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The Archives is open 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, with the exception of statutory holidays. The building is fully accessible. It is advisable to make an appointment with the archivist. Some records are restricted for reasons of conservation or of privacy; reference inquiries by telephone and mail are welcomed. Photocopying facilities are available on site, reproduction of photographs may be ordered at cost. The Conference Archives contains material pertinent to the history of the Methodist (later United) Church in Newfoundland and Labrador. This material includes: baptism, marriage and burial records; private papers and biographies of clergy, minutes of church organizations, records of schools and school boards, financial records, church membership listings dating to the early 19th century and the John Wesley Collection of books, donated by former Premier Joseph R. Smallwood. The centralization of records held in the Pastoral Charges is an ongoing project. More than 20 of these churches have deposited records dating from 1816. It is planned to microfilm the entire collection, as time and funds permit. A guide to the collection in the Archives is available to researchers upon request. The Archives has a computer system that holds its inventory and the finding aids it has prepared for processed collections.
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