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Vital Records
Register of Deaths
Book 1
1891-1892 - Book #1

Pages 46, 47, 59, 73, 83, 84, 101 & 102

Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Surname Given Names Religious Denomination Age Place of Birth Place of Internment
PAGE 46                
May 20 Salmonier S S Consumption RYAN Elizabeth Roman Catholic 22 years none given Salmonier S S
May 20 Salmonier N S Influenza PARROTT Mrs Nicholas Roman Catholic 65 years Salmonier N S Salmonier S S
May 24 Salmonier S S Influenza PENNY Mrs Thos Roman Catholic 72 years none given Salmonier S S
May 25 Salmonier S S Influenza HAYES Thomas Roman Catholic 22 years Salmonier N S Salmonier S S
May 25 Salmonier S S Influenza MARRAY Thomas Roman Catholic 4 years Salmonier N S North Side Mt Carmel
May 28 Salmonier S S Influenza McDONALD Michael Roman Catholic 67 years Salmonier N S Salmonier S S, St Josephs
June 1 Salmonier S S Apoplexy DALY Wm Daniel Roman Catholic 59 years Mall Bay Salmonier S S, St Josephs
June 3 Salmonier N S Disease of the Liver NOWLAN Edward Roman Catholic 39 years Salmonier N S Salmonier, Mt Carmel Cem
June 17 Salmonier N S Convulsions PENNY Nicholas Roman Catholic 2 mos Salmonier N S Salmopnier S S
May 1 North East Arm Diphtheria MURRAY George Roman Catholic 9 years North East Arm Mt Carmel Cemetery
May 5 Jersey Side Infantile COLLINS Francis Roman Catholic 8 mos Jersey Side Placentia
May 10 Placentia La Grippe FLYNN Thomas Roman Catholic 72 years Placentia Placentia
May 11 North East Arm Diphtheria MURRAY Michael Roman Catholic 12 years North East Placentia
May 15 North East Arm none given FLYNN Catherine Roman Catholic 21 years none given Placentia
May 26 Placentia La Grippe COSGROVE Julia Roman Catholic 9 years Placentia Placentia
June 11 Placentia Consumption RIELLY Lizzie Roman Catholic 22 years Placentia Placentia
June 18 Placentia Consumption WALSH Teresa Roman Catholic 7 years Placentia Placentia
July 11 South East Infantile CANIGAN Annie Roman Catholic 3 years South East Placentia
July 14 North East Consumption McHUGH May Bridget Roman Catholic 28 years North East Placentia
July 23 South East none given MILLER Thomas Roman Catholic 61 years South East Placentia
May 27 Cuslett La Grippe TRIMLETT Mary Roman Catholic 46 years Gull Cove St Mary's Bay, St Brides
July 7 Branch La Grippe CAREW Mary Roman Catholic 73 years Ireland Branch
July 27 Patricks Cove Asthma MAGRATH Catherine Roman Catholic 81 years Ireland St Brides
July 23 St Brides Consumption DOHEY Margaret Roman Catholic 45 years St Brides St Brides
June 5 Branch La Grippe NASH Margaret Joseph Roman Catholic 13 years Branch Branch
June 7 Branch La Grippe ROURKE Ellen Roman Catholic 85 years Ireland Branch
May 7 Trepassey Influenza PENNELL Johanna Roman Catholic 63 years St John's Trepassey
May 11 Trepassey Acute Bronchitis KENNEDY William Roman Catholic 78 years Trepassey Trepassey
May 15 Trepassey Paralysis FEWER John Roman Catholic 69 years St Mary's Trepassey
May 22 Trepassey Convulsions WADDLETON Mary Agatha Roman Catholic 4 mos Trepassey Trepassey
June 12 Trepassey Dropsy CORCORAN Michael Roman Catholic 63 years Ireland Trepassey
June 18 Trepassey Stomatis NIEL Robert Francis Roman Catholic 1 month Trepassey Trepassey
July 5 Trepassey Influenza CURTIS James Roman Catholic 85 years Trepassey Trepassey
July 19 Trepassey Senictus CURTIS Bridget Roman Catholic 86 years Biscay B Trepassey
May 13 Peters River La Grippe HICKS John Roman Catholic 14 years Peters River Holyrood
May 16 St Marys Old Age LUNDRIGAN Mary Roman Catholic 30 years St Mary's St Mary's
May 20 Holyrood La Grippe HALLERN James Roman Catholic 76 years Holyrood Holyrood
June 4 St Marys Consumption DAVIS George Roman Catholic 32 years St Mary's St Mary's
June 7 St Marys La Grippe DILLON Christina Roman Catholic 54 years St Mary's St Mary's
PAGE 47                
June 9 Holyrood La Grippe HALLERN Michael Roman Catholic 74 years Holyrood Holyrood
June 21 St Marys La Grippe ST CROIX Martha Roman Catholic 80 years St Marys St Marys
June 25 St Marys La Grippe CRITCH Bridget Roman Catholic 18 years St Marys St Marys
July 16 St Marys Hooping Cough (sic) HANLON Martin Roman Catholic 5 years St Marys St Marys
July 16 St Marys Hooping Cough (sic) MAHONEY Mary Bridget Roman Catholic 3 years St Marys St Marys
July 16 St Marys Hooping Cough (sic) CRITCH Theresa Roman Catholic 3 years St Marys St Marys
July 21 St Marys La Grippe FAGAN Elizabeth Roman Catholic 80 years St Marys St Marys
May 2 Sound Island Diphtheria BRINSTONE Reginald A Methodist 2 years Sound Island Sound Island
May 7 Sound Island Diphtheria BRINSTON Jessie M M B Methodist 2 years Sound Island Sound Island
May 21 Sound Island Consumption EDDY Amelia Hannah Methodist 29 years Spencers Cove Sound Island
May 25 Garden Cove S ID Influenza ALLEN Eli Methodist 38 years Spencers Cove Sound Island
June 21 Hollets Cove Drowned FROST Andrew John Methodist 23 years Random South Sound Island
Aug 21 Sound Island Diphtheria EDDY John Wilson Methodist 10 years Sound Island Sound Island
Aug 28 Woody Id Sick from birth STENER Sarah Jane Methodist 6 weeks Woddy Island Woody Island
Aug 30 Sound Island Diphtheria EDDY Gabriel Methodist 3 months Sound Island Sound Island
Sept 2 Sound Island Decline EDDY Hannah Methodist 72 years Burin Sound Island
Sept 7 Merasheen Broke a blood vessel STACEY Mary Ann Methodist 71 years Sound Island Sound Island
Sept 17 Sound Island Diphtheria Croup BRINSTON Robert Millagen Methodist 6 years Sound Island Sound Island
Sept 20 Sound Island Diphtheria Croup EDDY Hannah Miller Methodist 4 years Sound Island Sound Island
Oct 7 Shoal Cove Inflamation (sic) SMITH Sarah Alice Gosney Methodist 6 months Shoal Cove Shoal Cove
Oct 12 Sound Island Decline BECK Dinah Methodist 76 years Sound Island Sound Island
Nov 6 Black River Paralyzed Bowels GORNEY Caroline Church of England 16 years Black River Sound Island
Aug 3 Freshwater La Grippe KELLY Margaret Roman Catholic 65 years Freshwater Mt Carmel
Aug 3 Plancentia (sic) Infantile COLLINS Amanda Mary Roman Catholic 6 days Placaentia Mt Carmel
Sept 17 North East Hernia BARRON Catharine Roman Catholic 66 years North East Mt Carmel
Sept 23 North East Consumption BARRETT Thomas Roman Catholic 56 years Davis Cove Mt Carmel
Sept 21 Plancentia (sic) Infantile no name given no name given Roman Catholic 1/4 hour Plancentia (sic) Mt Carmel
Oct 3 South East Consumption BARRON John Roman Catholic 27 years South East Mt Carmel
Oct 11 North East Consumption O'RIELLY Anne Roman Catholic 64 years Waterford, Ireland Mt Carmel
Oct 24 Placentia Consumption FURLONG Sarah Roman Catholic 2 years Plancentia (sic) Mt Carmel
Oct 28 North East Convulsions GLYNN Maria Roman Catholic 11 months North East Mt Carmel
Oct 14 North East Convulsions HEAFFA? Mary Ellen Roman Catholic 8 days North East Mt Carmel
Sept 8 At sea off St Marys Drowned MURPHY Peter Roman Catholic 45 years Long Hr At Sea
Sept 8 At sea off St Marys Drowned BREEN James Roman Catholic 20 years Rams Island At Sea
Sept 25 Red Island Gen Debility ????? LAMB Julia Roman Catholic 60 years Red Island Red Island
Aug 15 Rams Island Fever & La Grippe BREEN Patrick Roman Catholic 57 years Rams Island Rams Island
Oct 16 Little Plancentia(sic) Fever & La Grippe KEANE John Roman Catholic 38 years Little Placentia Little Placentia
Aug 17 Patricks Cove Sciatica MAGRATH Ambrose Roman Catholic 17 years Patricks Cove St Brides
Aug 19 Lears Cove Heart Affection (sic) YOUNG Mary Roman Catholic 54 years Cape Bay St Marys Bay St Brides
PAGE 59                
Oct 30 St Brides Heart Diseast CONWAY Thos Roman Catholic 58 years St Brides St Brides
Aug 2 Biscay Bay Heart Diseast RYAN Bridget Roman Catholic 68 years Portugal Cove Trepassey
Sept 14 Portugal Cove Len???? MOLLOY Michael Roman Catholic 81 years Trepassey Trepassey
Sept 25 Trepassey Dyspepsia MOTLEY Mary Roman Catholic 47 years Trepassey Trepassey
Sept 26 Drake Carcinonia (sic) PERRY Rose Roman Catholic 62 years Trepassey Trepassey
Sept 30 Trepassey Insanity TOBIN Elizabeth Roman Catholic 64 years Trepassey Trepassey
Sept 21 St Shotts General Debility FINLAY Mary Roman Catholic 76 years Waterford, Ireland Trepassey
Oct 20 Trepassey none given KENNEDY Catherine Roman Catholic 4 weeks Trepassey Trepassey
Oct 28 Trepassey none given FLING Joseph Roman Catholic 1 day Trepassey Trepassey
Oct 13 St Marys Convulsions WHELAN William Roman Catholic 2 days St Marys St Marys
Oct 17 Gasker Whooping Cough KELLY Matthew Roman Catholic 5 years Gasker St Marys
Oct 23 Peters River Whooping Cough LUNDRIGAN Agatha Roman Catholic 3 mos, 5 dys Peters River St Marys
Oct 26 Riverhead, St Marys Whooping Cough RYAN William Roman Catholic 15 years Riverhead St Marys
May 9 Merasheen La Grippe MORELLE Catherine Roman Catholic 77 years Merasheen Merasheen
May 10 Merasheen La Grippe MORELLE Thomas Roman Catholic 1 year Merasheen Merasheen
May 10 Merasheen Consumption ENNIS Louis Roman Catholic 66 years Merasheen Merasheen
May 12 Merasheen La Grippe HENNESSEY John Roman Catholic 77 years Kilkenny, Ireland Merasheen
May 16 Merasheen La Grippe WILSON James Roman Catholic 52 years Merasheen Merasheen
May 23 Sound Island Paralysis BROWN Philip Roman Catholic 78 years Sound Island Sound Island
May 23 Brewley La Grippe TRAVIS Margaret Roman Catholic 35 years Little Placentia Brewley
May 28 Brewley La Grippe JOSEPH Mary Roman Catholic 17 years Brewley Brewley
June 10 Brewley La Grippe EMBERLEY Joseph Roman Catholic 60 years Mussel Hr Brewley
July 11 Indian Harbor La Grippe VISCOUNT James Roman Catholic 64 years Indian Harbor Mussel Hr
July 16 Brewley La Grippe EMBERLEY Sarah Roman Catholic 17 years Brewley Brewley
July 20 Brewley La Grippe TRAVIS Elizabeth Roman Catholic 9 mos Brewley Brewley
July 26 Rose au Rue La Grippe SOWARD Wm Roman Catholic 85 years Rose au Rue Mussel Hr
June 10 Sound Island La Grippe EMBERLEY Martha Roman Catholic 77 years Callisons Cove Sound Island
Aug 5 Brewley Inflammation Bowels KAREVAN Patrick Roman Catholic 24 years Brewley Brewley
June 9 Marystown La Grippe RIGON John Patrick Roman Catholic 1 month Marystown Marystown
Aug 2 Little Bay Pneumonia HANRAHAN Mary Roman Catholic 30 years Little Bay Beaubois
Aug 21 Marystown Consumption DRAKE John Roman Catholic 28 years Harbor Grace Marystown
April 30 Baine Harbor La Grippe CLARKE Ruth Church of England 61 years Harbor Grace Baine Hr
May 4 Baine Harbor La Grippe MATTERFACE Hannah Church of England 39 years not given Baine Hr
May 18 Baine Harbor La Grippe MANDON Anna Church of England 15 years Baine Hr Baine Hr
May 20 Baine Harbor La Grippe MANDON Denis Church of England 8 mos Baine Hr Baine Hr
Aug 26 Baine Harbor La Grippe CLARK George Church of England 17 years Baine Hr Baine Hr
Sept 28 Baine Harbor Drowned CLARKE Albert Church of England 23 years Baine Hr Baine Hr
Oct 1 Baine Harbor La Grippe MATTERFACE Martha Church of England 15 years Baine Hr Baine Hr
Oct 28 Baine Harbor none given DENTY Eliza Church of England 1 week Baine Hr Baine Hr
PAGE 73                
Dec 18 Baine Hr Croup BURGESS Frederick St Clare Church of England 7 mos, 10d ys Baine Hr Baine Hr
Dec 30 Baine Hr Croup CHAMBERS Lydia Jane Church of England 14 mos Baine Hr Baine Hr
Mar 20 Isle Valen La Grippe GREEN Anne Eliza Church of England 18 years Isle Valen Isle Valen
May 4 Tacks Beach La Grippe BROWN John Chas Church of England 9 mos Tacks Beach Burgeo
May 14 Tacks Beach La Grippe ROLAND James Church of England 65 years Tacks Beach Burgeo
May 27 Tacks Beach La Grippe MONKS Mary Church of England 8 years Tacks Beach Burgeo
Sept 24 Tacks Beach none given HAINES Anna Maria Church of England 26 days Tacks Beach Burgeo
Jan 21 Harbor Buffett La Grippe GILBERT Ruth Church of England 52 years not given Harbor Buffett
May 14 Haystack La Grippe GILBERT Ann Church of England 68 years Little Hr Haystack
May 28 Haystack La Grippe WAKELY Isaac Church of England 62 years Dorsetshire, England Haystack
June 2 Haystack none given DRAKE Mary A Church of England 36 years St John's Haystack
Aug 8 Haystack none given TULK George Church of England not given not given Haystack
May 17 Spencers Cove none given REACH John Church of England 72 years not given Spencer's Cove
Nov 9 Little Placentia General Debility BIRD (alias LYNCH) Bridget Roman Catholic 64 years Little Placentia Little Placentia
Nov 13 Long Hr, Pl Bay Drowned MURPHY James Roman Catholic 15 years Long Hr Long Harbor
Nov 12 Ship Hr Diphtheria MEADE James Roman Catholic 14 years Ship Hr Ship Hr
Dec 29 Sound Pl Little Diphtheria CANNINGHAM Richard Roman Catholic 21 years Soung, Little Plac not given
Dec 7 Placentia Consumption WYSE Mathew Roman Catholic 14 years Placentia Mt Carmel Cemetery
Dec 9 South East Arm Drowning KELLY James Roman Catholic 34 years South East Mt Carmel Cemetery
Dec 20 North East Convulsions DUNPHY Lilian May Roman Catholic 1 yr, 5 mos North East Mt Carmel Cemetery
Dec 24 Freshwater Consumption KELLY Margaret Roman Catholic 22 years Jersey Side Mt Carmel Cemetery
Dec 22 North East Infantile HARTIGAN Maria Roman Catholic 16 mos North East Mt Carmel Cemetery
Dec 27 North East Paralysis HARTIGAN Margaret Roman Catholic 76 years Branch, St Mary's Bay Mt Carmel Cemetery
Dec 24 Point Verde Old Age HOOPER Ellen Protestant 96 yars Placentia Protestant Cemetery
Jan 9 North East Consumption DUNPHY John Roman Catholic 61 years North East Mt Carmel Cemetery
Jan 10 Placentia Cancer SLIFORD Julia Roman Catholic 49 years Brigus Mt Carmel Cemetery
Nov 6 Black River Sick from Birth SMITH Alfred Church of England 1 month Black River Sound Id
Nov 21 Black River Diphtheria, Croup GOSNEY Alexander Church of England 8 years Black River Sound Id
Dec 24 Come by Chance Cancer GILBERT Priscilla Methodist 43 years Bordeaux Come by Chance
Jan 24 Sound Id Decline EDDY Emily Ida Methodist 9 mos Sound Id Sound Id
Jan 22 Come by Chance Diphtheria ADAMS Allen John Church of England 4 years Come by Chance Come by Chance
Nov 18 Trepassey Convulsions TAYLOR Agnes Roman Catholic 6 mos Trepassey Trepassey
Nov 26 Trepassey none given DEVEREAUX Valentine Roman Catholic 72 years Trepassey Trepassey
Dec 4 Trepassey Convulsions MOLLOY Wm Michael Roman Catholic 15 mos Trepassey Trepassey
Dec 12 Trepassey none given KENNEDY Susan Roman Catholic 3 mos Trepassey Trepassey
Jan 17 Trepassey Consumption TAYLOR John Roman Catholic 13 years Trepassey Trepassey
Aug 1 Salmonier Consumption NOWLAN Andrew Roman Catholic 13 years Salmonier (north) Mt Carmel Cemetery
Aug 2 Harick Consumption TANGATE Catherine M Roman Catholic 2 years Holyrood Mt Carmel Cemetery
Aug 17 North Harbor Whooping Cough BONEAU Albert A Roman Catholic 3 years North Harbor St Joseph's Cemetery
PAGE 83                
Aug 25 Russels Pond, St Marys La Grippe BUTLER Mary Roman Catholic 83 years Salmonier North St Josephs Cemetery
Aug 29 New Bridge, Salmonier S Consumpton RYAN Conchessa Roman Catholic 17 years Holyrood, Cove Bay St Josephs Cemetery
Sep 8 Salmonier S Diphtheria DALY Nicholas Roman Catholic 3 years North Hr, St Marys B St Josephs Cemetery
Sep 11 Salmonier S Diphtheria CARROL Mary Ellen Roman Catholic 2 years Admiral Beach, St Marys B St Josephs Cemetery
Sep 22 Salmonier S Diphtheria KININE Mary Bridget Roman Catholic 8 years Cape Dog, St Marys B St Josephs Cemetery
Sep 19 Salmonier S Whooping Cough KING Margaret Roman Catholic 7 years Salmonier South St Josephs Cemetery
Sep 19 Salmonier S La Grippe DAVIS Margaret Roman Catholic 46 years Salmonier South Mt Carmel Cemetery
Nov 9 Salmonier S Whooping Cough BISHOP Edward Roman Catholic 1 mon Salmonier South, Little Salmonier South
Nov 10 Salmonier S Diphtheria FAGAN Mary Anne Roman Catholic 2½ years Salmonier South Salmonier South
Nov 17 Salmonier S Diphtheria TRIMELET Richard Roman Catholic 9 years Salmonier South Salmonier South
Nov 20 Salmonier N Kidney & Liver Compli FAGAN Deborah Roman Catholic 38 years Salmonier North Salmonier North
Nov 21 Salmonier S Diphtheria FAGAN Margaret Roman Catholic 10 years Salmonier South Salmonier South
Nov 29 Salmonier S Diphtheria NORRIS Elizabeth Roman Catholic 3½ years Salmonier South Salmonier South
Sep 4 Salmonier S Whooping Cough FAGAN Anastatia Roman Catholic 3 mos Salmonier South Salmonier South
Dec 3 Salmonier S Diphtheria NOWLAN Annie Josephine Roman Catholic 8 mos Salmonier South Salmonier South
Dec 6 Salmonier N Convulsions no name given no name given Roman Catholic 4 mos Salmonier North Salmonier North
Dec 22 Salmonier S Drowned CORCORAN Michael Roman Catholic 10 years Salmonier South Salmonier North
Dec 25 Salmonier N Diphtheria GOWER Michael J Roman Catholic 5 years Salmonier North Salmonier North
Dec 27 North Hr, St Marys Kidney Disease BONEAUS Bridget Roman Catholic 30 years North Hr Salmonier South
Dec 30 Salmonier N Diphtheria FOWLER John Wm Roman Catholic 1½ years Salmonier North Salmonier North
Jan 29 North Hr, St Marys Whooping Cough BONEAUS Not given Roman Catholic 1 year North Hr, St Marys B Salmonier South
Oct 30 St Brides Heart Disease CONWAY Thos Roman Catholic 70 years St Brides St Brides
Dec 3 Cuslet Fever McGRATH Catherine Roman Catholic 9 years Cuslet St Brides
Nov 10 Holyrood, St Marys Whooping Cough GIBBONS Mary Ann Roman Catholic 10 years Holyrood Holyrood
Nov 13 Peters River Spinal Disease LUNDRIGAN James Roman Catholic 8 years Peters River Holyrood
Dec 13 St Marys Consumpton VAIL Catherine Roman Catholic 18 years St Marys St Marys
Dec 13 St Marys Whooping Cough DOBBIN Josephine Roman Catholic 3 years St Marys St Marys
Dec 30 St Marys Whooping Cough CAHIL James Roman Catholic 3 weeks St Marys St Marys
Jan 7 Point Le May Consumpton MOONEY Catherine Roman Catholic 25 years St Marys St Marys
Nov 21 Little Bay Child Birth HANRAHAN Margaret Roman Catholic 26 years Rams Id Beaulins
Nov 24 Spanish Room Inflam of Throat PIKE Martha Roman Catholic 56 years Spanish Room Beaulins
Dec 8 Long Cove, Burin Inflam of Lungs GUL??? Mary Rose Roman Catholic 6 mos Long Cove, Burin Burin
Dec 11 Marystown Inflam of Lungs RYAN Patrick Roman Catholic not given not given Marystown
Dec 13 Marystown Stillborn BRAKE Patrick Roman Catholic not given Marystown Marystown
May 7 Oderin La Grippe BAILEY Hy W Church of England 37 years Oderin Oderin
May 7 Oderin La Grippe COLLINS Martha Church of England 80 years Oderin Oderin
July 2 Oderin not given BAILEY Caroline Church of England 71 years Oderin Oderin
Dec 16 Oderin not given BROWN Mary Ann Church of England 64 years not given Oderin
Nov 27 Hr Buttett not given TUCK Sophia Church of England not given not given Hr Buffett
PAGE 84                
Dec 25 St John's not given HANN Albert Church of England 43 years Harbor Buffett Hr Buffett
Jan 21 Hr Buffett not given GILBERT Ruth Church of England 52 years Harbor Buffett Hr Buffett
Mar 16 Hr Buffett not given UPSHALL Wm Church of England 23 years Harbor Buffett Hr Buffett
April 16 Hr Buffett not given UPSHALL Wilson Church of England 20 years Harbor Buffett Hr Buffett
Dec 22 Hr Buffett not given HOLLETT Emily Church of England 25 years Harbor Buffett Hr Buffett
Mar 3 Hr Buffett not given COLLETT Barbara Church of England 13 years Harbor Buffett Hr Buffett
April 13 Hr Buffett not given HOLLETT John Church of England 77 years not given Hr Buffett
June 3 Mussel Hr Arm not given RODWAY Ruth Church of England 56 years not given Hr Buffett
June 1 Mussel Hr Arm not given SLADE James Church of England 39 years not given Hr Buffett
May 27 Hr Buffett La Grippe UPSHALL Henry Church of England 50 years not given Hr Buffett
June 25 Hr Buffett La Grippe UPSHALL Catherine Church of England 40 years not given Hr Buffett
Sep 19 Hr Buffett not given DICKS Geo M C Church of England 11 mos Harbor Buffett Hr Buffett
Nov 15 Hr Buffett La Grippe KINGWELL John Church of England 68 years not given Hr Buffett
Dec 24 Sound Id Drowned DENTY Albert Church of England 18 years Harbor Buffett Hr Buffett
Nov 19 Arnolds Cove not given HANES Jessie M Church of England 11 mos Arnolds Cove Arnolds Cove
June 15 Hr Buffett not given HOLLETT Jessie Church of England 1½ years Harbor Buffett Hr Buffett
May 23 Spencers Cove La Grippe HOLLETT Susan Church of England 72 years not given Spencers Cove
May 17 Spencers Cove La Grippe REACH John Church of England 67 years not given Spencers Cove
May 23 Come by Chance La Grippe ADAMS Melinda Church of England 23 years not given Spencers Cove
Mar 2 Trepassey Meningitis CRONAN Catherine J Roman Catholic 14 mos Trepassey Trepassey
Mar 31 Trepassey Manition HEWITT Saml Roman Catholic 4 mos Trepassey Trepassey
April 24 St Shotts Bronchitis FINLAY Ellen Mary Roman Catholic 11 mos Trepassey Trepassey
Feb 3 North East Convulsions HARTIGAN Michael Roman Catholic 3 mos North East Mt Carmel, Placentia
Feb 10 North East Inflammation PATERSON Ellen Roman Catholic 56 years Indian Hr Mt Carmel, Placentia
Feb 11 Point Verde Hooping(sic) Cough GREEN Joseph Roman Catholic 11 years Point Verde Mt Carmel, Placentia
Mar 11 Placentia not given O'REILLY Sarah Roman Catholic 54 years Saint Marys Mt Carmel, Placentia
Mar 15 South East Paralysis BARROW Bridget Roman Catholic not given Placentia Mt Carmel, Placentia
Mar 18 Jersey Side Whooping Cough HICKEY Louisa Roman Catholic 2½ years Jersey Side Mt Carmel, Placentia
Mar 25 North East Diphtheria COLLINS Helen Roman Catholic 4 years North East Mt Carmel, Placentia
Mar 30 North East Diphtheria BARRON John Roman Catholic 6 years North East Mt Carmel, Placentia
Mar 30 North East Diphtheria DUNPHY Margaret Roman Catholic 2 years North East Mt Carmel, Placentia
Mar 31 North East Diphtheria DUNPHY Matthew Roman Catholic 4 years North East Mt Carmel, Placentia
Mar 31 Jersey Side Inflammation of Lungs HICKEY Pat^k Roman Catholic 7 years Jersey Side Mt Carmel, Placentia
April 1 North East Paralysis Heart O'REILLY Sarah Roman Catholic 64 years North East Mt Carmel, Placentia
April 5 North East Diphtheria DUNPHY Margaret Roman Catholic 17 years North East Mt Carmel, Placentia
April 10 North East Diphtheria CONNORS? William Roman Catholic 6 years North East Mt Carmel, Placentia
April 11 North East Diphtheria CONNORS? Mary Esther Roman Catholic 2 years North East Mt Carmel, Placentia
April 12 Jersey Side Old Age HILL James Roman Catholic 76 years Little Placentia Mt Carmel, Placentia
April 27 Placentia not given BARTON Lillian Mary Roman Catholic 12 hours Placentia Mt Carmel, Placentia
PAGE 101                
April 28 Jersey Side Whooping Cough WALSH Clarey May Roman Catholic 8 mos Placentia Mt Carmel, Placentia
Jan 11 St Leonards Erysepalas SULLIVAN Timothy Roman Catholic 56 years St Leonards Saint Kyrans
Jan 11 Paradise Scarlatina BROWN Margaret Roman Catholic not given Placentia Paradise
Feb 25 Little Paradise Scarlatina RYAN Bridget Agnes Roman Catholic 3 yrs, 4 mos Little Paradise Paradise
Feb 22 Calladone Cove Consumption HUNT Susanna Roman Catholic 55 years Sound Isld Sound Isld
Jan 11 Virgins Cove La Grippe MURRAY Michael Roman Catholic 56 years Merasheen Merasheen
Mar 18 Isle Valen La Grippe PALFREY Honora Roman Catholic 29 years Isle Valen St Kyrans
Jan 2 Merasheen La Grippe MORELLE Mary Roman Catholic 64 years Belle Isle, P Bay Merasheen
Feb 22 Virgins Cove Consumption MURRAY Margaret Roman Catholic 50 years Bonavista Merasheen
Mar 7 Saint Kyrans Inflammation LEONARD Timothy Roman Catholic 51 years St Leonards St Kyrans
Feb 13 Merasheen La Grippe MORELLE James Roman Catholic 64 years Merasheen Merasheen
Feb 13 Merasheen Scarlatina MORELLE Joseph Roman Catholic 7¾ years Merasheen Merasheen
April 8 Isle Valen La Grippe RODGERS Joseph Roman Catholic not given Isle Valen St Kyrans
April 8 Merasheen Childs Disease HOOLAHAN Garrett Roman Catholic 10 mos Merasheen Merasheen
April 4 Bacl Cove, Evegan? Convulsions HICKEY Anna Maria Roman Catholic 10 day Deep Cove P St Kyrans
April 12 Clathic Hr La Grippe PALFREY Michael Roman Catholic not given Chattice Hr St Kyrans
April 15 St Annis Cd Defective ??? WAKEHAM Joseph Roman Catholic 4 days Petit Point St Kyrans
Jan 12 Merasheen Consumption POLMAN James Roman Catholic not given Merasheen Merasheen
Mar 19 Isle Valen Childs Disease BENNETT James Roman Catholic 2 years Isle Valen St Kyrans
Mar 19 Barren Isld Consumption SHAW Lucy Roman Catholic 33 Years Merasheen Barren Island
Mar 28 Black River Hemmorhage DAVIS William Roman Catholic 22 years Flat Islands Sound Isld
April 8 Sound Isld Childs Disease CURRAN Anna Roman Catholic 11 mos Sound Isld Sound Isld
April 8 Davis Cove Consumption BENNETT Bridget Roman Catholic 36 years St Armis St Kyrans
April 23 Davis Cove Stillborn BENNETT ---- Roman Catholic not given Davis Cove St Kyrans
Jan 7 Pawleys Consumption BARRIS Francis Roman Catholic 25 years Brewley Brewley
April 10 Indian Hr La Grippe MALROONEY Stephen Roman Catholic 73 years Red Islands Mussel Hr
Mar 12 Indian Hr Born dead TOBIN ---- Roman Catholic not given Indian Hr Indian Hr
Jan 7 Indian Hr Epilepsy VISCOUNT Thomas Roman Catholic 22 years Indian Hr Indian Hr
Jan 6 Woody Isld Childs Disease TOBIN Mary Roman Catholic 3 mos Indian Hr Indian Hr
Feb 31? R Hr, St Marys Old Age ROURKE Bartholomew Roman Catholic 90 years St Marys St Marys
Mar 4 Gasker La Grippe TOBIN Clara Roman Catholic 8 years Gasker St Marys
Mar 8 R Hr, St Marys La Grippe RYAN Robert Roman Catholic 67 years St Marys St Marys
Mar 15 Point Lance Consumption CAREEN Agnes Roman Catholic 59 years Branche St Brides
Feb 1 Sound Isld La Grippe EDDY Julia Methodist 24 years Spencers Cove Sound Isld
Mar 10 Woody Isld Diphtheria WILLIAMS Elizabeth Methodist 32 years Burin Woody Isld
Feb 22 Shoal Cove Diphtheria PIKE Thomas Church of England 10 years St Lawrence Shoal Cove
Mar 5 Shoal Cove Diphtheria PIKE Alice Mary Church of England 5 years St Lawrence Shoal Cove
Mar 25 Sound Isld Diphtheria EDDY Geneva Methodist 3 years Sound Isld Sound Isld
PAGE 102                
March 10 Woody Island None given WILLIAMS Elizabeth Methodist 82 years Not given Woody Island
Feb 12 Arnolds Cove Gunshot ANDERSON Samuel Church of England 31 years Not given Arnolds Cove
Mar 24 Burnt Island Old Age PARDY Joseph Church of England 70 years Not given Bain Barbour
April 8 Mussel Hr Arm Consumption SLADE Caroline Church of England 45 years Not given Harbour Buffett
Feb 13 Merasheen ???? TORRAVILLE Rachel Church of England 33 years Not given Merasheen
April 18 Hr Buffett None given BURTON Nelson Church of England 46 years Not given Harbour Buffett
April 27 Haystack Diphtheria GILBERT William Church of England 6 years Not given Haystack
Apriol 25 Haystack Diphtheria GILBERT Catherine Church of England 8 years Not given Haystack
April 19 Haystack Diphtheria GILBERT Elvira Church of England 4 years Not given Haystack
May 14 Harbour Buffett Consumption DICKS George Church of England 60 years Not given Harbour Buffett
Jan 24 Spencers Cove None given HOLLETT John Church of England 86 years Not given Spencers Cove
May 23 Spencers Cove None given HOLLETT Susan Church of England 72 years Not given Spencers Cove
May 23 Spencers Cove None given ADAMS Melinda Church of England 23 years Not given Spencers Cove
May 17 Spencers Cove None given PEACH John Church of England 67 years Not given Spencers Cove
Jan 23 Merasheen None given BEST Trifina(sic) Church of England not given Not given Isle Valen
Feb 11 Little Placentia Fever MURPHY Cecily Roman Catholic 9 years Little Placentia Little Placentia
Feb 6 At sea near Harbour Buffett Drowning MURPHY Isaac Roman Catholic 28 years Mussel Harbr Mussel Harbe
Feb 6 At sea near Harbour Buffett Drowning MURPHY James Roman Catholic 14 years Mussel Harbr Mussel Harbe
Feb 15 Little Placentia General Debility ROACHE Thomas Roman Catholic 66 years Little Placentia Little Placentia
Mar 15 Long Harbour Accidentally killed hauling wood WHITTEN Thomas Roman Catholic 56 years Long Harbour Long Harbour
Feb 6 Mussel Harb Scarlett Fever BARRY Peter Roman Catholic 27 years Mussel Harbr Mussel Harbe
Mar 23 Mussel Harb Fever BARRY John Roman Catholic 24 years Mussel Harbr Mussel Harbe
April 10 Indian Harb General Debility MALROONEY Jno Roman Catholic 45 years Red Island Red Island

Transcribed by Mary Rawlinson (May 2008)

Page Last Modified: Thursday September 05</td><td> 2013 ADT

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