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Vital Records
Register of Deaths
Book 4


St. John's City District

Pages 41 - 50

Page 41                  
Aug. 20 James St. Old Age DUNPHY John M R.Cath. 84 Renews Mt.Carmel
Aug. 20 Holloway St. Old Age GROUCHY Wm. M R.Cath. 67 Pouch Cove Mt.Carmel
Aug. 20 Spencer St. Chol.Infantum ODONNELL Thos. M R.Cath. 7Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 21 Dicks Square Chol.Infantum WISEMAN David M R.Cath. 3Wks. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 21 Fergus Place Chol.Infantum CROTTY Jno. M R.Cath. 15Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 22 Hamilton St. Chol.Infantum DORMADY M'cl M R.Cath. 6Wks. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 23 Pennywell Rd. Dropsy IVANY Geo. M R.Cath. 45 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 23 Cuddihys St. Chol.Infantum ASPEL Thos. M R.Cath. 10Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 27 New Gower St. Tumor CAMPBELL Geo. M R.Cath. 33 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 27 Brazils Sq. Chol.Infantum HART M'cl M R.Cath. 5Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 28 Cabot St. Chol.Infantum ABBOTT Patrick M R.Cath. 5Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 28 Boggen St. Chol.Infantum LARKIN Mercedes F R.Cath. 10Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 28 Fort Townsend Consumption ORGAN Sarah F R.Cath. 35 Hr.Breton Mt.Carmel
Aug. 29 Cuddihys St. Chol.Infantum POPE Fanny F R.Cath. 4Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 29 Flower Hill Chol.Infantum ONEIL Katie F R.Cath. 3Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 29 Waldlegrave St. Chol.Infantum OLEARY Jas. J M R.Cath. 3Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 30 Simms Consumption BOND Thos. M R.Cath. 19 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 30? Duggan St. Old Age FLEMING Ellen F R.Cath. 71 Salmonier Mt.Carmel
Aug. 30 Carew St. Chol.Infantum LEWIS Edw'd P M R.Cath. 5Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 30 Brazils Sq. Chol.Infantum OTOOLE Mary Marg't F R.Cath. 3Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 31 Wickford St. Brights Dis. WILLS Henry M R.Cath. 35 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 31 Longs Hill Chol.Infantum CRIMP Mary F R.Cath. 10 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Aug. 31 Longs Hill Consumption CRIMP Winifred F R.Cath. 40 Branch Mt.Carmel
Aug. 02 Military Rd. Sun Stroke CLEARY John Nugent M R.Cath. 5 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 04 Military Rd. Chol.Infantum ST.JOHN Helen F R.Cath. 4Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 07 Barnes Rd. Consumption QUINLAN Anastatia F R.Cath. 29 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 08 Carters Hill Old Age ARMSTRONG James M R.Cath. 74 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 11 Wood St. Old Age BOLGER Mary A F R.Cath. 86 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 14 Mullocks St. Old Age KERR Mary F R.Cath. 72 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 15 New Gower St. Chol.Infantum CONNOLLY Leo M R.Cath. 13M/2W St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 15 New Gower St. Convulsions OROURKE Wm. M R.Cath. 10Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 15 Dunford St. Chol.Infantum NUGENT Mary E F R.Cath. 4Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 17 Princes St. Chol.Infantum LYNCH Alex M R.Cath. 2Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 18 Bannerman St. Old Age ENGLISH Marg't F R.Cath. 77 Ireland Belvidere
Aug. 18 Balsom St. Chol.Infantum MCGRATH Jno. R S C M R.Cath. 4Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 19 Water St.W Congestion/Brain EAGAN Leo M R.Cath. 10Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 21 Cabot St. Chol.Infantum WALSH Fred'k M R.Cath. 3Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 22 Carters Lane Chol.Infantum KELLY Marg't F R.Cath. 18Dys. St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 25 Queens Rd. Apoplexy MITCHELL Thos. M R.Cath. 62 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 25 Plank Rd. Heart Failure FITZPATRICK Wm. M R.Cath. 65 St.John's Belvidere
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Aug. 25? Pleasant St. Consumption HUSSON? Annie F R.Cath. 16 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 26 New Gower St. Chol.Infantum CASEY Brendan F M R.Cath. 2Mo. St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 28 Water St.W Heart Failure WALSH Ann F R.Cath. 42 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 29 Tilt Cove Liver Dis. CONWAY Mary A F R.Cath. 25 St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 30 Codners Cove Chol.Infantum WALL Ellen F R.Cath. 5Wks. St.John's Belvidere
Aug. 31 Pleasant St. Chol.Infantum COADY James E M R.Cath. 8Mo. St.John's Belvidere
June 03 Gen.Hospital Tumor COX Mrs. F R.Cath. 74 Old Perlican G.P. Cemetery
Aug. 14 Scott St. Chol.Infantum MORRIS Chesley M Methodist 6Mo. St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Aug. 18 Garrison Hill Consumption GRIMES Miriam F Methodist 18 St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Aug. 22 Gen.Hospital Cancer PARSONS James M Methodist 55 Green Bay G.P. Cemetery
Aug. 24 Bakery Rd. Chol.Infantum HEFFERMAN Susanna F Methodist 4Mo. St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Aug. 26 Field St. Chol.Infantum WRIGHT Effie F Methodist 5Mo. St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Aug. 30 Field St. Chol.Infantum WRIGHT Florence M? F Methodist 4 St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Aug. 31 Colonial St. Chol.Infantum CURTIS Mary F Methodist 6Mo. St.John's G.P. Cemetery
July 01 York St. Cancer COULTAS Joseph M Methodist 42 St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Aug. 06 Monroe St. Prem.Birth COOPER Ida F Methodist 7Hrs. St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Aug. 13 Pleasant St. Chol.Infantum LIDSTONE Wm. Jane? M Methodist 4Mo. St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Aug. 18 Circular Rd. Gast.Intestinal Catarrh WINSLOW Ronald Allison M Methodist 6Mo. St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Aug. 14 Cabot St. Convulsions ABBOTT Wm. Hy. M Methodist 3Wks. St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Aug. 23 57 Long Hill Chol.Infantum PEET Robt. Gordon M Methodist 4Mo. St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Aug. 26 43 Spencer St. Chol.Infantum COOPER Bertha F Methodist 3M/2W St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Aug. 26 Tessier Place Chol.Infantum BRYANT Sandy M Methodist 3Mo. St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Aug. 27 Bulley St. Convulsions BAILEY Eliza F Methodist 2Wks. St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Aug. 30 Monroe St. Septicemia? COOPER Lydia Ann F Methodist 30 St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Aug. 27 Meth.Orphanage Consumption EVELEIGH Lizette F Methodist 16 Ladle Cove G.P. Cemetery
Aug. 28 Alex St. Marasmus WHITE Margaret F Methodist 3Wks. St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Aug. 28 Barters Hill Intestinal Catarrh SMITH Fred'k Harold M Methodist 2Y/6M St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Aug. 21 Cabot St. Marasmus JENKINS Walter Thos. M Methodist 2Wks. St.John's G.P. Cemetery
June 09 Petty Hr. Pneumonia CHAFE Lucretia F Ch of Eng 6 Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
July 10 Bell Isld. CB Heart Failure SQUIRES Hester F Ch of Eng 7 Broad Cove Broad Cove
July 25 Portugal Cove Bronchitis EARLE Violet Leslie F Ch of Eng 7Mo. Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Aug. 13 Portugal Cove Consumption MILLER Joseph M Ch of Eng 45 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
July 24 Goulds Consumption WALTERS Ellen F R.Cath. 28 Goulds Goulds
Aug. 16 Blackhead Consumption HEALEY Marg't F R.Cath. 34 Black Hd. Black Head
Aug. 16 Cape Spear Heart Failure CANTWELL Stanislaus M R.Cath. 12 Cape Spear Black Head
Sep. 04 Petty Hr. Gen.Debility BERMINGHAM Luke M R.Cath. 2Mo. Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
Sep. 13 Petty Hr. Gen.Debility HOWLETT Marg't F R.Cath. 2Mo. Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
Sep. 30 Maddox Cove Nat'l Causes HEALEY Alice F R.Cath. 20 Maddocks Cove Petty Hr.
July 15 Kilbride Gen.Debility MURPHY Henry M R.Cath. 3Mo. Kilbride Kilbride
July 24 St.John's Chol.Infantum WALSH Mary F R.Cath. 4Mo. St.John's Kilbride
Mistakes were corrected as shown on original sheets.
PAGE 43                  
July 25 St.John's Chol.Infantum OTOOLE John M R.Cath. 6Mo. St.John's Kilbride
Aug. 12 Kilbride Consumption BYRNE Mary F R.Cath. 22 Kilbride Kilbride
Aug. 25 Kilbride Consumption DUNN Mary F R.Cath. 36 Kilbride Kilbride
Aug. 28 Kilbride Chol.Infantum WALSH Ellen F R.Cath. 8Mo. Kilbride Kilbride
Sep. 15 Kilbride Consumption TOBIN Will'm M R.Cath. 29 Kilbride Kilbride
Sep. 26 Kilbride Croup BRENNAN Mich'l M R.Cath. 5Mo. Kilbride Kilbride
Sep. 01 Torbay Gen.Debility GOSSE Isabella F R.Cath. 4Wks. Torbay Torbay
Sep. 19 Torbay Old Age TAPPER Eliz'th F R.Cath. 87 Torbay Torbay
Sep. 03? Torbay Chol.Infantum MARTIN Laura F R.Cath. 10Mo. Torbay Torbay
Sep. 19 Torbay Chol.Infantum FLEMING Ann F R.Cath. 3 Torbay Torbay
Sep. 20 Pouch Cove Apoplexy JORDON Frances F R.Cath. 78 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Sep. 22 Torbay Childbirth GOSSE Mary F R.Cath. 26 Torbay Torbay
Sep. 28 St.John's Inflam. Bowels CORCORAN Wm. M R.Cath. 58 Pouch Cove Torbay
Aug. 07 Bell Isld. Brights Dis. FITZPATRICK Robt. M R.Cath. 16 Bell Isld. Bell Isld.
Sep. 02 Portugal Cove Rd. Chol.Infantum KANE David M R.Cath. 2 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Sep. 05 Lemarchant Rd. Chol.Infantum MURPHY Mary C F R.Cath. 6Mo. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Sep. 05 Bond St. Childbirth HAMMOND Bridget F R.Cath. 28 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Sep. 07 Southside Chol.Infantum MARTIN Aiden M R.Cath. 4Mo. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Sep. 07 James St. Chol.Infantum WHELAN Mich'l J M R.Cath. 2Mo. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Sep. 07 Field St. Old Age HOWLETT James M R.Cath. 74 Ireland Belvidere Cemetery
Sep. 08 Lime St. Consumption CANTWELL Mary E F R.Cath. 21 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Sep. 09 Gower St. Old Age BYRNE Mary F R.Cath. 82 Ireland Belvidere Cemetery
Sep. 12 Bond St. Chol.Infantum HAMMOND Florence A F R.Cath. 2 1/2W St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Sep. 12 Water St.W Paralysis CHRISTOPHOR Ellen F R.Cath. 53 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Sep. 15 Longs Hill Jaundice WILSON Mary F R.Cath. 55 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Sep. Hayward Ave. Paralysis FIRTH Cath'n F R.Cath. 59 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Sep. 19 Water St.W Cancer LYONS Bridget F R.Cath. 60 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Sep. 25 Casey St. Old Age KING Johanna F R.Cath. 81 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Sep. 04 Lime St. Chol.Infantum MCLAUGHLAN Bride F R.Cath. 2Wks. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 04 Gower St. Chol.Infantum MAHER Eddie M R.Cath.   St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 05 Freshwater Rd. Accident MURRAY Pat'k M R.Cath. 29 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 06 New Gower St. Consumption KNOX Ann F R.Cath. 52 Witless Bay Mt.Carmel
Sep. 07 Queens Rd. Chol.Infantum JAMES Geo. M R.Cath. 6Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 07 Damerills Lane Chol.Infantum SQUIRES Annie F R.Cath. 2Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 08 Carew St. Chol.Infantum LYNCH Michael M R.Cath. 7Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 08 Stephen St. Chol.Infantum CLOONEY Katie F R.Cath. 5Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 08 Kings Bridge Chol.Infantum DOOLEY Aggie F R.Cath. 3Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 09 College Sq. Brain Dis. MORRISSEY Felix M R.Cath. 5 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 10 Lemarchant Rd. Prem.Birth OFLAHERTY Baby F R.Cath. Infant St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 10 Barters Hill Chol.Infantum GARDNER Willis M R.Cath. 1Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
PAGE 44                  
Sep. 10 Duckworth St. Chol.Infantum KENNEDY Hilda F R.Cath. 2Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 12 Logy B Rd. Paralysis SHEA Mich'l M R.Cath. 73 Logy B Rd. Mt.Carmel
Sep. 12 Duckworth St. Spinal Dis. DEBOURKE Helen F R.Cath. 65 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 12 Holdworth St. Convulsions FORSYTHE Mary G F R.Cath. 5Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 13 Fleming St. Diphtheria BRADBURY Nath'l M R.Cath. 3Y/6M? St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 13 Gower St. Prem.Birth MARRIOTT Baby M R.Cath. Infant St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 15 Wm's. Lane Consumption BYRNE Bessie F R.Cath. 29 Fox Hr. Mt.Carmel
Sep. 17 Quidi Vidi Gen.Debility MACKAY Willis J M R.Cath. 5Wks. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 19 Barters Hill Gen.Debility STAMP Nellie F R.Cath. 4Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 19 Belvidere St. Old Age MARTIN Ellen F R.Cath. 74 Trepassey Mt.Carmel
Sep. 20 New Gower St. Convulsions MILLER James M R.Cath. 3Wks. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 22 Duggan St. Chol.Infantum KENNEDY Andrew M R.Cath. 10Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 22 Casey St. Rheumatism ROACH Bridget F R.Cath. 42 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 23 Mullock St. Consumption SLAUGHRO? Bridget F R.Cath. 47 Caplin Bay Mt.Carmel
Sep. 24 Gower St. Gen.Debility POWER Eddie M R.Cath. 2? St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 24 Kings Bridge Consumption EVOY Michael M R.Cath. 28 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 25 Goodview St. Gen.Debility DURRILL? Mary F R.Cath. 1Hour St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 26 Bannerman St. Gen.Debility YETMAN Ellie? F R.Cath. Infant St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 27 Lime St. Consumption SINNOTT Nora F R.Cath. 17 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 30 Gower St. Gen.Debility DORAN Jas. M R.Cath. 3Wks. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 30 Pleasant St. Prem.Birth BREWER Child of Jas. & Lizzie F R.Cath. Infant St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 02 Gen.Hospital Accident ANDERSON George Jas. M R.Cath. 79 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Sep. 07 Brazils Field Chol.Infantum GEORGE Ellen Isabel F R.Cath. 6Mo. St.John's C of E Cemetery
Sep. 07 25 Maxe St. Enteric Fever ROIL Sarah Isabel F R.Cath. 16 St.John's C of E Cemetery
Sep. 15 56 Lime St. Inanition STANFORD Frederick Geo. M R.Cath. 1 Trinity C of E Cemetery
Sep. 16 17 William St. Chol.Infantum GOODLAND Eric Victor M R.Cath. 14Mo. St.John's C of E Cemetery
Sep. 24 Barnes Rd. Chol.Infantum PILLEY Ernest M M R.Cath. 5Mo. St.John's C of E Cemetery
Sep. 28 25 Maxe St. Enteric Fever THOMAS Sarah Ann F R.Cath. 40 St.John's C of E Cemetery
Sep. 01 Parade St. Malnutrition RUSSELL Chas. H M R.Cath. 5Wks. St.John's C of E Cemetery
Sep. 02 York St. Gastric Enteritis MARCH Fred. A M R.Cath. 5Mo. St.John's C of E Cemetery
Sep. 06 Stewart Ave. Chol.Infantum BRIGHT Barbara C E F R.Cath. 3Mo. St.John's C of E Cemetery
Sep. 12 Signal Hill Rd. Convulsions FARRELL Maud F R.Cath. 5Mo. St.John's C of E Cemetery
Sep. 15 Wood St. Consumption HARMUM Deborah Ann F R.Cath. 30? Trinity C of E Cemetery
Sep. 20 Torbay Rd. Chol.Infantum BIDDISCOMBE Mary Ann F R.Cath. 6Wks. St.John's C of E Cemetery
Aug. 31 Petty Hr. Chol.Infantum CHAFE Eugene Vincent M R.Cath. 1 Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
Sep. 02 St.John's Chol.Infantum NOFTAL Bertha F Methodist 6Mo. St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Sep. 06 St.John's Chol.Infantum GUDGER Jno. Thos. M Methodist 10Mo. St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Sep. 10 St.John's Brights Dis. PERCY Walter M Methodist 25 St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Sep. 06 Patricks St. Chol.Infantum MURRAY Mariom F Methodist 3Mo. St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Sep. 07 Southside Chol.Infantum BUTLER Emma F Methodist 8Mo. St.John's G.P. Cemetery
PAGE 45                  
Sep. 08 Pleasant St. Gen.Debility PIKE Hettie F Methodist 10Mo. St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Sep. 12 Poor Asylum Old Age ROBERTS Mary A F Methodist 60 Carbonear G.P. Cemetery
Sep. 19 Springdale St. Apoplexy FACEY Sam'l M Methodist 81 Bell Isld. G.P. Cemetery
Sep. 27 Angel Place Tuberculosis BIGGS Otto M Methodist 3Mo. St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Sep. 01 Bond St. Convulsions GEARY Gertie F Methodist 11Mo. St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Sep. 01 Lunatic Asylum Old Age CLIFFORD Jas. M Methodist 79 Nfld. G.P. Cemetery
Sep. 04 Dicks Square Heart Failure FORSEY R'd M Methodist 65 Nfld. G.P. Cemetery
Sep. 04 Longs Hill Consumption HALLOWAY Robt. H M Methodist 54 England G.P. Cemetery
Sep. 29 Battery Rd. Brights Dis. REID Jane F Methodist 41 Nfld. G.P. Cemetery
Oct. 07/03 Horse Cove Tuberculosis LAWRY Herbert M R.Cath. 50 Horse Cove Portugal Cove
Oct. 10/03 Cove Rd. Old Age MURPHY Marg't F R.Cath. 80 Barren Id. Portugal Cove
Nov. 07/03 Portugal Cove Convulsions HAMMOND Mary F R.Cath. 3Dys. Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Nov. 08/03 Portugal Cove Convulsions HAMMOND Marg't F R.Cath. 4Dys. Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Nov. 20/03 St.John's Kidney Dis. TUCKER Jno. M R.Cath. 28 Broad Cove Portugal Cove
Dec. 12/03 Broad Cove Old Age PURCELL Thos. M R.Cath. 86 Broad Cove Portugal Cove
Jan. 12 Cove Rd. Cancer in Face DRUKEN Thos. M R.Cath. 82 Cove Rd. Portugal Cove
Feb. 05 Horse Cove Convulsions WHELAN Mary F R.Cath. 21Dys. Horse Cove Portugal Cove
Feb. 09 Horse Cove Brights Dis. QUILTY Emily F R.Cath. 3Y/6M Horse Cove Portugal Cove
July 03 Horse Cove Tuberculosis FRANCIS Marg't F R.Cath. 22 Horse Cove Portugal Cove
Aug. 10 Portugal Cove Convulsions FITZGERALD Marg't F R.Cath. 2Mo. Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
July 31 Portugal Cove Tuberculosis MURPHY Susie F R.Cath. 20 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Sep. 30 Bannerman St. Senile Decay LAWRENCE Robt. M Ch of Eng 75 Bath England C of E Cemetery
June 11 Pouch Cove Cancer of Stomach LANGMEAD Wm. M Ch of Eng 78 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Aug. 13 Pouch Cove Consumption RYAN John M Ch of Eng 22 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Sep. 22 Pouch Cove Bronchitis SULLIVAN Annie F Ch of Eng 2Y/6M Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
July 26 Pouch Cove Old Age KNIGHT Charlotte F Methodist 85 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Aug. 07 Pouch Cove Childbirth NOSEWORTHY Mary F Methodist 31 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Aug. 15 Pouch Cove Gen.Debility NOSEWORTHY Matthew M Methodist 16Dys. Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Aug. 18 Pouch Cove Gen.Debility NOSEWORTHY Wm. L M Methodist 2Wks. Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Sep. 08 Biscayan Cove Gen.Debility BUTT Janet F Methodist 1Day Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
June 20 Bell Id. Tuberculosis ROSE Ledley P M Methodist 7 Pilleys Id. Bell Isld.
Sep. 25 Portugal Cove Gen.Debility HIBBS Daisy F Methodist 9Dys. Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Aug. 03 St.John's Convulsions SNOW Martha F S.Army 7 St.John's St.John's
Aug. 22 St.John's Childbirth PAYTON Cecilia F S.Army 43 St.John's St.John's
Aug. 29 St.John's Gen.Debility TAYLOR Wm. M Methodist 3Mo. St.John's St.John's
Sep. 09 St.John's Chol.Infantum HEWITT Mildred F S.Army 1 St.John's St.John's
Sep. 23 St.John's Prem.Birth POWER Alphons M S.Army 10Dys. St.John's St.John's
July 03 St.John's Consumption BEARNS Maud F Cong'l 28   G.P. Cemetery
Aug. 24 St.John's Pleurisy BARNES Rich'd Albert M Cong'l 54 St.John's G.P. Cemetery
June 30 Poor Asylum Nat'l Causes RICE Charlotte F Ch of Eng 54   C of E Cemetery
* Mistakes were corrected as shown on original pages
PAGE 46                  
June 30 Poor Asylum Old Age HUNT James M Ch of Eng 81   Ch of E Cemetery
July 17 S Side Old Age HEALE Mary Ann F Ch of Eng 65   Ch of E Cemetery
Aug. 03 Long Pond Rd. Convulsions COOK Harriet Mildred F Ch of Eng 4Mo.   Ch of E Cemetery
Aug. 03 Pleasant St. Diabetes MERCER Harriet F Ch of Eng 39   Ch of E Cemetery
Aug. 08 John St. Tubercular Dis. KEILS Geo. M Ch of Eng 20   Ch of E Cemetery
Aug. 09 Murphy Sq. Convulsions NOSEWORTHY Alex M Ch of Eng 3Mo.   Ch of E Cemetery
Aug. 14 Cornwall Ave. Chol.Infantum SYMMONDS Dorothy Alice F Ch of Eng 3Mo.   Ch of E Cemetery
Aug. 26 S Side Convulsions MORGAN John Ben? M Ch of Eng 2Mo.   Ch of E Cemetery
Aug. 22 S Side Gastric Enteritis LESTER Anna F Ch of Eng 1Y/6M   Ch of E Cemetery
Sep. 03 Angel Place Marasmus PEDDLE Harold M Ch of Eng 1Mo.   Ch of E Cemetery
Oct. 02? Pleasant St. Tuberculosis DOUNTON Maria C F Ch of Eng 17   Ch of E Cemetery
Oct. 13 Southside Drowning REID Hy. M Ch of Eng 20   Ch of E Cemetery
Oct. 22 Rossiters Lane Enteritis CHAFE Norman M Ch of Eng 2 1/2Wk St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Oct. 26 Pope St. Old Age MITCHELL Eliza F Ch of Eng 78   Ch of E Cemetery
Nov. 01 Southside Consumption FIELD Edith Eliz'th F Ch of Eng 38   Ch of E Cemetery
Nov. 08 Poor Asylum Old Age RICHARDS George M Ch of Eng 71   Ch of E Cemetery
Dec. 12 Southside Old Age BLACKER Wm. M Ch of Eng 87   Ch of E Cemetery
Dec. 23 Southside Gen.Debility HARVEY Henry M Ch of Eng 2Dys.   Ch of E Cemetery
Oct. 04 Mundy Pond Rd. Hyperppdia LONG Ina Isabel F Ch of Eng 81? St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Oct. 06 Newtown Rd. Pneumonia HORWOOD Thos. M Ch of Eng 78 St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Oct. 06 Gower St. Croup TAYLOR Wm. Maxwell M Ch of Eng 2Y/6M? St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Oct. 17 Barnes Rd. Bronchitis MERCER Gordon M Ch of Eng 2Y/6M? St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Nov. 20 Convent Sq. Tuberculosis GUZWELL Jas. R'd. M Ch of Eng 30 St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Nov. 21 Lime St. Pneumonia CALDWELL Eliza Jane F Ch of Eng 43? Trinity Ch of E Cemetery
Dec. 02 Prescott St. Old Age HUIE? Wm. M Ch of Eng 76 St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Dec. 05 Parade St. Convulsions CORNICK Emma P F Ch of Eng 3Y/6M St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Dec. 07 Pope St. Cancer BISHOP Ann F Ch of Eng 84 St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Dec. 08 Codners Lane Congest. of Lungs BLENE? Abraham M Ch of Eng 6Wks. St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Dec. 11 Barnes Rd. Accident BUCKINGHAM Fred'k M Ch of Eng 37 England Ch of E Cemetery
Dec. 19 Water St. Heart Failure BLACKEM Geo. M Ch of Eng 65 Nova Scotia Ch of E Cemetery
Oct. 01 Placentia Heart Failure ROSE Alfred T? M Ch of Eng 69 St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Oct. 05 John St. Convulsions CAIRNS Daisy R F Ch of Eng 1Mo. St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Oct. 07 Boncloddy St. Marasmus DOWNTON Jno. E M Ch of Eng 3Mo. St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Oct. 18? Temperance St. Convulsions MURRAY Bernard M Ch of Eng 3Wks. St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Oct. 31 Temperance St. Convulsions MURRAY Ethel Viola F Ch of Eng 1Mo. St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Nov. 29 Forest Rd. Phthisis JEFFERS Jessie F Ch of Eng 59 St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Nov. 01 Duckworth St. Tuberculosis VAVASOUR Clara F Ch of Eng 7Mo. St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Nov. 13 Fever Hospital Dyphtheria WAY Florence F Ch of Eng 6Mo. St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Nov. 14 Barnes Rd. Convulsions MCDONALD Arthur Geo. M Ch of Eng 6Mo. St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Nov. 14 Rennes Mill Rd. Phthisis DICKINSON Lena Winifred F Ch of Eng 21 St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
PAGE 47                  
Dec. 02/04 Springdale St. Pneumonia WILLETT Irene J F Ch of Eng 22Mo. St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Dec. 03 Gower St. Pneumonia MARSHALL Thos. M Ch of Eng 44 St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Dec. 11 Boncloddy St. Gen.Debility DAVIS Bertha F Ch of Eng 3Mo. St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Dec. 13 Monkstown Rd. Croup KING Hubert M Ch of Eng 5Mo. St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Dec. 21 Poor Asylum Old Age VOISEY Thos. M Ch of Eng 75 St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Dec. 23 Southside Gen.Debility HARVEY Henry M Ch of Eng 2Dys. St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Dec. 23 Southside Gen.Debility HARVEY Georgina F Ch of Eng 3 St.John's Ch of E Cemetery
Nov. 17 Goulds Heart Failure COX Peter M Ch of Eng 68 Bridport Eng. Goulds
Dec. 03? Goulds Paralysis WILLIAMS Jno T M Ch of Eng 61? Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
Oct. 28? Bell Isld. Beach Inflam. Bowels STONE Isadore F Ch of Eng 41   Lance Cove PI
Nov. 26 Portugal Cove Heart Failure HARDING Walter M Ch of Eng 6Wks. Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Dec. 15? St.Philips Brain Fever TUCKER Llewellyn M Ch of Eng 7 Portugal Cove Portugal Cove
Dec. 18 St.Philips Consumption SQUIRES Emily Ann F Ch of Eng 29 St.Philips St.Philips
Oct. 20 Logy Bay Dropsy BURKE Mary F R.Cath. 64 Torbay Torbay
Oct. 24 Torbay Pneumonia MORLEY? Marg't F R.Cath. 40 Torbay Torbay
Nov. 09? Flat Rock Childbirth KAVANAGH Mary A F R.Cath. 30 Torbay Torbay
Nov. 19 Torbay Decline REDDY Ellen F R.Cath. 29 Torbay Torbay
Nov. 29 Torbay Old Age POWER Cath'n F R.Cath. 76 Torbay Torbay
Nov. 30 Torbay Old Age LACEY Grace F R.Cath. 84 Torbay Torbay
Dec. 09? Torbay Old Age MURPHY Eliz'th F R.Cath. 67 Torbay Torbay
Dec. 17 Torbay Decline MANNING Ann F R.Cath. 22 Torbay Torbay
Dec. 24 Logy Bay Decline BRIEN Marg't F R.Cath. 30 Outer Cove Torbay
Oct. 09 The Mines B.I. Phthisis BYRNE Mary F R.Cath. 40 Hr.Main Bell Isld.
Oct. 21 The Mines B.I. Accident WALSH Martin M R.Cath. 39 Concept'n Hr. Concept'n Hr.
Nov. 03 Bell Isld. Childbirth BROWN Annie F R.Cath. 33 Bell Isld. Bell Id.
Dec. 27 Bell Isld. Brain Fever DELANEY Mary F R.Cath. 28 Brigus Brigus
Nov. 17 Kilbride Heart Failure ALYWARD John M R.Cath. 44 Kilbride Kilbride
Nov. 28 Kilbride Accident TOBIN Martin M R.Cath. 62 Kilbride Kilbride
Oct. 22 Goulds Old Age WALSH Jas. M R.Cath. 87 Goulds Goulds
Nov. 18 Petty Hr. Consumption CHAFE Mary A F R.Cath. 29 Petty Hr. Petty Hr.
Nov. 22 Maddox Cove Old Age WALSH Ann F R.Cath. 80 Maddox Cove Petty Hr.
Dec. 06 Maddox Cove Accident MADDEN Pat'k M R.Cath. 19 Maddox Cove Petty Hr.
Oct. 03 Flavin St. Cancer LUBY Wm. M R.Cath. 85 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Oct. 04 Duckworth St. Heart Failure DOOLEY Denis M R.Cath. 70 Ireland  
Oct. 14 College Sq. Heart Failure KELLY John M R.Cath. 31 St.John's  
Oct. 15 Water St.W Old Age GLASGOW John M R.Cath. 70 St.John's  
Oct. 18 Cochrane St. Nat'l Causes MARNELL Marg't F R.Cath. 57 St.John's  
Oct. 23 Pleasant St. Consumption HUSSON Ralph J M R.Cath. 19 St.John's  
Oct. 24 Water St. Bronchitis DELGADO Victoria F R.Cath. 5Mo. St.John's  
Oct. 25 Patricks St. Convulsions MCDONALD John M R.Cath. 2Dys. St.John's  
PAGE 48                  
Oct. 26 Angel Place Consumption HICKEY Marg't F R.Cath. 44 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Oct. 26 Hutchings St. Convulsions KENNEDY Edw'd M R.Cath. 2M/2W St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Oct. 29 Allan Sq. Convulsions HOSKINS Gert F R.Cath. 6Wks. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Nov. 01 Pennywell Rd. Convulsions KELLY Wm. M R.Cath. 9Mo. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Nov. 01 Water St.W Old Age KEEFE M'cl M R.Cath. 90 Ireland Belvidere Cemetery
Nov. 05 Georges St. Paralysis BRIEN Jno. M R.Cath. 80 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Nov. 11 Water St.W Erysipelas MCGRATH Edw'd M R.Cath. 32 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Nov. 11 Cookstown Rd. Convulsions HEALEY Timothy M R.Cath. 5Dys. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Nov. 11 Alexander St. Old Age MALONEY Francis M R.Cath. 77 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Nov. 13 Hayward Ave. Consumpt'n of Bowels DUNN Edw'd M R.Cath. 2Mo. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Nov. 14 Lemarchant Rd. Bronchitis RODGERS Walter M R.Cath. 12Mo. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Nov. 14 Flower Hill Consumpt'n of Bowels BECK Mary M F R.Cath. 39 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Nov. 15 Duckworth St. Heart Failure SLATTERY Bridget F R.Cath. 68 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Nov. 16 Water St.W Consumption MURPHY Annie F R.Cath. 22 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Nov. 19 Queens Rd. Heart Failure MCDONALD Winifred F R.Cath. 55 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Nov. 20 Georges St. Spinal Dis. GALWAY Margaret F R.Cath. 38 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Nov. 23 Hutchings St. Consumption POWER John M R.Cath. 6 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Nov. 24 Topsail Rd. Heart Failure HARDING Eliza M F R.Cath. 4 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Nov. 25 Pleasant St. Dropsy HOLLETT Robt. M R.Cath. 75 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Nov. 27 Bannerman St. Consumption BYRNE Ellen F R.Cath. 34 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Dec. 01 Balsom St. Spinal Dis. COLLINS Cath'n F R.Cath. 8 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Dec. 04 Water St.W Convulsions BAMBRICK Sam'l M R.Cath. 11 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Dec. 05 Kings Rd. Old Age CURTIN Dan'l M R.Cath. 72 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Dec. 07 Merrymeeting Rd. Bronchitis KEARSEY Marg't F R.Cath. 4Mo. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Dec. 11 Lime St. Gen.Debility PETRIE Robt. Bond M R.Cath. 6Y/6M St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Dec. 15 Fort Amherst Paralysis TUCKER Margaret F R.Cath. 40 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Dec. 16 Cookstown Rd. Childbirth HEALEY Emma F R.Cath. 35 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Dec. 17 Stephen St. Consumption EGAN John M R.Cath. 21 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Dec. 18 Water St.W Pneumonia CHAFE Marg't F R.Cath. 75 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Dec. 18 Cabot St. Old Age MEANEY John M R.Cath. 80 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Dec. 18 Hamilton St. Consumption ST.JOHN Ellie F R.Cath. 24 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Dec. 21 Springdale St. Old Age DEADY Thos. M R.Cath. 72 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Dec. 22 Lemarchant Rd. Heart Failure MURRAY Martin M R.Cath. 66 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Dec. 23 Prescott St. Bronchitis FLYNN Leo M R.Cath. 3Wks. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Dec. 26 Plank Rd. Old Age RYAN John M R.Cath. 89 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Dec. 27 Pennywell Rd. Appendicitis ONEIL James M R.Cath. 5 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Dec. 28 Young St. Paralysis KELLY Jas. M R.Cath. 55 St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Dec. 30 Jobs Lane Convulsions NASH Walter M R.Cath. 6Dys. St.John's Belvidere Cemetery
Oct. 03 Monkstown Rd. Childbirth COLEMAN Cath'n F R.Cath. 31 Open Hall Mt.Carmel
Oct. 03 Barters Hill Gen.Debility WALSH Eliza F R.Cath. 71 St.John's Mt.Carmel
PAGE 49                  
Oct. 05 Pope St. Consumption TUCKER Kate F R.Cath. 23 Red Head Cove Mt.Carmel
Oct. 06 Flower Hill Gen.Debility MURRAY James F M R.Cath. 5Dys. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Oct. 06 York St. Heart Dis. DAY Katie F R.Cath. 1Y/6M St.John's Mt.Carmel
Oct. 06 Logy Bay Gen.Debility MALONE Anastatia F R.Cath. 3Mo. Logy Bay Mt.Carmel
Oct. 08 Bond St. Chol.Infantum BAXTER Mary F R.Cath. 5Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Oct. 10 Young St. Consumption CARROLL Bessie F R.Cath. 42 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Oct. 12 Hamilton St. Old Age ANGEL Richard M R.Cath. 66 Petty Hr. Mt.Carmel
Oct. 12 Topsail Rd. Heart Failure POWER Michael M R.Cath. 76 Topsail Rd. Mt.Carmel
Oct. 14 Buchannan St. Childbirth VEDE? Angeline F R.Cath. 23 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Oct. 15 Damerills Lane Convulsions WILLS Bridie F R.Cath. 8Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Oct. 17 Flower St. Consumption OBRIEN Bessie F R.Cath. 23 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Oct. 17 Buchannan St. Gen.Debility VEDE? Annie F R.Cath. 1Week St.John's Mt.Carmel
Oct. 18 Lewis Place Convulsions POWER Mamie F R.Cath. 5Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Oct. 22 Bambrick St. Consumption WOODFINE Pat'k M R.Cath. 3 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Oct. 24 Hagerty Lane Old Age FLYNN James M R.Cath. 69 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Oct. 29 Hayward Ave. Decline TAYLOR Annie F R.Cath. 39 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Oct. 29 Plank Rd. Decline MILLER John J M R.Cath. 3Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Oct. 31 Belvidere St. Bronchitis MILLER Norah F R.Cath. 5 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Nov. 01 Carew St. Nat'l Causes BROOKLE????? Mary Ann F R.Cath. 54 Logy Bay Mt.Carmel
Nov. 02 Hutchings St. Childbirth HEALEY Eliza F R.Cath. 26? St.John's Mt.Carmel
Nov. 05 Poor Asylum Old Age DUNN Chas. M R.Cath. 82 Witless Bay Mt.Carmel
Nov. 07 Lime St. Convulsions WALSH Mamie F R.Cath. 2Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Nov. 09 Military Rd. Old Age HIGGINS James M R.Cath. 59 Ireland Mt.Carmel
Nov. 10 Prospect St. Prem.Birth CLANCEY Bride F R.Cath. Infant St.John's Mt.Carmel
Nov. 10 Water St.W Gen.Debility HEALEY Maggie F R.Cath. 12Dys. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Nov. 11 Livingstone St. Consumption RIDEOUT Thos. M R.Cath. 58 Hr.Breton Mt.Carmel
Nov. 11 Water St.W Accident BURKE John M R.Cath. 63 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Nov. 12 Tank Lane Old Age HAYES Mary F R.Cath. 65 Brigus S Mt.Carmel
Nov. 14 Poor Asylum Old Age KING Rich'd M R.Cath. 80 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Nov. 15 Carew St. Heart Failure RYAN Margaret F R.Cath. 38? Logy Bay Mt.Carmel
Nov. 16 Lyons Sq. Gen.Debility KEELS Maggie F R.Cath. 3Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Nov. 20 Plank Rd. Consumption MILLER Bessie F R.Cath. 26 Bonavista Mt.Carmel
Nov. 21 Bannerman St. Gen.Debility DODD Willie F M R.Cath. 6Wks. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Nov. 21 New Gower St. Heart Failure KAVANAGH Elizabeth F R.Cath. 30 Tors Cove Mt.Carmel
Nov. 21 Walsh's Sq. Prem.Birth TREMBLETT John M R.Cath. Infant St.John's Mt.Carmel
Nov. 28 Water St. Consumption KEELS Marg't F R.Cath. 20 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Dec. 03 Hayward Ave. Accident SHOUGHRUE Timothy M R.Cath. 20 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Dec. 04 Outer Cove Gen.Debility NUGENT Willie? D M R.Cath. 8 Outer Cove Mt.Carmel
Dec. 05 Lemarchant Rd. Gen.Debility HORRELL? Pat'k M R.Cath. 8?Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Dec. 05 Colonial St. Gen.Debility MANNING Augustus M R.Cath. 8Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
PAGE 50                  
Dec. 06 Tank St. Old Age TIBBS John M R.Cath. 74 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Dec. 08 Poor Asylum Decline GRIFFIN Eliza F R.Cath. 52 Kings Cove BB Mt.Carmel
Dec. 09 Field St. Dropsy SKEANS Cath'n F R.Cath. 75 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Dec. 13 Freshwater Rd. Lock Jaw LAMB James M M R.Cath. 8 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Dec. 15 Georges St. Gen.Debility BROWN Mary F R.Cath. 2Hrs. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Dec. 17 Queens Rd. Consumption SAVAGE Coleman M R.Cath. 34 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Dec. 19 Mullock St. Convulsions MILLER Peter M R.Cath. 8Mo. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Dec. 20 Barnes Rd. Convulsions SMITH Bridie F R.Cath. 2Hrs. St.John's Mt.Carmel
Dec. 23 William St. Consumption FOLEY Minnie F R.Cath. 20 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Dec. 25 Rossiter's St. Gen.Debility MCALLISTER Martin M R.Cath. 1Min.? St.John's Mt.Carmel
Dec. 27 Holloway St. Consumption EARLE M M R.Cath. 23 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Dec. 27 Thorbourn Rd. Exposure CLARKE Wm. M R.Cath. 30 Trinity Mt.Carmel
Dec. 28? Poor Asylum Consumption GAULTON Ann F R.Cath. 71? Placentia Mt.Carmel
Dec. 29 Georges St. Nat'l Causes Gen.Decay TOBIN Jane F R.Cath. 58 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Dec. 30 Lime St. Consumption WALSH Michael M R.Cath. 2Yrs? St.John's Mt.Carmel
Dec. 30 Water St. Consumption OLDRIDGE Thomas M R.Cath. 28 St.John's Mt.Carmel
Oct. 27 Pouch Cove Consumption GOULD James M Ch of Eng 43 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Nov. 05 Pouch Cove Old Age LANGMEADE Richard M Ch of Eng 58 Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Nov. 29 Pouch Cove Gen.Debility SULLIVAN Samuel T? M Ch of Eng 8Dys. Pouch Cove Pouch Cove
Oct. 24 Moore St. Stillborn LEITHBRIDGE   F Methodist   St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Oct. 21 Cabot St. Enteritis SKANES Cecil Thos. M Methodist 9Mo. St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Nov. 01 Prescott St. Apoplexy KNIGHT Sarah F Methodist 86 Nfld. G.P. Cemetery
Nov. 02 Lime St. Tuberculosis STRINGER Mary E F Methodist 36 Nfld. G.P. Cemetery
Nov. 03 Longs Hill Septicemia CHAFE Louisa F Methodist 54 Nfld. G.P. Cemetery
Nov. 06 Freshwater Rd. Convulsions IVANY Lilian R F Methodist 20Mo. St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Nov. 07 Lime St. Consumption DRODGE Azariah M Methodist 15 Nfld. G.P. Cemetery
Nov. 10 Scott St. Heart Dis. COLLAMORE Magdaline F Methodist 25 Nfld. G.P. Cemetery
Nov. 18 Freshwater Rd. Laryngitis MOORE Geo.Jos.Randell M M Methodist 14Mo. St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Nov. 20 Wickford St. Bronchitis NOFTALL Janie F Methodist 2 St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Nov. 28 Hamilton Ave. Heart Dis. JANES Rosanna F Methodist 72 Nfld. G.P. Cemetery
Dec. 08 Flower Hill Croup GULLAGE Hazel F Methodist 3 Boston Mass. G.P. Cemetery
Dec. 14 Barters Hill Consumption COOMBS Mary A F Methodist 28 Nfld. G.P. Cemetery
Dec. 27 Spencer St. Convulsions PARRELL Clement Jno. M Methodist 3M/2W St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Oct. 01 St.John's Insanity MAYO Wm. M Methodist 75 Bonavista Bay G.P. Cemetery
Oct. 03 St.John's Tumor HEFFERMAN Eliz'th F Methodist 38 Lower Id.Cove G.P. Cemetery
Oct. 24? St.John's Old Age Gen.Debility BARNES William M Cong'l 78? St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Oct. 25 St.John's Tumor BUTLER Harriet F Methodist 45 Rose Blanche G.P. Cemetery
Nov. 11 St.John's Consumption LEASEMAN Bertha F Methodist 33 St.John's G.P. Cemetery
Nov. 24 St.John's Dropsy JOHNSON Susanna F Methodist 72 St.John's G.P. Cemetery

Transcribed by Betty Cumby (2010)

Page Last Modified: Friday September 20, 2013 ADT

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