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Ship Manifest for "Stephano"
Departing from St. John's, NFLD March 3, 1915
Arriving in Halifax, Nova Scotia March 6, 1915

1 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 19 20 21 22 23 28
Passenger No. Amount of Cash in $ Name in Full Age M,S,W Ever in Canada Before? intend reside permanently? Country of Birth Race Destination Occupation, Previous Country [1] IntendedOccupation, Canada Religion
Male Female   When Where How long Post Office Province
1 50.00 Hollett, Archibald 32   M yes 1914 Halifax 3 mos no Newfoundland Irish Halifax N.S. TOURIST Longshoreman Roman Catholic
2 48.00 Mulley, Robert 22   S yes 1914 Sydney 5 mos yes Newfoundland Irish Halifax N.S. Longshoreman Longshoreman Roman Catholic
3 8.00 King, Adolphus 20   S no --- --- --- yes Newfoundland English Halifax N.S. Lumberman GOING TO BROTHER Protestant
4 5.00 Dean, Nellie   19 S no --- --- --- yes Newfoundland English Halifax N.S. Housework Housework Protestant
5 5.00 Dean, Minnie   20 S no --- --- --- yes Newfoundland English Halifax N.S. ? Housework Protestant
6 --- Davis, Ishmael 28   S yes 1915 Halifax 7 years 3 mos St Martins, Dutch West Indies African Halifax N.S. RET'D CANADIANS Sailor Protestant
7 --- O'Brien, Frank 27   S yes 1914 Halifax 1 day no Newfoundland Irish Boston Mass. UNITED STATES Fisherman Roman Catholic
8 --- Ammenoon(?), Archibald 30   S yes 1914 Halifax 1 week no Newfoundland English England Liverpool TOURIST Seaman Protestant
9 --- Scanlan, Edward 59   M yes 1905 Halifax 1 year no Canada Irish Halifax N.S. RET'D CANADIANS Seaman Roman Catholic
10 9.00 Stamp, John 30   S yes 1906 Halifax 2 mos, 7 yrs ago yes Newfoundland Irish Halifax N.S. Bartender Restaurant Roman Catholic
11 --- Foley, Martin 40   M yes 1915 Halifax 2 days no Newfoundland Irish Boston Mass. UNITED STATES Seaman Roman Catholic
12 --- Hurley, Robert 27   S yes 1909 Halifax 3 days no Newfoundland Irish Rowley Mass. UNITED STATES Presser Roman Catholic
13 --- Goff, Edward 32   M yes 1914 Sydney 1 day no Newfoundland Irish Cleveland Ohio UNITED STATES Lake Pilot Roman Catholic
14 --- Wade, Annie   19 (?) yes 1914 Halifax 1 week no Newfoundland English Boston Mass. UNITED STATES Housework Protestant

Transcriber's Notes
Note [1] Capitalized words indicate words stamped on the manifest.

Although many ships making the St. John's-to-Halifax run continued on to New York, it is not certain that the Stephano continued to New York in this case. First of all, nothing in the pages I photo-copied suggests this. Furthermore, on 20 March 1915, the Stephano left St. John's with 250 men in Company D, Newfoundland Regiment, headed for Europe. I would expect that, for a period of time before 20th March, the ship had to be re-fitted to accomodate that many men, making a Halifax to New York continuation less likely. (But maybe Boston??).

Of course, this is only a conjecture at the moment. But I'm suggesting that the Stephano probably never arrived in New York in March, 1915.

Data Omitted Above
Column Description
2 No. of S.S. Contract Ticket (blank, for all 14 passengers)
7,8 Children under 14, Male, Female
15,16 Read? Write?
18 Passenger No.
24-27 Ever worked as farmer, farm labourer, etc.? If so, Which? How Long? When?
25-30 Various questions re polygamist, anarchist, etc.

Transcribed and Contributed by Bruce King (October 2004)

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Page Revised by Craig Peterman (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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