
Presented by the
Newfoundland's Grand Banks Site
to assist you in researching your Family History

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As always, confirm these, as you would any other source material.

FHC (Family History Centre)

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is probably one of the best genealogy resources on line today. All centers coordinate their efforts with the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, which has over two million rolls of microfilm containing copies of original records from more than a hundred countries. They include vital, census, church, land, and probate records and other records of genealogical value.

This vast collection of microfilm has been acquired through the cooperation of governments, churches, and individual record custodians throughout the world. The master negative of each film is stored in the Granite Mountain Records Vault, which is located just outside of Salt Lake City. Copies of these films are available for your use through Family History Centers located throughout the world.

The following is the mailing address, phone numbers, etc.,
for the FHC
(Family History Centre)

Family History Centre
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Ferryland Street East.
St. John's, Newfoundland

Tel #: (709) 368-2601 or (800) 346-6044

This is not a mailing address. Due to the limited amount of staff, they cannot respond to mail inquiries. There is no charge for the use of the facility or for research materials contained therein. The only charges are for computer printouts and the acquisition of microfilms not currently contained in any of the Center's that researchers visit. this link to search for the nearest FHC in your area:
http://www.familysearch.orgUse this link to do a genealogy research on the LDS site:
Access LDS Records from your Local FHC
The following information is supplied for those of you who do not live in St. John's and would like to know the Associated FHC numbers for Newfoundland Records maintained by the LDS Church and available thorugh the local FHC in your area.
Contributed by Judy Picard
LDS NF Church Records AvailableUse the Associated FHC Numbers to obtain Newfoundland records at your local FHC. The FHC numbers are only for FHC centers and are not recognized at PANL
LDS NF Birth Records AvailableUse the Associated FHC Numbers to obtain Newfoundland records at your local FHC. The FHC numbers are only for FHC centers and are not recognized at PANL
LDS NF Death Records AvailableUse the Associated FHC Numbers to obtain Newfoundland records at your local FHC. The FHC numbers are only for FHC centers and are not recognized at PANL
LDS NF Marriage Records AvailableUse the Associated FHC Numbers to obtain Newfoundland records at your local FHC. The FHC numbers are only for FHC centers and are not recognized at PANL

Contributed by Barbara McGrath (July 2000)
Additional Information for FHC Associated Numbers Contributed by Judy Picard
REVISED: September 10, 2000 (Don Tate)

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No part of this project may be reproduced in any form
for any purpose other than personal use.

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