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The Archives and Heritage Centre are available to visitors from September to June, Monday through Friday, by appointment only. For the information of researchers who can only make visits during the summer, some appointments may be made during the months of July and August, depending on the availability of archival staff. Some records are restricted, but most may be made available by the archivists for specific purposes. Photocopying is available on site. The Archives/Heritage Centre collects all materials dealing with the history of the Congregation and of those members who have made significant contributions to society in their particular milieu. These materials include: annals of each convent in Newfoundland and of the Peruvian missions; books, periodicals, manuscripts; theses and articles written by and about the Sisters of Mercy; account books from the various convents and missions; and photographs. Finding aids are in the preparatory stages. Pathways of Mercy: History of the Foundation of the Sisters of Mercy in Newfoundland (1842-1984) by Sister M. Williamina Hogan, R.S.M. (1986) is available. Congregation of Sisters of Mercy Archives / Heritage Centre The following is the address, etc ADDRESSES:Littledale ComplexWaterford Bridge Road P.O. Box 1757 St. John's, Newfoundland A1C 5P5 Tel #: (709) 726-7320 or (709) 753-0335 E-Mail Address for Congregation of Sisters of Mercy Archives/Heritage Centre Home page: Contact |
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