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The Archives occupies 3 large rooms in the Presentation Congregation Convent. Access to the public is by appointment 9:00 am to 3:30 pm from September to June. During the summer, the Archives is closed to the public by may be opened by request, if an archivists is available. Some material may be restricted for reasons of confidentially. Photocopying is available on site at cost.
The collection, which includes manuscripts, artifacts, record books, photographs and personal papers documents the history of the Presentation Order in Newfoundland from the arrival of the first four volunteers to the present day. The Archives also holds materials related to education and to other apostolates in which the Presentation Order is involved. An interesting part of the Archives is the photographic collection that presents a visual history of the Presentation Congregation in Newfoundland over the years. An inventory to the holdings and finding aids to the various collections are available.
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