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Congregation of Christian Brothers
Library and Archives

Contributed by Barbara McGrath

Archives and research library are open by appointment only. Some records may be restricted for reasons of conservation or of privacy. Photocopying is available upon request at cost. The Archives contains materials related to the development of the Brothers schools in Canada and the West Indies. These include original school registers, school year books, photographs, the Adelphian magazine, etc. It also contains the Christian Brothers Educational record - a record of educational developments in the Brothers schools around the world together with articles of educational interest and biographies of individual Brothers. These records have been published yearly since 1887 to date. The library contains much specialized material of use to students of Church history and theology throughout the ages.

The following is the address, etc for the Congregation of Christian Brothers Library and Archives:


Mount St. Francis
Merrymeeting Road
P.O. Box 2368, Station "C"
St. John's, Newfoundland
A1E 6E7

Tel #: (709) 726-9194
Fax #: (709) 726-2259

not available

not available

Brother Joseph Manning

Research Supervisor:
Brother Joseph Darcy

Page Contributed by Barbara McGrath (July 2000)
Page Updated by Don Tate (13 July 2000)
Page Revised by Craig Peterman (September 2002)

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