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The Archives is open on Thursdays from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. and on other days by appointment. Admission is free, but contributions are accepted. Some records are restricted, unprocessed material may be available for research purpose's, reference inquiries by mail are welcomed. No photocopying facilities are available on site, reproductions of photographs may be ordered at cost.
The Archive holdings consist primarily of the private papers of the General Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae, and include the Mary Meager Southcott Collection, the Lillian Stevenson Collection, an extensive photograph collection and some early records of the General Hospital. The principal function of the Archives is to serve as an 'in house' repository for materials from the School of Nursing. The Lillian Steveson Nursing Archives and Museum also accepts private collections relating to the School and Hospital life. Because of its symbiotic relationship to the General Hospital, the Archives also collects materials relating to the Hospital. Finding aid for the collections in the Archives will be made available to researchers upon request.
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