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These transcriptions may contain human errors.
As always, confirm these, as you would any other source material.
All registered wills are held at the Supreme Court (Probate Office), however, Volumes 1-6 are on microfilm at the Provincial Archives of Newfoundland. If the will you are seeking is on microfilm's held at PANL you will still have to go to the Probate office for copies. PANL will not allow copying of its wills held there. I may also mention that the Volume and Folio number used at PANL and the one at PROBATE differ from each other and no one can give a answer as to why they are different.
The cost of the wills at Probate are (1) $ 5.00 (search fee) plus (2) $ 1.00 per page of the will to be copied. Anyone requesting a will, can send $ 5.00 for each research requested and when this is completed, probate will advise you of the number of pages that need to be photocopied and bill you for these. Cheques to be made payable to the Registrar of the Supreme Court. Number of copies at $ 1.00 each will average 3 to 5 pages per will requested.
for WILLS: (Supreme Court)
Probate Office
Tel #: (709) 729-2569
E-Mail Address for Supreme Court of Newfoundland (Probate Division)
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