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Vital Records
Register of Deaths

Carbonear - Bay de Verde District
1942 - 1943

Book 14
PAGES 161 - 162, 166 - 167

SOURCE: LDS Microfilm Reels

Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Surname Given Names Religious Denomination Age Place of Birth Place of Internment
PAGE 161                
Jan-06 Grace Hospital Prematurity DIAMOND   no entry 1 wk no entry Gen. Prot. St. John's
Feb-17 Infirmary Cardio Renal Disease HOLLETT William no entry 74 no entry Adam's Cove
Feb-13 General Hosp. Cancer of Prostate Gland HOLLETT John no entry 68 no entry Adam's Cove
Mar-24 35 Cochrane St. Carcinoma of Lung JANES Marion no entry 23 no entry Salmon Cove
Apr-17 General Hosp. Diabetes TAYLOR Una no entry 53 no entry Carbonear
May-04 General Hosp. Carcinoma of Stomach MOORES George UC 65 no entry Blackhead
Mar-17 Carbonear Rheumatoid Arthritis PENNEY Lilian M. SA 60 Carbonear Carbonear
Jan-04 Broad Cove Heart Failure LEGROW Mrs. Mary A. UC 78 Blackhead Broad Cove
Jan-18 Broad Cove Coronary Thrombosis LEGROW Gilbert UC 65 Broad Cove Broad Cove
Mar-16 Adam's Cove Intestinal Intoxication HUDSON Sadie UC 6/12 Adam's Cove Adam's Cove
Mar-17 Adam's Cove Senility MURRAY Mrs. Silas UC 86 Adam's Cove Adam's Cove
Jan-11 no entry Pneumonia CHAMPION David M. UC 5/12 Lower Island Cove Lower Island Cove
Feb-04 no entry Diseased Liver and Bowel KNAPMAN William H. UC 33 Lower Island Cove Lower Island Cove
Feb-18 no entry Old Age BURSEY John UC 75 Lower Island Cove Lower Island Cove
Mar-06 no entry Heart Failure TUCKER Clifford G. UC 1/12 Burnt Point Burnt Point
Jan-29 Carbonear Myocarditis BURDEN Mary J. UC 78 Carbonear Carbonear
Feb-10 Carbonear Bronchitis PENNEY Patricia UC 5/12 Carbonear Carbonear
Feb-18 Carbonear Pulm. Tuberculosis ASH George M. UC 21 Carbonear Carbonear
Feb-26 Carbonear Convulsions BUTT Ruth E. UC 1/12 Carbonear Carbonear
Mar-11 Carbonear Stillborn OATES   - SB Carbonear Carbonear
Feb-01 Victoria Carcinoma DAVIS Flora CE 81 Victoria Carbonear
Feb-01 Carbonear Meningitis ROSSITER Anna CE 13 Carbonear Carbonear
Feb-13 St. Clare's Hosp. Prematurity MEADUS Heather CE 3 wks ? Carbonear
May-30 General Hosp. Peritonitis Phthisis KING Mary J. UC 22 Kingston Kingston
Jun-14 St. Clare's Hosp. Abdominal Tumour MURPHY Mrs. Elizabeth no entry 54 Carbonear Carbonear
Apr-04 Milley's Cove Bronchial Asthma MULLEY Zebedel UC 65 Mulley's Cove Broad Cove
Apr-29 Broad Cove Arteriosclerosis DELANEY Mrs. Joseph UC 76 Broad Cove Broad Cove
May-07 Broad Cove Senility BAGGS Mrs. Catherine UC 77 Broad Cove Broad Cove
May-13 Broad Cove Gastric Ulcers KING Allan UC 44 Mulley's Cove Broad Cove
Apr-04 Carbonear Senility HERALD Sarah A. UC 85 Carbonear Carbonear
Apr-17 Colliers Cardiac Disease FORWARD George S. UC 23 Carbonear Carbonear
Jun-08 Carbonear Cerebral Haemorrhage PARSONS Jane UC 75 Carbonear Carbonear
Apr-30 Carbonear Cerebral Haemorrhage SIMMS Amelia SA 86 Carbonear Carbonear
Feb-28 Flatrock Pneumonia SOMERS Clarence UC 6/12 Flatrock Freshwater
May-03 Caplin Cove Tuberculosis BUTT Baxter UC 24 Caplin Cove Caplin Cove
May-29 Lower Island Cove Heart & Kidney Disease BURSEY Sarah L. UC 63 Lower Island Cove Lower Island Cove
Feb-24 Victoria Meningitis BEST Beulah G. Pent. 10/12 Victoria Victoria
Jun-04 Victoria Cerebral Haemorrhage NICHOLL Moses Pent. 75 Victoria Victoria
Jan-05 Victoria Heart Disease & Nephritis BALDWIN Edward UC 62 Victoria Victoria
Jan-07 Victoria Heart Disease & Nephritis BURKE William UC 72 Victoria Victoria
PAGE 162                
Jan-08 Perry's Cove Convulsions COLE Gordon UC 3 wks Perry's Cove Perry's Cove
Jan-28 Victoria Convulsions CLARKE Phyllis M. UC 25 dys Victoria Victoria
Feb-10 Salmon Cove Convulsions SLADE Ernest UC 1/12 Salmon Cove Perry's Cove
Feb-16 Salmon Cove Bronchitis & Pneumonia PENNEY Mary J. UC 9/12 no entry Salmon Cove
Mar-16 Salmon Cove Nephritis PENNEY Jethro UC 84 no entry Salmon Cove
Mar-24 Salmon Cove Drowning KELLOWAY Nina J. UC 4 no entry Salmon Cove
Mar-31 Salmon Cove Convulsions ROSE Julia UC 2 wks no entry Salmon Cove
Oct-26 General Hosp. Acute Retention THISTLE Thomas UC 73 no entry Broad Cove
Nov-27 Mental Hosp. Arteriosclerosis MOORES Mrs. Laura UC 77 no entry Northern Bay
Dec-19 General Hosp. TB. Hip HISCOCK Philip UC 12 no entry Victoria
Dec-20 Anchorage Stillborn HOWELL no entry no entry SB no entry Gen. Prot. St. John's
PAGE 166                
Jan-19 Grace Hospital Acute Nephritis HORWOOD Mrs. Helen no entry 34 no entry Carbonear
Jan-31 St. Clare's Hosp. Congenital Heart LEE George RC 10/12 Carbonear Mt. Carmel, St. John's
Feb-07 General Hosp. Stillborn MCCARTHY of Ella & James no entry SB no entry Mt. Carmel, St. John's
Feb-18 221 New Gower St. Pulm. Tuberculosis WOODROW Mrs. Gertrude no entry 26 no entry Northern Bay
PAGE 167                
Jan-03 Mental Hosp. Acute Gastro Enteritis MARTIN Myrtle no entry 20 no entry Ch. England St. John's

Transcribed by: Laurie Lockhart (2013)

Page Last Modified: Monday September 16, 2013 (Don Tate)

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