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Vital Records
Register of Deaths

Twillingate District
1938 - 1941

Book 13
PAGES 283 - 285, 287 - 293 & 296 - 299

SOURCE: LDS Microfilm Reels

Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Surname Given Names Religious Denomination Age Place of Birth Place of Internment
PAGE 283                
Jan 22 Moreton's Hr Unknown SMALL Iona U. Church 2/12 Moreton's Hr Moreton's Hr
Feb 18 Tizzard's Hr Pneumonia BOYD Robert U. Church 67 Tizzard's Hr Tizzard's Hr
Jan 6 Herring Neck Paralysis SEELEY Selina Ch Eng 68 Leading Tickles Herring Neck
Mar 28 Too Good Arm Not Given RUSSELL Gerald H. Ch Eng 1day Too Good Arm Pike's Arm
Jan 3 Fairbanks Not Given WHEELER Mrs. George U. Church 93 Not Given Salt Pans
Feb 20 Too Good Arm Not Given HURLEY Mrs Abram U. Church 80 Herring Neck Green Cove
Mar 20 Indian Cove Not Given GOSSE Richard U. Church 63 Indian Cove Burnt Cove
Jan 13 Birchy Bay Stomach Trouble EDWARDS Henry G. S. Army 65 Change Isl Birchy Bay
Jan 28 Campbellton Teething RIDEOUT Margaret R. S. Army 9/12 Campbellton Campbellton
Feb 16 Moreton's Hr Tuberculosis FUDGE Mrs George S. Army 30 Moreton's Hr Moreton's Hr
Jan 6 Twillingate Myocarditis VERGE Martha U. Church 88 Twillingate Twillingate
Jan 11 Twillingate Malignant Hypertension Uraemia COOPER Robert U. Church 54 Twillingate Twillingate
Jan 12 Twillingate Carcinoma Sigmoid Colon MITCHELL Polly U. Church 67 Twillingate Twillingate
Jan 22 Twillingate Pulmonary Tuberculosis GILLARD William U. Church 18 Twillingate Twillingate
Jan 19 Twillingate Pulmonary Tuberculosis WHITE Marion U. Church 19 Twillingate Twillingate
Feb 5 Twillingate Uraemia LINFIELD Susan U. Church 88 Twillingate Twillingate
Mar 17 Twillingate Cardio-Renal. Uraemia YOUNG Robert U. Church 84 Twillingate Twillingate
Mar 28 Twillingate Rheumatic Heart Disease BURDEN Maisie V. U. Church 33 Freshwater, CB Carbonear, CB
May 13 Too Good Arm Tuberculosis TAFFIN Lloyd U. Church 19 Too Good Arm Green Cove
Apr 3 Burnt Cove Not Given BURT Evelyn M. U. Church 3/12 Burnt Cove Burnt Cove
Apr 8 Bridgeport Paralysis OSMOND Absalom U. Church 77 Moreton's Hr Bridgeport
Apr 19 Tizzard's Hr Heart Disease FORWARD Emma Me. U. Church 56 Twgate Tizzard's Hr
June 15 Tizzard's Hr Paralysis BOYD William U. Church 69 Tizzard's Hr Tizzard's Hr
Apr 2 Twillingate Intracranial Haemorrhage JONES Leslie H. S. Army 3dys Twgate Moreton's Hr
Apr 2 Moreton's Hr Prematurity JONES Thomas S. Army 1day Moreton's Hr Moreton's Hr
Apr 10 Moreton's Hr Senility TAYLOR Louisa S. Army 92 Carbonear Moreton's Hr
Apr 15 Twillingate Pulmonary Tuberculosis OSMOND Mrs. Wilfred S. Army 32 Not Given Twillingate
Apr 21 Twillingate Angina Pectoris GREENHAM Mrs Isaac S. Army 71 Twillingate Twillingate
June 11 Twillingate Tuberculous Meningitis TROWBRIDGE Miriam S. Army 18 Arnold's Cove Arnold's Cove
June 13 Campbellton Influenza BROWN Mrs Selina S. Army 78 Moreton's Hr Campbellton
June 19 Bridgeport Senility YOUNG Louise U. Church 92 Tizzard's Hr Bridgeport
Apr 18 Herring Neck Heart Failure SMART Solomon Ch Eng 79 Herring Neck Herring Neck
June 4 Herring Neck Paralysis WOODFORD Lucy Ch Eng 76 Merritt's Hr Herring Neck
June 16 Herring Neck Pulmonary Tuberculosis WARREN Emily Ch Eng 28 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Jan 16 Campbellton Pneumonia KEARLEY Blanche Pentecostal 32 1/2 Campbellton Campbellton
Apr 26 Campbellton Not Given MILLEY Lionel P. Pentecostal 9/12 Campbellton Campbellton
June 6 Black Island Pneumonia HILL Dorothy B. Pentecostal 1 Black Island Black Island
Jan 15 Boyd's Cove Pulmonary Tuberculosis CLARE Angus R. Cath 45 Boyd's Cove Boyd's Cove
May 21 Boyd's Cove Pulmonary Tuberculosis PEARCE Ambrose R. Cath 75 Joe Batt's Arm Boyd's Cove
Sep 13 Cobb's Arm Convulsions STUCKEY Eric G. U. Church 2/12 Cobb's Arm Cobb's Arm
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July 9 Too Good Arm Senility BLAKE Elizabeth Ch Eng 79 Too Good Arm Pike's Arm
Aug 4 Herring Neck Cancer of Stomach KEARLEY Arthur Ch Eng 69 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Aug 23 Herring Neck Tuberculosis WOODFORD Rebecca Ch Eng 76 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Aug 27 Chanceport Senility DOVE James U. Church 89 Twgate Chanceport
Aug 31 Moreton's Hr Cancer SMALL Arthur U. Church 74 Moreton's Hr Moreton's Hr
Apr 15 Twillingate Myocarditis WEIR Mrs Frank U. Church 81 Twgate Twgate
June 2 Crow Head Hemiplegia DOVE John U. Church 80 Crow Head Crow Head
July 22 Manuel's Cove Hydrocephalus GILLIARD Herbert U. Church 2/12 Manuels Cove Twgate
Aug 13 Jenkin's Cove Dysentery WHITING Mrs Norah U. Church 76 Musgrave Hr Twgate
Aug 20 Twillingate Arteriosclerosis YOUNG George U. Church 78 Twillingate Twillingate
Aug 27 Twillingate Myocarditis YATES Samuel U. Church 84 Twillingate Twillingate
Aug 28 Twillingate Dysentery BARNES Baby U. Church 1 Grand Falls Twillingate
Sep 7 Gilesporte Dysentery CLARKE Jonas U. Church 2 Twillingate Twillingate
Sep 28 Twillingate Convulsions GUY Audrey L. U. Church 1/12 Twillingate Twillingate
Sep 16 Jenkin's Cove Stillborn SAUNDERS (SB) Not Given SB Jenkins Cove Jenkins Cove
Aug 25 Twillingate Convulsions RIDEOUT Hazel R. S. Army 1wk Bluff Hd Cove Twillingate
Aug 28 Twillingate Dysentery BURGE Abner J. S. Army 6/12 Twillingate Twillingate
Aug 30 Whales Gulch Tuberculosis RIDEOUT Daisy S. Army 27 Moreton's Hr Moreton's Hr
Sep 5 Campbellton Not Given CURTIS Bobby S. Army 2dys Campbellton Campbellton
Sep 5 Twillingate Dysentery GILLARD Edward W. S. Army 5/12 Twillingate Twillingate
Sep 10 Twillingate Pulm. Tuberculosis SHEA Ralph S. Army 16 Twillingate Twillingate
Sep 10 Twillingate Tbc. Meningitis COX Maxwell S. Army 23 Cottrell's Cove Cottrell's Cove
Oct 22 Twillingate Senility. Uraemia MOORES Jacob U. Church 89 Twillingate Twillingate
Nov 18 Twillingate Stillborn WHITE of Thomas & Annie Not Given   Twillingate Twillingate
Dec 27 Black Duck Cove Pulmonary Tuberculosis WHITE Flora U. Church 17 Black Duck Cove Little Hr
Oct 2 Moreton's Hr Inflammation EARLE Wilson C. U. Church 3/12 Twgate Moreton's Hr
Nov 19 Bridgeport Tuberculosis STUCKLESS Minnie L. U. Church 21 Moreton's Hr Bridgeport
Nov 23 Moreton's Hr Thrush. Asthma SMALL Max U. Church 41 Moreton's Hr Moreton's Hr
Dec 15 Moreton's Hr Cardiac Failure KNIGHT Phoebe M. U. Church 78 Twillingate Moreton's Hr
Oct 12 Twillingate Heart Disease BARNES Mrs Mary J. S. Army 78 Twillingate Twillingate
Oct 18 Twillingate Heart Disease ADAMS Mrs Martha S. Army 63 Twillingate Twillingate
Oct 20 Gillard's Cove Malnutrition GILLIARD Pansy Susan S. Army 2/12 Gillard's C. Twillingate
Nov 3 Summerford Tuberculosis WATKINS Leah S. Army 16 Summerford Summerford
Aug 7 Summerford Tuberculosis BROWN Charlotte S. U. Church 72 Change Isls Summerford
Aug 11 Summerford Summer Complaint WHEELER Joan U. Church 3/12 Summerford Summerford
May 28 Birchy Bay Old Age POPE Robert U. Church 80 Fogo Birchy Bay
Apr 3 Birchy Bay Pneumonia BLAKE William U. Church 64 Birchy Bay Birchy Bay
Oct 13 Samson's Island Fever BAKER Mary Jane Pentecostal 39 Western Hd Samson's Island
Aug 3 Campbellton Old Age LACEY William Pentecostal 81 Lewisporte Campbellton
Sep 19 Michael's Hr Teething LUSH Herman N. Pentecostal 10/12 Campbellton Campbellton
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Dec 28 Michael's Hr Convulsions LUSH Bessie E.M. Pentecostal 9dys Michael's Hr Michael's Hr
Oct 10 Boyd's Cove Senility COMBDON Israel Ch Eng 84 Fogo Boyd's Cove
Nov 6 Herring Neck Pneumonia POWELL Angus A. U. Church 1 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Dec 8 Merritt's Hr Old Age CARD Ellen U. Church 80 Not Given Merritt's Hr
Dec 8 Indian Cove Unknown WATKINS Gwendolyn U. Church 2/12 Indian Cove Burnt Cove
Dec 16 Indian Cove Unknown WATKINS Irene U. Church 2/12 Indian Cove Burnt Cove
Dec 22 Pike's Arm Convulsions LLOYD Reginald U. Church 6dys Pike's Arm Green Cove
Mar 14 Twillingate Broncho Pneumonia MANUEL Alfred Ch Eng 69 Twillingate Twillingate
Apr 28 Twillingate Cancer of Rectum BAIRD Catherine Ch Eng 91 Twillingate Twillingate
May 24 Twillingate Arteriosclerosis NEWMAN Mary Ch Eng 75 Twillingate Twillingate
Sep 16 Twillingate Hosp Pneumonia HOUSE Frederick Ch Eng 63 Twillingate Twillingate
Nov 24 Twillingate Heart Failure GRIMES Peter Ch Eng 67 Herring Neck Twillingate
Dec 1 Moreton's Hr Prematurity TAYLOR Stanley Ch Eng 4dys Moreton's Hr Moreton's Hr
Oct 14 Boyd's Cove Not Given HYNES Patrick R. Cath 70 Boyd's Cove Boyd's Cove
Dec 2 Off Kettle Cove Accidental Drowning HOPKIN Robert A. U. Church 20 Kettle Cove Body Not Recovered
Dec 2 Off Kettle Cove Accidental Drowning HOPKIN Ronald L. U. Church 18 Kettle Cove Body Not Recovered
Dec 11 Twgate Hospital Puerperal Sepsis Staphylococcus Septiecaemia SHORT Mrs. Pearl Pentecostal 30 Not Given Not Given
July 2 Campbellton Old Age MANUEL Uriah U. Church 84 Not Given Campbellton
Oct 20 Summerford Not Given HAWKINS Rose U. Church 63 Not Given Summerford
Apr 1 Embree Died Suddenly ANSTEY Greta Not Given 2/12 Not Given Not Given
Apr 10 Crow Head Chronic Nephritis HAMLIN Mrs. Mary U. Church 75 Not Given Not Given
Jan 5 New Bay Insanity CAVE Blanche U. Church 26 New Bay New Bay
Feb 24 New Bay Tuberculosis MITCHELL Paul U. Church 22 New Bay New Bay
Apr 15 Exploits Cancer MILLEY Richard U. Church 69 Exploits Exploits
Not Given Exploits Stillbirth JEFFRIES       Exploits Exploits
PAGE 287                
Oct 2 Twillingate Hosp. Aneurysm of Aorta JENKINS Jacob U. Church 66 Wild Cove Moreton's Hr
Oct 9 Virgin Arm Not Given BURT Sandy C. U. Church 2 Virgin Arm Carter's Cove
Nov 22 Trump Island Tuberculosis BOYD Elizabeth M. U. Church 23 Twillingate Trump Island
Nov 25 Virgin Arm Heart Trouble BURT Fred U. Church 1 2/12 Virgin Arm Carter's Cove
July 10 Cottle's Island Not Given PHILPOT Lanso Joseph Pentecostal 2dys Cottles Island Cottles Island
Nov 22 Cottle's Island Not Given KING Everett C. Pentecostal 6dys Cottles Island Cottles Island
Feb 14 Birchy Bay Heart Trouble RANDELL Elizabeth Pentecostal 65 Barr'd Isls Birchy Bay
May 27 Birchy Bay Drowning RANDELL Nattie Pentecostal 7 Barr'd Isls Birchy Bay
Nov 11 Pike's Arm Not Given BRETT Martha Ch Eng 81 Not Given Pike's Arm
Nov 30 Pike's Arm Not Given CUTLER Agnes Jane Ch Eng 67 Not Given Pike's Arm
PAGE 288                
Feb 17 Burnt Cove Pneumonia MEHANEY Emma U. Church 4/12 Burnt Cove Burnt Cove
Jan 11 Boyd's Cove Not Given HEAD Frederick Ch Eng 1 Boyd's Cove Boyd's Cove
Feb 6 Herring Neck Tuberculosis LOVELACE Thomas Ch Eng 34 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Mar 14 Twgate Hospital Carcinoma of Uterus STONE Fanny Ch Eng 76 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Jan 13 Virgin Arm Rickets STONE Garfield U. Church 2 Virgin Arm Carter's Cove
Mar 31 Tizzard's Hr Senility MORGAN James U. Church 84 Seal Cove, CB Tizzard's Hr
Jan 6 Bluff Head Stillborn HULL (SB)   SB Bluff Hd Twillingate
Jan 10 North Side Cerebral Haemorrhage RICE Eliza U. Church 87 Little Hr Little Hr
Jan 13 Twillingate Pulm.& Laryngeal Tuberculosis OSMOND Walter U. Church 23 Twillingate Twillingate
Feb 14 Gilesport Hemiplegia WHITE Mrs. Thomas U. Church 77 Twillingate Twillingate
Mar 31 Black Duck Cove Cancer of Breast SMITH Mrs. Walter U. Church 38 Black Duck Cove Little Hr
Mar 7 Cottel's Island Pneumonia FROUDE Eleanora U. Church 6/12 Cottles Island Cottles Island
Mar 21 Cottle's Island Tuberculosis POOL Hedley Pentecostal 19 Cottles Island Cottles Island
Jan 18 Loon Bay Tuberculosis LUSCOMBE Louisa U. Church 24 Loon Bay Loon Bay
Feb 4 Twillingate Brain Injury STUCKLESS Charlie S. Army 6dys Twillingate Twillingate
Feb 14 Twillingate Convulsions RODGERS Wilson S. Army 10dys Twillingate Twillingate
July 5 Mental Hosp Chronic Myocarditis ROBERTS Mary A. U. Church 81 Wild Cove Twillingate
June 13 Hillgrade Heart Failure ADAMS William U. Church 95 Hillgrade Hillgrade
June 9 Pike's Arm Tuberculosis BROWN Thomas Ch Eng 61 Pike's Arm Pike's Arm
June 27 Herring Neck Not Given WARREN Bertha Carrie June Ch Eng 6dys Herring Neck Herring Neck
Jany 22 Campbellton Stillborn THOMAS SB of George Mrs U. Church SB Campbellton Campbellton
Apr 6 Birchy Bay Pneumonia MEWS Matilda L.G. U. Church 6wks Birchy Bay Birchy Bay
May 22 Twillingate Pulmonary Tuberculosis SMALL Daisy U. Church 33 Moreton's Hr Moreton's Hr
May 28 Tizzard's Hr Paralysis BOYD Martha U. Church 76 Friday's Bay Tizzard's Hr
May 31 Virgin Arm Senility INGS James U. Church 76 Twillingate Carter's Cove
Mar 14 Western Head Not Given RIDEOUT Paul James U. Church 10dys Western Head Western Head
Mar 29 Western Head Not Given FUDGE William U. Church 1day Western Head Western Head
May 30 Little Hr Erysipelas. Septicaemia KEEFE Mrs. Samuel U. Church 50 Crow Head Little Hr
June 12 Little Hr Carcinoma of Stomach KEEFE Mrs. Thomas U. Church 74 Little Hr Little Hr
June 13 Gilesport Fracture of Femur. Uraemia COOPER Mrs. George U. Church 67 Twillingate Twillingate
June 30 Bluff Head Congenital Heart ROBERTS Everett T. U. Church 3dys Bluff Hd Twillingate
June 19 Summerford Influenza WHEELER Wilson J. S. Army 1/12 Summerford Summerford
Jan 21 Summerford Paralysis SMALL Mrs. Tryphena U. Church 76 Moreton's Hr Summerford
May 9 Summerford Heart Failure EARLE Martin U. Church 54 Twillingate Summerford
Mar 20 Summerford Paralysis ANSTEY Henry W. U. Church 84 Twillingate Summerford
July 8 Twgate Hospital Prematurity OSMOND Harry U. Church 16hrs Twillingate Moreton's Hr
Aug 9 Virgin Arm Cardiac Failure HICKS John U. Church 84 Twillingate Carter's Cove
May 28 Chanceport Stillbirth     U. Church SB Chanceport Chanceport
July 28 Crow Head Pulm. Tuberculosis SHARPE Wilfred U. Church 1 Crow Head Twillingate
Aug 13 Twillingate Hemiplegia VINEHAM Charles U. Church 75 Twillingate Twillingate
PAGE 289                
Aug 21 Twillingate Carcinoma of Colon WHEELER David U. Church 80 Twillingate Twillingate
Aug 8 Black Island Convulsions HILL Lucy Pentecostal 8dys Black Island Black Island
Apr 10 Cottrells Island Bronchitis CANNING Hooper L. Pentecostal 2/12 Cottrell's Island Cottrell's Island
May 14 Cottrells Island Convulsions RIDEOUT Zelmas L. Pentecostal 1wk Cottrell's Island Cottrell's Island
June 16 Samson's Island Convulsions BURT Bessie Pentecostal 6dys Samson's Island Samson's Island
Feb 28 Boyd's Cove Flu NEWMAN Margaret R.Cath 3/12 Boyd's Cove Boyd's Cove
June 20 Carter's Cove Not Given CONOWAY Marjorie S. Army 1/12 Carter's Cove Carter's Cove
July 2 Twillingate Pulmonary Tuberculosis FROUD Clarence J. S. Army 1 1/12 Twillingate Twillingate
July 23 Indian Cove Cardio-Renal BUTT John Charles S. Army 76 Spaniard's B. Burnt Cove
Sep 2 Campbellton Cancer SNELGROVE Mrs. Philip S. Army 66 Harry's Hr Campbellton
Aug 8 Green Cove Not Given ROSE Ralph Ch Eng 7dys Green's Cove Pike's Arm
Aug 30 Herring Neck Not Given SMART Isaac L. Ch Eng 5/12 Twillingate Herring Neck
July 18 Too Good Arm Old Age HURLEY Abraham U. Church 82 Herring Neck Too Good Arm
Oct 14 Cobb's Arm Old Age BROWN Priscilla U. Church 83 Cobb's Arm Cobb's Arm
Oct 4 Port Albert Convulsions ELLIOTT Dulcie J. U. Church 3/12 Port Albert Port Albert
Oct 23 Exploits Old Age DAWE George Ch Eng 76 Port de Grave Exploits
Oct 7 Black Island Not Given HILL Elizabeth Pentecostal 86 Black Island Black Island
Oct 2 Campbellton Carcinoma BURT Mary Pentecostal 45 Campbellton Campbellton
Dec 6 Campbellton Congenital Spinal Condition HILL Evelyn Pentecostal 5/12 Campbellton Campbellton
Dec 24 Campbellton Not Given CLARKE William F. Pentecostal 1day Campbellton Campbellton
Sep 28 Twillingate Typhoid Fever SCEVIOUR Daniel S. Army 62 Exploits Not Given
Oct 6 Campbellton Old Age SNELGROVE Philip S. Army 77 Grate's Cove Campbellton
Nov 29 Twillingate Pulm. Tuberculosis PARSONS Lydia S. Army 77 Twillingate Twillingate
Sep 30 Twgate Hospital Pul.& Abd. Tuberculosis. Puerperal Infection CONWAY Eva U. Church 28 Manuels C. Twillingate
Oct 18 Twillingate Senility. Pyelitis YOUNG Polly U. Church 84 Twillingate Twillingate
Oct 26 Crow Head Hemiplegia STOCKLEY Lucy U. Church 73 Crow Head Twillingate
Oct 26 Wild Cove Cancer of Glottis. Tuberculosis GUY John U. Church 65 Twillingate Twillingate
Nov 1 Twillingate Tuberculosis LAMBERT John N. U. Church 1 Twillingate Twillingate
Dec 6 Bridgeport Heart Failure STUCKLESS Henry A. U. Church 58 Twillingate Twillingate
Dec 19 Twillingate Neurosis JENKINS Adolphus U. Church 57 Twillingate Twillingate
Jan 13 Twillingate Congenital Heart Disease BRIDGER Bernice Ch Eng 2 Not Given Twillingate
Jan 18 Twillingate Cancer of Liver CHURCHILL Ellen Ch Eng 79 Twillingate Twillingate
July 27 Twillingate Pneumothorax from Bronchiectasis ANSTEY John Ch Eng 72 Not Given Twillingate
Aug 9 Crow Head Pulm.Tuberculosis HAMLYN George Ch Eng 72 Twillingate Twillingate
Aug 17 Twillingate Pleurisy. Senility BRIDGER Ann Ch Eng 99 Twillingate Twillingate
Aug 19 Twillingate Influenza. Senility YOUNG Elizabeth Ch Eng 84 Twillingate Twillingate
Sep 29 Twillingate Mitral Insufficiency TIZZARD Zachariah Ch Eng 70 Twillingate Twillingate
Feb 24 New Bay Old Age YATES Adolphus U. Church 88 New Bay New Bay
Nov 19 Paradise Convulsions WARFORD Marjorie U. Church 3dys Paradise Paradise
Nov 19 Paradise Convulsions WARFORD Rita M. U. Church 3dys Paradise Paradise
Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Surname Given Names Religious Denomination Age Place of Birth Place of Internment
PAGE 290                
Jan 1 Twillingate Cardio Renal ANSTEY Peter U. Church 78 Purcells Hr Little Hr
Jan 10 Twillingate Syphilis LANE Levi U. Church 48 Bon Bay Twgate
Jan 25 Twillingate Haemorrhagic Disease of Newborn PEET Robert F. U. Church 5dys Twillingate Twillingate
Feb 9 Twillingate Cholelithiosis JENKINS Emily U. Church 78 Twillingate Twillingate
Feb 27 Twillingate Cardio Renal HILLIER Joseph U. Church 84 Twillingate Twillingate
Feb 27 Wild Cove Renal Tbc. Pulm. Tbc. GUY Bennett U. Church 46 Twillingate Twillingate
Mar 11 Kettle Cove Pneumonia HICKS Llewellyn U. Church 5wks Kettle Cove Little Hr
Mar 24 Little Hr Dysentery RICE Frederick C. U. Church 1 Little Hr Little Hr
Mar 28 Manuels Cove Arteriosclerosis BURDEN Kenneth D. U. Church 60 Manuels Cove Twillingate
Jan 14 Exploits Old Age WELLS Zep� U. Church 76 Exploits Exploits
Jan 9 Twillingate Hemiplegia VATCHER Mrs. George S.Army 77 Twillingate Twillingate
Jan 11 Campbellton Cancer CURTIS Joseph S.Army 76 Virgin Arm Campbellton
Jan 14 Campbellton Pneumonia HILLIER Mrs. Annie S.Army 62 Carbonear Campbellton
Jan 25 Summerford Bronchitis JENKINS Alonzo E. S.Army 2/12 Summerford Summerford
Feb 13 Twillingate Cholelithiosis BURTON Mrs. Harriet S.Army 89 Not Given Twillingate
Feb 29 Carters Cove Not Given CURTIS Margaret Rose S.Army 9/12 Virgin Arm Carters Cove
Mar 10 Twillingate Pulm. Tuberculosis COOPER Betty Elizabeth S.Army 9/12 Kettle Cove Twillingate
Mar 16 Twillingate Cancer of Lip FROUD John William S.Army 77 Not Given Twillingate
Jan 14 Hillgrade Tuberculosis TIZZARD Eleanor E. U. Church 25 Herring Neck Hillgrade
Jan 20 Merritt's Hr Not Given CARD Samuel U. Church 71 Merritts Hr Merritts Hr
Mar 3 Merritt's Hr Not Given LANGDON Samuel U. Church 68 Merritts Hr Merritts Hr
Apr 14 Moreton's Hr Paralysis HORWOOD Tamar Anne U. Church 79 Western Hr Moreton's Hr
Feb 4 Moreton's Hr Senility CORNICK Elizabeth J. U. Church 78 Western Hr Moreton's Hr
May 18 Moreton's Hr Senility SPENCER Alice J. U. Church 87 New Bay New Bay
Sep 8 Mental Hosp Psychosis & Arteriosclerosis CLARKE John L. S.Army 78 Salvation Army, St John's Salvation Army, St John's
Mar 31 Campbellton Childbirth EVANS Mrs. Melvie U. Church 39 Campbellton Campbellton
May 4 Twillingate Hypertension FROUD Mrs. Selina S.Army 78 Not Given Twillingate
May 9 Twillingate Not Given FRAMPTON Cecilia S.Army 67 Exploits Exploits
May 14 Moreton's Hr Tuberculosis WHITE Mrs. Violet S.Army 21 Twillingate Moreton's Hr
June 20 Summerford Convulsions JENKINS Eliakim S.Army 3/12 Summerford Summerford
Apr 7 Twillingate Prostatic Hypertrophy YOUNG Daniel U. Church 61 Twillingate Twillingate
Apr 21 Twillingate Carcinoma of Gall Bladder YOUNG Rosanna U. Church 83 Twillingate Twillingate
Apr 15 Twillingate Prematurity BENNETT Ross E. U. Church 3/12 Twillingate Twillingate
May 6 Twillingate Cancer of Breast LEGGE Mrs Alfred U. Church 61 Twillingate Twillingate
May 9 Twillingate Angina Pectoris TROAKE Betsy U. Church 56 Twillingate Twillingate
May 9 Twillingate Cancer of Breast HARBIN Phoebe U. Church 51 Twillingate Twillingate
May 18 Manuels Cove Convulsions FROUDE Herbert B. U. Church 8dys Manuels Cove Twillingate
May 20 Ragged Point Cancer of Stomach WHITE Mrs. Archibald U. Church 75 Ragged Pt Twillingate
June 1 Twillingate TB Kidney & Lung BULGIN Roland U. Church 47 Twillingate Twillingate
June 30 Crow Head Coronary Arteriosclerosis SHARPE Robert U. Church 67 Crow Head Crow Head
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July 17 Cobb's Arm Pneumonia WELSH John U. Church 60 Not Given Cobbs Arm
July 9 Herring Neck Malnutrition & Debility FUDGE John U. Church   Not Given Herring Neck
Aug 16 Cobb's Arm Debility MILLS Herbert U. Church 2dys Cobbs Arm Cobbs Arm
Sep 6 Pike's Arm Debility BATH Stella U. Church 1day Pike's Arm Pike's Arm
July 8 Too Good Arm Heart Failure HURLEY Joseph U. Church 59 Too Good Arm Green Cove
May 18 Moreton's Hr Not Given SPENCER Alice J. U. Church 78 Moreton's Hr New Bay
June 6 Chanceport Tuberculosis YOUNG Bessie U. Church 21 Carters Cove Carters Cove
July 6 Bridges Cove Prematurity LAMBERT Baby U. Church 1hr Bridges Cove Carters Cove
July 16 Twgate Hosp Carcinoma Ovary EARLE Evelyn U. Church 15 Moreton's Hr Moreton's Hr
Aug 4 Trump Island Tuberculosis BOYA Gertie U. Church 49 Saltpans Tizzard's Hr
Aug 7 Tizzard's Hr Senility KEEFE Elizabeth U. Church 87 Pt. Leamington Tizzard's Hr
July 1 Twillingate Asphyxia Neonatorum NORTHCOTT Margaret U. Church 1day Twillingate Twillingate
July 19 Twillingate Chr. Nephritis PARSONS Stanley U. Church 70 Twillingate Twillingate
July 20 Twillingate Arteriosclerosis DALLEY Elias U. Church 62 Twillingate Twillingate
July 21 Twillingate Hemiplegia. Tb. Pneumonia LEGGE Alfred U. Church 60 Twillingate Twillingate
Aug 10 Twillingate Arteriosclerosis HAWKINS Walter U. Church 75 Twillingate Twillingate
Aug 21 Twillingate Pulm. Tuberculosis CONWAY Hedley G. U. Church 1 Twillingate Twillingate
Sep 2 Twillingate Bladder Obstruction WHITE Elias U. Church 58 Ragged Pt Twillingate
Sep 3 Twillingate Pneumonia GUY Frederick J. U. Church 2/12 Not Given Twillingate
Sep 20 Purcell's Hr Prematurity JEWER Wilson J. U. Church 18dys Not Given Little Hr
Aug 19 Jenkins Cove Haemorrhage SAUNDERS Thelma Dorothy Pentecostal 3dys Jenkins Cove Twillingate
Feb 27 Cottles Island Not Given RIDEOUT Everett F. Pentecostal 7dys Cottle's Island Cottle's Island
Apr 14 Twillingate Tetanus CLARKE Jonas W. S.Army 10dys Twillingate Twillingate
July 10 Twillingate Hemiplegia YATES Mrs. Eli S.Army 66 Twillingate Twillingate
Nov 5 Merritt's Hr Convulsions POWELL Shirley U. Church 8dys Merritts Hr Merritts Hr
Nov 14 Merritt's Hr Convulsions POWELL Hedley C. U. Church 8dys Merritts Hr Merritts Hr
Nov 16 Pike's Arm Convulsions STUCKEY Henry B. U. Church 10dys Pike's Arm Green Cove
Dec 21 Pike's Arm Tuberculosis DALLY Frank U. Church 38 Pike's Arm Green Cove
Dec 23 Merritt's Hr Paralysis POWELL Elizabeth U. Church 72 Merritts Hr Merritts Hr
Dec 31 Too Good Arm Pneumonia HURLEY George U. Church 64 Too Good Arm Green Cove
Nov 5 Virgin Arm Cancer of Liver WHEELER Elisha U. Church 59 Trump I. Carters Cove
Nov 14 Twgate Hosp Prematurity JONES   U. Church 2dys Not Given Bridgeport
Nov 15 Twgate Hosp Prematurity JONES   U. Church 3dys Not Given Bridgeport
Dec 14 Moreton's Hr Paralysis BENNETT George S. U. Church 84 Carbonear Moreton's Hr
Dec 21 Carters Cove Influenza DOVE Arthur U. Church 58 Twgate Carters Cove
Dec 24 Carters Cove Tuberculosis & Beriberi BURT Elisha U. Church 61 Carters Cove Carters Cove
Dec 23 Fairbank Influenza JENKINS John U. Church 65 Twgate Hillgrade
Dec 24 Fairbank Influenza ADAMS Solomon U. Church 7dys Fairbank Hillgrade
Dec 2 Twillingate Broncho Pneumonia GILES Nellie S.Army 3/12 Pilley's I. Twillingate
Dec 4 Twillingate Cancer EARLE William S.Army 33 Pt. Leamington Pt. Leamington
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Dec 7 Moreton's Hr Not Given RIDEOUT Sandy K. S.Army 3/12 Buchans Moreton's Hr
Dec 14 Carters Cove Tuberculosis BURT Lily S.Army 49 New Bay Carters Cove
Jan 7 Boyd's Cove Heart Disease KEOUGH Thomas R.Cath 69 Kings Cove Boyd's Cove
Jan 18 Boyd's Cove Unknown NEWMAN George R.Cath 2wks Boyd's Cove Boyd's Cove
June 30 Herring Neck Heart Disease JONES Selina R.Cath 69 Kings Cove Herring Neck
Aug 25 Boyd's Cove Dysentery MULLINS Mary R.Cath 9/12 Boyd's Cove Boyd's Cove
Sep 8 Boyd's Cove Not Given PEARCE Marie R.Cath 2/12 Boyd's Cove Boyd's Cove
Nov 22 Boyd's Cove Heart Disease NEWMAN Margaret R.Cath 83 Joe Batts Arm Boyd's Cove
Oct 12 Boyd's Cove Not Given PEARCE Anne R.Cath 4/12 Boyd's Cove Boyd's Cove
Jan 14 Moreton's Hr Senility TAYLOR Jane Ch Eng 75 Not Given Moreton's Hr
Apr 19 Twillingate Tb. Meningitis RIDEOUT Mabel Ch Eng 16 Twillingate Twillingate
May 21 Back Hr Chr. Otitis Media RIDEOUT George Ch Eng 78 Back Hr Twillingate
June 18 Wild Cove Carcinoma Caecum ROBERTS Mary Ch Eng 72 Bonavista Twillingate
Aug 20 Back Hr Birth Injury ANSTEY Dorcas Ch Eng 1day Back Hr Twillingate
Sep 23 Hospital Tb. Meningitis COOMBS Robert L. Ch Eng 17 Ward Hr Twillingate
Nov 11 Moreton's Hr Arthritis WALL Emily Ch Eng 77 Not Given Moreton's Hr
Oct 5 Gilliards Cove Pulm. Tuberculosis GILLIARD Mrs. Alfred U. Church 65 Gilliard Cove Twillingate
Oct 8 Twillingate Cerebral Haemorrhage GUY Mrs. Stephen U. Church 81 Twillingate Twillingate
Oct 30 Back Hr Cardio Renal Disease SIMMS Mrs. John U. Church 78 Twillingate Twillingate
Nov 11 Gilesporte 1st & 2nd degree burns LEGGE Alvin U. Church 1 Back Hr Twillingate
Nov 12 Twillingate Convulsions YOUNG Allan C. U. Church 1wk Gilesporte Twillingate
Nov 14 Twillingate Cardio-Vascular-Renal Disease YOUNG John U. Church 86 Twillingate Twillingate
Nov 23 Gilesporte Prematurity BULGIN Baby U. Church 6hrs Twillingate Twillingate
Nov 23 Gilesporte Prematurity BULGIN Baby U. Church 4hrs Gilesporte Twillingate
Dec 3 French Beach Hemiplegia JENKINS Lydia U. Church 42 Gilesporte Twillingate
Dec 6 Twillingate Pulm. Tuberculosis STUCKLESS Mrs. Joseph U. Church 46 Twillingate Twillingate
Dec 28 Twillingate Influenza STOCKLEY Lucy U. Church 87 Twillingate Twillingate
Dec 29 Twillingate Tuberculosis. Pneumonia WARREN Martha U. Church 27 Twillingate Twillingate
Nov 3 Samson's Island Not Given POTTER Pansy B. U. Church 1 Samson's Is Samson's Is
Dec 24 Exploits Cancer of Bowels FOOTE Frederick W. Ch Eng 8 2/3 Exploits Exploits
Dec 25 Bridgeport Influenza RIDEOUT Elsie C. S.Army 8 Bridgeport Bridgeport
Dec 23 Bridgeport Influenza STRYDE James H. S.Army 82 Exploits Bridgeport
Dec 28 Twillingate Scald of Foot. Pulm. Tuberculosis GILLIARD Alice S.Army 59 Not Given Twillingate
Dec 20 Twillingate Cardio-Vascular-Renal Disease DALLEY George U. Church 74 Twillingate Twillingate
Dec 25 Salt Pans Influenza ADAMS Solomon U. Church 61 Twillingate Salt ? (Damaged)
Dec 24 Fairbanks Pneumonia JENKINS John U. Church 87 Twillingate Damaged
July 6 Birchy Bay Tuberculosis QUINLAN Marjorie U. Church 34 Bonne Bay Damaged
Oct 26 Birchy Bay Tuberculosis WITCHER Maude U. Church 14 Not Given Damaged
Sep 20 Virgin Arm Convulsions JENKINS Phyllis S.Army 3/12? Twillingate Damaged
Damaged Summerford Whooping Cough TROKE Ettie S.Army 2/12? Summer?(Damaged) Damaged
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Mar 13 Herring Neck Not Given BLANDFORD Darius Ch Eng 66 Herring Neck Herring Neck
May 4 Too Good Arm Old Age RUSSELL Cecily Ch Eng 95 Bay Roberts Herring Neck
May 16 Pike's Arm Not Given WATTS Joseph Ch Eng 38 Pike's Arm Pike's Arm
Aug 12 Herring Neck Not Given GRIMES Matilda Ch Eng 47 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Oct 29 Herring Neck Not Given TORRAVILLE Benjamin Ch Eng 77 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Damaged Twillingate Ulcerative Colitis WOODFORD Pierce Ch Eng 83 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Damaged Beaverton Not Given DALLEY Elizabeth Ch Eng 73 Beaverton Beaverton
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Jan 6 Cottles Island Tuberculosis WHITE Sandy Pentecostal 18 Cottles Island Cottles Island
Mar 13 Cottles Island Tuberculosis WHITE Louisa Pentecostal 45 Twgate Cottles Island
Jan 4 Bridgeport Tuberculosis STUCKLESS Julia J. U. Church 50 Bridgeport Bridgeport
Jan 10 Virgin Arm Influenza BURT Winston U. Church 6/12 Brown's Arm Carters Cove
Jan 31 Tizzard Hr Pneumonia WELSH Janet U. Church 66 Moretons Hr Tizzards Hr
Jan 7 Michael's Hr Influenza CLANCY Sarah U. Church 72 Not Given Michaels Hr
Jan 4 Manuels Cove Epidemic Meningitis BURDON Arthur U. Church 4 3/4 Manuels Cove Twillingate
Jan 17 Twillingate Influenza RICE Edith U. Church 76 Twillingate Twillingate
Jan 28 Twillingate Fracture of Femur ROBERTS Maria U. Church 88 Twillingate Twillingate
Feb 13 Twillingate Arteriosclerosis JACOBS Ephraim U. Church 78 Twillingate Twillingate
Mar 4 Twillingate Prematurity ANSTEY Martin U. Church 1day Twillingate Twillingate
Mar 17 Twillingate Hemiplegia JENKINS Nathaniel U. Church 82 Twillingate Twillingate
Jan 1 Pike's Arm Cancer WATTS John U. Church 53 Pikes Arm Green Cove
Jan 2 Herring Neck Paralysis of Brain MILES Deborah U. Church 69 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Jan 17 Indian Cove Influenza BUTT Hiram S.C. U. Church 8dys Indian Cove Burnt Cove
Mar 3 Salt Pans Cancer SANSOME Lydia U. Church 87 Twillingate Salt Pans
Mar 29 Green Cove Convulsions RICHMOND Howard M. U. Church 8dys Green Cove Green Cove
Apr 13 Durrell's Arm Carcinoma of Cervix WHITE Mrs. Saul U. Church 56 Durrells Arm Durrells Arm
Apr 25 Kettle Cove Chr. Heart Disease WHITE Mrs. Elijah U. Church 76 Kettle Cove Little Hr
Apr 26 Cow Head Carcinoma Gall Bladder SHARPE Mrs. Samuel U. Church 63 Crow Hd Twillingate
May 2 Manuels Cove Acc. Drowning CONWAY Philip U. Church 34 Manuels Cove Twillingate
June 14 Twillingate Br. Pneumonia HARBIN Lavinia U. Church 84 Twillingate Twillingate
June 15 Black Duck Cove Carcinoma Stomach FLYNN Mrs. James U. Church 71 Black D. Cove Little Hr
June 21 Twillingate Heart Disease STOCKLEY Mrs. Gregory U. Church 85 Twillingate Twillingate
Apr 6 Virgin Arm Tb. Meningitis BURT Adolphus U. Church 53 Fairbank Carters Cove
Apr 15 Tizzard Hr Not Given BOYD Simon U. Church 67 Tizzards Hr Tizzards Hr
Apr 21 Bridge's Cove Pulm. Tuberculosis BURT Lucy U. Church 17 Bridgers Cove Chanceport
Apr 23 Western Head Meningitis RIDEOUT Aubrey U. Church 9/12 Western Head Western Head
May 1 Moreton's Hr Senility CORNICK Henry U. Church 89 Moretons Hr Moretons Hr
May 16 Western Head Arthritis RIDEOUT John A. U. Church 79 Western Head Western Head
Apr 2 Moreton's Hr Old Age RIDEOUT Lucy S. Army 80 Moretons Hr Moretons Hr
Apr 10 Twillingate Nephritis GUY Alfred S. Army 58 Not Given Twillingate
May 15 Twillingate Tuberculosis of Spine ELLIOTT Arthur S. Army 26 Bluff Hd Cove Twillingate
May 22 Cottles Island Tuberculosis RIDEOUT Mrs. Claude S. Army 32 Comfort Cove Cottles Island
Apr 21 Summerford Blood Pressure BROWN Theophilus U. Church 78 Herring Neck Summerford
May 19 Twgate Hosp. Septicaemia ANSTEY Chesley U. Church 5 Summerford Summerford
May 8 Summerford Paralysis GATES George U. Church 92 Tizzards Hr Summerford
Mar 28 Exploits Old Age LILLY Abram Ch. Eng 91 Exploits Exploits
Not Given Not Given Embolism NOSEWORTHY John Ch. Eng 55 Leading Tickles Leading Tickles
June 21 Twgate Hospital Strangulated Inguinal Hernia BARNES Joseph Ch. Eng 67 Black I. Moretons Hr
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June 1 Merritts Hr Prematurity CARD Bruce U. Church 2hrs Merrits Hr Merrits Hr
May 9 Exploits Senility SEYMOUR William U. Church 73 Exploits Exploits
July 19 Twillingate Prematurity. Pneumonia SWANKER Not Given Pentecostal 2 1/2 dys Not Given Twillingate
Aug 11 Twillingate Cerebral Haemorrhage GIDGE Joseph U. Church 78 Twillingate Twillingate
Aug 11 Twillingate Convulsions PELLEY Audrey U. Church 12dys Twillingate Twillingate
Aug 27 Crow Head Tb.Pulmonary SHARPE Jonathan U. Church 35 Crow Hd Twillingate
Sep 6 Crow Head Tb. Haemolitic Strep SHARPE Clarence U. Church 39 Crow Hd Twillingate
Sep 27 Little Hr Senility WARR Mark U. Church 98 Little Hr Little Hr
Sep 29 Little Hr Hemiplegia WARR Mrs Mark U. Church 85 Little Hr Little Hr
July 13 Exploits Heart Failure WINSOR William Ch. Eng 79 Leading Tickles Leading Tickles
July 1 Twillingate Pneumonia. Atelectasis WEIR Lily S. Army 10dys Twillingate Twillingate
Sep 4 Moreton's Hr Convulsions RIDEOUT Augustus S. Army 2/12 Whales Gulch Whales Gulch
Sep 19 Summerford Convulsions BARNES Delilah S. Army 7wks Summerford Summerford
May 4 Birchy Bay Convulsions PRIMMER Mary Jane Pentecostal 3/12 Birchy Bay Birchy Bay
June 4 Campbellton Congenital Tumor WAREHAM Wilson Pentecostal 1/12 Campbellton Campbellton
June 28 Campbellton Tuberculosis CALLAHAN Hazel Pentecostal 17 Campbellton Campbellton
July 9 Samsons Island Tuberculosis FLIGHT Flora Pentecostal 31 Samsons Island Samsons Island
July 28 Samsons Island Tuberculosis POTTER Meta M. Pentecostal 28 Samsons Island Samsons Island
July 27 Campbellton Whooping Cough BURT Eileen Pentecostal 6 Campbellton Campbellton
Sep 10 Campbellton Tuberculosis HILLIER Maggie Pentecostal 26 Campbellton Campbellton
Aug 31 Exploits Old Age MANUEL Dorcas U. Church 80 Exploits Exploits
July 31 Exploits Old Age WELLS Amelia U. Church 77 Exploits Exploits
Oct 5 Twillingate Cerebral Thrombosis MITCHELL Emily U. Church 92 Twillingate Twillingate
Oct 6 Twillingate Whooping Cough STUCKLESS Harold U. Church 8/12 Twillingate Twillingate
Oct 7 Little Hr Arteriosclerosis RICE Priscilla U. Church 80 Little Hr Little Hr
Oct 8 Durrell's Arm Whooping Cough JENKINS Sylvia M. U. Church 10/12 Durrells Arm Durrells Arm
Oct 8 Twillingate Exstrophy of Bladder BOONE Eleanor F. U. Church 4/12 Twillingate Twillingate
Oct 7 Twillingate Ac. Heart Failure STUCKLESS Arthur U. Church 52 Twillingate Twillingate
Oct 20 Twillingate Pulm. Tuberculosis PINSENT Stella U. Church 56 Springdale Twillingate
Oct 29 Little Hr Pertussis RICE Ernest R. U. Church 11/12 Little Hr Little Hr
Oct 29 Twillingate Pertussis STUCKLESS Ernest L. U. Church 1 1/2 Twillingate Twillingate
Nov 4 Twillingate Whooping Cough HORWOOD Hubert W. U. Church 1/12 Twillingate Twillingate
Nov 17 Twillingate Hypertension YOUNG Ellen U. Church 83 Twillingate Twillingate
Nov 18 Twillingate Whooping Cough FROUDE Lloyd G. U. Church 3/12 Manuels Cove Twillingate
Nov 28 Twillingate Whooping Cough DALLEY Rennie Cavell U. Church 6/12 Durrells Arm Durrells Arm
Dec 1 Twillingate Birth Trauma. Cerebral Haem. HOFF Lucy D. U. Church 3dys Not Given Twillingate
Dec 3 Gilesporte Heart Disease WHEATLEY Lucy U. Church 79 Gilesporte Durrells Arm
Dec 1 Gilesporte Arteriosclerosis POND Pearce U. Church 67 Gilesporte Durrells Arm
Dec 8 Twillingate Arteriosclerosis BUTCHER John U. Church 64 Twillingate Twillingate
Dec 1 Black Island Whooping Cough HARRIS Rose U. Church 1 1/2 Black Island Black Island
PAGE 298                
Nov 28 Cottles Island Meningitis RIDEOUT Wilfred S. Army 3 Cottles Island Cottles Island
Nov 29 Twillingate Pneumonia JONES Ruby Gladys S. Army 2 1/2 Western Head Moretons Hr
Nov 30 Virgin Arm Measles BURT Vina D. S. Army 11/12 Virgin Arm Carters Cove
July 21 Exploits Paralysis WELLS Amelia A. U. Church 77 Moretons Hr Exploits
Oct 20 Virgin Arm Whooping Cough. Measles INGS Elmore U. Church 4 Virgin Arm Carters Cove
Oct 23 Bridges Cove Senility BURT Esau U. Church 78 Tizzards Hr Chanceport
Nov 2 Trump Island Whooping Cough KEITH Mildred M. U. Church 1 1/2 Twillingate Trump Island
Dec 20 Carters Cove Not Given BURT Elizabeth U. Church 35 Boyds Cove Carters Cove
July 20 Hillgrade Heart Disease INGS Lydia U. Church 69 Hillgrade Hillgrade
July 24 Herring Neck Pneumonia MILES Henry U. Church 84 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Sep 10 Fairbank Convulsions GILLARD Winston U. Church 5dys Fairbank Fairbank
Sep 21 Herring Neck Heart Disease BLANDFORD Dorcas U. Church 80 Little Hr Herring Neck
Jan 28 Twillingate Influenza VATCHER Lucy Ch. Eng 74 Not Given Twillingate
Jan 31 Twillingate Pulm. Haemorrhage. Influenza HODDER Susanna Ch. Eng 68 Twillingate Twillingate
Feb 7 Twillingate Hemiplegia SPENCER Henry Ch. Eng 77 Twillingate Twillingate
Apr 30 Twillingate Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease SIMMS Robert Ch. Eng 79 Twillingate Twillingate
June 2 Twillingate Tb. Meningitis HARNETT Jean Ch. Eng 19 Twillingate Twillingate
June 24 Twillingate Hypertension COLBOURNE Amelia Ch. Eng 65 Twillingate Twillingate
Oct 8 Twillingate Renal Disease PERCY William S. Ch. Eng 71 Brigus Twillingate
Sep 15 Twillingate Heart Disease MARSH William Ch. Eng 56 Not Given Twillingate
Nov 11 Twillingate Convulsions VATCHER Clarice Ch. Eng 2wks Not Given Twillingate
Dec 6 Crow Head Carcinoma of Stomach SHARPE Josiah Ch. Eng 61 Not Given Twillingate
Dec 22 Twillingate Multiple Lung Abscess GILLINGHAM Dorothy Ch. Eng 25 Gander Bay Twillingate
Dec 17 Birchy Bay Convulsions QUINLAN Maud Pentecostal 1/12 Birchy Bay Birchy Bay
Dec 19 Birchy Bay Convulsions WITCHER Melvin G. Pentecostal 3wks Birchy Bay Birchy Bay
Nov 5 Twillingate Whooping Cough.Pneumonia WEIR Edna Louise S. Army 4/12 Twillingate Twillingate
Nov 20 Twillingate Arteriosclerosis STUCKEY Mrs. Titus S. Army 77 Twillingate Twillingate
Nov 29 Twillingate Hosp Whooping Cough JONES Gladys S. Army 2 1/2 Not Given Twillingate
Nov 29 Herring Neck Tuberculosis. Heart Disease WARREN Lucy J. S. Army 74 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Dec 12 Bridgeport Not Given BRENTON Edward S. Army 70 Comfort Cove Bridgeport
Feb 15 Herring Neck Pneumonia ATKINS Jean R.Cath 6/12 Herring Neck Herring Neck
May 16 Boyds Cove Tuberculosis MARTIN Leo R.Cath Not Given Boyds Cove Boyds Cove
Dec 4 Boyds Cove Measles PEARCE Bridget R.Cath 1 1/2 Boyds Cove Boyds Cove
Oct 3 Fairbank Whooping Cough GILLARD Joyce Helen U. Church 11/12 Fairbanks Hillgrade
Oct 9 Merritts Hr Heart Disease LEE John U. Church 74 Twillingate Merrits Hr
Oct 14 Herring Neck Tuberculosis RICHMOND Randolph U. Church 34 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Nov 21 Herring Neck Drowning MILES Isaac U. Church 69 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Dec 20 Cobbs Arm Pneumonia LODER Edith U. Church 3 Cobbs Arm Cobbs Arm
Dec 22 Fairbank Heart Disease COOPER Archibald U. Church 75 Fairbank Hillgrade
Nov 6 Twillingate Arteriosclerosis RIDEOUT Elizabeth Pentecostal 84 Twillingate Twillingate
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Dec 16 Birchy Bay Not Given OSMOND Basil U. Church 89 1/2 Barr'd Island Birchy Cove
Feb 9 Herring Neck Not Given HUSSEY Abigail Ch. Eng 66 Herring Neck Herring Neck
June 28 Herring Neck Not Given WARREN Cecil Ch. Eng 3 1/2 Herring Neck Herring Neck
July 7 Herring Neck Not Given REDDICK Grace F. B. Ch. Eng 1/12 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Sep 1 Beaverton Not Given BARCOTT Bertha Ch. Eng 24 Not Given Beaverton
Nov 13 Pike's Arm Not Given CUTLER Frances M. Ch. Eng 3/12 Pikes Arm Pikes Arm
Sep 5 Too Good Arm Not Given HURLEY Louise Ch. Eng 82 Not Given Herring Neck
Dec 11 Pike's Arm Not Given GILLETT Dorothy Jean Ch. Eng 4/12 Pikes Arm Pikes Arm
Oct 28 Boyds Cove Not Given NEWMAN Aquilla Not Given 71 Boyds Cove Boyds Cove
Nov 17 Boyds Cove Not Given FREAKE Ambrose Not Given 75 Not Given Boyds Cove
Dec 5 Boyds Cove Not Given FREAKE Lucy Not Given 14 Boyds Cove Boyds Cove

Transcribed by: Gordon Bennett (2013)

Page Last Modified: Friday September 20, 2013 (Don Tate)

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