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Ship Manifest for "SS Rosalind"
(Partial Only)
Departing from St. John's, Nfld. August 19, 1922
Arriving in New York, N.Y. August 24, 1922


1 3a 3b 4 5 6 7 9 10 11a 11b 12a 12b 12c 13a 13b 18a 18b 18c 19a 19b 19c 20a 20b 20c 29 30 31a 31b 33a 33b
List 2: Second Cabin passengers from St John's to New York
1 McDonald William 35 M M Fman [2] Nfld Eng Nfld Colliers Wife Anna Maloney Colliers Nfld Pa Phila Y 1910 1914 Phila Bro P McDonald 306 Belgrave St Phila Pa Y 6 Mos N 5' 7" Lt Br Br Nfld Colliers
2 Mahoney John 25 M S Fman Nfld Eng Nfld Bonavista Father John Mahoney Bonavista Nfld NY NY N N N Sister Agnes Mahoney 806 Eagle Ave N Y C Y 1 M N 5' 8" Lt Br Bl Nfld Bonavista
3 Maloney Michael 26 M S Fman Nfld Eng Nfld Bonavista Father John Maloney Bonavista Nfld NY NY N N N Uncle O Maloney 673 Union Ave N Y C N 12 Mo Y 5' 7" Lt Br Br Nfld Bonavista
4 Francis Chesley 21 M S Manager of store Nfld Eng US Newark Father Thos Francis Gander Bay Nfld NJ Newark Y 2 yr 1922 July NJ Sis Mrs J S VanOsten 24 Burnett St Newark NJ N Set [3] Y 5' 7" Lt Br Br Nfld Gander Bay
5 Whalen Richard 20 M S Fman Nfld Eng Nfld Broad Cove Father John Whalen Broad Cove Nfld NY Blyn N N N Uncle Jos Matthews 417 55th St Blyn Y 4 Mo N 5' 8" Lt Br Br Nfld Broad Cove
6 Dewling John 20 M S Fman Nfld Eng Nfld Trouting Father Jas Dewling Trouting Nfld NY Blyn N N N Uncle Thos Dewling 1207 8th Ave Blyn N Y Y 2 Mos N 5' 6" Lt Br Br Nfld Trinity
7 King George 23 M S Fman Nfld Eng Nfld Bonavista Mother Harriet King Bonavista Nfld NY Blyn N N N Cous Miss Sarah Butler 476 12th St Blyn N Y Y 1 Mo N 5' 7" Lt Br Br Nfld Bonavista
8 Clifford William 22 M S Fman Nfld Eng Nfld Trouting Father George Clifford Trouting Nfld NY Blyn N N N Uncle Stephan Clifford 564 Prospect Ave Blyn Y 1 M N 5' 7" Lt Br Bl Nfld Trouting
9 Johnston Alexander 20 M S Fman Nfld Eng Nfld Trouting Father Joseph Johnston Trouting Nfld NY Blyn N N N Cous Mrs Sarah Butler 476 12th St Blyn Y 1 M N 5' 6" Lt Br Br Nfld Trouting
10 Badcock Edgar 21 M S Shoemaker Nfld Eng Nfld St. John's Father Henry Badcock Farklin Ave St John's Nfld NY Blyn N N N Cous Wm Piercey 173 St Marks Ave Blyn N Y N Set Y 5' 8" Lt Br Bl Nfld Upper Gullies
11 O'Toole Lulu [1] 22 F S Servant Nfld Eng Nfld Conception Father John O'Toole Conception Hr Nfld Pa Phila N N N Aunt Mrs Trahey 3010 Livington St Phila Pa Y 1 M N 5' 6" Lt Br Bl Nfld Conception (Hr?)
List 5: First Cabin passengers from St John's to New York
1 Bowering Allan G 33 M M Clgymn Nfld Eng U S A Eliz N J Father Wm Bowering Coley's Pt, Nfld N J Elizabeth Y 1922 N J Residence   916 Sheridan Av, Eliz NJ N Set N 5' 10" ? ? Br Nfld Coley's Point
2 Roile Florence 24 F S None do do Nfld St John's Father Jos Roil Maxse St, St John's N Y N Y C N N N Frd Miss Aitken 74 W85th St N Y C Y 1 Mo ? 5' 5" Lt ? Bl do St John's
3 Morris Emma 23 F S Dom do do Nfld Trinity Father Chas Morris Trinity Nfld NY N Y C N N N Cous Sandy Miller 1113-8th Ave Blyn Y 6 Mos ? 5' 6" Lt Br Bl do Trinity
4 Mullowney Stan 25 M S Carp do do Nfld St John's Father John Mullowney Witless Bay, Nfld NY Blyn Y 1922 N Y Sister Mary Mullowney 230-17th St Blny N Y Y 2 Mos N 5' 6" Lt Br Bl do St John's
5 Fisher Phoebe 22? F S Dom do do Nfld St John's Sister Gertie Fisher Rennies Mill Rd, St John's Nfld Pa Phila N N N Frd Mr Goldstone Johnston Place, Phila Pa Y 1 yr N 5' 6"? ? ? Br do New Perlican
6 Groughy Elizabeth 67 F M H W do do Nfld St John's Son Allan Grouchy Allans Sq St John's Nfld Conn Waterbury N N N Dtr Mrs Poole 4 Huntingdon St, Waterbury Conn Y 1 Mo N 5' 5" Lt Bk Bl do St John's
7 Gover Frances 32 F M H W do do Nfld Trouting Bro Chas King Trouting Nfld N Y Blyn Y 1922 Blyn Husband Walter Gover 341 Dean St, Blyn N Set Y 5' 5" Lt ? ? do Trinity
8 do Irene 5 F S None do do Nfld do Uncle do do do do do do do Father do do do do do 3' Lt ? Bl do do
9 do May 11 F S Stdnt do do Nfld do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 4'6" Lt Br Bl do do
10 Hicks Susie 20 F S Clerk do do Nfld St John's Mother Charmian Hicks Prospect St, St John's Nfld do do N N N Bro Earnest Dewling 277-7th St, Blyn N Y Y 1 Mo N 5' 5" Lt Br Br do St John's
11 Stick May 40 F S Businss do do Nfld St John's Bro Joe Stick Row? St, St John's Nfld do N Y C Y 1922 N Y   Prince George Hotel N Y C Y 3 Wks N 5' 5" Lt Br Br do St John's
12 Blandford John N 50 M M Engravr do do Nfld NYC Home   780 Rvside Drive N Y C do N Y C Y 1922 N Y Home 780 Riverside Drive N Y C N Res N 5' 8" Lt ? Br do Twillingate
13 do Emily 50 F M H W do do Nfld do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 5' ?" Lt Br Bl do do
14 Kennard Cyril 23 M S Clerk Eng? do Nfld St John's Father Chas Kennard 25 Sussex Gardens, London Eng do do N N N Frd George Clark?/Blake? 145 W45th St, N Y C Y 1 Mo N? 6' 3" Lt ? Bl Eng London
15 Poole Martha 40 F M HW do do U S A Waterbury Husband   4 Huntingdon St, Waterbury Conn Conn Waterbury Y 1922 Conn Husband   Waterbury, Connecticut N Set Y? 5' 5" Lt ? Bl Nfld St John's
16 Long Judy 23 F S? None? do do Nfld Trinity Father William Long Trinity Nfld N Y Blyn N N N Bro Jos Long 117-8th Ave, Blyn N Y Y 2 Mos N 5' 6" Lt ? Br do Trinity
17 Bowring Cyril 35 M M Ship Owner Eng? do U S NY   C T Bowring Co Liverpool Eng NY N Y C Y 1919 1922 NY     17 Battery Place, N Y C Y Res N 5' 10" Lt Br G? do St John's
List 6: First Cabin passengers from Halifax to New York
1 Collins Laure 56 F S Tchr Can Eng Can Halifax Father William Collings 6 Cherry St, Halifax N S N Y Blyn Y 1920 Blyn Frd Dr Ketcham 378 Adelphi St, Blyn N Y Y 1 Mo N 5' 6" Lt Br Bl Can Halifax
2 Humphries Helen 36 F S None do do USA N Y C Cous Mrs Dr Miller Springgarden Rd, Halifax N S N Y N Y C do 1922 N Y C   Smith College Club 233 E 17th St, N Y C N Set Y 5' 6" Lt Br Br do Goldboro
3 King Adolphus 28 M S Elec do [4] do Can Halifax Father Reuben King Halifax N S [4] N Y Blyn do 1920 Conn   Woodmere L I   N Set Y 5' 6" Lt Br Bl Nfld Bay de Verde
4 Dauphinee Allan 31 M M Mcht do do Can Halifax Wife Vivian Dauphinee Tower Tears, Halifax N S N Y N Y C do 1917 N Y   Commodore Hotel N Y C Y 2 Wk N 5' 6" Lt Br Br Can Halifax
5 Rowsell Philip 25 M S Carp Nfld do Can Halifax Father Jonathan Rowsell Pushthrough, Nfld N Y L I [5] N N N Bro Samuel Rowsell Broadway, Woodmere, L I N Set Y 5' 7" Lt Br Br Nfld Pushthrough

Number Description
[1] Hand-written insertion: "with aunt 1/1 US cit". "1/1" probably refers to List 1 (this is List 2), Line 1
[2] Probably "Fisherman"
[3] Settle
[4] Adolphus King was my father. He worked in Halifax from 1915 to about 1920, and perhaps he regarded himself as Canadian. But he wasn't; he was born and raised in Broad Cove, CB, and we know of no evidence that he ever became a Canadian citizen. His response to question 9 (Nationality) should have been the same as that of his friend Philip Rowsell: "Nfld". (See also his response to question 33.) Likewise, his response to question 12 is incorrect; his father Reuben King lived in Broad Cove, CB, Newfoundland--not in Halifax.
[5] Long Island, which includes boroughs Queens and Kings (Brooklyn) of New York City, and counties Nassau and Suffolk of New York State

Data Omitted Above
Column Description
2 Head-Tax Status
8 Able to Read/Write
14 List No. (at left of second sheet)
15 Ticket to final destination?
16 Passage paid by whom?
17 In possession of $50?
21-26 Various questions re polygamist, anarchist, health, etc.
27 Condition of health, etc.
28 Derformed or crippled, etc.
32 Marks of identification

List 2 - Originally Transcribed and Contributed Peg Lacourciere (June 2002), with additions by Bruce King (July 2006)
List 5 - Transcribed and Contributed by Bruce King (July 2006)
List 6 - Transcribed and Contributed by Bruce King (October 2004)

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Page Last Updated Wednesday February 20, 2013 (Craig Peterman)

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