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Vital Records
Register of Deaths

Twillingate District
1934 - 1935

Book 12
PAGES 323 - 331 & 335 - 346

SOURCE: LDS Microfilm Reels

Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Surname Given Names Sex Religious Denomination Age Place of Birth Place of Internment
PAGE 323,1934                  
Feby 15 Poor Asylum Phthisis Pulmonalis BROWN Edith F UC 26 Twillingate Genl Protestnt
Mar. 20 Poor Asylum Cellulitis Leg BARNES Jane F C of E 72 Twillingate Ch of Eng
Jany 01 Paddicks Bight Malnutrition HEWLETT Albert M M UC 4 Mos Paddocks Bight Paddocks Bight
Mar. 03 Wellmans Cove Old Age FUDGE Mrs Isaac F UC 68 Fogo Millmans Cove
Mar. 09 Port Anson Paralysis BURTON Lemuel M UC 63 Long Isld N.D.B. Port Anson
Mar. 16 Shoal Arm Meningitis FOLKS Garland E M UC 13 Mos Shoal Arm Little Bay
Jan. 21 Rattling Brook Old Age DAWE Jonathan M UC 84 Yrs Bay Roberts Rattling Brook
Feby 07 Rattling Brook Paralysis ROUSELL(?) Solomon M UC 70 No Entry Rattling Brook
Jany 02 Lewisporte Pneumonia SIMMONS Emma F UC 85 Herring Neck Lewisporte
Jany 24 Lewisporte Convulsions BROWN Harold Raymond M UC 3 Mos Boyds Cove Lewisporte
Feby 27 Pt Leamington Cancer COOPER Edward M Pentecostal 76 Twillingate Pt Leamington
Jany 17 Durrells Lobar Pneumonia TROAKE Stella May F UC 2 Yrs Durrells Durrells
Jany 22 Harts Cove Asthma BURTON Eli M UC 83 Harts Cove Durrells
Jany 26 Purcells Harbour Cardio Renal EVELEIGH John M UC 90 Purcells Hr. Little Hr.
Feby 16 Durrells Heart Failure MINTY Samuel M UC 80 Durrells Durrells
Feby 16 Wild Cove Uraemia ROBERTS James M UC 80 Wild Cove Twillingate N
Feby 21 Bluff Hd Cove Hernia BROWN Manuel M UC 63 Bluff Hd Cove Twillingate S
Feby 19 Manuels Cove Cerebral Accident BOURDON Elizabeth F UC 85 Manuels Cove Twillingate S
Feby 28 Durrells T.B. Meningitis BLAKE Joyce F UC 08 Durrells Durrells
Mar. 19 Harts Cove Heart Failure BURTON Lydia F UC 78 Twillingate Durrells
Mar. 29 Twillingate Apoplexy YOUNG Obadiah M UC 79 Twillingate Twillingate S
Feby 08 Point aux Bay Malnutrition PECKFORD Bernard Maxwell M UC 4 Dys Pt aux Bay Philips Head
Jany 05 Grand Falls Premature Birth MERCER Nellie F Anglican 5 Dys Grand Falls Grand Falls
Jany 28 Grand Falls Premature Birth TILLEY Clarence John M Anglican 1 Dy Grand Falls Grand Falls
Feby 19 Grand Falls Acute Mania DAVIS Walter M Anglican 52 St Johns Grand Falls
Feby 28 Grand Falls S.B. ROCKWOOD Baby M Anglican SB Grand Falls Grand Falls
Mar. 08 Grand Falls S.B. JERRETT Baby M Anglican SB Grand Falls Grand Falls
Jany 19 Cottles Isld No Entry WHITE Pansy M F UC 10 Mos Cottles Isld Cottles Isld
Feby 02 Summerford No Entry PELLEY Louisa M F UC 21 Dys Summerford Summerford
Jany 31 Birchy Cove Meningitis BLAKE Arthur S M UC 24 Birchy Bay Birchy Bay
Mar. 23 Campbelton Heart Disease CLARKE Samuel M UC 70 Twillingate Campbelton
Jany 16 Cobbs Arm Meningitis WOOD Hilda F UC 9 Yrs Cobbs Arm Cobbs Arm
Mar. 20 Cobbs Arm Diseased Lungs LODER Claude M UC 21 Cobbs Arm Cobbs Arm
Jany 20 Twillingate Premature Birth LOCKE Hector G M UC 2 Dys Twillingate Tizzards Hr
Jany 26 Twillingate Premature Birth LOCKE Arthur O? M UC 8 Dys Twillingate Tizzards Hr
Mar. 21 Tizzards Hr Premature Birth BOYD Sidney J M UC 3 Dys Tizzards Hr. Tizzards Hr
Feby 12 Durrells Arm Gastric Cancer FLYNN John M C of E 78 Twillingate Twillingate S
Feby 18 Back Hr Heart Failure RIDEOUT Martin M C of E 42 Twillingate Twillingate N
Feby 24 Back Hr Hemiplegia ANSTEY Robert M C of E 68 Twillingate Twillingate N
Mar. 01 Grand Falls Tuberculosis JACKMAN Joseph M RC 38 Bonne Bay Grand Falls
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Mar. 08 Grand Falls Tuberculosis MURPHY Winnifred F RC 28 Sound Isld Grand Falls
Mar. 16 Grand Falls Cancer MCLOUGHLIN Cecelia F RC 50 Tilting Grand Falls
Apl 26 Genl Hosp. Brights Disease WITT William M UC 68 Roberts Arm Gel Protestnt
Jany 18 Northern Arm S Ceb. Haemorrhage NOSEWORTHY William M UC 66 Griguet Botwood
Jany 20 Botwood Scalds POPE Benjamin M UC 17 Mos Botwood Botwood
Feby 16 Botwood T.B. of Kidneys NORMORE Nelson M UC 28 Botwood Botwood
Feby 15 Northern Arm N Pulm. T.B. BALL ?lmon Clayton M UC 25 1/2 North Arm N North Arm N
Mar. 09 Grand Falls Cellulitis of Face CURNEW Enos M UC 28 North Arm N North Arm N
Mar. 17 Botwood Tumor of Brain FITZGERALD Ruth V F UC 19 Botwood Botwood
Jany 08 Smiths Hr Old Age NOBLE Thomas M UC 83 Smiths Hr Smiths Hr
Jany 12 Middle Arm Diphtheria SQUIRES Hayward J M UC 10 Dys Middle Arm Middle Arm
Jany 30 Nippers Hr Old Age HOWSE Mrs R E F UC 75 Burlington Nippers Hr
Feby 02 Middle Arm Accidental Fall GILES Ronald M UC 14 Yrs Middle Arm Middle Arm
Feby 05 Middle Arm Diphtheria NOSEWORTHY Warwick J M UC 3 Wks Middle Arm Middle Arm
Mar. 07 Harrys Hr. Old Age ENGLAND Harriet F UC 81 Harrys Hr Harrys Hr
Jany 05 Twillingate Gastric Cancer BARNES John M SA 82 Twillingate Twillingate
Jany 07 Stanhope No Entry WELLS Mary Jane F SA 55 No Entry Stanhope
Jany 09 Kings Pt No Entry BOWERS Thomas M SA 67 Ind. Burying Place Kings Pt
Jany 14 Exploits Tumour PICKFORD Anna Mary F SA 77 Horwood Exploits
Jany 19 Kings Pt No Entry TUCKER Garland M SA 3 Yrs Kings Pt Kings Pt
Jany 26 Campbelton No Entry CHIPPETT Joseph D G M SA 6 Mos Campbelton Campbelton
Feby 03 Corner Brook Endocarditis SNOW David G M SA 39 Campbelton Howley
Feby 03 Comfort Cove Internal Trouble BROWN Martha F SA 78 Sops Isld Comfort Cove
Feby 04 Triton Convulsions FUDGE Leonard H M SA 2 Dys Triton Triton
Feby 06 Carters Cove Tuberculosis BURT Mina Leona F SA 21 Carters Cove Carters Cove
Feby 12 Paradise Sound No Entry ROLFE Audrey F SA 4 Yrs Paradise Paradise
Feby 14 Little Bay Islds Tuberculosis HULL Carl M SA 19 Little Bay Islds Little Bay Islds
Feby 14 Pilleys Isld Internal Trouble WINSOR Gertie F SA 36 Ind. Burying Place Triton
Feby 22 Grand Falls Accident WINSOR Bertran M SA 35 Triton Triton
Feby 22 Beaumont S Paralysis RIDEOUT Elizabeth A F SA 66 Stagg Isld Long Isld
Mar. 04 Twillingate Heart Disease SHARPE Victor M SA 18 Crow Hd Twillingate
Mar. 09 Triton Paralysis COOPER Susannah F SA 59 Triton Triton
Mar. 21 Triton No Entry TUCKER Maxwell P M SA 6 Dys Triton Triton
Mar. 25 Rattling Brook Inflamation BRINTON Maisie G F SA 1 Mo Rattling Brook Peters Arm
Apl 29 263 South Side Myocarditis LEMEE Michael M RC 76 Hr Grace Grand Falls
Apl 21 Poor Asylum Myocarditis STEELE Moses M UC 66 Musgrave Hr. Genl Protestnt
Jany 27 Bishops Falls Tuberculosis WAREHAM Cecil M Pentecostal 27 Kingwell P.B. Bishops Falls
May 04 277 Duckworth St Sarcoma of Maxilla MITCHELL William M UC 64 Shoe Cove T'gate Genl Protestnt
May 10 Mental Hosp. Toxaemia Ac. Delirium BUDGELL Jessie F UC 40 Norris Arm Norris Arm
Feby 04 Burnt Cove Scarlet Fever BRETT Maxwell S L M UC 9 Burnt Cove Burnt Cove
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Feby 27 Twillingate No Entry FREAKE Allan M C of E 25 Boyds Cove Boyds Cove
Mar. 24 Herring Neck Pneumonia HOLWELL Joyce F C of E 15 7/12 Herring Neck Herring Neck
May 21 Mental Hosp. Epilepsy JENNINGS Simon M SA 45 Moretons Hr. S.A. Cem'y St John's
Feby 28 Grand Falls Intercranial Haemorrhage BUDGELL Harold M UC 5 Dys Grand Falls Grand Falls
Mar. 19 Millertown Jc'tn Pulm. T.B. STUCKLESS Beatrice F UC 36 No Entry Grand Falls
Mar. 29 Grand Falls Intussusception of Ileum FORSEY Frederick S M UC 15 St Johns Grand Falls
Jany 27 Coffee Cove Childbirth POWER Bridget F RC 22 Little Bay Little Bay
May 04 Too Good Arm Cancer KEARLEY Rosanna F UC 49 Green Cove Green Cove
Feby 18 Round Hr. Pneumonia FOSS Evelyn J F C of E 2 Yrs Kings Pt Round Hr
Jany 29 Nippers Hr. Meningitis DOLLAND Ivan M C of E 2 Yrs Round Hr Nippers Hr
Jany 21 Leading Tickles Heart Disease ROUSELL Mary F C of E 76 Leading Tickles Leading Tickles
Feby 09 Leading Tickles Tuberculosis MARSH Tryphena B F C of E 17 Winter House Cove Leading Tickles
Feby 25 Leading Tickles Tuberculosis PEDDLE Mary Anne F C of E 43 Leading Tickles Leading Tickles
Apl 02 Leading Tickles Beri-Beri HANNAM Elijah M C of E 40 Leading Tickles Leading Tickles
Apl 18 Leading Tickles Tuberculosis PARSONS John M C of E 41 Leading Tickles Leading Tickles
June 01 Grand Falls Convulsions LANE Clarence Roy M Pentecostal 10 Mos Grand Falls Stn. Grand Falls Station
Mar. 21 Botwood Cancer ELLIOTT Eva F Pentecostal 48 Green Bay Botwood
Mar. 22 Laurenceton No Entry MILLEY Lewis Gordon M Pentecostal 10 Mos Laurenceton Laurenceton
Apl 22 Laurenceton No Entry NO ENTRY Susan Gertrude F Pentecostal 11 Mos Laurenceton Laurenceton
June 29 General Hosp. Diabetes HOULIHAN Patrick M RC 70 No Entry Grand Falls
Apl 13 Twillingate Angina Pectoris CHURCHILL Isaac M UC 78 Gilesporte Durrells
Apl 14 Twillingate Carcinoma of Maxilla PELLEY Thomas M UC 67 Twillingate Durrells
Apl 19 Twillingate Breech-Weakling POND Donald R M UC 10 Wks? Twillingate Durrells
May 19 Twillingate Senility MOORES Elizabeth F UC 83 Twillingate Durrells
May 22 Ragged Point Uraemia LEGGE Elizabeth F UC 79 Twillingate Durrells
May 26 Twillingate Pulmonary T.B. JENKINS Wm. John M UC 26 Twillingate Durrells
June 07 Twillingate Shock FIEFIELD John M UC 67 Twillingate Twillingate N
June 05 Back Hr. Senile Dementia SPENCER Mrs Reuben F UC 82 Twillingate Twillingate N
June 28 Manuels Cove Haemophthisis BOWDON Pearce M UC 49 Twillingate Pt Leamington
Jany 10 Pt Leamington T.B. STUCKLESS Gordon H M UC 18 Pt Leamington Pt Leamington
Jany 01 Pt Leamington Convulsions ROUSELL George Wallace M UC 5 Pt Leamington Pt Leamington
May 20 Pt Leamington Senility PERCY Sarah F UC 76 Pt Leamington Pt Leamington
Apl 16 Pt Leamington Convulsions ANDREWS Walter James M UC 3 1/2 Mos Pt Leamington Pt Leamington
May 14 Pt Leamington Heart Failure WOODWARD Mary F UC N/E Pt Leamington Pt Leamington
June 02 Port Albert T.B. DAY Dulcie F UC 21 Pt Leamington Port Albert
May 20 Horwood No Entry HART Mrs Jim? F UC 56 No Entry Horwood
May 22 Indian Islds Prematurity HODDINOTT Florence B F UC 2 Dys Indian Islds Indian Islds
June 15 Indian Islds Old Age PERRY Jesse M UC 76 Indian Islds Indian Islds
Mar. 22 Badger T.B. FOSTER Maisie Belle F UC 28 Greens Hr. Badger
May 26 Badger Paralysis FOSTER George Albert M UC 56 Shoe Cove Badger
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Apl 10 Gander Bay Myocarditis ROWLAND Charles S M C of E 77 No Entry Twillingate
Mar. 03 Birchy Cove No Entry OSMOND Pearl F UC 10 Dys Birchy Cove Birchy Cove
Apl 20 Grand Falls Carbuncle & Septic Pneumonia BLATTMAN Edwin Albert M Lutheran 36 Boston USA Grand Falls
Apl 19 Carters Cove No Entry BURT Wallace M UC 2 Dys Carters Cove Carters Cove
July 10 Infirmary Cancer of Stomach GILLINGHAM Samuel M C of E 53 Kings Pt C of E Cem'y, City
May 09 Boyds Cove No Entry FREAKE Alan Frederick M C of E 1 Dy Boyds Cove Boyds Cove
Apl 29 Campbelton Convulsions PERRY Violet O.D. F Pentecostal 2 Dys Campbelton Campbelton
May 21 Springdale Tuberculosis YOUNG Wavey F Pentecostal 8 Yrs Wards Hr Springdale
May 23 Springdale Old Age SAUNDERS Ruth F SA 98 Shoe Cove Springdale
June 18 Twillingate Tuberculosis PAUL Mrs Andrew F Adventist 39 Pt Leamington Pt Leamington
June 17 Pt Leamington T.B. of Brain PAUL Violet F Adventist 6 Yrs Pt Leamington No Entry
Mar. 28 Summerford Tuberculosis TROKE Hettie F SA 45 Summerford Summerford
Apl 04 Lewisporte Heart Failure FRAMPTON William S M SA 79 Exploits Lewisporte
Apl 10 Springdale No Entry AUSTIN Evelyn F SA 7 Mos Springdale Springdale
Apl 13 Carters Cove Pneumonia RIDEOUT Pauline M F SA 9 Mos Carters Cove Carters Cove
Apl 19 Summerford No Entry WHEELER Francis S M SA 2 Mos Summerford Summerford
Apl 20 Western Hd Tuberculosis RIDEOUT Mrs Obadiah? F SA 34 Moretons Hr. Moretons Hr.
Apl 20 Bridgeport No Entry JONES Madeline C F SA 13 Dys Bridgeport Bridgeport
Apl 21 Durrells Arm Pulm. T.B. ADAMS Alma F SA 23 Twillingate Twillingate
May 01 Campbelton No Entry JOHNSON Beatrice F SA 44 No Entry Campbelton
May 01 Little Bay Islds Tuberculosis TUCKER Maxwell M SA 20 Little Bay Islds Little Bay Islds
May 04 Pt Leamington No Entry RICE Leander S G M SA 2 Mos Pt Leamington Pt Leamington
May 06 Little Bay Islds No Entry MITCHELL George M SA 77 Little Bay Islds Little Bay Islds
May 07 Newstead Malnutrition HARVEY Irene C A F SA 1 Yr Newstead Comfort Cove
June 02 Pt Leamington Meningitis RONSELL? Lucy V F SA 18 1/2 Pt Leamington Pt Leamington
June 08 Triton No Entry VINCENT Hubert R M SA 4 Mos Triton Triton
June 09 Northern Hr L.B.I. Brain Fever ROBERTS Gordon D M SA 8 Mos Northern Hr. Little Bay Islds
June 17 Haywards Cove Tuberculosis BARTLETT Mrs Hardy? F SA 22 Haywards Cove Moretons Hr.
June 20 Campbelton Inflamation SIMMONS Olwred(?) Wm. M SA 4 Dys Campbelton Campbelton
June 23 Triton No Entry BUDGELL Bernard H M SA 6 Mos Triton Triton
June 24 S/S Kyle Enteric Fever RIDEOUT Ambrose M SA 67 Western Hd. Cottles Isld
June 21 Jacksons Cove Inflamation of Bowels BOWERS Jedidiah Martha F Pentecostal 57 Jacksons Cove Silverdale
June 04 Bishops Falls S.B. HARNUM Baby M Pentecostal SB Bishops Falls Bishops Falls
June 04 Bishops Falls S.B. HARNUM Baby F Pentecostal SB Bishops Falls Bishops Falls
June 11 Grand Falls Heart Failure KENNEDY Catherine F RC 69 Greenspond Grand Falls
June 17 Grand Falls Cancer BLACKMORE Margaret F RC 69 Tilting Grand Falls
June 18 Grand Falls Convulsions FLOOD Edward M RC 3 Mos Grand Falls Grand Falls
June 29 Twillingate Tuberculosis STONE Dulcie May(?) F UC 19 Little Bay Islds Little Bay Islds
Apl 11 Peters Arm Broncho Pneumonia BLAKE Robert L M UC 1 11/12 (Page Torn) Botwood
Apl 13 Northern Arm N Anaemia LANG?? (Page torn) ?dna (Page torn) F UC 14 (Page Torn) Northern Arm N
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Feby 15 Little Bay Islds Tuberculosis HULL Hubert C M UC 19 8/12 Little Bay Islds Little Bay Islds
May 24 St Anthony Meningitis BINGLE Henry James M UC 55 Little Bay Islds Little Bay Islds
Mar. 23 Wellmans Cove Ricketts COLES Phyllis F UC 10 Mos Wellmans Cove Wellmans Cove
June 08 Wellmans Cove No Entry COLES Molly F UC 4 Dys Wellmans Cove Wellmans Cove
Feby 02 Fortune Hr. Shock - Burning GILLEPSIE Alan M RC 11 Yrs Fortune Hr Fortune Hr
July 31 Beaumont No Entry BURTON Nathaniel M UC 1 Min Beaumont Beaumont
Aug. 13 Little Bay Islds Septic Poisoning Inflamation of Bladder WISEMAN Job M UC 70 Wild Bight Little Bay Islds
Aug. 21 Little Bay Islds Pyloric Stenosis & other D. of Stomach TUCKER Selby Llewelyn M UC 3 Mos Little Bay Islds Little Bay Islds
Sep. 03 Beaumont Pulm. T.B. BURTON John Thomas M UC 46 Beaumont Beaumont
July 03 Fortune Hr. Angina Pectoris BYRNE Catherine F RC 58 Leading Tickles Fortune Hr
May 05 Fortune Hr. Convulsions QUIRK James M RC 2 Mos Fortune Hr Fortune Hr
June 29 Laurenceton No Entry NO ENTRY No Entry N/E No Entry N/E No Entry No Entry
June 29 Laurenceton No Entry NO ENTRY No Entry N/E No Entry N/E No Entry No Entry
July 25 New Hr. Convulsions MILLER** John (OFF) M UC 2 Mos New Hr. New Hr.
July 31 Burnt Arm Tuberculosis CLENCH Thomas M UC 48 Change Islds Burnt Arm
Sep. 13 Norris Arm Malnutrition HALLETT Wilfred F M UC 72 Dys Norris Arm Norris Arm
June 28 Manuels Cove Haemophthisis T.B. BOWDON Pierce M UC 42 Manuels Cove Twillingate
July 21 Twillingate Convulsions BLAKE Marjory F UC 2 1/2 Twillingate Twillingate
Aug. 11 Crow Hd. Senility DOVE Mrs Anne F UC 90 2/3 Crow Hd Twillingate
Aug. 22 Gilisporte T.B. Hip COOPER Phillip M UC 59 Gilesporte Twillingate
Sep. 01 Smooth Cove Senility STUCKLESS David M UC 93 Little Hr Little Harbor
Sep. 06 Durrells Uraemia & other D. of Cir. System WEIR Frank M UC 86 Durrells Twillingate
Sep. 06 Twillingate Oedema SCOTT Mrs Annie F UC 72 Twillingate Twillingate
Sep. 16 Twillingate Senility FIFIELD Esther F UC 83 Twillingate Twillingate
July 04 Grand Falls Stn Convulsions BORDEN Chesley R M Pentecostal 1 Mo Grand Falls Stn Grand Falls Stn
Sep. 22 Grand Falls Stn T.B. Enteritis JANES Mrs Isabella F Pentecostal 78 Twillingate Grand Falls Stn
Sep. 08 Springdale Cold WILLIAMS Violet F Pentecostal 8 Mos Springdale Springdale
Oct. 23 Manfields Pt Diphtheria STUDLEY Watson M UC 6 Mansfield Pt Mansfield Pt
Sep. 01 Shoal Arm Old Age SIMMS Emily F UC 83 Shoal Arm Shoal Arm
Mar. 16 Shoal Arm Convulsions GULKES(?) Garland M UC 12 Mos Shoal Arm Shoal Arm
Aug. 13 Springdale Cancer ABEL -> Smith M UC 60 Twillingate Springdale
Sep. 17 Springdale Heart Failure PETERS Lucy F UC 67 Twillingate Springdale
June 20 Too Good Arm T.B. HURLEY Philip M UC 26 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Sep. 01 Herring Neck Parlysis? BLANDFORD Daniel M UC 76 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Aug. 24 Herring Neck Cancer WOODFORD Albert M C of E 76 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Aug. 29 Herring Neck Cardiac Failure FARTHING Joseph M C of E 56 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Sep. 15 Herring Neck Old Age ATKINSON Lydia F C of E 81 Herring Neck Herring Neck
July 07 Twillingate S Arterio Sclerosis YOUNG Arthur M C of E 62 Twillingate Twillingate
??g. 06 N. ? Hr. Lab. No Entry ?AYLOR John M C of E 58 Moretons Hr. Moretons Hr.
(Page torn) Durrells Arm Sen???? (Page Torn) (PAGE TORN) Eliza F C of E ?8 Twillingate Twillingate
Note: Bottom of page torn in places. ** MILLER John, marked as off.
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Sep. 22 Twillingate Senility BRIDGER John M C of E 93 Twillingate Twillingate
July 26 Moretons Hr. No Entry TAYLOR Elizabeth Daisy F C of E 5 Dys Moretons Hr. Moreton's Hr.
Sep. 09 Heads Harbor Jaundice & Growth in Stomach FUDGE Robert M UC 68 New World Isld Heads Hr.
Sep. 23 Cottells Isld Inflamation RIDEOUT Nelson M Pentecostal 4 Yrs Cottrells Isld Cottrells Isld
Sep. 27 Cottells Isld Inflamation RIDEOUT Clarice M F Pentecostal 4 Mos Cottrells Isld Cottrells Isld
July 14 Lewisporte Ricketts DOWNTON Lloyd M S.Army 3 Yrs Lewisporte Lewisporte
Aug. 21 Lewisporte T.B. ANSTEY Eva F UC 20 Lewisporte Lewisporte
Apl 06 Rogues Hr Heart Failure GILES Mrs David F UC 52 Burlington Rogue Hr
Aug. 01 Indian Burying Place Drowning GILES William M UC 12 Bobbs Cove Ind. Burying Place
July 04 Springdale Old Age SQUIRES Selina F SA 95 Twillingate Springdale
July 21 Grand Falls Genl Debility FOLLETT Susan F SA 88 Burin Grand Falls
July 25 Triton Bowel Trouble WINSOR Leonard Rex M SA 9 Mos Triton Triton
Aug. 09 Brighton Bowel & Kidney Trouble FUDGE Abraham A C M SA 2 Yrs Brighton Brighton
Aug. 19 Cards Hr Triton Convulsions HEATH Lloyd M SA 1 Dy Cards Hr. Cards Hr.
Aug. 23 Comfort Cove Child-Birth WATKINS Thurza F SA 19 Newstead Comfort Cove
Aug. 30 Little Bards Hr. No Entry JESSIE Dicks F SA 20 1/2 Little Wards Hr. Little Wards Hr.
Sep. 03 Bluff Hd. Cove T'gate Carcinoma of Lung STUCKLESS Jonathan M SA 64 No Entry No Entry
Sep. 06 Twillingate Abscess of Bladder FLYNN Mark M SA 22 Musgrave Hr. Musgrave Hr.
Sep. 22 Newstead Old Age BRINTON Fannie F SA 90 No Entry Comfort Cove
May 13 Botwood Dropsy ALCOCK Evelyn Mary F UC 32 Leading Tickles Botwood
July 01 Twillingate Pneumonitis GILL Leslie M UC 26 Botwood Botwood
July 18 Botwood Heart Trouble GILL Peter M UC 65 Indian Point Indian Point
July 27 Botwood Senile Decay INDER Catherine F UC 86 Twillingate Botwood
July 31 Botwood Meningitis GILL Onie(?) M UC 12 Botwood Botwood
June 11 Grand Falls Cancer KENNEDY Catherine F RC 69 Greenspond Grand Falls
June 18 Grand Falls Convulsions FLOOD Edward M RC 3 Mos Grand Falls Grand Falls
June 17 Grand Falls Cancer BLACKMORE Margaret F RC 69 Tilting Grand Falls
June 29 St Johns Diabetes HOULAHAN Patrick M RC 72 Argentia Grand Falls
July 21 Grand Falls Diarrhoea HIGGINS James M RC 2 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Sep. 24 Grand Falls Old Age MULLROONEY Mary F RC 82 Red Isld Grand Falls
Sep. 24 Grand Falls Tuberculosis BALLARD Joseph M RC 28 Sound Isld Grand Falls
July 24 Grand Falls Diarrhoea GOSSE John Charles M C of E 1 Yr Grand Falls Grand Falls
July 30 Grand Falls Marasmus PARDY Hilda Maud F C of E 7 Mos Grand Falls Grand Falls
Aug. 11 Grand Falls Cardio Renal RUMBOLDT James M C of E 51 Battle Hr. Grand Falls
Aug. 12 Grand Falls Ac. Angina HAYWARD Charles H M C of E 61 S Johns Grand Falls
July 07 Bishops Falls Pulmonary Haemorrhage HARNUM Alex Clyde M Pentecostal 2 Mos Bishops Falls Bishops Falls
Apl 16 Grand Falls Pneumonia SCOTT Evelyn M Laura F Presby'n 11 Mos Grand Falls Grand Falls
May 20 Grand Falls Cong Debility DOWNTON Glenna Joan F UC 6 Wks Grand Falls Grand Falls
June 24 Grand Falls Prematurity MARSH Morley Angus M UC 1 Mo Grand Falls Grand Falls
Nov. 14 Twillingate S Pulm. T.B. PEYTON Florence Mary(?) F C of E 25 Twillingate Twillingate S
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Nov. 20 Twillingate Meningitis CHURCHILL Walter James M C of E 9 Twillingate Twillingate
Sep. 16 Bishops Falls T.B. SMITH Mary F C of E 25 Millertown Bishops Falls
Nov. 27 Buchans S.B. NO ENTRY No Entry M C of E SB Buchans Buchans
Nov. 27 Buchans No Entry MUGFORD Robert M C of E 1 Dy Buchans Buchans
Nov. 13 Badger No Entry MILLEY Maud F C of E 1 Dy Badger Badger
Oct. 27 Bluff Hd Cove Hemeplegia Uraemia ROBERTS Mrs Isaac? J F UC 64 Bluff Hd Cove Twillingate S
Nov. 10 Manuels Cove Ac. Gastro Enteritis CONWAY Allan George M UC 3 Mos Manuels Cove Twillingate S
Dec. 21 Manuels Cove Ceb. Haemorrhage Fracture of Neck & Femur BORDEN Mrs Samuel F UC 83 Manuels Cove Twillingate S
Dec. 28 Twillingate Senility WHEELER Mrs Elias F UC 86 Wild Cove Twillingate S
Aug. 31 Paradise Cancer BRETT Mark M C of E 93 Twillingate Paradise
Sep. 22 Corner Brook W Convulsions BALL Blanche Gertie F UC 2 1/2 Mos Corner Brook Northern Arm
Oct. 12 Pt Leamington Tuberculosis STUCKLESS Sadie V F UC 15 Yrs Pt Leamington Pt Leamington
Sep. 01 Shoal Arm Old Age SIMMS Emily F UC 83 Little Bay Little Bay
Mar. 16 Shoal Arm Convulsions FALK Garland M UC 13 Mos Shoal Arm Little Bay
Aug. 13 Springdale Cancer SMITH Abel M UC 60 Twillingate Springdale
Sep. 17 Springdale Heart Trouble PETERS Lucy F UC 67 Twillingate Springdale
Nov. 10 Springdale Convulsions SPENCER Davie? M UC 2 Dys Springdale Springdale
Aug. 21 Springdale Poison SPENCER Harold M UC 2 Yrs Springdale Springdale
Oct. 08 Grand Falls Senility GOULDING Susannah F Anglican 86 Gambo Gambo
Oct. 19 Grand Falls Senility KING Henry Thos. M Anglican 88 1/4 Lower Isld Cove Grand Falls
Nov. 26 Grand Falls Lobar Pneumonia OLDFORD Robert M Anglican 75 Salvage Grand Falls
Oct. 11 T'gate Hospital Typhoid Fever RIDOUT Hilda F UC 16 Yrs Indian Cove Burnt Cove F.B.
??? 08 Herring Neck Paralysis BLANDFORD Victor G M UC 3 Mos Herring Neck Herring Neck
??? 06 Herring Neck Cancer GREENING Jessie F UC 54 Herring Neck Herring Neck
??? 06 Beaumont N Convulsions PADDOCK Alfred M UC 20 Port Anson Port Anson
??? 06 Little Bay Islds Dropsy LOCKE Elizabeth F UC 67 Port Anson Port Anson
?ay 16 Peters Arm Inanition FOSTER Eric Maxwell M UC 4 Mos Peters Arm Botwood
June 22 Millertown Junction Old Age STUCKLESS Jonas M UC 83 Joe Batts Arm Botwood
Sep. 21 Peters Arm Diphtheria SNOW Chesley M UC 15 Peters Arm Botwood
Oct. 14 Botwood Convulsions EDISON Allan George M UC 2 Dys Botwood Botwood
Oct. 10 Peters Arm Gastric Ulcer BURT Azariah M UC 46 Twillingate Peters Arm T'gate
Sep. 23 Botwood Gastritis DIAMOND Manuel S M UC 1 Mo. Botwood Botwood
Nov. 24 Botwood Bronchitis POPE Archibald M UC 5 Mos Botwood Botwood
Nov. 25 Botwood Pulm. T.B. JEWER Lester George M UC 27 Botwood Botwood
Nov. 20 Botwood Pulm. T.B. BUTLER Sadie Elizabeth F UC 16 Burnt Arm Botwood
Dec. 12 Botwood Inanition SHERRON Rosalie Jean F UC 1 Mo. Botwood Botwood
Oct. 07 Too Good Arm No Entry KEARLEY Mary F C of E 73 Too Good Arm Herring Neck
??? 07 Herring Neck No Entry WATKINS Roland M C of E 7 Yrs Herring Neck Herring Neck
??? 11 Bishops Falls Ac. Colitis DROVER Hayward Wallace M Pentecostal 2 Mos Bishops Falls Bishops Falls
??? 23 Burnt Arm Pneumonia POPE Stephen Eli M Lut? 8 Yrs? Burnt Arm Burnt Arm
Note: Page torn in places.
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Oct. 09 Newstead Cancer of Stomach WHITE Jonas M SA 63 Herring Neck Comfort Cove
Oct. 12 Grand Falls Genl Debility THORNE James M SA 88 Britannia Grand Falls
Oct. 18 Carters Cove Pneumonia SCOTT Bert Elwin M SA 3 10/12 Yrs Carters Cove Carters Cove
Oct. 22 Whales Gulch Tuberculosis JENNINGS Annie F SA 18 Yrs Trumpet Cove Moretons Hr.
Oct. 23 Triton Convulsions WINSOR Howard M SA 6 Dys Triton Triton
Nov. 01 Comfort Cove Tuberculosis HARVEY John M SA 45 Little Bay Comfort Cove
Nov. 03 Salt Pond No Entry OSMOND Daisy F SA 3 Yrs Salt Pond Salt Pond
Nov. 05 Triton Rupture WINSOR Obadiah M SA 84 No Entry Triton
Nov. 09 Kings Point Diphtheria NOSEWORTHY Nelson M SA 5 Yrs Kings Point Kings Point
Nov. 10 Kings Point Diphtheria BURT Priscilla Lucy F SA 6 Yrs Kings Point Kings Point
Nov. 20 Bishops Falls No Entry PELLEY Raymond Bruce M SA 7 Mos Bishops Falls Bishops Falls
Nov. 21 Bishops Falls No Entry THORNE Ivy Gladys F SA 10 Mos Bishops Falls Bishops Falls
Dec. 03 Bishops Falls No Entry STRIDE Shirley Doris F SA 5 Mos Bishops Falls Bishops Falls
Dec. 09 Twillingate Carcinoma of Stomach SAUNDERS Andrew M SA 35 Pt Leamington Grand Falls
Dec. 23 South Brook No Entry ANSTEY Samuel M SA 51 No Entry Springdale
Dec. 29 Bishops Falls Pulm. T.B. SIMMONDS Lemuel M SA 21 Horwood Bishops Falls
July 08 Campbelton Miliary T.B. CLARKE Bertram M UC 29 Campbelton Campbelton
Dec. 06 Fortune Hr Convulsions HYNES Harold Joseph M RC 9 Dys Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Nov. 08 Salt Pond Inflamation HODDERNOTT Emma F Pentecostal 64 Western Head Salt Pond
June 20 Green Bay Drowning DOWNTON David M Pentecostal 63 Exploits Body not Recovered
Oct. 18 Botwood Abscess on Body CHAPION Harry M Pentecostal 8 Botwood Botwood
Oct. 22 Lewisporte T.B. MOYLES Lillian F UC 22 Lewisporte Lewisporte
Nov. 26 Lewisporte Cancer of Stomach BURSEY Emma F UC 63 Lewisporte Lewisporte
Dec. 05 Twillingate Internal Trouble CHAULK Matilda F UC 38 Stanhope Lewisporte
Dec. 19 Lewisporte Old Age KING Matthew M UC 89 Lewisporte Lewisporte
Feby 27 Buchans Convulsions LEE Doris Ann F RC 18 Mos Buchans Buchans
Mar. 06 Buchans Bron. Pneumonia YOUNG K. Francis M RC 10 Mos Buchans Buchans
June 27 Buchans Haemorrhage Nose & Head GRIFFIN Francis M RC 2 Dys Buchans Buchans
Oct. 28 Buchans Kidney Disease MCGRATH Lillian F RC 9 Mos Buchans Buchans
Nov. 09 Buchans Prematurity HAND Alice Elizabeth F RC 6 Hrs Buchans Buchans
Nov. 26 Exploits Senility HYNES Joseph M UC 92 Exploits Exploits
Dec. 13 New Bay Haemorrhage of Brain WHITE Susannah F UC 59 Flueries Bight New Bay
Aug. 15 Bishops Falls Convulsions ANDREWS Walter C M UC 14 Mos Bishops Falls Bishops Falls
Aug. 23 Bishops Falls Diarrohia DAWE William M UC 27 Mos Bishops Falls Bishops Falls
Oct. 23 Bishops Falls Cong. Debility SIMMONDS David M UC 1 Dy Bishops Falls Bishops Falls
Oct. 01 Grand Falls Diptheria HANLON Francis M RC 4 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Nov. 28 Grand Falls Pneumonia WALSH Herman M RC 4 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Nov. 21 Grand Falls Convulsions MAHER Alice F RC 1 Mo Grand Falls Grand Falls
Dec. 22 Grand Falls Convulsions MURRAY Ann F RC 9 Mos Grand Falls Grand Falls
Dec. 21 Back Hr. Pulm. T.B. DOVE Mrs Viola F C of E 31 Back Hr. Twillingate
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Feby 26,1934 Crow Hd T'gate Mitral Insufficiency SHARPE Mrs George F C of E 58 Crow Head Twillingate
Sep. 29 Middle Arm Cold RIDEOUT Alex E M UC 3 Wks Middle Arm Middle Arm
Dec. 02 Burlington Paralysis MILLS Elijah M UC 76 T'gate Smiths Hr.
Dec. 22 Burlington Blood Poisioning SQUIRES James M UC 66 Smiths Hr Smiths Hr.
Dec. 21 St Anthony Hosp. Bilateral Pulm. T.B. LOVEMAN Mrs Pleman F C of E 25 Paddocks Bight St Anthony
Oct. 13 Bridgers Cove Convulsions BURT Alfons James M UC 6 Dys Bridgers Cove Carters Cove
Sep. 27 Bridgers Cove Convulsions BURT Ronald George M UC 8 Dys Bridgers Cove Chance Port
July 04 Moretons Hr. Prematurity PENNEY Willis Roy M UC 12 Hrs Moretons Hr. Moretons Hr.
Mar. 25,1935 Grand Falls Stn. Pneumonia ABBOTT Walter R? M UC 7 Hrs Grand Falls Stn. Grand Falls Stn.
Mar. 15 Grand Falls Convulsions CURTIS Henry? G M UC 7 Mos Grand Falls Grand Falls
Dec. 16,1934 Heads Hr. Hernia WATKINS Mrs Elizabeth F UC 73 Twillingate Heads Hr.
Dec. 11 Roberts Arm Drowning STARKES Eli M UC 28 Roberts Arm Williams Cove
Oct. 23 Pilleys Isld Infancy HOWELL Willard Howell M UC 5 Dys Pelleys Isld Pelleys Isld
Dec. 20 Beaumont N No Entry BURTON Ada M F UC 4 1/2 Mos Beaumont N Beaumont N
Nov. 19 Campbelton No Entry HILLIER Edgar M UC 56 No Entry Campbelton
Dec. 20 Cards Hr. Triton Convulsions LUSH Wm. Melvin John M SA 3 Mos No Entry Triton
Nov. 18 Smiths Hr. Old Age NOBLE Mrs Rhoda F UC 79 Smiths Hr Smiths Hr.
Dec. 30 Rogues Hr. Old Age RIDEOUT Mrs Samuel F UC 82 Burlington Rogues Hr.
Nov. 02 Peters Arm Pneumonia ROBINSON John M C of E 43 Botwood Norris Arm
Feby 16,1935 Botwood Consumption SNOW Joseph M C of E 54 Griguet Botwood
Mar. 08 Botwood Heart Trouble GILL William Edward M C of E 53 Indian Point Botwood
May 27 Botwood Natural Decay PURCHASE George M C of E 75 Twillingate Botwood
Jany 12 Burnt Arm Child Birth STUCKLESS Isabella F UC 22 No Entry Burnt Arm
May 13 Laurenceton Cancer of Stomach HUSSEY(?) Jacob E M UC 84 Port De Grave Laurenceton
May 19 Burnt Arm No Entry ELLIOTT Alfred G M UC 79 Fogo Burnt Arm
June 02 Burnt Arm Malnutrition POPE Elsie May F UC 23 Burnt Arm Burnt Arm
Nov. 28,1934 Nipper's Hr. Child Birth TILLEY Amelia F Ch. Eng. 43 Round Hr. Nipper's Hr.
Dec. 24 Boyd's Cove Senile Decay FREAKE William M Ch. Eng. 92 Joe Batts Arm Boyd's Cove
Oct. 09 Millerstown Jctn Tuberculosis BANNISTER Emma G F Ch. Eng. 25 No Entry Millertown
Nov. 26 Carters Cove No Entry BURT Adeline Marie F UC 2 Dys Carters Cove Carters Cove
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Feby 22 Poor Asylum Cancer of Stomach BROWN Eliza F UC 59 Twillingate Genl Prot'nt Cy
Jany 31 Grand Falls Dementia DAY Mary Jane F C of E 76 New Hr. T.B. Grand Falls
Feby 13 Grand Falls Marasmus GREEN Jane F C of E 1 Dy Grand Falls Grand Falls
Mar. 14 Grand Falls Influenza JANES William M C of E 54 Little Bay Islds Grand Falls
Mar. 16 Grand Falls Cardiac Val. Renal Dis. IRISH Robert M C of E 87 Fogo Grand Falls
Jany 12 Twillingate Kidney Trouble PATTEN George H M UC 15 1/2 Yrs St Georges Lewisporte
Jany 19 Tizzard's Hr. Senility WHEELER Mrs Amelia F UC 85 Tizzards Hr. Tizzards Hr.
Mar. 13 Western Head Convulsions RIDEOUT Warren M UC 5 Dys Western Head Western Hd.
Mar. 25 Campbelton - Con. LACEY Frederick John M Pentecostal 2 Mos Campbelton Campbelton
Mar. 31 Pilleys Isld Influenza RICE Stephen M United Ch. 76 Herring Neck Pilleys Isld
Jany 01 Triton Pneumonia HENSBRIDGE Ambrose Sterling M SA 3 Mos Triton Triton
Jany 04 Western Hd?, Moretons Hr. Prematurity JONES Violet F SA 8 Dys Western Hr. Moretons Hr.
Jany 26 Carters Cove Tuberculosis BURT Stewart M SA 43 Carters Cove Carters Cove
Feby 05 Jim's Cove Convulsions RIDEOUT Netta F F SA 10 Dys Jim's Cove Triton
Feby 08 Cottrells Cove - Con. MARCH Shirley M F SA 2 Mos Cottrells Cove Cottrells Cove
Feby 10 Little Bay Islds Cancer FOLKS Herbert M SA 46 Little Bay Little Bay Islds
Feby 11 Jacksons Cove Old Age BOWERS Mrs Charlotte F SA 99 1/4 Qurtons? Cove Jacksons Cove
Feby 19 Buchans Pulm. T.B. LANE Mrs Myrltle E F SA 24 Botwood Botwood
Feby 23 Bishops Falls Pulm. T.B. STRIDE Mary A F SA 27 Glovertown B.B. Bishops Falls
Feby 24 Brighton Tooth Fever COLBOURNE Titus H H M SA 1 1/2 Yrs Brighton Brighton
Feby 25 Salt Pond Pneumonia PARDY Nelson F M SA 8 Mos Salt Pond Salt Pond
Feby 26 Triton East No Entry VINCENT Warrick Sidney A M SA 6 Yrs Triton Triton
Mar. 09 Kings Point Tuberculosis CARD Margaret Lucy F SA 15 Kings Point Kings Pt
Mar. 14 Newstead Tuberculosis WHITE Lemuel M SA 24 1/2 Newstead Newstead
Mar. 28 Carters Cove Pneumonia CURTIS Margaret F SA 2 Yrs Carters Cove Carters Cove
Mar. 28 Black Isld Heavy Cold WHITE Susan F SA 69 Triton Black Isld
Mar. 30 Brighton Old Age FUDGE Charles Jennings M SA 88 Brighton Brighton
Mar. 21 Harveys Hr. Influenza KING Edward M UC 1 3/12 Harrys Hr. Harrys Hr.
May 21 Mental Hosp. Cancer of Uterus GLAVINE Margaret F RC 75 No Entry Mt. Carmel
Mar. 27 Fairbank F.B. Pneumonia GILLARD Edward Gosse M UC 2 1/2 Mos Fairbanks F.B. Salt Pans F.B.
Mar. 30 Fairbank F.B. Pulm. T.B. ROGERS Stanley M UC 58 Fairbanks F.B. Salt Pans F.B.
June 02 Virgin Arm Senility VIVIAN Mrs Selina F UC 78 Twillingate Carters Cove
Jan? 31 Little Bay Age LIND Elizabeth F Ch. Eng. 89 Winterton Little Bay
Mar. 31 Round Hr. Cong. JAMES Bertram Cyril M U Church 6 Mos Round Hr. Round Hr.
Apl 26 Round Hr. Pneumonia RYAN Thomas M Ch. Eng. 79 Round Hr. Round Hr.
May 12 Merritts Hr. Convulsions POWELL Raymond Robert M U Church 8 Mos Merritts Hr. Merritts Hr.
Feb. 20 Barr'd Islands Tuberculosis HEWITT James M Ch. Eng. 17 Barr'd Islands Joe Batts Arm
Mar. 02 Barr'd Islands Premature COMBDEM Joseph James M Ch. Eng. 2 Hrs Barr'd Islands Joe Batts Arm
Mar. 23 Shoal Bay Tuberculosis CULL Rhoda F Ch. Eng. 47 Shoal Bay Joe Batts Arm
May 05 Joe Batts Arm Senile Decay BROWN Joseph James M Ch. Eng. 83 Joe Batts Arm Joe Batts Arm
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May 05 Joe Batts Arm Paralysis HEAD Elizabeth F Ch. Eng. 80 Joe Batts Arm Joe Batts Arm
May 18 Joe Batts Arm Meningitis COFFIN George W M Ch. Eng. 3 1/2 Mos Joe Batts Arm Joe Batts Arm
May 24 Joe Batts Arm Goitre HEAD Selena F Ch. Eng. 43 Barr'd Islands Joe Batts Arm
May 26 Joe Batts Arm Pneumonia HEAD Maud F Ch. Eng. 33 Shoal Bay Joe Batts Arm
June 02 Joe Batts Arm Senile Decay WELLS George M Ch. Eng. 80 Joe Batts Arm Joe Batts Arm
June 09 Barr'd Islands Tuberculosis BLAKEY David M Ch. Eng. 74 Barr'd Islds Joe Batts Arm
June 11 Shoal Bay Convulsions CULL Roderick B M Ch. Eng. 3 Mos Shoal Bay Joe Batts Arm
June 16 Joe Batts Arm Senile Decay BRETT John M Ch. Eng. 84 Joe Batts Arm Joe Batts Arm
Apl 14 Botwood Broncho Pneumonia & Influenza SHEPPARD Emily F U. Church 88 No Entry Botwood
Apl 20 Botwood Convulsions EDISON Robert M U. Church 5 Dys Botwood Botwood
Feb. 07 Northern Arm S Bronchitis NOSEWORTHY Paul M U. Church 6 Wks Northern Arm S Botwood
Jan. 31 Northern Arm S Broncho Pneumonia ELSON Samuel Henry M U. Church 3 Mos Northern Arm S Botwood
Feb. 25 Peter's Arm S Broncho Pneumonia PELLEY Cyril Edgar M U. Church 2 Mos Peter's Arm S Botwood
Feb. 11 Peter's Arm S Pul. Tuberculosis BURT Jessie F U. Church 17 Peter's Arm S Peter's Arm S
May 11 Beaverton Senility ELLIOTT Angelena F Ch. Eng. 85 Fogo Beaverton
May 17 Herring Neck Senility REDDICK Naomi F Ch. Eng. 81 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Jan. 18 Birchy Bay Age LEWIS Rachel F Ch. Eng. 69 Joe Batts Arm Boyd's Cove
Apl 05 Grand Falls Carcinoma of Breast TILLEY Janet Mary F Ch. Eng. 63 Twillingate Grand Falls
Apl 30 Grand Falls Cerebral Haemorrhage SANDERSON Elizabeth Jane F Ch. Eng. 80 St. John's Grand Falls
June 18 Grand Falls Premature Birth THORNE Harry Richard M Ch. Eng. 1 Day Grand Falls Grand Falls
Apl 05 Grand Falls Cancer LIVER James M Rom. Cath. 62 Fortune Hr. Grand Falls
Apl 15 Grand Falls Convulsions HEALEY Sheila F Rom. Cath. 7 Dys Grand Falls Grand Falls
Apl 30 Grand Falls Accidently Killed GUNN Francis M Rom. Cath. 60 Fogo Grand Falls
May 11 Grand Falls Epilepsy TUBRETT Edith F Rom. Cath. 58 Holyrood Grand Falls
May 16 Grand Falls Heart Failure BREEN John M Rom. Cath. 76 St. John's Grand Falls
June 04 Grand Falls Convulsions MURRY Frances F Rom. Cath. 1 Mth Grand Falls Grand Falls
June 10 Stanhope Tuberculosis FUDGE Laivnia F U. Church 18 Stanhope Stanhope
June 26 Stanhope Old Age CHAULK Emma Jane F U. Church 78 Stanhope Stanhope
Apl 01 Little Bays Islds Influenza ROBERTS Rowena F S. Army 37 Little Bay Islands Little Bay Islands
Apl 03 Pilley's Island. Influenza DINNEY Maxwell Guy(?) M S. Army 6 Mos Pilley's Island Pilley's Island
Apl 04 Western Hr. Tuberculosis JANES Gouldie(?) F S. Army 25 Pieres Hr. Western Hr.
Apl 04 Bishop's Falls Acute Colitis SMITH Roland M U. Church 4 Mos Bishop's Falls Bishop's Falls
Apl 04 Bishop's Falls Catarrhal Jaundice KING Victor John M S. Army 6 Dys Bishop's Falls Bishop's Falls
Apl 12 King's Point Paralysis VERGE Selby Duncan M S. Army 68 Hr. Grace King's Point
Apl 14 Cottles Cove Child Birth BOONE Ettie Blanch F U. Church 14 Cottles Cove Cottles Cove
Apl 15 Cottles Cove Age WHITEHORN Emily F U. Church 81 Mocres? Cove Cottles Cove
Apl 17 Pilley's Isld. Influenza CALLAHAN Matthew M S. Army 77 Freshwater Pilley's Island
Apl 18 Comfort Cove Influenza WATKINS Roland M S. Army 1 3/4 Comfort Cove Comfort Cove
Apl 23 Pt. Leamington Old Age SHEPPARD Mrs John F S. Army 72 Twillingate Pt. Leamington
May 07 Pt. Leamington Tuberculosis WHITE Mrs Archibald F S. Army 31 1/2 Ward's Hr. Pt. Leamington
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May 29 Bishop's Falls Convulsions SENETT(?) Annie S F S. Army 1 Bishop's Falls Bishop's Falls
June 24 Bishop's Falls Shock following Burns KENNEDY Claytin Garfield M S. Army 2 1/2 Bishop's Falls Bishop's Falls
June 26 Newstead Suicide CANNING Samuel M S. Army 64 Moreton's Hr. Comfort Cove
Mar. 18 Beaumont North Scarletina BURTON Irene Josie F U. Church 7 1/4 Beaumont N Beaumont N
Apl 10 Campbellton Unknown HARNETT Clara F Pentecostal 31 Campbellton Campbellton
Apl 28 Campbellton Whooping Cough HILLIER Glwenie(?) F Pentecostal 15 Mos Campbellton Campbellton
May 01 Campbellton Pneumonia CRAMM Carol Frank M Pentecostal 21 Mos Campbellton Campbellton
May 08 Grand Falls Station Melancholia Exhaustion SIMMS Alfred M Pentecostal 59 Little Bay Grand Falls Stn.
Aug. 29 Grand Falls Gastro Enteritis DARBY Baby F UC 2 1/2 Mos Grand Falls Genl Protestnt
Sep. 18 Grace Hosp. S.B. LOCKE Baby F UC? SB Grace Hosp. Genl Protestnt
June 12 Corner Bk. Cancer SQUIRES James E M C of E 81 No Entry Millertown
June 30 Badger Drowning PAYNE Joseph M C of E 51 No Entry Badger
Aug. 10 Buchans S.B. NO ENTRY No Entry M UC (Menci)? SB Buchans Buchans
Sep. 12 Millertown Puerperal Nephritis BUDGELL Mrs Elizabeth J F UC (Menci)? 27 No Entry Millertown
Mar. 15 Moretons Hr. Carcinoma Stomach TAYLOR George M C of E 68 Moretons Hr. Moretons Hr.
Apl 21 Twillingate Carcinoma Ovary STERLING Georgina F C of E 68 Twillingate Twillingate
Apl 26 Twillingate Cardio Renal NEWMAN Alfred M C of E 78 Twillingate Twillingate
May 09 Gilesport Atelectasis CHURCHILL Philip M C of E 5 Dys Gilesport Twillingate S
Sep. 11 Twillingate Pulm. T.B. SIMMS Martha A F C of E 43 Back Hr T'gate Twillingate N
Oct. 12 Grand Falls Gastric Carcinoma JENKINS Elizabeth F C of E 69 No Entry Twillingate
Sep. 10 Bishops Falls Convulsions GREEN Wallace P M Pentecostal 2 Dys Bishop Falls Bishops Falls
Aug. 21 Pt. Leamington Consumption PAUL Maisie F Pentecostal 11 Yrs Pt Leamington Pt Leamington
Nov. 26 Badger Carcinoma Cervical Gland NOSEWORTHY Harry M Pentecostal 33 Botwood Badger
Dec. 16 Salt Pond Cancer ANESTY Stephen W M UC 67 Exploits Salt Pond
July 13 Springdale Convulsions WARR Eileen M F Pentecostal 7 Dys Springdale Springdale
Aug. 14 Springdale Dysentery WELLS Allan A M Pentecostal 3 Dys St Anthony Springdale
Sep. 20 Cottles Island Old Age PRYOR Thomas M UC 81 England Cottles Isld
Sep. 22 Cottles Island Gastro Enteritis CANNING Rowena F Pentecostal 10 Mos Cottles Isld Cottles Isld
Dec. 02 T'gate Hospital Prostate Hypertrophy SAUNDERS Jonas M Pentecostal 60 Shoe Cove Southern Arm
Oct. 18 Middle Arm Drowned THOMAS Hebert? L M Pentecostal 4 Yrs Middle Arm Middle Arm
July 08 Botwood Decay of Nature BURT Minnie F C of E 70 Windsor N.S. Botwood
Dec. 09 Botwood Convulsions WOOLRIDGE Nettie F C of E 8 Mos Botwood Botwood
Oct. 01 New Bay Old Age WISEMAN Elizabeth F UC 79 Little Bay Islds New Bay
July 23 Greens Cove Old Age CASSELL Sarah F C of E 82 Small Pt. C.B. Pikes Arm
Aug. 22 Twillingate Hosp. No Entry RICHARDS Walter M C of E 57 Pikes Arm Pikes Arm
Aug. 26 Too Good Arm Senile Decay HURLEY Jane F C of E 84 Too Good Arm Pikes Arm
Aug. 29 Twillingate Hosp. T.B. WELLS Heber M C of E 15 Boyds Cove Boyds Cove
Sep. 04 Boyds Cove No Entry FREAKE Peter M C of E 16 Boyds Cove Boyds Cove
Oct. 02 Herring Neck Pneumonia WOODFORD Lucy F C of E 76 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Oct. 18 Pikes Arm Paralysis CUTLER Samuel M C of E 65 Pikes Arm Pikes Arm
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Mar. 02 Poor Asylum Toxaemia TULK Hannah F UC 70 Twillingate Genl Protest't City
Mar. 07 Sanatorium Pulm. T.B. SHEPPARD Charles M RC 67 Twillingate Mt Carmel RC City
Mar. 15 Poor Asylum Congestion of Lungs SNOW Louisa F C of E 72 Twillingate Ch of Eng. City
Jany 03 Durrells Pulm. Oedema Cardiac BURTON Mrs Thomas F UC 59 Durrells Durrells
Jany 12 Gilesporte Hemiplegia POND William M UC 82 Gilesport Durrells
Jany 18 Twillingate Pulm. Oedema ROBERTS Mrs Louisa F UC 78 Gilesport Twillingate N
Jany 19 Gilesporte Uraemia LEGGE Frederick Sr. M UC 77 Gilesport Durrells
Jany 19 Jenkins Cove Cardiac Failure PELLEY Stephen M UC 87 Jenkins Store Durrells
Jany 24 Twillingate Cer. Apoplexy GUY James M UC 79 Twillingate Twillingate S
Jany 25 Little Harbor Hemiplegia RICE John M UC 83 Little Hr. Little Hr.
Jany 23 Durrells Cardiac-(Blue Baby) JENKINS Ernest A M UC 17 Hrs Durrells Durrells
Jany 27 Twillingate Gen. Melatoses SIMMONS Henry M UC 98 Twillingate Durrells
Jany 30 Lower Head Anasarca CLARKE Levi M UC 73 Back Hr. Twillingate N
Feby 26 Twillingate Dementia GUY Stephen M UC 77 Twillingate Twillingate S
Mar. 14 Manuels Cove Tetanus Neon. (Tetany) GREENHAM Lucy F UC 6 Dys Manuels Cove Twillingate S
Mar. 23 Gilesporte Tetany POND William George M UC 8 Mos Gilesport Durrells
Jany 16 Fortune Hr. Paralysis GILLESPIE Annie F RC 73 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Feby 10 Fortune Hr. Internal Haemorrhage FITZPATRICK John M? M RC 3 Dys Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Feby 09 Grand Falls Diphtheria MULLRONEY Mary F RC 9 Yrs Grand Falls Grand Falls
Feby 23 Grand Falls Convulsions PINCOTT George M RC 1 Mo. Grand Falls Grand Falls
Jany 01 Buchans Ceb. Haemorrhage MUMA(?) Mrs William F UC 36 No Entry Millertown
Jany 24 Northern Arm Cancer BALL Solomon M UC 74 Exploits Northern Arm
Feb. 03 Paradise Senility BUDGELL Keziah M UC 88 No Entry Paradise
Mar. 24 Paradise Influenza WARFORD Alice F UC 25 New Bay Pt. Leamington
Mar. 26 Pt. Leamington Tuberculosis STRICKLESS Herbert M UC 17 Pt. Leamington Pt. Leamington
Feb. 25 Pt. Leamington Tuberculosis PATEY James M UC 26 Pt. Leamington Pt. Leamington
Apl 15 Grand Falls Station Auricular Fibrillation TILLEY Helen F UC 80 Northern Arm Pt. Leamington
Apl 18 Northern Arm Tuberculosis CURLEW Malcolm M UC 21 Northern Arm Northern Arm
Apl 26 Pt. Leamington Tuberculosis & Influenza THOMPSON Rebecca F UC 62 No Entry Pt. Leamington
May 20 Northern Arm Tuberculosis BALL Gertrude F UC 21 Northern Bay Northern Arm
May 21 Charles Brook Tuberculosis Throat MARCH Robert M UC 44 Pt. of Bay Charles Brook
May 28 Northern Arm Galloping Consumption CURLEW Malcolm Tex? M UC 5 Mos Western Bay Northern Arm
Apl 15 New Bay Senility WHITEHAM Emily Pheobe F UC 87? New Bay New Bay
Apl 14 New Bay Child Birth BOONE Hetty F UC 14 New Bay New Bay
May 30 Bishop's Falls Child Birth BURGE William George M Pentecostal 2 Dys Bishop's Falls Bishop's Falls
Apl 25 Wild Cove Cardiac Failure ROBERTS Elizabeth F UC 82 French Shore Twillingate N
May 05 Bluff Head Cove Hemiplegia ROBERTS Mrs Edward F UC 87 Twillingate Twillingate S
May 08 Gilesporte Acute Cholecystitis POND Philip M UC 80 Gilesporte Durrells
May 24 Twillingate Meningitis BOYD Ida Belle F UC 2 1/2 Mts. Twillingate Twillingate N
June 25 Twillingate Uraemia COOPER Andrew M UC 87? Twillingate Twillingate S
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Jany 19 Bishops Falls Senility LOCKE Annie F UC 74 1/6 Little Bay Islds Bishops Falls
Jany 20 Bishops Falls Hemiplegia HODDER Lilla F UC 66 Elliotts Cove Bishops Falls
Apl 23 Buchans Junction Fractured Vertebrae PENNEY Henry M UC 37 Springdale Bishops Falls
Mar. 07 Winter House Cove No Entry MARSH Tryphenia L F C of E 13 Dys Winter House Cove Winter House Cove
July 23 Winter House Cove Tuberculosis GOUDIE Frederick M C of E 31 Winter House Cove Winter House Cove
July 28 Leading Tickles Cancer HANNON George M C of E 90 Leading Tickles Leading Tickles
Aug. 05 Leading Tickles No Entry PEDDLE Clarence G M C of E 2 Dys Leading Tickles Leading Tickles
Sep. 08 Leading Tickles SB. NO ENTRY Baby M C of E SB Leading Tickles Leading Tickles
Aug. 18 Gillards Cove Pneumonia HYNES Ida M F UC 6 Dys Gillards Cove Gillards Cove
Aug. 25 Twillingate Myocarditis FACEY Silas M UC 68 Twillingate Twillingate
Sep. 11 Twillingate Tetanus YOUNG Wilbur M UC 7 Dys Twillingate Twillingate
Sep. 25 Twillingate Burns YOUNG Grace F UC 7 Mos Twillingate Twillingate
Sep. 26 Durrells Arm Carcinoma of Uteri EARLE Mrs Eli F UC 39 Durrells Arm Durrells Arm
Sep. 27 Little Hr. Drowning PARDY Mabel F UC 2 Yrs Little Hr. Little Hr.
Aug. 04 Grand Falls Cer. Haemorrhage COLLINS Margaret F C of E 68 St Johns Grand Falls
Aug. 18 Grand Falls Intestinal Obstruction HOUSE Sarah Jane F C of E 79 Trinity Grand Falls
Aug. 25 Grand Falls Encephalitis MOSS Gordon M C of E 6 1/2 Yrs Grand Falls Grand Falls
Sep. 13 Grand Falls Convulsions GUY Albert D M C of E 1 Wk Grand Falls Grand Falls
Sep. 24 Grand Falls Dysentery WELLS Eleanor F C of E 79 Tw. Grand Falls
July 26 Lush's Bight Convulsions TUCKER Burton G R M UC 2 Yrs Lush's Bight Lush's Bight
Sep. 16 Lush's Bight Drowning BALL Willis G M UC 25 Nippers Hr. Lush's Bight
July 08 Ship Isld Convulsions FARTHING Lorne M UC 1 Dy Ship Isld Ship Isld
Aug. 28 Salt Pans Tuberculosis INGS Margaret L F UC 7 Yrs Salt Pans Salt Pans
Sep. 07 Tilt Cove Convulsions ROGERS Mildred F UC 3 Wks Salt Pans Salt Pans
Sep. 14 Ship Island Convulsions WARREN Winston A M UC 8 Dys Ship Isld Ship Isld
Sep. 25 Salt Pans Valvular Disease of Heart INGS William M UC 78 Salt Pans Salt Pans
Aug. 29 Indian Burying Place Old Age STOUDLEY? Henry M UC 93 Indian B. Place Indian B. Place
June 18 Smiths Hr. Diphtheria FLEMING Henry A M UC 5 Yrs Smiths Hr. Smiths Hr
Aug. 02 Smiths Hr. Diphtheria FLEMING Fred T M UC 2 1/2 Yrs Middle Arm Smiths Hr
May 21 Burlington No Entry MILLS Sarah L F UC 1 Mo. Burlington Burlington
July 21 Men Hospital NDB Sarcoma of Uterus ADEY Martha F Pentecostal 39 Williamsport Twillingate
Aug. 29 Pilleys Isld Bronchitis PITTMAN Karl E M UC 7 Mos Pilleys Isld Pilleys Isld
Sep. 12 Miles Cove No Entry LOCKE Bessie P F UC 8 1/2 Mos Miles Cove Miles Cove
Sep. 12 Heads Hr Influenza PITTMAN Betty Eileen F UC 8 Mos Heads Hr. Heads Hr.
Mar. 17 Birchy Cove Senile Decay CULL Joseph M UC 84 No Entry Birchy Bay
Feby 02 Summerford No Entry TILLEY Eliza M F UC 3 Wks Summerford Summerford
July 11 Summerford No Entry JENKENS Reginald M UC 9 Mos Summerford Summerford
July 08 Summerford No Entry NO ENTRY Lucy F UC N/E Summerford Summerford
July 28 Summerford Senile Decay WHEELER Emily F UC 92 No Entry Summerford
June 17 Summerford No Entry PELLEY Muriel F UC 1 Mo. Summerford Summerford
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Feby 06 Mental Hosp. Pernicious Anaemia RICE Philip M UC 57 Herring Neck Genl Protestnt
Jany 25 Little Bay Islds Heart Failure OXFORD Mary F UC 77 Little Bay Islds Little Bay Islds
Feby 03 Little Bay Islds Senile Decay MURCELL Mary F UC 89 Herring Neck Little Bay Islds
Feby 07 Little Bay Islds Heart Failure TUCKER George M UC 62 Little Bay Islds Little Bay Islds
Feby 21 Beaumonth(?) No Entry BURTON William M M UC 1 1/3 Mos Beaumont Beaumont
Aug. 03 Mental Hosp. Dementia Praecox LOCKE Arthur Roland M UC 31 Woodfords Cove Genl Protestnt
July 08 Grand Falls Stn. T.B. Meningitis SHORT Charlotte M F Pentecostal 4 1/2 Grand Falls Stn. Grand Falls Stn.
Aug. 11 Grand Falls Convulsions BALLARD Brigida(?) F RC 2 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Aug. 12 Grand Falls Convulsions BLACKMORE Valentine M RC 1 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Sep. 22 Grand Falls Cancer MALONEY Richard M RC 58 Holyrood Holyrood
July 01 S.E. Arm, New Bay Old Age FAGAN Mary Jane F UC 76 New Bay New Bay
Aug. 15 Exploits Old Age BUTT Stephen M UC 81 Black Hd. Exploits
Aug. 23 Twillingate Hemiplegia SNELGROVE Elizabeth F UC 69 Black Isld Exploits
Sep. 11 Exploits Paralysis DALTON Matthew M UC 83 Exploits Exploits
July 03 Twillingate Prematurity MILLS Elijah M UC 1 Dy Twillingate Moretons Hr.
June 17 Kings Pt. Cancer JENKINS Frank M UC 56 Burnt Cove Kings Pt.
June 30 Rattling Brook Old Age BARTLETT William M UC 78 Change Islds Rattling Brook
July 01 Twillingate Pulm. T.B. SHEA Mrs George F SA 43 Twillingate Twillingate
July 07 Salt Pond Cancer JACOBS Mrs Janet F SA 61 Exploits Salt Pond
July 13 Comfort Cove Convulsions WATKINS Wilson M SA 2 Dys Comfort Cove Comfort Cove
July 13 Triton Suicide WINSOR Mrs Lizzie F SA 72 No Entry Triton
July 15 Twillingate Maramus Pulm. T.B. SHEA Donald M SA 22 Mos Twillingate Twillingate
July 16 Peters Arm No Entry WALL Florence B F SA 6 Mos Peters Arm Peters Arm
July 22 Springdale No Entry SAUNDERS Timothy M SA 47 No Entry Springdale
Aug. 07 Bridge Port Heart Failure STRIDE Ephraim M SA 80 Phillips Hd. Bridgeport
Aug. 12 Carters Cove Tuberculosis SCOTT Elizabeth F SA 62 New Bay Carters Cove
Aug. 17 Phillips Hd. Child Birth WEST Mrs Martin F SA 30 Phillips Hd. Phillips Hd.
Aug. 21 Bridge Port Prematurity STRIDE Marina Jane F SA 2 Dys Bridgeport Bridgeport
Aug. 25 Grand Falls Infantile Diarrohea Tia Wm. LEE(?)* M SA 4 Mos Grand Falls Grand Falls
Aug. 28 Herring Neck Paralysis Maggie WARREN* F SA 31 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Sep. 07 Peters Arm No Entry Myrtle BURT* F SA 10 7/12 Peters Arm Peters Arm
Sep. 08 Grand Falls Infantile Diarohea? PEDDLE Wilson George M SA 4 Mos Grand Falls Grand Falls
Sep. 15 Springdale No Entry MARSHALL Edward A M SA 5 10/12 No Entry Springdale
Sep. 16 Carters Cove Heart Disease NICHOLAS Robert M SA 46 Carters Cove Carters Cove
Sep. 30 Grand Falls T.B. Peritonitis BOUTCHER Mrs Annie F SA 53 No Entry Grand Falls
July 12 Stanhope Convulsions DOWNTON Roy M UC 1 Wk Stanhope Stanhope
Aug. 11 Lewisporte Old Age PELLEY John Wm. M UC 73 Salt Pond Salt Pond
Sep. 21 Little Burnt Bay Convulsions HYNES Wilfred J M UC 3 Mos Little Burnt Bay Little Burnt Bay
Oct. 05 Lewisporte Typhoid Fever MARTIN Emily F UC 57 Lewisporte Lewisporte
Oct. 06 Stanhope Whooping Cough CHAULK Queene F UC 2 Yrs Stanhope Stanhope
Note: *WARREN, *BURT & LEE Given names written in the SURNAME Column.
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Mar. 26 Grand Falls Influenza BUTLER Robert M UC 28 Port de Grave Grand Falls
May 23 Grand Falls Stn. Meningitis WHEELER Oliver L M UC 2 Mos Grand Falls Stn Grand Falls
June 21 Grand Falls Heart Failure Cardio Renal? AVERY Mary S F UC 74 Hillview T.B. Grand Falls
June 17 Grand Falls Heart Failure Cardio Renal? PETRIE Jessie F UC 61 No Entry Grand Falls
Aug. 09 Grand Falls Pharyngeal Tumour BURRY Lewis M UC 58 Greenspond Grand Falls
Oct. 28 Gen'l Hosp. Ch. Nephritis BURTON Oliver M UC 23 No Entry Bishops Falls
Aug. 11 Fortune Hr. Paralysis WISEMAN Samuel M C of E 73 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
July 08 Botwood Old Age BURT Minnie F RC 71 Winsor N.S. Botwood
Aug. 06 Northern Arm Tuberculosis MORGAN Minnie D F Pentecostal 25 Pt Leamington Northern Arm
Sep. 28 Pt-au-Bay Child Birth CANNINGS Beatrice M F SA 30 Charles Brook Charles Brook
Feby 14 Corner Brook Pneumonia FINN Paul Joseph M RC 4 Wks Corner Brook Corner Brook
Feby 18 Corner Brook Myocarditis MOORE Mary Ellen F RC 73 Corner Brook Corner Brook
Mar. 15 Corner Brook SB. NOFTALL Baby M RC SB Corner Brook Corner Brook
Mar. 02 Deer Lake Intestinal Influenza BARKER Michael M RC 65 Deer Lake Deer Lake
Mar. 19 Corner Brook Pneumonia KAVNAUGH Mrs A F RC 40 Corner Brook Corner Brook
Apl 07 Summerside Old Age REDDY Mrs Margaret F RC 67 No Entry Corner Brook
May 06 Howley Broncho Pneumonia ROBERTS Alice F RC 8 Howley W Howley W
May 07 Howley Prematurity ROBERTS Baby F RC 1 Dy Howley W Howley W
May 08 Howley Intestinal Intoxication ROBERTS Arthur M RC 6 Howley W Howley W
May 14 Corner Brook Broncho Pneumonia VINCENT Reginald L M RC 2 Mos Corner Brook Corner Brook
May 08 Corner Brook Marasmus WISEMAN Theresa F RC 4 Mos Corner Brook Corner Brook
May 14 Corner Brook Pneumonia LEAMY Mary F RC 2 Corner Brook Corner Brook
May 15 Corner Brook Influenza ROBERTS Mrs Bertha F RC 32 Howley Corner Brook
June 13 Corner Brook Fractured Leg MEANEY Kevin M RC 7 Hr. Grace Corner Brook
June 28 Deer Lake Bronchitis WELSHMAN Donald J M RC 1 5/12 Deer Lake Deer Lake
May 02 Corner Brook Whooping Cough MCISAAC Mary F RC 2 Corner Brook Corner Brook
July 06 Corner Brook Tuberculosis ABBOTT Mary F RC 20 Corner Brook Corner Brook
July 12 Corner Brook Carcinoma CALLAHAN Denis M RC 67 Corner Brook Corner Brook
July 16 Corner Brook Diarrhoea BENOIT Baby M RC 1 Dy Corner Brook Corner Brook
Aug. 07 Deer Lake Whooping Cough PILGRIM Mary Sheila F RC 5 Mos Deer Lake Deer Lake
Aug. 19 Corner Brook Convulsions WISEMAN Donald C M RC 18 Mos Corner Brook Corner Brook
Aug. 24 Irish Town Influenza RYAN John P M RC 2 1/2 Mos Irish Town Corner Brook
Aug. 29 Corner Brook Int. Intoxication PROSPER Harold M RC 4 Yrs Corner Brook Corner Brook
Aug. 29 Corner Brook Prematurity MCCARTHY Baby Grace F RC 1 Dy Corner Brook Corner Brook
Aug. 29 Corner Brook Brights Disease KING Reuben M RC 70 Corner Brook Corner Brook
Sep. 15 Corner Brook Prematurity MCCARTHY Joan F RC 14 Dys Corner Brook Corner Brook
Sep. 13 Deer Lake Influenza ROABIN(?) John C M RC 3 1/2 Mos Deer Lake Deer Lake
Sep. 17 Corner Brook Spinal Trouble LEE Mary Elaine F RC 24 Dys Corner Brook Corner Brook
Apl 11 Little Bay T.B. of Throat TERRY Martin M RC 53 Coachmans Cove Little Bay
June 11 Little Bay Paralysis BOUZZAN Jane F RC 76 Western Bay C.B. Little Bay
Note: On original page, from May 14th(Corner Brook) to Sep. 17(Corner Brook), states is from St. Georges District
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June 13 South Brook Int. Tuberculosis SEYMOUR Leo M RC 41 Brants(?) Cove Beachy Cove
Nov. 08 Burlington Malnutrition & T.B. GILLINGHAM Francis M UC 13 Burlington Burlington
Dec. 24 Burlington T.B. MILLER George M UC 36 Burlington Burlington
Nov. 29 Leading Tickles T.B. BIGNELL May F C of E 19 Leading Tickles Leading Tickles
Nov. 04 Little Bay No Entry WELLS Thomas E M C of E 89 Salmon Cove Little Bay
Sep. 26 Birchy Bay Senile Decay MEW(?) Hezekiah M UC 76 No Entry Birchy Bay
Nov. 20 Comfort Cove Exhaustion HALE Harold M UC 15 Comfort Cove Comfort Cove
Nov. 11 Virgin Arm Malnutrition BURT Alphonous R M UC 2 Mos Virgin Arm Carters Cove
Nov. 16 Moretons Hr. Senility BRETT Mary Ann F UC 83 Tizzards Hr. Moretons Hr.
Oct. 07 Manuels Cove Convulsions CONWAY Hedley M UC 4 Dys Manuels Cove Twillingate
Oct. 31 Twillingate Hemiplegia ROBERTS Mrs Wm. T. F UC 81 Twillingate Twillingate
Nov. 01 Crow Hd. Hemiplegia ELLIOTT Mrs Reuben F UC 76 Twillingate Twillingate
Nov. 28 Twillingate Cardio Renal ROBERTS Josiah M UC 83 Twillingate Twillingate
Dec. 14 Twillingate Fracture Femur CHAPPELL Mrs Elias(?) F UC 65 Twillingate Twillingate
Dec. 15 Twillingate Prostatic Hypertrophy DECKER John M UC 84 Cape Norman Twillingate
Dec. 17 Twillingate Cardio Renal LEGGE Mrs Ellen F UC 78 Twillingate Twillingate
Nov. 29 Little Bay Islds Bronchitis WISEMAN Alfred Job M UC 1 1/2 Yrs Little Bay Islds Little Bay Islds
Dec. 07 Little Bay Islds Cancer ANSTEY John N M UC 51 1/4 Little Bay Islds Little Bay Islds
Oct. 14 Grand Falls T.B. of Bowels DAVIS Frederick Geo. M C of E 11 Mos Grand Falls Grand Falls
Dec. 31 Grand Falls S.B. DAY Baby M C of E SB Grand Falls Grand Falls
Sep. 29 Port Anson Influenza BURTON Lemuel G M UC 5 Mos Port Anson Port Anson
Oct. 28 Miles Cove Tuberculosis MOREY Hayward B M UC 14 1/2 Yrs Miles Cove Miles Cove
Nov. 15 Port Anson Tuberculosis CLAYTON Hugh M UC 14 Port Anson Port Anson
Dec. 22 Pilleys Isld No Entry ROUSELL Norten(?) M UC 1 Dy Pilleys Isld Port Anson
Oct. 30 Glenwood Tuberculosis PELLEY Leslie M UC 23 Glenwood Glenwood
Nov. 11 Lewisporte Old Age BOWERS Lydia F UC 76 Leading Tickles Lewisporte
Dec. 03 Lewisporte Old Age JANES Phillis F UC 73 Joe Batts Arm Lewisporte
Dec. 18 Stanhope Broncho Pneumonia FUDGE Edna May F UC 4 Mos Stanhope Stanhope
Nov. 06 Millertown Jctn. Whooping Cough BARRETT Margaret F UC 3 1/2 Yrs Millertown Millertown
Oct. 22 Buchans Prematurity REID Maxwell M UC 3 Dys Buchans Buchans
Nov. 19 Millertown Arterio Scelorois(?) FOGWILL Richard M UC 59 No Entry Millertown
Nov. 23 Millertown Jctn. Whooping Cough Rowena BARRETT F UC 1 Mo. Millertown Jctn. Millertown
Nov. 09 Millertown Jctn. Whooping Cough BARRETT Elizabeth F UC 3 1/2 Yrs Millertown Millertown
Dec. 25 Cottrells Isld Cong. Deb. Cottrells Isld RIDEOUT Reginald W M Pentecostal 2 Yrs Cottrells Isld Cottrells Isld
Sep. 03 Peters Arm Paralysis JACOBS Sarah F UC 70 Northern Bay Botwood
Oct. 15 Grand Falls Convulsions HIGGINS Catherine F RC 15 Mos Grand Falls Grand Falls
Oct. 27 Grand Falls Convulsions DAWE John M RC 1 Dy Grand Falls Grand Falls
Nov. 20 Grand Falls Influenza HIGGINS Lyola F RC 3 Yrs Grand Falls Grand Falls
Nov. 20 Grand Falls Whooping Cough CASEY John M RC 10 Mos Grand Falls Grand Falls
Nov. 25 Grand Falls Heart Failure HAYSE Edward M RC 61 Grand Falls Grand Falls
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Dec. 31 Grand Falls Accidentally Killed AYLWARD Peter M RC 12 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Dec. 12 Herring Neck Tuberculosis HURLEY Aubry? F C of E 22 Herring Neck Herring Neck
Oct. 02 Bishops Falls Marasmus KING Percy James M SA 1 1/2 Mos Bishops Falls Bishops Falls
Oct. 13 Cottles Isld No Entry RIDEOUT Bernice F SA 5 Mos Cottles Isld Cottles Isld
Oct. 16 Newstead No Entry MILLS Hazel J F SA 6 Dys Newstead Comfort Cove
Oct. 17 Beaumont Pneumonia HANCOCK Mrs Mary F SA 28 Beaumont Lushes Bight
Oct. 24 Bishops Falls Dysentery STUCKLESS Genevive F SA 1 1/2 Yrs Bishops Falls Bishops Falls
Oct. 29 Mansfield Pt. Jaundice ROUSELL Lucy M F SA 2 1/3 Yrs Mansfield Pt. Mansfield Pt.
Nov. 03 Bishops Falls Suffocation in Bed CHAMPION Teresa E F SA 4 Mos Bishops Falls Bishops Falls
Nov. 05 Lewisporte Ileo-Colitis SNOW William M SA 62 No Entry Lewisporte
Nov. 12 Chanceporte Tuberculosis WHEELER Laura E F SA 31 Chanceporte Chanceporte
Nov. 15 Twillingate Paralysis BIGGS Sarah J F SA 78 Twillingate Twillingate
Nov. 18?19? Comfort Cove Exposure COOPER Alfred C M SA 14 11/12 Yrs Newstead Comfort Cove
Nov. 19 Bishops Falls Suffocation in Bed BUDGELL Annie B S F SA 3 Mos Bishops Falls Bishops Falls
Nov. 21 Grand Falls Pneumonia HEALEY Albert P M SA 5 Mos Grand Falls Grand Falls
Nov. 24 Twillingate Pulm. T.B. SHEA Roland M SA 19 Twillingate Twillingate
Nov. 24 Grand Falls Rheumatic Fever ANDERSON Arthur F M SA 9 Yrs Grand Falls Grand Falls
Nov. 28 Lushes Bt. Paralysis MOORES Rachel F SA 80 Twillingate Lushes Bt.
Dec. 04 Bridgeport Epilepsy STRYDE TEMPLE** Bransome M S.D.A 4 10/12 Bridgeport Bridgeport
Dec. 07 Grand Falls Pneumonia CRITCH Wm. Thomas M SA 8 Mos Grand Falls Grand Falls
Dec. 13 Lucks Hr. Exposure CASSELL Noah M SA 26 3/4 Winter House Cove Lucks Hr.
Dec. 16 Triton Paralysis WINSOR Mrs Harriett F SA 73 No Entry Triton
Dec. 25 Lewisporte Pleuro Pneumonia SNOW Joseph M SA 24 1/2 Lewisporte Lewisporte
Dec. 27 Peters Arm No Entry Bernice Caroline SAMSON* F C of E 2 1/2 Mos Peters Arm Peters Arm
Dec. 28 Twillingate Cancer WALL Samuel M SA 68 Moretons Hr. Bridgeport
Oct. 17 Black Island Paralysis CARROLL Mrs Mary F RC 80 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Nov. 08 Black Island Pulm. T.B. HAMILTON Richard M RC 66 Black Isld Fortune Hr.
Dec. 12 Fortune Hr. Convulsions DWYER Elizabeth A F RC 8 Dys Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Oct. 26 Shoal Arm Whooping Cough FOAKES Margaret Janet May F UC 1 Yr Shoal Arm Shoal Arm
Nov. 02 Springdale Neuritis TAYLOR Mrs John Taylor F UC 78 Battle Hr. Springdale
Dec. 09 Norris Arm Cancer of Stomach HYNES Lionel M UC 73 Exploits Norris Arm
Sep. 15 Port Albert Whooping Cough PELLEY Marion F UC 5 Mos Port Albert Port Albert
Oct. 14 Port Albert Whooping Cough Maud MUGFORD* F UC 13 Mos Port Albert Port Albert
Oct. 19 Port Albert Cancer MERCER Isabella F UC 46 Yrs Port Albert Port Albert
Nov. 20 Cobbs Arm T.B. WOODS George M UC 25 Cobbs Arm Cobbs Arm
Nov. 25 Seal Cove T.B. SANSOME Effie M F UC 13 Mos Seal Cove Seal Cove
Dec. 16 Cobbs Arm Bronchitis BLAKE Lily F UC 8 Dys Cobbs Arm Cobbs Arm
Dec. 31 Leading Tickles No Entry ROUSELL Eric S M C of E 2 Dys Leading Tickles Leading Tickles
Dec. 23 G. Falls Station Whooping Cough CURTIS Claude A M Pentecostal 17 Dys G.F. Station G.F. Station
Dec. 04 Peters Arm Heart Disease OXFORD Elijah M SA 76 Herring Neck Peters Arm
**TEMPLE,(STRYDE) was pencilled in
*SAMSON was entered in Given Name column,
*MUGFORD was entered in Given Name Column.
PAGE 344,1935                  
Dec. 11 Grand Falls Prematurity RIDEOUT Dorothy R F RC 6 Wks Grand Falls Grand Falls
Dec. 10 Grand Falls Atrophy of Liver BUDGELL Margaret H F RC 3 Wks Grand Falls Grand Falls
Dec. 30 Northern Arm Tuberculosis HUMPHRIES Garland M RC 27 Northern Arm Northern Arm
Sep. 22 Buchans Junct. No Entry PRITCHARD Kenneth Gerald M C of E 1/12 Buchans Junct. Millertown
Dec. 06 Twillingate, N.Side Cerebral Thrombosis WELLS Georgina F C of E 69 Twillingate Twillingate
Nov. 26 Badger Ca. Cervical Glands NOSEWORTHY Harry M Pentecostal 33 Botwood Badger
July 13 Springdale Convulsions WARR Eileen M F Pentecostal 7 Dys Springdale Springdale
Aug. 14 Springdale Dysentery WELLS Allan R M Pentecostal 3 Dys St. Anthony Springdale
Sep. 20 Cottle's Island Senility PRYOR Thomas M UC 81 England Cottle's Island
Sep. 22 Cottle's Island Summer Complaint CANNING Rowena F Pentecostal 10/12 Cottle's I. Cottle's Island
Aug. 21 Pt. Leamington Consumption PAUL Maisie F Pentecostal 11 Pt. Leamington Pt. Leamington
Dec. 16 Salt Pond Cancer ANSTEY Stephen W M UC 67 Exploits Salt Pond
Sep. 10 Bishop's Falls Convulsions GREEN Willis P M Pentecostal 2 Dys Bishop's Falls Bishop's Falls
Nov. 17 Indian Cove Convulsions RIDEOUT Eric Sidney M UC 10 Yrs Indian Cove Indian Cove
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Nov. 22 Durrell's Arm Pul. Tuberculosis DALLY Mrs Thomas F UC 67 Twillingate Twillingate
N/E. 23 Twillingate Arterio Sclerosis COOPER Esther F UC 81 Twillingate Twillingate
Dec. 10 Purcell's Hr. Hemiplegia ANSTEY Lavinia F UC 75 Twillingate Twillingate, Little Hr
N/E. 22 Twillingate Asphyxia Neonatorum MAIDMENT Roy G. M UC 2 Dys Twillingate Twillingate
Oct. 02 Twillingate Pul. Tuberculosis REID Mrs Reginald F UC 29 Carmanville Twillingate
N/E. 06 Grand Falls St. Tuberculosis MULROONEY Alice F RC 32 No Entry Grand Falls
Nov. 13 Grand Falls St. Tuberculosis FOLEY Bridget F RC 52 St John's No Entry
Dec. 29 Grand Falls Meningitis HAWCO Wilfred M RC 1 Grand Falls Grand Falls
Nov. 20 Bishop's Falls No Entry STUCKEY Garland M UC 4 Bishop's Falls Bishop's Falls
Oct. 04 Fortune Hr. Abd. Cancer BYRNE John M RC 72 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
N/E. 10 Fortune Hr. Pul. Tuberculosis DEA James M RC 65 Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
N/E. 26 Fortune Hr. Convulsions BUDGELL David H. M RC 5 Dys Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Nov. 26 Fortune Hr. Convulsions DWYER Margaret F RC 6 Dys Fortune Hr. Fortune Hr.
Oct. 08 Durrell's Arm Chr. Nephritis CLARKE Harold M UC 36 Twillingate Twillingate
Sep. 28 Bishop's Falls Malnutrition HARNUM Phyllis F Pentecostal 7/12 Bishop's Falls Bishop's Falls
Oct. 09 Bishop's Falls Prematurity THOMPSON Hilda L. F Pentecostal 2 Dys Bishop's Falls Bishop's Falls
N/E. 15 Bishop's Falls Puer. Septicaemia THOMPSON Tryphena F Pentecostal 28 Gander B. Bishop's Falls
Nov. 21 Bishop's Falls Cancer Stomach GOOBIE John M Pentecostal 69 Hant's Hr. Bishop's Falls
Dec. 28 Bishop's Falls Br. Pneumonia HAYWARD Eva E. F Pentecostal 1 No Entry Bishop's Falls
N/E. 30 Bishop's Falls Br. Pneumonia HAYWARD Edith F Pentecostal 3 No Entry Bishop's Falls
Oct. 16 Norris Arm Pul. Tuberculosis HARVEY Phoebe F Pentecostal 16 Norris Arm Norris Arm
Sep. 07 Botwood Pul. Tuberculosis PEYTON Jonathan M Pentecostal 67 Change Isl. Botwood
Oct. 03 Campbellton Old Age CLARKE Frances F Pentecostal 92 Carbonear Campbellton
Dec. 12 Point au Bay No Entry SPARKS Donald M Pentecostal 3 Wks Point au Bay Point au Bay
Oct. 27 Grand Falls St. Heart Failure HOSKINS John M Pentecostal 82 Greenspond G. Falls
Nov. 02 Grand Falls St. Natural Causes CRANN Samuel M Pentecostal 3/12? Grand Falls Grand Falls
Aug. 29 Bishop's Falls Pneumonia ROBERTS John M SA 56 No Entry Bishop's Falls
Dec. 31 Bishop's Falls Ac. Rheumatic Fever REID Cyril W. M SA 14 Bishop's Falls Bishop's Falls
Jun. 19 Cottle's Island (Cottles Isld) Sen? RIDEOUT Mariah F SA 72 Cottle's Island Cottle's Island
Aug. 02 Badger No Entry COLEMAN John M RC 76 Trinity Corner Brook
Dec. 17 Exploits Old Age DALTON Julia F UC 82 Exploits Exploits
Dec. 20 Tilt Cove Old Age JACKMAN William John M Ch.Eng. 79 Winborne, Dorset, Eng. Tilt Cove
Dec. 19 Woodford's Arm Killed by Dogs BURTON Melina F UC 5 Port Anson Port Anson
Sep. 09 Southern Arm Convulsions GILLARD James M UC 1 Wk Southern Arm Southern Arm
Dec. 17 OFF Exploits Senility OFF *DALTON OFF Julia F UC 82 Exploits Exploits
June 01 Beaumont Cold RIDEOUT Aubrey M UC 1 Beaumont Beaumont
Aug. 31 Little Bay Islands Pul. Tuberculosis STRONG William M UC 57 Little Bay Islands Little Bay Islands
Sep. 16 Beaumont Paralysis BURTON James M UC 56 Beaumont Beaumont
Sep. 24 Beaumont Tuberculosis HEATH Ambrose M UC 6 Beaumont Beaumont
Oct. 26 Twgate Hosp. Childbirth WISEMAN Mrs Baxter F UC 38 Little Bay Islands Little Bay Islands
Note: From page 355. LINE 35 (*DALTON) marked as OFF on original page, entered twice.
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Nov. 13 Beaumont Convulsions OAKE Roy M UC 1/12 Beaumont Beaumont
Dec. 24 Little Bay Isl. Cold WISEMAN Gilbert M UC 2/12 Little Bay Islands Little Bay Islands
Dec. 07 Peter's Arm Apoplexy CALLAHAN Harriet F UC 47 Leading Tickles Botwood
Dec. 25 Northern Arm Influenza BUCKLEY Eric M UC 3/12 N. Arm Botwood
Nov. 24 Springdale Epilepsy MACKAY Peter M RC 16 Brent's Cove Springdale
Jan. 23 Nipper's Hr. Acc. Drowning DAVIS Rev. Ebenezer M UC 32 Freshwater Carb. Freshwater, Carb.
Aug. 17 Springdale Convulsions SPENCER Sadie F Pentecostal 3 Wks Springdale Springdale
Oct. 04 Springdale Bronchitis MERCER Robert L. M Pentecostal 6/12 Springdale Springdale
Oct. 13 Springdale Bronchitis MERCER Ada B. F Pentecostal 23/12 Springdale Springdale
Nov. 04 Springdale Pneumonia BUTT Clayton M Pentecostal 14 Springdale Springdale
Dec. 23 Springdale Tuberculosis WARR Marshall M Pentecostal 66 Twgate Springdale
Nov. 28 Boot Hr. Bronchitis SHORT Otto M Pentecostal 3 Wks Port Anson Port Anson
June 28 Little Bay Isls. Whooping Cough PARSONS Pearl F Pentecostal 3 Little B. Isl. Wild Bight
Sep. 09 Badger Pneumonia BOWERS James M UC 30 Southern Arm Southern Arm
Oct. 14 Bishop's Falls Senility REID Jessie F No Entry 96 Hr. Grace Sunnyside
Jan. 15 Campbellton No Entry YOUNG David M UC 8 No Entry No Entry
Jan. 31 Friday's Bay No Entry BURT Joseph Leslie M UC 20 No Entry No Entry
Apr. 28 Summerford No Entry WATKINS Agnes F UC 78 No Entry No Entry
May 13 Summerford No Entry HAWKINS James M UC 3 Dys No Entry No Entry
May 14 Summerford No Entry HAWKINS John M UC 3 Dys No Entry No Entry
June 27 Birchy Bay No Entry BOYD Andrew M UC 89 No Entry No Entry
July 11 Norris Arm Pneumonia HIGGINS Annie F RC 2 Norris Arm Norris Arm
Oct. 26 Botwood Prematurity WOOLRIDGE Frank M CE 3 Dys Botwood Botwood

Transcribed by: Betty Cumby (2012)

Page Last Modified: Friday September 20, 2013 (Don Tate)

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