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The following is information on how to apply and obtain a birth, marriage or death certificate for your ancestors for the post 1892 period. All records prior to 1892 must be obtained from the Church in the community where your ancestor was born, married or died. Failing that no church records are available for the pre 1892 period, see NLGS. for headstone data only.
The following is the mailing address, telephone numbers, etc., for the V/S
Birth CertificatesSend letter or form to Vital Statistics at the above mailing address:
Be sure to include the following: Birth certificates are available in wallet size and long form, framing size. Wallet size certificates do not contain parents' names. Please be sure to specify the number and type of certificate you require. Generally, birth certificates cost $20 each. Cheques or money orders should be made payable to the Newfoundland Exchequer Account. However, with effect from March 28, 1992, there is no charge for a first certificate of birth for a child whose birth is registered within one year of the date of birth.
Marriage Certificates
Send letter of form to Vital Statistics at the above mailing address:
Be sure to include the following: Marriage certificates cost $20 each. Cheques or money orders should be made payable to the Newfoundland Exchequer Account.
Death CertificatesSend letter or form to Vital Statistics at the above mailing address:
Be sure to include the following: Your complete mailing address and telephone number and state your relationship to the person named on the certificate. There is no fee for a death certificate
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