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The Archives is located in a room prepared for the purpose, on the mezzanine floor of the Canon Stirling Auditorium, in the church complex. Access is by appointment with the volunteer archivist. The Collection consists of Vital Statistics records such as baptisms, marriages, deaths, as well as confirmation and other church sacraments, most of which are complete from 1859 to date, in their original form, and also on microfilm and photocopy. Also included are minutes of various church organizations such as the vestry; women's, men's, youth, and children's organizations; financial reports and documents; annual parish reports; church bulletins; newspaper and other clippings; and audio visual materials. There is a small collection of photographs extending from 1859 to date and a collection of old glass projection slides, depicting scenes of biblical and church events, as well as a small collection of church artifacts including communion vessels, Bibles and Prayer Books, and other literature. An inventory of the holdings is being prepared. The following is the mailing address, phone numbers, etc.,
Page Contributed by Barbara McGrath (July 2000)
Page Updated by Don Tate (Nov 2014)
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Tuesday November 04, 2014)
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