate Durrell
Aug. 30 Durrells Arm Old Age JENKINS Rebecca F Meth. 79 Twillingate Durrell
Sept 13 Jenkins Cove Old Age HAWKINS Alice F Meth. 85 Twillingate Hart's Cove
Sept 21 North Side Protussis BRIDGER Clarence M Meth. 9 Mts. North Side North Side
Aug. 24 Norris Arm Heart Disease PRETTY Joseph M Ch. Eng. 36 Dildo, T.B. Norris Arm
Sept 23 North Arm Old Age CARPENTER James M Ch. Eng. 77 Catalina Botwood
July 01 Virgin Arm Measles HANN Garfield M Meth. 8 Mts. Virgin Arm Carters Cove
July 25 Chance Port Inft. Debility DOVE Mildred F Meth. 5 Mts. Chance Port Carters Cove
July 29 Virgin Arm Tuberculosis BURT Richard M Meth. 54 Twillingate Carters Cove
July 15 Port Anson Brights Disease MARTIN Archibald M Meth. 75 Hr. Grace Port Anson
July 15 Port Anson Convulsions MOREY Helen F Meth. 1 Dy. Port Anson Port Anson
Sept 11 Lush's Bight Congenital Debility PARSONS May F Meth. 2 Wks. Lush's Bight Lush's Bight
Sept 19 Ward's Hr. La Grippe BURTON Ann F Meth. 77 Wards Hr. Wards Hr.
Sept 21 Lush's Bight Diarrhoea LE DREW Annie B. F Meth. 10 Mos. Lush's Bight Lush's Bight
Sept 24 Campbellton Bronchitis ANSTEY Carrie E. F Meth. 16 Mos. Campbellton Campbellton
June 07 Birchy Bay Bronchitis CANNING Frank M Meth. No Entry Birchy Bay Birchy Bay
June 18 Cutwell Arm No Entry OAKE Bramwell M S.A. 7 Mos. Cutwell Arm Cutwell Arm
July 19 Cutwell Arm Consumption OAKE Charlotte F S.A. 27 Cutwell Arm Cutwell Arm
July 01 Twillingate Tuberculosis HULL Gladys F S.A. 7 1/2 Twillingate Twillingate
July 04 Grand Falls Pneumonia BROWN Frank D. M S.A. 2 1/2 Grand Falls Grand Falls
July 22 Sampson Isld. Inflamation PERRY Walter M S.A. 16 1/2 Sampsons Isld. Sampsons Isld.
Aug. 14 Silverdale Consumption MOORE Mrs. Harrison F S.A. 32 Silverdale Silverdale
Aug. 15 Bluff Hd. Cve. Tuberculosis BAGGS William T? M S.A. 2 Mts. Bluff Hd. Cve. Bluff Hd. Cve.
Aug. 19 Campbellton Bronchitis SNOW Henry M S.A. 80 Campbellton Campbellton
Sept 13 Glovers Hr. Spinal Meningitis MARTIN Tabitha F Ch. Eng. 14 Glovers Hr. Leading Tickles
Aug. 16 Exploits Convulsions ARNOLD Marion F Ch. Eng. 3 Mts. Exploits Exploits
Aug. 05 Moreton's Hr. Pneumonia OSMOND Louis M Meth. 48 Moreton's Hr. Moreton's Hr.
Aug. 26 Moreton's Hr. Heart Failure BARNES John M Meth. 59 Comfort Cove Moreton's Hr.
Aug. 30 Tizzards Hr. Unknown SMITH Helen K. F Meth. 8 Tizzards Hr. Tizzards Hr.
Aug. 30 Tizzards Hr. Unknown STUCKLESS Ralph M Meth. 6 Dys. Tizzards Hr. Tizzards Hr.
July 30 Burnt Arm Meningitis BUDGELL Ida Pearl F Meth. 1 1/4 Burnt Arm Burnt Arm
Aug. 04 Burnt Arm Heart Failure STUCKLESS Annie F Meth. 23 Comfort Cove Burnt Arm
PAGE 352                  
Aug. 19 Burnt Arm Heart Disease CURTIS Amos M Meth. 66 Exploits Laurenceton
July 02 Military Hosp. St. John's Measles HODDINOTT 5595 Ptve. Saml. M Meth. 19 Indian Islds. Residence time of enlisting. Indian Isld. N.D.B.
July 27 New Bay, N.D.B. Broncho Pneumonia WHITEHORN 5616 Ptve. Arch M Meth. 24 New Bay New Bay
Aug. 17 Genl. Hosp. St. John's Acute Tubercls. Lungs MERCER 5435 Ptve. Jasper M Meth. 23 Port Albert Port Albert
Sept 21 Genl. Hosp. St. John's Emphyema SEABRIGHT 5713 Ptve. Fred M Ch. Eng. 21 Norris Arm Red Rock Cove
Mar. 14 Killed in Action In France ROBERTS 2522 Ptve. Frank M Meth. 20 Wild Bight Wild Bight
Sept 30 France Killed in Action ROBERTS 4242 Ptve. John M S. Army 20 Burlington Burlington
July 24 Joe Batts Arm Unknown THOMS John William M Ch. Eng. 10 Boyd's Cove Boyd's Cove
Sept 01 Herring Neck Old Age WARREN Elizabeth F Ch. Eng. 74 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Sept 14 Pike's Arm Infantile STUCKLY Pleamon M Ch. Eng. 3 Mos. Pike's Arm Pike's Arm
Aug. 30 Fortune Hr. Pleurisy DAVIS John M R.C. 26 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Oct. 12 Fortune Hr. Spanish Flu ALYWARD William M R.C. 35 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Blank 14 Fortune Hr. Spanish Flu ALYWARD Annie P. F R.C. 20 Mos. Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Blank 16 Waldron's Cove Spanish Flu BYRNE Patrick M R.C. 29 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Blank 17 Fortune Hr. Spanish Flu GLAVINE Mathias M R.C. 32 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Blank 17 Fortune Hr. Spanish Flu QUIRK Patrick M R.C. 17 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Blank 18 Waldron's Cove Spanish Flu BYRNE Catherine F R.C. 16 Waldron's Cove Fortune Hr.
Blank 18 Fortune Hr. Spanish Flu ROBERTS Mrs. James F R.C. 24 St. John's Fortune Hr.
Blank 19 Fortune Hr. Pneumonia SHEA James M R.C. 16 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Blank 25 Fortune Hr. Nervous Frustration? GLAVINE Mrs. David F R.C. 68 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Blank 26 Fortune Hr. Spanish Flu GLAVINE Michael M R.C. 39 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Blank 28 Fortune Hr. Spanish Flu QUIRK Thomas M R.C. 24 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Blank 28 Fortune Hr. Spanish Flu FOLEY Fergus M R.C. 16 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Blank 29 Waldron's Cove Pneumonia LYVER Peter M R.C. 44 Waldron's Cove Fortune Hr.
Nov. 01 Black Island Chill HENNEFENT Edward P. M R.C. 2 Black Is. Fortune Hr.
Dec. 02 Fortune Hr. Child Birth BYRNE Mrs. Samuel F R.C. 32 Bell Is. Fortune Hr.
Blank 12 Fortune Hr. Pneumonia BYRNE William M R.C. 15 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Oct. 29 Little Bay Spanish Flu CONNORS Mrs. Walter F R.C. 43 Pilley's Is. Little Bay
Blank 30 Little Bay Spanish Flu CONNORS Elizabeth F R.C. 2 Baie Verte Little Bay
Nov. 13 Little Bay Spanish Flu CURRAN Mary F R.C. 37 Little Bay Little Bay
Blank 15 Little Bay Spanish Flu MERCER Mrs. James F R.C. 22 Little Bay Little Bay
Blank 16 Little Bay Spanish Flu MERCER James M R.C. 34 Little Bay Little Bay
Dec. 01 Little Bay Ulcerous Throat BOUZAN Mrs. Thos F R.C. 37 Coachman's Cove Coachman's Cove
Blank 02 Little Bay Ulcerous Throat BOUZAN Albert M R.C. 7 Little Bay Little Bay
Blank 03 Little Bay Ulcerous Throat BOUZAN Sarah Ann F R.C. 5 Little Bay Little Bay
Blank 03 Little Bay Ulcerous Throat BOUZAN Ambrose M R.C. 3 Little Bay Little Bay
Oct. 24 Pilley's Island Tuberculosis SIMMS Susie F Ch. Eng. 37 Twillingate Twillingate
Nov. 03 Heads Hr. Consumption LOCKE Adolphus M Meth. 22 Pilley's Is. Pilley's Island
Nov. 05 Pilley's Island Spanish Flu GUY Tobias M Meth. 43 Quirpon Quirpon
Nov. 13 Pilley's Island Spanish Flu LANG Alice F Meth. 22 Pilley's Is. Pilley's Island
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Nov. 15 Pilley's Island Spanish Flu ANSTEY Madeline V. F Meth. 1 Pilley's Is. Pilley's Is.
Blank 20 Pilley's Island Spanish Flu HAGGETT Rowland M Meth. 1 Pilley's Is. Pilley's Is.
Blank 21 Pilley's Island Spanish Flu BURSEY Annie F Meth. 25 Little Bay Pilley's Is.
Blank 23 Pilley's Island Spanish Flu WHITE Philip M Meth. 39 Merrits Hr. Pilley's Is.
Blank 30 Heads Hr. Spanish Flu FUDGE Rebecca F Meth. 6 Head Hr. Pilley's Is.
Dec. 02 Pilley's Is. Spanish Flu MILLS Nellie Maud F Meth. 17 Pilley's Is. Pilley's Is.
June 30 Burlington Unknown ROBBINS Sarah Agnes F Meth. 24 Burlington Burlington
July 07 Nipper's Hr. Unknown NOBLE Ellen F Meth. 61 Nipper's Hr. Nipper's Hr.
Oct. 22 Nipper's Hr. Unknown NOSEWORTHY Frances F Meth. 56 No Entry Nipper's Hr.
Sep. 30 France Killed in Action ROBERTS* John M Meth. 19 No Entry No Entry
Oct. 17 France Killed in Action MILLS* Joseph M Meth. 25 Burlington No Entry
Nov. 08 Nipper's Hr. Heart Failure BATSTONE Thomas Knight M Meth. 78 Nipper's Hr. Nipper's Hr.
Oct. 28 New Bay Influenza WHITEHORN Kenneth M Meth. 28 New Bay New Bay
Dec. 14 New Bay Unknown MOORS Stella F Meth. 6 Dys. New Bay New Bay
Blank 14 New Bay Tuberculosis YATES Hannah F Meth. 28 New Bay New Bay
Oct. 27 Northern Hr. Paralysis LOCKE Mary Elizabeth F Meth. 55 No Entry Sulian's Cove
Blank 29 Sulian's Cove Teething JAMES Maxwell Victor M Meth. 6 Mos. Sulian's Cove Sulian's Cove
Mar. 14 France Wounds ROBERTS* Frank M Meth. 20 Wild Bight France
Feb. 01 Southern Arm Consumption SAUNDERS Ivy F Meth. 9 Southern Arm Southern Arm
Nov. 18 Little Bay Heart Failure POWER Annie F Meth. 50 Burying Place Little Bay
Blank 23 Little Bay Islds. Consumption ROBERTS Nellie F Meth. 19 Little Bay Is. Little Bay Is.
Oct. 15 France Wounds WHITE* Gordon M Meth. 28 Little Bay France
Blank 11 Grand Falls Pul. Tuberculosis LACEY Lucy F Meth. 33 Exploits Grand Falls
Blank 22 Grand Falls Pul. Tuberculosis JANES Julia Ann F Meth. 28 Random, T.B. Grand Falls
Blank 29 Grand Falls Pneumonia JEWER Obiah M Meth. 28 Lewisporte Grand Falls
Blank 31 Grand Falls Influenza GINN Lucy Grace F Meth. 37 Leading Tickles Grand Falls
Nov. 08 Grand Falls Broncho Pneumonia HYNES Bessie F Meth. 4 1/2 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Blank 20 Grand Falls Influenza BISHOP Emma Ann F Meth. 49 New Hr., T.B. Grand Falls
Blank 22 Grand Falls Broncho Pneumonia STUCKLESS Otto David M Meth. 1 1/2 Norris Arm Grand Falls
Blank 27 Grand Falls Marasmus CATER Maxwell James M Meth. 1 7/12 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Blank 30 Grand Falls Influenza HANN Ella May F Meth. 30 Three Arms Grand Falls
Dec. 02 Grand Falls Pneumonia THOMPSON John M Meth. 38 Bay Roberts Grand Falls
Apl. 13 France Killed in Action STOCKLEY* Levi M Meth. 26 Virgin Arm France
Oct. 19 Black Island Tuberculosis SANSOME Hilda F Meth. 11 Black Is. Salt Pans
Nov. 14 Merritt's Hr. Influenza HICKS Lily F Meth. 6 Merritt's Hr. Merritt's Hr.
Blank 18 Merritt's Hr. Influenza HICKS Willis M Meth. 2 Merritt's Hr. Merritt's Hr.
Dec. 16 Seal Cove, Fridays Bay Pneumonia HARVEY Lavinia Ellen F Meth. 22 Seal Cove Salt Pans
Blank 18 Burnt Cove Dropsy KEEFE Mary F Meth. 72 Durrel Burnt Cove
Blank 29 Seal Cove, Fridays Bay Influenza HARVEY Douglas Moors M Meth. 1 1/2 Seal Cove, F.B. Salt Pans
Cont'd on page 316. Note: *ROBERTS John, *MILLS Joseph, *ROBERTS Frank, *WHITE Gordon, *STOCKLEY Levi marked as off.
PAGE 316                  
Nov. 30 King's Point Suddenly STARKES Marjorie L. F Meth. 3 Mos. King's Point King's Point
Dec. 10 Rattling Brook Ordinary Illness WARFORD Jabez M Meth. 6 King's Point King's Point
Blank 29 Rattling Brook No Entry WHITE Ethel F Meth. 5 1/2 King's Point King's Point
Oct. 04 Norris Arm Cancer of Stomach HAYWARD James M Meth. 76 1/2 Seldom Come By Burnt Arm
Blank 23 Brown's Arm Influenza BAKER John M Meth. 22 No Entry Brown's Arm
Blank 24 Brown's Arm Influenza BAKER Susannah F Meth. 21 Englee Brown's Arm
Blank 25 Laurenceton Influenza CURTIS Thomas M Meth. 17 1/2 Burnt Arm Laurenceton
Blank 25 Laurenceton Influenza BAKER Frederick M Meth. 31 Laurenceton Laurenceton
Blank 25 Laurenceton Influenza BAKER Lena Belle F Meth. 25 Green's Hr. Laurenceton
Blank 29 Brown's Arm Influenza ROBERTS Susie F Ch. Eng. 18 Green's Hr. Brown's Arm
Blank 30 Brown's Arm Influenza DOWNTON Ephraim M Meth. 21 Northern Hr. Brown's Arm
Blank 31 Burnt Arm Paralysis DEAN Susannah F Meth. 72 Seldom Come By Botwood
Nov. 22 Burnt Arm Influenza SCEVIOUR Annie F Meth. 19 Laurenceton Laurenceton
Dec. 31 Burnt Arm Pond Influenza LIDSTONE Chesley F. M Meth. 4 4/12 Laurenceton Laurenceton
Oct. 04 Lewisporte Broncho Pneumonia SMALL Winifred F Meth. 23 New Bay Lewisporte
Blank 30 Lewisporte Pneumonia COLE Joseph J. M Meth. 2 4/12 Lewisporte Lewisporte
Nov. 13 Lewisporte Measles HOYLES Alma B. F Meth. 1 4/12 Lewisporte Lewisporte
Blank 26 Grand Falls Cerebral Embolism DOWNTON Charlotte Ann F Meth. 68 Twillingate Lewisporte
Blank 30 Salt Pond General Tuberculosis HODDINOTT Minnie F S.A. 23 Salt Pond Salt Pond
Blank 30 Lewisporte General Tuberculosis WOOLFREY Theodore M Meth. 21 8/12 Lewisporte Lewisporte
Dec. 13 Lewisporte (South) General Tuberculosis SNOW Mary Ann F Meth. 73 Carbonear Lewisporte (South)
Blank 23 Lewisporte Meningitis FREAKE Vera Jeanette F Meth. 4 Mos. Lewisporte Lewisporte
Blank 31 Lewisporte Brain Fever MOORE Joseph Chester W. M Meth. 11 Lewisporte Lewisporte
Oct. 22 Grand Falls Acute Bronchitis ROE Annie Jane Gorvan F Presby. 24 Larbert, Scotland St. John's
Nov. 30 Grand Falls Influenza ARKLIE Douglas M Presby. 33 Carmonstrae,Scot. Grand Falls
Oct. 11 St. John's Cancer of Liver PECKFORD Blanche F Ch. Eng. 23 Norris Arm Dominion Point
Blank 21 Grand Falls Melancholia RAY Maria F Ch. Eng. 48 St. John's Grand Falls
Blank 31 Grand Falls Pneumonia HANN John Sidney M Ch. Eng. 1 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Nov. 16 Grand Falls Influenza OSMOND Edith F Ch. Eng. 40 Gambo Grand Falls
Blank 18 Grand Falls Influenza BROWN Sarah Belle F Ch. Eng. 5 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Blank 22 Grand Falls General Tbc. WAUGH Florence F Ch. Eng. 19 St. John's Grand Falls
Dec. 28 Badger Pneumonia BROWN John M Ch. Eng. 28 Cobb's Arm, NDB Badger
Oct. 30 France Killed in Action BLACKALL* Herbert W. M Ch. Eng. 24 St. John's France
July 08 France Killed in Action MARTIN* William J. M Ch. Eng. 21 New Perlican France
Oct. 09 France Killed in Action PITCHER* Charles M Ch. Eng. 22 Burgoyne's Cove France
Apr. 12 France Killed in Action ROMAINE* Harold M Ch. Eng. 25 Port au Port France
Apr. 12 France Killed in Action SQUIRES* John M Ch. Eng. 26 Round Hr. France
Mar. 13 France Killed in Action FOLKES* Albert M Ch. Eng. 24 Blank, NDB France
Nov. 22 Port Albert Old Age ELLIOTT Thomas M Meth. 85 Bonavista Port Albert
Dec. 09 Campbellton Cold BENNETT Hillier? M Meth. 1 Mo. Campbellton Cambellton
PAGE 317                  
Oct. 05 France Wounds LUFF Pte. 3742 H. M S.Army 22 Exploits France
Blank 12 St. John's Pneumonia BURTON Pte. 5966 Charles M Meth. 25 Twillingate Twillingate
Blank 12 Devonport, Eng. Pneumonia GINN Pte. 5912 William M Meth. 21 Comfort Cove Devonport
Mar. 04 France Killed in Action ROBERTS Pte. 2523 Frank M Meth. 29 Wild Bight France
Oct. 17 France Wounds MAY Pte. 4047 John M S.Army 19 Head's Hr. France
Blank 15 France Wounds WHITE Pte. 4109 Gordon M Meth. 28 Little Bay Is. France
Blank 17 France Wounds MILLS Pte. 4333 Joseph M Meth. 24 Burlington France
Blank 27 St. John's Pneumonia SEYMOUR Pte. 6172 Geo. M S.Army 25 Botwood St. John's
Blank 05 France Killed in Action HARNETT Pte. 3922 Wm. M Meth. 25 Campbellton France
Blank 05 France Killed in Action OSMOND Pte. 4114 Wm. M S.Army 20 Little Bay France
Nov. 03 Pilley's Is. Influenza LOCKE Pte. 2403 Adolphus M Meth. No Entry Pilley's Is. Pilley's Is.
Oct. 20 France Killed in Action HORWOOD Pte. 3694 Henry M Meth. 24 Moreton's Hr. France
Nov. 06 Switzerland La Grippe GOUDIE Pte. 2242 George M Meth. 21 Grand Falls Switzerland
Apr. 12 France Killed in Action SOUTHCOTT Pte. 3852 Thos. M Presby. 20 Grand Falls France
Blank 13 France Killed in Action BULGIN L/C. 2427 Aug. M Ch. Eng. 20 Farmer's Arm France
Blank 13 France Killed in Action BARTON Pte. 3776 Wm. M Meth. 20 Long Is. France
Blank 13 France Killed in Action STOCKLEY Pte. 3726 Levi M Meth. 27 Virgin Arm France
Blank 13 France Killed in Action STUCKLESS Pte. 3839 Adolphus M S.Army 22 Comfort Cove France
Nov. 16 Poland Influenza MUTFORD Pte. 2464 Hiram G. M Meth. 23 Twillingate Posen? Poland
Nov. 15 Lush's Bight Bronchitis HALLETT Alwin Selby M Meth. 6 Mos. Twillingate Lush's Bight
Nov. 17 Cutwell Hr. Diarrhoea SHORT Monega Harriett F Meth. 2 1/2 Cutwell Hr. Ward's Hr.
Oct. 19 Grand Falls Spanish Flu WIFFIN Jane F R.C. 22 Argentia Grand Falls
Blank 25 Bishop Falls Cancer BENNETT Ellen F R.C. 29 Turk's Cove Bishop Falls
Blank 25 Grand Falls Spanish Flu FORAN Patrick M R.C. 69 Placentia Grand Falls
Dec. 18 Bishop Falls Puerp. Fever RIDOUT Margaret F R.C. 33 Holyrood Bishop Falls
Blank 19 Bishop Falls Heart Failure BROWN Elizabeth F R.C. 50 Canada Bishop Falls
Oct. 28 Gillard's Cove Paralysis GILLARD Susannah F Meth. 79 Twillingate Rink Road, T'gate.
Nov. 02 Manuel's Cove Tuberculosis BOURDEN Agnes Mary F Meth. 21 Twillingate Rink Road, T'gate.
Blank 05 Manuel's Cove Convulsions BOURDEN Martha F Meth. Days Twillingate Rink Road, T'gate.
Blank 25 South Side Tuberculosis HULL Nettie F Meth. 20 Twillingate Durrell, T'gate.
Blank 26 South Side Imperfect Devolopment LOCKE Anetta F Meth. Hour Twillingate Durrell, T'gate.
Dec. 05 Hart's Cove Cancer STOCKLEY Robert M Meth. 62 Twillingate Durrell, T'gate.
Blank 07 South Side Chronic Bronchitis LAMBERT Mrs. Harriett F Meth. 70 Twillingate Rink Road, T'gate.
Blank 09 North Side Spanish Flu STUCKLESS Mrs. Eliza F Meth. 37 Twillingate North Side, T'gate
Blank 17 Wild Cove (N) Senility ROBERTS Elizabeth F Meth. 101 Twillingate North Side, T'gate
Blank 18 Bluff Head Cove Paralysis ROBERTS George M Meth. 86 Twillingate Rink Road, T'gate.
Blank 22 Little French Beach Heart Disease BATH Fred M Meth. 66 Twillingate Durrell, T'gate.
Blank 24 Springdale Pneumonia GUY Robert M Meth. 57 Twillingate Rink Road, T'gate.
Blank 25 South Side Influenza GUY Frank M Meth. 2 1/2 Twillingate Durrell, T'gate.
Cont'd on Page 501                  
Note: Some of these men on Lines 1-19 may be listed on other pages.
PAGE 502                  
Nov. 08 Herring Neck Infantile STUCKLESS Lilian F Ch. Eng. 9 Dys. Herring Neck Herring Neck
Blank 19 Herring Neck Infantile DYKE Bertie M Ch. Eng. 2 Pool's Island Herring Neck
Dec. 29 Herring Neck Old Age HUSSEY Jane F Ch. Eng. 71 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Oct. 29 Cull's Is. Influenza PARSONS Fannie F Ch. Eng. 30 Cull's Is. Cull's Is.
Nov. 03 Cull's Is. Influenza PEDDLE Mary Louisa F Ch. Eng. 24 Cull's Is. Cull's Is.
Blank 23 S.Side leaving T. West Influenza WARD Mary F Ch. Eng. 44 Leading Tickles W Cull's Is.
Dec. 01 S.Side leaving T. West Influenza WARD Joseph M Ch. Eng. 55 Herring Bottom Cull's Is.
Blank 12 Winter House Cove Influenza HELLIMORE Victor M Ch. Eng. 29 Lock's Hr. Winter House Cove
Blank 13 Winter House Cove Influenza MARSH Jasper M Ch. Eng. 32 Leading Tickles Winter House Cove
Oct. 12 Cull's Island Septicaemia ROWSELL Harriet F Ch. Eng. No Entry Leading Tickles Cull's Is.
July 06 Round Harbor Paralysis TILLEY May F Ch. Eng. 71 Tilt Cove Round Hr.
Blank 23 Nipper's Harbor Tuberculosis Lungs RYAN Janie Belle F Ch. Eng. 24 Nipper's Hr. Nipper's Hr.
Blank 31 Tilt Cove Dropsy GILES Henry M Meth. 75 Bobby's Cove Tilt Cove
Aug. 21 Burlington Dropsy ROBERTS Elias M Ch. Eng. 64 Twillingate Tilt Cove
Oct. 23 Tizzard's Hr. Consumption LOCKE Margaretta F Ch. Eng. 40 Tizzard's Hr. Tizzard's Hr.
Nov. 02 Western Head Influenza RIDEOUT Heber M Meth. 23 Western Head Western Head
Blank 02 Western Head Influenza GILLINGHAM Mark M Meth. 21 Western Head Western Head
Blank 06 Bridgeport Influenza WALL Cyril Chester M Meth. 11 Mos. Bridgeport Bridgeport
Blank 10 Western Head Influenza WHITE Maud F Meth. 31 Western Head Western Head
Blank 12 Norris Arm, N. Influenza HOLLETT Stuart M Meth. 16 Twillingate Norris Arm N.
Blank 19 Norris Arm, N. Influenza LANGDON Patience P. F Meth. 14 Norris Arm N. Norris Arm N.
Blank 01 Millertown Junc. Bronchitis PEDDLE John M Ch. Eng. 3 Millertown Junc. Millertown
Blank 13 Millertown Pneumonia HANSON Audrey Beryl F Meth. 17 Mos. Millertown Millertown
Blank 30 Red Indian Lake Camp Pneumonia FLYNN William M Meth. 37 Musgrave Hr. Millertown
Sept 24 Twillingate Senility ROSSITER Ann F Ch. Eng. 91 Twillingate Twillingate
June 26 Twillingate Mitral Regurgitation BRIDGER Richard M Ch. Eng. 76 Twillingate Twillingate
Oct. 09 Twillingate Tuberculosis Lungs JENKINS Samuel M Ch. Eng. 55 Twillingate Twillingate
Blank 12 Twillingate Paralysis FREEMAN Philip M Ch. Eng. 77 Twillingate Twillingate
Blank 14 Twillingate Paralysis NEWMAN Priscilla F Ch. Eng. 75 Twillingate Twillingate
Blank 29 Moreton's Hr. Tuberculosis TAYLOR Thomas M Ch. Eng. 25 Moreton's Hr. Moreton's Hr.
Nov. 06 Moreton's Hr. Influenza WALL Obadiah M Ch. Eng. 50 Moreton's Hr. Moreton's Hr.
Blank 08 Moreton's Hr. Influenza HEAD Hannah F Ch. Eng. 32 Moreton's Hr. Moreton's Hr.
Blank 04 Moreton's Hr. Influenza WALL Stewart J. M Ch. Eng. 8 Mos Moreton's Hr. Moreton's Hr.
Sep. 08 Poor Asylum Old Age YOUNG Frederick M Ch. Eng. 82 Little Bay C.O.E. Cemetry
Nov. 05 Western Hr. Influenza JENNINGS Albert M S.Army 21 Western Hr. Western Hr.
Oct. 11 Comfort Cove Inflammation Bladder ROSE James M S.Army 67 T'gate T'gate
Nov. 05 Bridgeport Influenza WARREN Lorina Carter F S.Army 35 Bridgeport Bridgeport
Blank 09 Bridgeport Consumption JONES Beulah F S.Army 17 Bridgeport Bridgeport
Blank 20 Sampsons Is. Influenza PERRY Enos M S.Army 28 Samson's Is. Samson's Is.
Blank 24 Moreton's Hr. Influenza TAYLOR Mrs. Edwin F S.Army No Entry Moreton's Hr. Moreton's Hr.
PAGE 503                  
Nov. 27 Cottle's Is. Influenza COOPER Pleamon S. M S.Army 5 Mos. Cottles Is. Cottles Is.
Dec. 24 Middle Arm Epilepsy NOBLE Annie Emma F Meth. 6 Mos. Middle Arm Middle Arm
Blank 29 Seal Cove, F.B. Bronchitis HARVEY Douglas M. M Meth. 1 1/2 Seal Cove, F.B. Salt Pans
Mar. 13 France Wounds FALKS Albert M No Entry 19 Little Bay France
Oct. 25 France Killed in Action BUCKLEY Pte. James M S.Army 26 Botwood France
Oct. 25 France Killed in Action SIMMS Pte. Henry M S.Army 22 Pilley's Is. France
Dec. 27 Gopher's Hr. Inflamation MARCH Roland M S.Army 2 Mos. Gopher's Hbr. Philips Head
Dec. 23 Bishops Falls Acute Tuberculosis HOPKINS Lilian F Meth. 37 New Hr. Bishop Falls

Transcribed by Betty Cumby (2013)

Page Last Modified: Wednesday December 11, 2013 (Don Tate)

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