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The Judith Scott Home PageI have created these pages to help organize my genealogy research and hopefully they will help me to contact others who are researching these following lines as well. You will find a record of my ancestors families history on the following pages that dates back to 1650 when William Daw was b in Ship Cove, NF. I have also researched the following families> John Dawe, Samuel Dawe, William Dawe, James Morgan and many others that are in my family tree & related to me thru my mother's family line. Here is a sample of my Family Tree Names: Akerman, Andrews, Anthony, Bishop, Bajkor, Bartlett, Brant, Clark, Creasey, Daw, Dawe, DiPardo, Ellis, Fagan, Flewitt, French, Hill, Kennedy, Lockery, LeDrew, Mays, Munt, Morgan, Pauls, Patterson, Sears, Scott, Sexton, Serrick, Tressam, Welcome, Whalen, Young & Yowden and their family lines. You will find the complete listing of all my Family Tree Names on my web site that is currently posted with rootsweb. I have also included 2 Picture Albums, favorite Poetry and a special Memorial page for you to view. At the end of your tour I have included a guestbook for you to sign. Feed-back and sharing information is always welcomed. Thank you kindly,
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