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Train Manifest for "Port of Vanceboro"
PORT OF St. John, N.B.
Arriving Vanceboro, Maine

April 1921

1 3a 3b 4 5 6 7 9 10 11a 11b 12a 12b 13a 13b 16 17 18a 18b 18c 18d 19a 19b 20a 20b 20c 29 30 31a 31b 33a 33b
List No. Name: Age Sex Married or Single Calling or Occupation Nationality Race or People Last permanent residence: Nearest Relative or Friend at home: Destination: By whom passage paid In possession of $50? In U.S. before? Entered Where? Last departure Relative or Friend at Destination: Purpose: Height Complexion Color of: Place of birth:
Family Given Country City or Town State City or Town Return? Stay how long? Intends U.S. citizenship? Hair Eyes Country City or Town
1 Seward Clarence 19 M S laborer Nfld Eng Nfld Clarenville Mother Eliza Mass. Salem Self 50 No --- --- --- Sister Mrs Blanche Cos??ck, 736 Boston St. Y less 6 mos No 5 3 Med Br Br Nfld Clarenville
2 King Leonard 19 do S fisherman do do Nfld Pauline [2] Father James Mass. Jamaica Plains do 30 do --- --- --- Brother Eleazier, 101 Forbes St. do less 6 mos do 5 4 Med do do Nfld Pauline [2]
3 do Nerena 18 F S dom do do Nfld do do do do do do 30 do --- --- --- With brother   do less 6 mos do 5 0 Med do Bl Nfld do
4 LeGrow James 23 M S fisherman do do Nfld do Father Albert do Everett do 150 do --- --- --- Cousin Joseph Hudson, 24 Marie Ave. do less 6 mos do 5 7 Med Dk Gr Nfld do
5 Aires Willis 19 do S do do do Nfld Lamaline Father Philip Conn Abington do 25 do --- --- --- Sister Mrs. Chrisie Brock, Pomfret Centre do less 6 mos do 5 8 Med Br Br Nfld Lamaline
6 Crews Kenneth 23 do S do do do Nfld do Father John do do do 150 do --- --- ---   Mrs. Chrisie Brock, Pomfret Centre do less 6 mos do 5 6? Med Br Bl Nfld do
7 Trickett Joseph 21 do S do do do Nfld Spout Cove Brother Hedley Mass. Chesley [1] do 40 do --- --- --- Brother John, 111 Library St. do less 6 mos do 5 10 Med Br do Nfld Spout Cove
8 Ivany Ethel 20 F S dom do do Nfld English Harbor Father George Pa Johnstown do 20 do --- --- --- Sister Mrs. Mary Penny, 605 Thomas Ave. do less 6 mos do 5 4 Med Br Br Nfld English Harbor
9 Steed Ralph 19? M S fisherman do do Nfld Catalina Mother Annie Mass. Somerville do 48 do --- --- --- Sister Sadie, 307 Somerville Ave. do less 6 mos do 5 11 Med Br Bl Nfld Catalina
10 Tibett Eli 25 do S do do do Nfld do Father Azriah do do do 100 do --- --- ---   Sadie Steed, 307 Somerville Ave. do less 6 mos do ? Med Br ? Nfld do
11 Strickland Priscilla 18 F S dom do do Nfld Spaniard's Bay Uncle Benjamin do Boston Father 10 do --- --- --- Father John, 602 Massachusetts Ave. No Perm do 5 7 Med Br Br Nfld Spaniard's Bay

Data Omitted Above
Column Description
2 Head-Tax Status
8 Able to Read/Write English [all responses affirmative]
14 List No. [at left of second sheet]
15 Ticket to final destination? [all responses affirmative]
21-28 Various questions re polygamist, anarchist, health, etc.
32 Identifying marks

[1] Chelsea?
[2] Bauline

Page Transcribed and Contributed by Bruce King (May 2006)

Back to the Passenger Lists Index

Page Revised by Craig Peterman (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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