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Vital Records
Register of Deaths

Trinity Bay District

Book 10
PAGES 221 - 231

SOURCE: LDS Microfilm Reels

Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Surname Given Names Sex Religious Denomination Age Place of Birth Place of Internment
PAGE 221                  
Jan. 07 White Rock Old Age DALTON Thomas M U. Church 82 Lt. Catalina White Rock
Jan. 20 Deep Bight Myocarditis HUTCHINGS Levi M U. Church 71 Spaniard's Bay Shoal Hr.
Feb. 23 Brigus Jct'n Heart Failure JANES Josiah M Ch Engl 63 Spaniard's Bay Whitbourne
Feb. 28 Hopeall Old Age NOSEWORTHY Jane F Ch Engl 91 Spaniard's Bay Whitbourne
Mar. 16 Whitbourne Angina Pectoris BOND Robert M Ch Engl 70 St. John's Whitbourne
Mar. 31 Whitbourne Pul. Tuberculosis JONES William M Ch Engl 22 Whitbourne Whitbourne
Jan. 16 Heart's Content Septicaemia WARREN James M Ch Engl 4 Sydney C.B. Heart's Content
Feb. 13 Heart's Content Pneumonia GEORGE Ida F Ch Engl 48 Heart's Content Heart's Content
Feb. 12 Sydney C.B. Hemiplegia HOUSE William M Ch Engl 61 Heart's Content Heart's Content
Feb. 24 St. John's Addisons Disease SOOLEY Emily F Ch Engl 31 Heart's Content Heart's Content
Mar. 22 Heart's Content Pneumonia BAKER Corbett M Ch Engl 6 Heart's Content Heart's Content
Jan. 01 Hatchet Cove Convulsions ROBBINS Isaac E M U. Church 10Dys. Hatchet Cove Hatchet Cove
Jan. 09 Hatchet Cove Child Birth HISCOCK Lizzie F U. Church 18 Hatchet Cove Hatchet Cove
Jan. 09 Hatchet Cove Still Birth HISCOCK Baby M U. Church SB Hatchet Cove Hatchet Cove
Jan. 03 Hillview Convulsions STOYLES Alwin C M U. Church 17Dys. Hillview Hillview
Feb. 08 Loreburn Convulsions PRICE Marjorie F U. Church 22Dys. Loreburn Loreburn
Jan. 06 Little Ht's Ease Old Age STRINGER Patience F U. Church 91 Lt. Heart's Ease Lt. Heart's Ease
Feb. 26 Bay Bulls Arm Old Age TEMPLE James G M U. Church 77 Norman's Cove Bay Bull's Arm
Jan. 02 Winterton Pneumonia KELLAND Clara H F Ch Engl 42 Winterton Winterton
Feb. 23 St. John's Consumption PARROTT Ethel F Ch Engl 30 Winterton Winterton
Mar. 12 Winterton Old Age BALSOM Amy F Ch Engl 86 Winterton Winterton
Feb. 21 Dunfield Intestinal Obs'tn WOOLRIDGE Harriet S F Ch Engl 2Mo. Dunfield Trinity
Feb. 12 Old Bonaventure Pul. Tuberculosis STONE Annie Maud F Ch Engl 21 Old Bonaventure Old Bonaventure
Feb. 25 Old Bonaventure Meningitis VERGE Arthur W M Ch Engl 14 Old Bonaventure Old Bonaventure
Mar. 04 Trouty Old Age ASH Fanny F Ch Engl 84 No Entry Trouty
Mar. 21 St. John's Marasmus KING Irene Rita F Ch Engl 6Wks. St. John's New Bonaventure
Nov. 26 Hickman's Hr. Tuberculosis MARTIN Elsie F S.Army. 27 Hickman's Hr. Hickman's Hr.
Dec. 13 New Melbourne Old Age GOODWIN Caroline F U. Church 84 Whale's Brook. New Melbourne
Dec. 23 Hant's Harbor. Still Birth No Entry No Entry F U. Church SB Hant's Hr. Hant's Hr.
Jan. 24 New Chelsea Tubercular PYNN Ralph M U. Church 18 New Chelsea New Chelsea
Feb. 10 Whale's Brook No Entry HOPKINS Abraham M U. Church 4 Whale's Bk. Whale's Brook
Feb. 24 Hant's Harbor Old Age PELLEY Enoch M U. Church 84 Hant's Hr. Hant's Hr.
Feb. 22 Whale's Brook Cong. Debility HOPKINS Raymond M U. Church 6Mo. Whale's Bk. Whale's Brook
Feb. 19 Boston Tuberculosis MATTHEWS Elsie L F U. Church 29 Sibley's Cove Brownsdale
Mar. 02 Hant's Harbor Pneumonia GREEN Rachel F U. Church 65 Hant's Hr. Hant's Hr.
Mar. 10 Heart's Content Pneumonia PELLEY Barzillai (?) M U. Church 58 Hant's Hr. Hant's Hr.
Mar. 10 Hant's Harbor Old Age SHORT Samuel M U. Church 82 Hant's Hr. Hant's Hr.
Mar. 14 Hant's Harbor Heart Failure TUCK Sarah F U. Church 65 Hant's Hr. Hant's Hr.
Jan. 14 New Perlican Convulsions PITTS Isabella F Ch Engl 3Mo. New Perlican New Perlican
Feb. 08 New Perlican Paralysis NORTHOVER Nathan M Ch Engl 75 New Perlican New Perlican
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Mar. 01 New Perlican Pneumonia WHITE Benjamin M Ch Engl 64 New Perlican New Perlican
Mar. 18 New Perlican Meningitis BURRIDGE John M Ch Engl 15 New Perlican New Perlican
Jan. 11 Port Union Heart Disease SMART Robert M U. Church 80 Catalina Catalina
Jan. 21 Port Union Old Age RUSSELL Sarah F U. Church 82 Catalina Catalina
Jan. 30 Lt. Catalina Pul. Tuberculosis JOHNSON Sarah J F U. Church 38 Lt. Catalina Lt. Catalina
Mar. 07 Lt. Catalina Bronchitis JOHNSON Louis M U. Church 3Mo. Lt. Catalina Lt. Catalina
Mar. 11 Port Union Tub. Meningitis KEATS Wilson M U. Church 3 5/12 years Newman's Cove Catalina
Mar. 13 Lt. Catalina Bronchitis JOHNSTON Azariah M U. Church 2Mo. Lt. Catalina Lt. Catalina
Mar. 26 Catalina Meningitis COURAGE Fred Leslie M U. Church 4Mo. Catalina Catalina
Jan. 10 Thoroughfare Old Age BROWN Moses M U. Church 100   Thoroughfare
Mar. 03 Newman's Cove Pneumonia COOL Albert M U. Church 35 Newman's Cove Newman's Cove
Mar. 15 Elliston Heart Failure DALTON Thomas M U. Church 49 Elliston Elliston
Aug. 26 Elliston Tuberculosis TRASK Wilfred M U. Church 3Mo. Elliston Elliston
May 11 Summerville Old Age ABBOTT Lucinda F U. Church 84 Plate Cove Summerville
Nov. 20 Green's Hr. Convulsions MARCH Rosie F U. Church 5Mo. Green's Hr. Green's Hr.
Apl. 06 Norman's Cove Meningitis PIERCEY Jacob M U. Church 10 Norman's Cove Norman's Cove
May 01 Thornlea Old Age THORNE Catherine F U. Church 72 Trinity Thornlea
June 09 St. John's Tub. Peritonitis BRANTON Bertha F U. Church 15 Thornlea Thornlea
Feb. 20 Catalina Myocarditis JEANS Stephen M Ch Engl 84 Catalina Catalina
Apl. 12 Catalina Paralysis HISCOCK Maria F Ch Engl 78 King's Cove Catalina
Mar. 28 Catalina Still Birth WHITE No Entry F Ch Engl SB Catalina Catalina
June 13 Catalina Prematurity BLUNDON* Jephariah M Ch Engl 1Dy. Catalina Catalina
June 14 Catalina Prematurity BLUNDON* Ralph M Ch Engl 9Hrs. Catalina Catalina
June 14 Catalina Still Birth BLUNDON* Baby M Ch Engl SB Catalina Catalina
* Note: Triplets
Apl. 03 Heart's Content Pleurisy MARTIN Mary Louise F Ch Engl 46 Heart's Content Heart's Content
May 16? Heart's Content Heart Failure ROCKWOOD Belinda F Ch Engl 54 Heart's Content Heart's Content
May 14 Heart's Content Result of Hunt ROCKWOOD Gordon M Ch Engl 16 Heart's Content Heart's Content
May 12 New Melbourne Old Age DIAMOND Eliza F U. Church 90 New Melbourne New Melbourne
May 22 Hant's Harbor Old Age STICKLAND Melena F U. Church 84 Hant's Hr. Hant's Harbor
May 22 Lead Cove Tuberculosis BUTTON Dora J F U. Church 33 Brownsdale Sibley's Cove
May 25 New Melbourne Tuberculosis BUTTON Joyce F U. Church 20 New Melbourne New Melbourne
Apl. 09 Trinity Meningitis MORRIS Eric C M Ch Engl 10Mo. Trinity Trinity
Apl. 09 British Hr. Prematurity GARDNER Alonzo K M Ch Engl 2Dys. British Hr. British Hr.
Apl. 22 British Hr. Paralysis ANDERSON Christiana F Ch Engl 67 British Hr. British Hr.
Apl. 07 Troytown Scarlet Fever TORPE (?) Mary Ann F Ch Engl 7Mo. Troytown Ireland's Eye
May 20 Trinity Muscular Atrophy FOSTER Elizabeth F Ch Engl 59 No Entry Trinity
May 15 British Hr. Old Age GARDNER Martha F Ch Engl 73 Trinity E British Hr.
May 24 British Hr. Old Age LEONARD Alexander M Ch Engl 72 British Hr. British Hr.
June 19 British Hr. Prematurity VATCHER John M Ch Engl 1Dy. British Hr. British Hr.
June 22 Black Duck Cove Scarlet Fever KELLY Ebenezer M Ch Engl 12 Ireland's Eye Ireland's Eye
  * Triplets                
PAGE 223                  
May 26 Old Bonaventure Tub. Meningitis DEWLING Irene F Ch Engl 2 Old Bonaventure Old Bonaventure
June 17 Goose Cove Cerebral Haemorrhage BARTLETT Susannah F Ch Engl 68 Trinity East Trinity
June 26 Trinity Old Age WOOLRIDGE Richard M Ch Engl 85 Trinity Trinity
Feb. 16 Heart's Delight Infantile WISEMAN Elizabeth B F Ch Engl Hrs. Heart's Delight Heart's Delight
Jan. 26 Heart's Delight Infantile LEGGE Edith Jane F Ch Engl Hrs. Heart's Delight Heart's Delight
Mar. 03 Heart's Delight Convulsions SOOLEY Ellwood Esq M Ch Engl 4Mo. Heart's Delight Heart's Delight
May 07 Heart's Delight Anaemia HOBBS Eldred Thomas M Ch Engl 38 Heart's Delight Heart's Delight
May 26 Heart's Delight Gastritis DAWSON Julia Ann F Ch Engl 53 Upper Is. Cove Heart's Delight
June 10 Islington Meningitis CHISLETT Maxwell M Ch Engl 9 Islington Heart's Delight
May 20 Islington Constipation WELSH Sophia E F Ch Engl 8Mo. Islington Heart's Delight
Apl. 13 Islington Pul. Tuberculosis WELSH Rhoda F Ch Engl 59 Ht's Delight Heart's Delight
Apl. 18 N.W. Brook Old Age MANUEL Anna F U. Church 88 Grates Cove N.B. Brook
Apl. 29 N.W. Brook Pul. Tuberculosis BAKER Jacob M U. Church 22 N.W. Brook Hillview
Apl. 21 Hatchet Cove Convulsions ROBBINS William L M U. Church 6Dys. Hatchet Cove Hatchet Cove
June 22 Whitbourne Septicaemia DROVER Barbara F Ch Engl 59 Island Cove Whitbourne
June 25 Whitbourne Old Age HUTCHINGS Jane F Ch Engl 83 Spaniard's Bay Whitbourne
June 30 Little Harbor Appendicitis WHITE Llewellyn R M Ch Engl 1 1/2 years Little Hr. Little Hr.
June 23 Littke Harbor Prematurity WHITE Emma F Ch Engl 1Dy. Little Hr. Little Hr.
Apl. 07 Winterton Old Age PARROTT Deborah E F Ch Engl 70 Winterton Winterton
Apl. 22 Winterton Convulsions PIERCEY William J M Ch Engl 8Mo. Winterton Winterton
June 08 Winterton Convulsions ANDREWS Roy M Ch Engl 1 7/12 years Winterton Winterton
June 27 Winterton Consumption HISCOCK William James M Ch Engl 27 Winterton Winterton
Mar. 15 Little Catalina Flu FRAMPTON Bennett M U. Church 3 1/2 mo Lt. Catalina Lt. Catalina
Mar. 23 Little Catalina Bronchitis STAGG Edriel F U. Church 2Mo. Lt. Catalina Lt. Catalina
Apl. 16 Catalina Carcinoma Liver STERECK George M U. Church 64 Catalina Catalina
May 23 Bonavista Carcinoma Uterus SNELGROVE Susie F U. Church 67 Catalina Catalina
May 25 Catalina Paralysis HOUSE John M U. Church 67 Catalina Catalina
June 24 Lt. Catalina Gastric Ulcer DAY Thomas M U. Church 54 Lt. Catalina Lt. Catalina
June 27 Port Union Cerebral Haemorrhage DODGE Elizabeth F U. Church 68 Lt. Catalina Lt. Catalina
Jan. 02 Heart's Content Paralysis ROWE John M U. Church 82 Heart's Content Heart's Content
Jan. 06 Winterton Heart Failure PARROTT Jane F U. Church 67 Winterton Winterton
June 24 New York Accident DOWNEY Abraham M U. Church 23 Winterton Winterton
Apl. 08 Winterton Tuberculosis EVANS Herbert M U. Church 21 Winterton Winterton
May 01 Heart's Delight Cancer HILLIARD Florence F U. Church 79 Heart's Delight Ht's Delight
June 06 Winterton Cancer GREEN Eliza F U. Church 71 Winterton Winterton
June 15 Winterton Old Age GREEN Mary F U. Church 79 Winterton Winterton
Apl. 22 Turk's Cove Pul. Tuberculosis HEARTY Ellen F R.C. 15 Turk's Cove Turk's Cove
Apl. 17 Elliston Old Age MARTIN Emma F U. Church 88 Elliston Elliston
Apl. 22 Newman's Cove Pneumonia SKIFFINGTON James M U. Church 53 Newman's Cove Newman's Cove
June 12 Elliston Heart Failure GOODLAND Marion F U. Church 13 Elliston Elliston
PAGE 224                  
June 21 Birchy Cove Old Age RYAN William M U. Church 87 Birchy Cove Newman's Cove
June 10 Newman's Cove Tuberculosis ELLIOTT William M U. Church 15 Newman's Cove Newman's Cove
Jan. 07 Foster's Point Old Age WHITE Ellen F Ch Engl 89 Trinity White Rock
Jan. 13 Foster's Point Old Age STONE Jane F Ch Engl 82 Bonaventure White Rock
Jan. 26 Burgoynes Cove No Entry CARBERRY Susanna F Ch Engl 23 Lance Cove Burgoynes Cove
Mar. 24 Burgoynes Cove Old Age PHILLIPS William M Ch Engl 75 Burgoynes Cove Burgoynes Cove
Nov. 04 Port Blandford Dropsy HOBBS Lucinda F Ch Engl 66 Keels Port Blandford
Feb. 08 Middle Brook Convulsions COLLINS Kathleen F Ch Engl 1Wk. Middle Bk. Middle Bk.
Apl. 20 Petley Old Age WALTERS Pemalia (sic) F Ch Engl 82 Trinity Petley
May 03 Port Blandford Consumption PEDDLE Sarah Jane F Ch Engl 44 Goose Bay Port Blandford
May 13 Port Blandford Inflammation HOSKINS Peter M Ch Engl 43 Greenspond Port Blandford
May 24 Port Blandford Consumption CHATMAN Edith F Ch Engl 11 Port Blandford Port Blandford
June 03 Monroe Cancer Stomach TOPEZ Charles M Ch Engl 61 Monroe Gin Cove
June 14 St. John's Scald WARD Lizzie F Ch Engl 3 Middle Bk. Middle Bk.
July 14 Whiteway Convulsions ROBERTS Emily J F Ch Engl 3Wks. Green's Hr. Whiteway
July 19 Islington Peritonitis CHISLETT Robert M M Ch Engl 3 Islington Heart's Delight
Aug. 08 Heart's Delight Bronchitis CROCKER Edward M Ch Engl 11 Heart's Delight Heart's Delight
Aug. 16 Heart's Delight Dysentery LEGGE Carrie D F Ch Engl 1 2/3 years Heart's Delight Heart's Delight
July 12 Green's Hr. Infantile BENNETT William A M Ch Engl 2Mo. Green's Hr. Green's Hr.
July 08 Islington Infantile CHISLETT Oscre (?) S M Ch Engl 1 1/12 year Islington Ht's Delight
Aug. 21 Heart's Delight Bronchitis WORTHMAN William M Ch Engl 57 Ht's Delight Ht's Delight
Aug. 25 Heart's Delight Cancer Stomach ANDREWS Susanna M F Ch Engl 59 Tack's Beach Ht's Delight
Aug. 27 Little Hr. Marasmus DODGE William M Ch Engl 1 Little Hr. Little Hr.
Aug. 18 Little Hr. Fits DODGE Robert L M Ch Engl 14Dys. Little Hr. Little Hr.
Aug. 28 Hillview Paralysis GREEN Eliza F Ch Engl 75 Gooseberry Cove Hillview
Aug. 24 St.Jones Within Sciatica GREEN Lydia F Ch Engl 50 St.Jones Within St.Jones Within
Mar. 17 Hodge's Cove Drowning HISCOCK Violet F Ch Engl 18 Hodge's Cove Hodge's Cove
Jan. 01 Green's Hr. Cancer BRACE George M U. Church 50 Green's Hr. Green's Hr.
Jan. 06 New Harbor Consumption HEFFORD Susanna F U. Church 37 New Harbor New Harbor
Feb. 02 Green's Hr. Heart Disease BRACE Matilda F U. Church 45 Norman's Cove Green's Hr.
Mar. 10 Green's Hr. Old Age HOWELL Charles M U. Church 78 Carbonear Green's Hr.
Apl. 24 St. Jones (Out) Convulsions GREEN Malcolm G M U. Church 6Dys. St.Jones(Out) St.Jones Out
Apl. 17 St. Jones (Out) Convulsions GREEN Susanna F U. Church 2Mo. St.Jones(Out) St.Jones Out
May 21 Lt. Ht's Ease Cancer DRODGE Joseph M U. Church 60 Grates Cove Lt. Ht's Ease
May 22 Lt. Ht's Ease Tuberculosis DODGE Priscilla F U. Church 24 St.Jones(In) Lt. Ht's Ease
Apl. 15 Foster's Point Inf. Debility ADEY Mabel Audrey F U. Church 1 1/2 years Foster's Pt. Foster's Point
July 07 Hickman's Hr. Consumption CRITCH Annie F U. Church 39 Hickman's Hr. Hickman's Hr.
July 27 Britannia Heart Disease BOWERING Joseph M U. Church 75 Britannia Britannia
Aug. 21 Hickman's Hr. Consumption BUTT Sarah F U. Church 59 Hickman's Hr. Hickman's Hr.
Aug. 30 Thoroughfare Convulsions LODER Hazel D F U. Church 9Dys. Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
PAGE 225                  
Sep. 18 Hickman's Hr. Convulsions AVERY Harold E M U. Church 3 Hickman's Hr. Hickman's Hr.
Sep. 20 Deer Harbor Convulsions PENNY Harvey E M U. Church 11Mo. Deer Hr. Deer Hr.
July 04 New York No Entry PYE Jean F U. Church 34 Britannia Britannia
July 05 Bay Bulls Arm Cancer TEMPLE Philip M U. Church 67? Norman's Cove Bay Bull's Arm
Aug. 01 Bay Bulls Arm No Entry PARSONS Gertie F U. Church 15 Bay Bull's Arm Bay Bull's Arm
Aug. 14 Norman's Cove No Entry PIERCEY Elizabeth F U. Church 44 Norman's Cove Norman's Cove
Sep. 17, 1926 Chance Cove Convulsions SMITH William M Ch Engl 1Wk. Chance Cove Chance Cove
July 30 Whitbourne Old Age DROVER Josiah M Ch Engl 80 Upper Is. Cove Whitbourne
Aug. 08 Whitbourne Tuberculosis GOSSE Providence F Ch Engl 68 Whitbourne Whitbourne
Aug. 14 Whitbourne Cong. Debility GOSSE Frank D M Ch Engl 4Dys. Whitbourne Whitbourne
Aug. 31 Chance Cove Meningitis ANDERSON Aubrey M Ch Engl 12 Chance Cove Chance Cove
Sep. 22 Whitbourne Old Age GOSSE Elizabeth Ann F Ch Engl 87 Upper Is. Cove Whitbourne
June 30 Heart's Content Myocarditis RENDELL Susanna F Ch Engl 73 Heart's Content Heart's Content
July 23 Heart's Content Internal Injuries SINYARD Harriett F Ch Engl 7 Heart's Content Heart's Content
July 25 Heart's Content Pneumonia MURPHY Bennett M Ch Engl 50 Heart's Content Heart's Content
Aug. 23 Boane Experence? Intestinal Obst'n SOOLEY Augustus M Ch Engl 46 Heart's Content Heart's Content
Aug. 27 Millertown Heart Failure MURPHY Arthur M Ch Engl 55 Heart's Content Heart's Content
Sep. 20 Sydney C.B. Cancer REID Rosa A F Ch Engl 53 Heart's Content Heart's Content
Sep. 28 Winterton Paralysis HISCOCK Robert M Ch Engl 65 Winterton Winterton
Apl. 05 Port Union Suicide PELLEY Chesley M Russelite 17 Clarenville Clarenville
Apl. 28 Clarenville Inf. Debility BLACKMORE Baby F Ch Engl 2Wks. Clarenville Clarenville
May 19 Harcourt Pul. Tuberculosis BARRETT Mildred F U. Church 19 Harcourt Harcourt
May 20 Brickyard Pul. Tuberculosis PITTMAN Jane F U. Church No Entry Brickyard Brickyard
June 04 Brickyard Pul. Tuberculosis PITTMAN Frederick M U. Church 15 Brickyard Brickyard
June 27 Waterville Old Age REID Louisa F U. Church 87 Jamestown White Rock
July 06 Somerset Endocarditis PELLEY Hannah F U. Church 65 Hant's Hr. Somerset
July 23 George's Brook Bronchitis PLOUGHMAN Dorothy F U. Church 3Wks. George Bk. George Bk.
July 28 Clarenville Pul. Tuberculosis CLENCH Cassie F U. Church 18 Clarenville Shoal Hr.
Aug. 11 Corner Brook Dysentery HYNES Eva F U. Church 5 Clarenville Clarenville
July 20 New Melbourne Meningitis DRISCOLL James M U. Church 7 New Melbourne New Melbourne
July 21 Hant's Hr. Old Age ELLIS Jacob M U. Church 74 Hant's Hr. Hant's Hr.
July 31 New Melbourne Cong. Debility RYAN? Clara M F U. Church 2Mo. New Melbourne New Melbourne
July 24 Brownsdale Cong. Debility MATTHEWS Laura E F U. Church 9Dys. Brownsdale Brownsdale
Aug. 24 Sibley's Cove Cancer SQUIRES Moses M U. Church 60 Old Perlican Sibley's Cove
Aug. 28 Brownsdale Old Age ARMSTRONG Mary F U. Church 92 Grates Cove Brownsdale
Sep. 03 New Melbourne Typhoid BURSEY Samuel H M U. Church 6 New Melbourne New Melbourne
Sep. 07 Lead Cove Tubercular THORNE Annie F U. Church 30 Lead Cove Brownsdale
Sep. 25 Sibley's Cove Rheumatic Fever SPARKES Susanna F U. Church 53 New Melbourne Sibley's Cove
July 13 Hillview Tuberculosis CHURCHILL Annie B F U. Church 15 Hillview Hillview
July 18 St.Jones Within Convulsions KING Archibald M U. Church 2 7/12 years St.Jones In St.Jones In
PAGE 226                  
Sep. 19 St. John's Meningitis ROGERS Helen F S.Army 56 Hatchet Cove St.Jones Within
Apl. 30 New Perlican Meningitis SEWARD Betsy F Ch Engl 15 New Perlican New Perlican
May 03 New Perlican Influenza MARTIN Doris P F Ch Engl 17 New Perlican New Perlican
June 02 New Perlican Old Age SMITH Ellen M F Ch Engl 78 New Perlican New Perlican
June 26 New Perlican Inf. Debility SMITH Lucy F Ch Engl 5Mo. New Perlican New Perlican
Aug. 04 New Perlican Tubercular WHITE Paulina F Ch Engl 45 New Perlican New Perlican
Aug. 17 New Perlican Paralysis MARTIN James M Ch Engl 76 New Perlican New Perlican
Sep. 21 Vitter's Cove No Entry NORTHOVER Mary H F Ch Engl 44 New Perlican New Perlican
Aug. 20 English Hr. Old Age BARNES Martha F U. Church 75 English Hr. English Hr.
June 24 Summerville Convulsions HUMBY Andrew M U. Church 1Dy. Summerville Summerville
June 30 Summerville Pneumonia HUMBY Rebecca F U. Church 36 Summerville Summerville
Sep. 21 Summerville Convulsions HUMBY Janie F U. Church 2Mo. Summerville Summerville
Oct. 19 The Sanarorium Pul. Tuberculosis DAMPIER Emma F Ch Engl 23 Trinity Ch Engl C. St.John's
Aug. 03 Clarenville Old Age BAKER Caleb M S.Army 69 Gooseberry Cove Clarenville
June 26 Hant's Hr. Haemoptysis PRICE William M S.Army 59 Hant's Hr. No Entry
Aug. 26 Heart's Delight Inf. Debility CRANFORD Hilda F S.Army 9Mo. Ht's Delight Ht's Delight
Oct. 02 Britiannia Inf. Debility VERGE Annie B F S.Army 9Mo. Britianna Britianna
Mar. 24 Field Hospital Old Age KELLAND Albert M Ch Engl 81 Winterton C.O.E.
Nov. 07 The Sanarorium Pul. Tuberculosis DRODGE Mrs. Jane F U. Church 22 Lt. Ht's Ease G. Protestant
June 28 New Bonaventure Pleurisy VIVIAN Richard M Ch Engl 84 New Bonaventure Old Bonaventure
July 07 British Hr. Heart Disease SHORT Eli M Ch Engl 69 Cat Cove Bonaventure
July 27 British Hr. Cancer LEDREW Theodosia F Ch Engl 54 British Hr. British Hr.
Aug. 29 Old Bonaventure Dementia PITCHER Israel M Ch Engl 72 Old Bonaventure Old Bonaventure
Aug. 27 G. Hospital Tetanus PITTMAN William K M Ch Engl 5 Trinity Trinity
Sep. 05 Lockston Pul. Tuberculosis PEDDLE Patience F Ch Engl 14 Lockston Lockston
Sep. 15 British Hr. Cerebral Haemorrhage LEONARD William M Ch Engl 71 British Hr. British Hr.
Sep. 19 Trinity Dropsy HISCOCK William S M Ch Engl 59 Trinity Trinity
Sep. 23 Old Bonaventure Prematurity VERGE Susanna J F Ch Engl 9Dys. Old Bonaventure Old Bonaventure
Sep. 02 New Bonaventure Inf. Debility MILLER Lillian F Ch Engl 4Mo. New Bonaventure New Bonaventure
Sep. 23 British Hr. Heart Failure GARDNER Eugenia S F Ch Engl 62 Champneys British Hr.
Sep. 28 Grand Falls Gastric Carcinoma HOUSE William H M Ch Engl 71 Trinity Trinity
Jan. 15 Dildo No Entry MOORE Alan M Ch Engl 55 Dildo Dildo
Jan. 05 Chappel Tuberculosis NEWHOOK Bertha F Ch Engl 28 Norman's Cove Norman's Cove
Mar. 15 New Harbor Indigestion WILLIAMS Ada C F Ch Engl 2Mo. New Hr. New Harbor
Mar. 19 Old Shop Inf. Debility REID Charles H M Ch Engl 1Mo. Old Shop Old Shop
Mar. 23 Spread Eagle Old Age HELLIER Ann F Ch Engl 75 New Harbor New Harbor
Mar. 08 New Harbor Old Age THORNE Cecilia F Ch Engl 77 New Harbor New Harbor
May 01 New Harbor Old Age MILLER William M Ch Engl 76 New Harbor New Harbor
Oct. 01 New Harbor Still Birth SMITH No Entry M Ch Engl SB New Harbor New Harbor
Oct. 01 Dildo Still Birth GRACE No Entry M Ch Engl SB Dildo Dildo
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Sep. 21 Elliston Old Age PORTER Mary Anne F U. Church 82 Elliston Elliston
Sep. 26 Elliston Old Age OLDFORD Jane F U. Church 83 Newman's Cove Elliston
Sep. 29 Elliston Old Age COLES Mary F U. Church 76 Elliston Elliston
Sep. 30 Elliston Old Age CHAULK Annie F U. Church 86 Elliston Elliston
Dec. 14 Millertown Pneumonia JONES William M Ch Engl 71 Bishop's Cove Blaketown
Dec. 18 Whitbourne Septicaemia DROVER Eliza F Ch Engl 79 Bishop's Cove Whitbourne
Dec. 30 Insane Asylum Senile Dementia DROVER Mary F Ch Engl 75 Bishop's Cove Blaketown
Dec. 15 Chance Cove Broncho Pneumonia CLARKE Maria Ann F Ch Engl 63 Chance Cove Chance Cove
Oct. 06 Winterton Dropsy KELLAND Mary Grace F Ch Engl 50 Winterton Winterton
Oct. 09 Winterton Old Age HISCOCK Ann Amelia F Ch Engl 66 Winterton Winterton
Oct. 23 Winterton Consumption PINHORN Catherine F Ch Engl 24 Winterton Winterton
Oct. 26 Winterton Convulsions PARROTT Amelia Jane F Ch Engl 7Wks. Winterton Winterton
Dec. 26 Winterton Prematurity BROWN Arthur M Ch Engl 1Dy. Winterton Winterton
Oct. 11 Heart's Content Cerebral Haemorrhage BUDDEN Augustus M Ch Engl 77 Heart's Content Heart's Content
Nov. 01 Heart's Content Myocarditis GEORGE Sarah F Ch Engl 19 Heart's Content Heart's Content
Aug. 08 St.Jones In No Entry KING Martha F U. Church No Entry St.Jones(In) St.Jones In
Aug. 08 St.Jones In No Entry KING Sarah F U. Church No Entry St.Jones(In) St.Jones (n
Nov. 12 Loreburn Pneumonia PRICE Corbett M U. Church 72 Hant's Hr. Loreburn
Nov. 25 Hatchet Cove Tuberculosis LOMBERT (sic) Wm. John M U. Church 20 St.Jones(In) Hatchet Cove
Dec. 13 Hillview Old Age FROST James M U. Church 83 Grates Cove Hillview
Dec. 22 Ivany's Cove Cancer AVERY Rachel F U. Church 68 Grates Cove Hillview
Sep. 18 Little Ht's Ease Consumption MARTIN Hayward M U. Church 17 Little Ht's Ease Little Ht's Ease
Nov. 23 Little Ht's Ease Bronchitis DRODGE Lily F F U. Church 2 Little Ht's Ease Little Ht's Ease
Dec. 23 Little Harbor Convulsions JACOBS Stephen L M U. Church 7Dys. Little Hr. Little Hr.
Dec. 31 Lady Cove Tuberculosis BUTLER Elizabeth F U. Church 72 Cupids Lady Cove
July 01 Dark Cove N B Old Age LUSH Caroline F Ch Engl 77 Gambo Middle Bk.
Sep. 21 Dark Cove N B Consumption GOULDING Catherine F Ch Engl 70 Middle Bk. Middle Bk.
Nov. 29 Gambo Old Age LANE Eliza F Ch Engl 76 Bonavista Middle Bk.
Oct. 10 Middle Bk. Convulsions PENNEY Harold R M Ch Engl 6Mo. Benton Middle Bk.
Oct. 17 Burgoynes Cove No Entry IVANY Rose Anna F Ch Engl 65 Burgoynes Cove Burgoynes Cove
Sep. 23 Middle Bk. Inf. Debility PRITCHETT Baxter M Ch Engl 2Mo. Middle Bk. Middle Bk.
Nov. 26 Somerset Tumor of Brain WHITE Dugald M Ch Engl 52 Bonavista White Rock
Nov. 30 Snook's Hr. Consumption BAKER Mary Ellen F Ch Engl 25 Tack's Beach Snook's Hr.
Aug. 27 Port Union Child Birth BROWN Elsie Snowden F Ch Engl 28 SW Arm, Catalina Catalina
Aug. 27 Port Union Still Birth BROWN No Entry F Ch Engl SB Port Union Catalina
July 28 Catalina Paralysis STONE Leonora F Ch Engl 87 Catalina Catalina
Sep. 04 Catalina Pul. Tuberculosis WHITE Rachel Mary F Ch Engl 14 Catalina Catalina
Oct. 10 Catalina Tub. Intestines SHEPPARD Hubert M Ch Engl 23 Catalina Catalina
Oct. 21 Catalina Endocarditis STONE Abel M Ch Engl 75 Catalina Catalina
Dec. 24 Catalina Pul. Tuberculosis WHITE Norman M Ch Engl 23 Catalina Catalina
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Aug. 12 Lt. Catalina Tub. Peritonitis STEED William James M U. Church 15 Lt. Catalina Lt. Catalina
Aug. 14 Catalina Pneumonia CLOUTER Solomon M U. Church 80 Catalina Catalina
Aug. 27 Catalina Dysentery HOWSE Katherine F U. Church 87 Catalina Catalina
Aug. 28 Lt. Catalina Heart Disease DALTON Sarah F U. Church 69 Lt. Catalina Lt. Catalina
Sep. 26 Lt. Catalina Pul. Tuberculosis REID Elizabeth A V F U. Church 1 1/2 Mo Lt. Catalina Lt. Catalina
Oct. 18 Lt. Catalina Meningitis JOHNSON Eugene M U. Church 2Mo. Lt. Catalina Lt. Catalina
Oct. 22 Catalina Inf. Debility HOWSE Sidney G M U. Church 2Dys. Catalina Catalina
Dec. 04 Port Union Tetanus GOODYEAR Robert M U. Church 7 Port Union Catalina
Dec. 28 Catalina Pul. Tuberculosis HOWSE Bertha F U. Church 31 Silverdale Catalina
Dec. 28 Southern Bay Pneumonia HOLLOHAN George M U. Church 73 Elliston Southern Bay
July 17 Winterton Dropsy PITCHER Eli M U. Church 72 Winterton Winterton
Sep. 09 Heart's Delight Diarrhoea FOST Florence F U. Church 1 Heart's Delight Heart's Delight
Sep. 12 Winterton Paralysis PIERCEY Charles M U. Church 79 Winterton Winterton
Sep. 14 Winterton Still Birth No Entry No Entry M U. Church SB Winterton Winterton
Sep. 10 Grand Falls Accident GEORGE Willis M U. Church 68 Winterton Winterton
Oct. 11 Winterton Paralysis PIERCEY Harriet F U. Church 82 Winterton Winterton
Oct. 31 Winterton Cancer PARROTT Ambrose M U. Church 68 Winterton Winterton
Dec. 03 Winterton Heart Failure GREEN Elizabeth F U. Church 69 Winterton Winterton
Nov. 07 Bay Bulls Arm Inf. Debility SMITH James Melvin M U. Church 2 8/12 years Bay Bull's Arm Bay Bull's Arm
Oct. 03 Sibley's Cove Tubercular EDDY Bessie May F U. Church 13 Sibley's Cove Sibley's Cove
Oct. 07 New Melbourne Cong. Debility REID Elsie F U. Church 15Mo. New Melbourne New Melbourne
Oct. 14 Hant's Harbor Heart Failure SNOOK Martha M F U. Church 57 Hant's Hr. Hant's Hr.
Oct. 29 Hant's Harbor Tubercular ANDREWS Ella F U. Church 19 Cape Island Hant's Hr.
Dec. 01 New Chelsea Cong. Debility PIKE Frank M U. Church 8Mo. Old Perlican New Chelsea
Dec. 18 New Melbourne Typhoid CLARKE Jessie F U. Church 44 New Perlican New Melbourne
Dec. 12 Torquay Cong. Debility ROGERS Bertha F U. Church 3Mo. Torquay Sibley's Cove
Dec. 29 Brownsdale Meningitis HEAD Lavinia F U. Church 18 Brownsdale Brownsdale
Oct. 03 St. John's Angina Pectoris GENT George M Ch Engl 60 Trinity Trinity
Oct. 07 Trinity Val. Heart Disease TIBBS Heber R M Ch Engl 64 Trinity Trinity
Oct. 23 Trinity Tuberculosis TIBBS Mary T F Ch Engl 33 Trinity Trinity
Oct. 18 Trinity Cerebral Tumor WOOLRIDGE Helen M F Ch Engl 46 Trinity Trinity
Oct. 30 Trouty Val. Heart Disease MORRIS Elizabeth F Ch Engl 66 No Entry Trouty
Oct. 16 Trouty Diarrhoea BARNES Rita F Ch Engl 2Mo. Trouty Trouty
Oct. 07 Little Hr. Consumption VOKEY Sarah E F Ch Engl 5Mo. Little Hr. Little Hr.
Oct. 03 Ivanhoe Peritonitis IVANY Thomas M M Ch Engl 9 Ivanhoe Ireland's Eye
Oct. 18 Old Bonaventure Pul. Tuberculosis DEWLING Muriel F Ch Engl 31 Old Bonaventure Old Bonaventure
Oct. 11 British Hr. Consumption LEONARD Annie F Ch Engl 55 Pope's Hr. British Hr.
Nov. 28 St. John's Myocarditis GUY Sarah F Ch Engl 60 No Entry Trinity
Oct. 06 Kerley's Hr. Consumption KING Feodora F Ch Engl 38 Port Rexton New Bonaventure
Dec. 01 Kerley's Hr. Marasmus KING John C M Ch Engl 6Mo. Kerley's Hr. New Bonaventure
PAGE 229                  
Dec. 11 Old Bonaventure Tuberculosis VERGE Peter M Ch Engl 55 Old Bonaventure Old Bonaventure
July 15 St. John's Tuberculosis GOSSE Caroline F Church Organ'n 39 Dildo Hr. Dildo Hr.
Oct. 17 Dildo No Entry HUTCHINS Arthur M Ch Engl 56 No Entry Dildo
Dec. 01 New Harbor Inf. Debility HIGDON Heber R M Ch Engl 3Dys. New Hr. New Hr.
Oct. 21 New Harbor Tuberculosis WOODMAN Mrs. Robert F S.Army 54 New Hr. New Hr.
Sep. 14 Heart's Delight Paralysis REID Anne F S.Army 65 Ht's Delight Ht's Delight
May 12 G. Hospital Septic Knee TOULMAN Peter M U. Church 48 Trinity E Trinity E
June 14 G. Hospital Carcinoma/ Prostate MOORE Thomas M U. Church 65 Dildo Dildo
Sep. 02 G. Hospital Peritonitis PELLEY William R M U. Church 10 George Bk. George Bk.
Nov. 16 Grace Hospital Testinal Obst'n BRACE Mary F U. Church 45 Chance Cove Chance Cove
Nov. 24? * Field Hospital Mastoiditis JACKSON Alexander M U. Church 62 Cavendish Cavendish
* Note: A 4 was written in over the 6 or a 6 was written on over the 4. Date could be either 24 or 26.
Dec. 27 394 Water St. St. John's No Entry YETMAN Clement M U. Church No Entry Bristol Hope Bristol Hope
Jan. 05 Champney's W Broncho Pneumonia BATSON Mahallah F Ch Engl 75 Champney's W Trinity East
Jan. 31 Trinity East Epilepsy FOWLOW Amy F Ch Engl 28 Trinity East Trinity East
Feb. 21 English Hr. Pul. Tuberculosis BARNES Daniel M Ch Engl 23 English Hr. English Hr.
Feb. 28 Champney's E Cancer of Face WALTERS Caroline F Ch Engl 83 Champney's E Champney's E
Feb. 16 Trinity East Cerebral Haemorrhage MILLS Reginald M Ch Engl 94 Trinity Trinity E
Apl. 25 Champney's E Old Age DEWLING Margaret F Ch Engl 86 Trinity E Champney's E
May 10 Champney's W Influenza HOOKEY Hilda Pearl F Ch Engl 1 1/2 years. Champney's W Champney's W
June 20 Champney's E Tub. Meningitis NURSE Pearl F Ch Engl 16 Champney's E Champney's E
Aug. 30 Champney's W Inf. Debility HOOKEY Ruby M F Ch Engl 7Mo. Champney's W Champney's W
Aug. 30 St. John's Diabetes DAY Nehemiah M Ch Engl 67 Champney's E Champney's E
July 14 Champney's E Inf. Debility HART Gilbert M Ch Engl 8Mo. Champney's E Champney's E
Aug. 04 St. John's Septicaemia FOWLOW Baxter M Ch Engl 52 Trinity E Trinity E
Aug. 21 Port Rexton Pul. Tuberculosis GOLDSWORTHY Allan M Ch Engl 23 Champney's W Trinity E
Sep. 19 Trinity East Pneumonia JONES Elizabeth F Ch Engl 68 King's Cove Trinity E
Sep. 19 Trinity East Pul. Tuberculosis FOWLOW Martin M Ch Engl 82 Trinity East Trinity E
Sep. 25 Port Rexton Tuberculosis. of Bowels RANDELL Sophie F Ch Engl 47 Port Rexton Trinity E
Sep. 23 May Is. Quebec Fractured Skull BARBOUR William M Ch Engl 44 Port Rexton Trinity E
Sep. 28 Trinity East Cerebral Haemorrhage LANDER Mary Ann F Ch Engl 84 Port Rexton Trinity E
Sep. 30 Trinity East Ch. Nephritis FOWLOW Mary Frances F Ch Engl 66 Isle of Valen Trinity E
Oct. 22 Lockston Marasmus WHITE Emma Jane F Ch Engl 4Mo. Lockston Champney's East
Oct. 12 Port Rexton Pul. Tuberculosis RANDELL John M Ch Engl 41 Port Rexton Trinity East
Nov. 27 Port Rexton Val. Heart Disease PLOUGHMAN John M Ch Engl 77 Port Rexton Trinity East
Dec. 03 Port Rexton Old Age COOK Honor F Ch Engl 87 Port Rexton Trinity East
Dec. 13 Champney's E Pul. Tuberculosis GOSSE Blanche F Ch Engl 28 Champney's E Champney's E
Dec. 14 English Hr. Pul. Tuberculosis PENNY Nathaniel M Ch Engl 60 English Hr. English Hr.
July 30 Turk's Cove Pneumonia HEARTY Bridget F Rom Cath 45 Colliers Turk's Cove
Aug. 25 Heart's Delight Stomach Ulcer BISHOP Elizabeth F Rom Cath 58 Heart's Desire Heart's Desire
Dec. 15 St. John's Cancer of Stomach CARBERRY Peter Joseph M Rom Cath 61 Turk's Cove Turk's Cove
PAGE 230                  
Dec. 20 Turk's Cove Pul. Tuberculosis ANTLE Peter M Rom Cath 23 Turk's Cove Turk's Cove
May 16 Green' Hr. Child Birth COISH Annie F U. Church 32 Green's Hr. Green's Hr.
May 29 Cavendish Diarrhoea CRITCH Linda M F U. Church 3 Cavendish Cavendish
June 14 Cavendish Convulsions CRITCH Jacob F P M U. Church 9Mo. Cavendish Cavendish
June 14 St. John's Cancer MOORE Thomas M U. Church 64 Dildo New Harbor
June 17 Whiteway Convulsions BISHOP Mary Lavinia F U. Church Mo. Whiteway Whiteway
June 18 Whiteway Convulsions POTTLE William J M U. Church Mo. Whiteway Whiteway
July 24 Green' Hr. Still Birth JARVIS No Entry F U. Church SB Green's Hr. Green's Harbor
July 24 Green' Hr. Still Birth JARVIS No Entry F U. Church SB Green's Hr. Green's Harbor
Aug. 03 Green' Hr. Drowning COISH Moses M U. Church 36 Green's Hr. Green's Harbor
Aug. 21 Hopeall Consumption PIERCEY Alice F U. Church 41 New Harbor Hopeall
Sep. 27 Gooseberry Cove Cancer SEWARD William Henry M Ch Engl 61 No Entry Gooseberry Cove
Dec. 18 Little Hr. Old Age NORRIS Kesendia F Ch Engl 79 No Entry Little Hr.
Nov. 05 Hillview Tuberculosis CHURCHILL Jessie A F Ch Engl 39 No Entry Hillview
Dec. 19 Hillview Tuberculosis BENSON Elizabeth F Ch Engl 35 No Entry Hillview
Oct. Hillview Old Age VIVIAN Sebina F Ch Engl 78 No Entry Hillview
Nov. Long Beach Tuberculosis GOSSE Cyril M Ch Engl 34 No Entry Long Beach
Nov. 06 Green' Hr. Tuberculosis SHARP Margaret F U. Church 4 Broad Cove Green's Hr.
Nov. 01 Harcourt Paralysis TILLEY Mary Ann F U. Church 66 Hant's Hr. Somerset
Dec. 02 Shoal Hr. Pul. Tuberculosis BLUNDON Lilian F U. Church 33 Adeytown Shoal Hr.
Dec. 11 Somerset Old Age PELLEY James M U. Church 80 Hant's Hr. Somerset
Dec. 18 Somerset Miliary T.B. PELLEY Stephen M U. Church 21 Somerset Harcourt
Dec. 20 Gen.Hosp. St.J's Tuberculosis SMITH Abraham M Ch Engl 49 Chance Cove Chance Cove
Oct. 07 Elliston Typhoid Fever MURPHY Sarah F Meth. 29 Elliston Elliston
Oct. 09 Newman's Cove Tuberculosis ELLIOTT Sarah F Meth. 50 Newman's Cove Newman's Cove
Nov. 08 Newman's Cove Paralysis HICKS William M Meth. 62 Newman's Cove Newman's Cove
Dec. 24 Newman's Cove Cancer of the Bowels SKIFFINGTON William M Meth. 61 Newman's Cove Newman's Cove
Dec. 25 Elliston Premature Birth COLES Clifford M Meth. 4Hrs. Elliston Elliston
Oct. 20 Elliston Still Born CHAULK (Twins Male) M Meth. No Entry No Entry Elliston
Dec. 03 Elliston Still Born COLES (Son) M Meth. No Entry No Entry Elliston
July 05 Hickman's Hr. No Entry CRITCH Mary F Meth. 73 Hickman's Hr. Hickman's Hr.
Oct. 24 Chappell Arm No Entry REID Mary F Ch Engl 82 Chappell Arm Chappell Arm
Oct. 26 Beaumount South Cancer RIDEOUT John M S.Army 74 No Entry Beaumont South
Nov. 22, 1926 Hickman's Harbor Consumption MARTIN Elsie F S.Army 21 Hickman's Hr. Hickman's Hr.
Oct. 01 New Perlican Phthisis Pulomonaris SEWARD Blanche E F Ch Engl 24 2/3 years New Perlican New Perlican
Oct. 04 New Perlican Artero Scelerosis[sic] BRYANT Jacob M Ch Engl 76 2/3 years New Perlican New Perlican
Dec. 20 New Perlican Artero Scelerosis[sic] SMITH Munro M Ch Engl 84 New Perlican New Perlican
Nov. 07 Bay Bulls No Entry SMITH James Melvin M U. Church 2Y? Bay Bull's Arm Bay Bull's Arm
June 04 Little Ht's Ease Pneumonia SHAW* Daniel F M Rom Cath 3* Lt. Ht's Ease Lt. Ht's Ease
Oct. 24 Random Chappell Arm No Entry REID Mary? F Ch Engl 82 Random Chappell Arm Random Chappell Arm
* SHAW..On orginal page..age is written as 3 but 8Mo. written above.
PAGE 231                  
Sep. 18 Trinity Pond Prematurity PLOUGHMAN Baby F No Entry 1Dy. Trinity Pond Trinity Pond
Nov. 27 Chappel Arm   WARREN Jas. Cyril M No Entry 3Dys Chappel Arm Chappel Arm
Sep. 16 Heart's Delight Unknown WORTHMAN James M Ch Engl 56 (?) Heart's Delight Heart's Delight
Oct. 16 Heart's Delight Unknown LEGGE William M Ch Engl 78 Heart's Delight Heart's Delight
Jan. 15 Dildo Unknown MOORE Alan Pittman M Ch Engl 56 Dildo Dildo

Transcribed by: Gordon Bennett (2012)

Page Last Modified: Friday September 06, 2013 (Don Tate)

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