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Gower Street United Church office is open daily from Monday through Friday, but the Heritage Room and the archival collection are accessible by appointment only with the volunteer archivists. During the summer months, tours of the sanctuary are provided by volunteers and include a display of archival material that depicts the life and history of the congregation. The Archives holds a variety of records documenting the heritage of Gower Street (Methodist) United Church and the various ministries with which it has been associated over the years. Most records date from 1892 following the Great Fire. Records include 5 decades of Church service bulletins, annual congregational reports, registers and minutes. Of particular interest are several orders of services pertaining to special commemorative occasions, registers of pew rentals from 1896 and Sabbath School minute books dating back to 1875. Other holdings reflect the congregation's social activism and community outreach. Annual reports for the Women's Missionary Society, the Woman's Association, the United Church Women, the Men's Club and a number of youth groups are available. The Archives are in the process of preserving a collection of visual materials including photographs, artifacts, architectural drawings, blueprints and maps that document changes to the building and the surrounding community over the years. A preliminary inventory of bc.hholdings is available.
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