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City of St. John's Archives
The Archives (located in the old Railway Station Building) is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm with the exception of statutory holidays. Some records are restricted, unprocessed material may be available for research purposes, reference inquiries by telephone and mail are welcomed. Photocopying is available on site and reproductions of photographs and maps may be ordered at cost. The Archives has a visual materials collection dating from 1830's, which consist of more than 5000 photographs and over 2000 maps and architectural drawings of areas and properties in St. John's. A guide to the collection is available at cost. Finding aids are available for processed collections. The following is the address, phone numbers, etc.
MAILING ADDRESS: STREET ADDRESS: CONTACT NUMBERS: E-Mail Address for City of St. John's Archives Home page:
Contributed by Barbara McGrath (May 2004)
Page Revised by Craig Peterman (Friday December 22, 2023)
Newfoundland's Grand Banks is a non-profit endeavor.
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