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Newfoundland Vital Statistics
Ferryland District

It should be kept in mind that many district boundaries have been altered over the years, and researchers may sometimes have to
search adjacent districts to locate a town or settlement of interest. This is particularily true for the southern boundary of Ferryland
District, especially for settlements between Cape Race and St. Shotts, which have been occasionally alternated between Ferryland
District and Placentia and St. Mary's District.

Pre 1891 Registrations

Pre-1891 Registration Records Origin

(Transcribed from original Parish Records and
sent to St. John's in the early 1940's
by the Churches to be used as Vital Records)

Marriage Records Approx. 1764 - 1892 Selected Marriage Records from Various Protestant Churches, St. John's City for people born or living in Ferryland District.




Marriages & Baptisms
(Swain, Swayne)
1813 - 1827 VS 26E, 26B


1891 - 1892 Reg #'s
641826 - 641900
642604 - 642242
643987 - 644026
643987 - 644026
Pages 49, 68, 104, & 121
1892 - 1895 Reg #'s
626421 - 626620
637629 - 637829
Pages 161 - 165 & 441 - 445
1895 - 1897 Reg #'s
Pages 431 - 440

1891 - 1940

An alphabetical surname listing of people who died in, or who were from, settlements within the boundaries of Ferryland District. Transcribed mainly from Vital Statistic Death Registers, but may contain entries from other sources.

These records include the settlements of: Admiral's Cove-Cape Broyle, Admiral's Cove-Fermeuse, Aquaforte, Bauline (East), Bay Bulls, Bear Cove-Renews, Big Pond, Biscay Bay, Brigus South, Burn(t) Cove, Calvert (Caplin Bay), Cape Broyle, Cape Race, Cappahayden (Broad Cove), Chance Cove, Ferryland, Fermeuse, Freshwater-Bay Bulls, Freshwater-Renews, Goulds. LaManche, Mobile, Portugal Cove South, Renews, Seal('s) Cove-Bauline, Seal('s) Cove-Renews, St. Michael's (Caplin Cove), Toads/Tors Cove, Trepassey, and Witless Bay.

A thru B Approx. 1891 - 1935 Death Records
Approx. 1891 - 1935 Death Records
D thru G Approx. 1891 - 1935 Death Records
H thru J Approx. 1891 - 1935 Death Records
K thru L Approx. 1891 - 1935 Death Records
M thru N Approx. 1891 - 1935 Death Records
O thru P Approx. 1891 - 1935 Death Records
Q thru S Approx. 1891 - 1935 Death Records
T thru Z Approx. 1891 - 1935 Death Records
A thru Z Approx. 1935 - 1940 Additional Death Records
The following records were transcribed from the Vital Statistic Death Registers for Ferryland District.
(Each section is complete)
1891-1892 Death Records
Book 1
Pages 45, 61 & 86
1892-1897 Death Records
Book 2
Pages 161 - 165, 311 - 319
1898-1902 Death Records
Book 3
Pages 460 - 471
1902 - 1906 Death Records
Book 4
Pages 477 - 488
1907 - 1910 Death Records
Book 5
Pages 483 - 486
1911 - 1914 Death Records
Book 6
Pages 487 - 497
1915 - 1918 Death Records
Book 7
Pages 472 - 484
1919 - 1922 Death Records
Book 8
Pages 480 - 489
1923 - 1926 Death Records
Book 9
Pages 526 - 534
1927 - 1930 Death Records
Book 10
Pages 517 - 529
1931 - 1933 Death Records
Book 11
Pages 517 - 527
1934 - 1937 Death Records
Book 12
Pages 517 - 531, 556 - 558
1938 - 1941 Death Records
Book 13
Pages 331 - 333, 500 - 506
1942 - 1943 Death Records
Book 14
Pages 486 - 490
1942 - 1943 Additional to Books 1-14
(File 114512-115039)
Pages 49 - 78


The following records were transcribed from the Vital Statistic Marriage Registers for Ferryland District.
(Each section is complete)
1891 - 1892 Volume 1 Pages 12, 64 & 82A
1892 - 1897 Volume 2 Pages 163 - 168, 397 - 400
1896 - 1901 Volume 3 Pages 485 - 493
1901 - 1905 Volume 4 Pages 484 - 489
1905 - 1908 Volume 5 Pages 473 - 480
1909 - 1912 Volume 6 Pages 471 - 478
1913 - 1916 Volume 7 Pages 478 - 485
1917 - 1920 Volume 8 Pages 492 - 498
1920 - 1922 Volume 9 Pages 369 - 371 & 495

Page Revised by Kevin Reddigan (November 2013)

Page Last Modified: Friday March 12, 2021 (Don Tate)

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