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Port Arrivals and Immigrants to the City of Boston
1716 and 1763 to 1769

Extract of Newfoundland Ships and Passenger Information from the book
"Port Arrivals and Immigrants to the City of Boston 1715 to 1716 and 1762 to 1769"
(Information Originally Published by the Boston Registry Department in 1900)

Friends Adventure from Nfld.
a Sloop, Captained by John Reynor
Arriving June 18, 1716

Thomas Hall mariner
Robin Strange mariner
James Harris mariner
John Porter mariner
Edward Ashley mariner
Edward Hynes mariner


Elizabeth and Mary from Nfld.
a Sloop, Captained by Samuel Saunders
Arriving July 2, 1716

No passengers  


Elizabeth from Nfld.
a Sloop Captained by Samuel Roberts
Arriving Sept 20, 1716

John Poor and wife  
John Pop Mariner
Peter Dimond Mariner
James Comins Mariner
Richard Moncoy Mariner
Richard Clarke Mariner
Thomas Warrin Mariner
James Semons Mariner
Thomas Ebdon Mariner
Amos Velicot Mariner
John Chaple Mariner
John Lecan Mariner
Robert Welcham Mariner
Anthony Torrel Mariner
Samuel Adams Mariner
Robert Brooks Mariner
John Knot Mariner
John Arley Mariner
John Shopin Mariner
John Radford Mariner
John Edwards Mariner


Adventure from Nfld.
a Sloop, Captained by John Larment
Arriving Sept. 24, 1716

Mark Dem Mariner
Pierce Dwyer Mariner
Pierce Gent Mariner
James Garwarn Mariner
Nicholas Robert Mariner
William Warrin Mariner
Thomas Chevalier Mariner
John Chevalier Mariner
Jacob Am Mariner
John Lebrok Mariner
Phillip Lemarmett Mariner
Simon Levil Mariner
Pierce Leprevet Mariner
James Rabay Mariner
Thomas Boami Mariner
Michael Rabay Mariner
Thomas Blondell Mariner
Glande Lesage Mariner
Bertram Denised Mariner
Barnard Cherenne Mariner
Michael Thomas Mariner
John Louiel Mariner
Joarge Parker Mariner
John Leeras Mariner
Thomas Steeme Mariner
Thomas Baily Mariner
Honori Silvester Mariner


Murrey from Nfld.
a Schooner, Captained by Epheaim Dean
Arriving June 17 1763

Captain Baily Mariner
Mr. Button merchant
Mr. Brock merchant


Glasgow from Nfld.
a Schooner, Captained by Thomas Mitchell
Arriving June 22 1763

Mr. Hamilton a Lieutenant
Mrs. Warren wife to a soldier and two Children


Polly from Nfld.
a Schooner, Captained by David Codner
Arriving June 27 1763

Captain Samuel Row  


Nancy from Nfld.
a Schooner, Captained by Joseph Dobel
Arriving July 30 1763

Captain John Pole Mariner


Peggy from Nfld.
a Sloop, Captained by Ephhraim Mcfarland
Arriving August 13 1763

Mr Boswoth merchant


Murray from Nfld.
a Schooner, Captained by Ephraim Dean
Arriving Sept 2 1763

Soldiers Soldiers


Ranger from Nfld.
a Sloop, Captained by Elieazer Hathaway
Arriving Oct 10 1763

James Morton sailor
Eben Avery sailor


Dolphen from Newfoundland
a Schooner, Captained by Barns Coffen
Arriving Oct 28 1763

Thomas Darby mariner
Edward Morresy mariner
Michael Coleman mariner
Archibald Lake mariner
James Fitzpatrick mariner
Abel Smith mariner
William Haven mariner


Two Sisters from Nfld.
a Sloop, Captained by Peter Doyle
Arriving October 31 1763

Captain Cook mariner
Captain Ceasey mariner
George Swan  
? Baker  
Richard Carpenter  
William Copper  
John Cooper  
William Cooper  
Elias Halstaf  
Robert Feature  
John Pills  
George Glover  
William Bishop  
Francis Murphey  
Patrick White  
Patrick Dumphey  
Peter Prove  
John Patch  
William Bradley  


Bristol from Newfoundland
a Snow Captained by Valentine Baker
Arriving Nov 7 1763

Richard Waterman merchant


Industry from Nfld
a Sloop, Captained by Amos Hatch
Arriving November 15 1763

Passengers as per list  
( note no OCCUPATION K.B. )  


Peggy from Nfld
a Sloop, Captained by Thomas Austin
Arriving Dec ? 1763

Patrick Droham sailor and fisherman
Simon Hannahan sailor and fisherman
Richard Welsh sailor and fisherman
Phillip Staplton sailor and fisherman
James Forley sailor and fisherman
John Delaney sailor and fisherman
Thomas Glody sailor and fisherman
Andrew Simoning sailor and fisherman
John Shepard sailor and fisherman
James Roach sailor and fisherman
Chriostopher Collings sailor and fisherman
John Tobing sailor and fisherman
William Mady sailor and fisherman
John Poor sailor and fisherman
William Potter sailor and fisherman
Nicohlas Buttler sailor and fisherman
Thomas Buttler sailor and fisherman
Bart Manfield sailor and fisherman
Selvester Poor sailor and fisherman
Patrick Felleter sailor and fisherman
John Drece sailor and fisherman
Samuel Dower sailor and fisherman
Richard Flemming sailor and fisherman
Partrick Power sailor and fisherman
Partrick Shallow sailor and fisherman
John Gosswell sailor and fisherman
Henry Gosswell sailor and fisherman
James Nowling sailor and fisherman
Michael Ash sailor and fisherman
John D Loyd sailor and fisherman
Richard Surrey sailor and fisherman
Edward Poor sailor and fisherman
Michael Fling sailor and fisherman
William Keeting sailor and fisherman
Michael Keeting sailor and fisherman
Barn Green sailor and fisherman
Christopher Barret sailor and fisherman
Thomas Murphey sailor and fisherman
William She sailor and fisherman
Patrick Killey sailor and fisherman
James Kennedy sailor and fisherman
William Murphy sailor and fisherman
James Stewart engineer and his son william


Nancy from Nfld
a Brig, Captained by William Satchwell
Arriving June 27 1764

John Allward mariner
Jeffry Gadridge mariner
John Crispin mariner
Richard Wedden mariner


Susanna from Nfld
a Sloop, Captained by Thomas Simonton
Arriving July 10 1764

Captain Aron Vibert and 3 lads to his care  
Charles M. Roe carpenter


Two Sisters from Nfld
a Sloop, Captained by George Vincent
Arriving August 20,1764

Captain James Ryley and his people  


Polly from Nfld
a Brig, Captained by David Brace
Arriving August 24 1764

(John ? ) Canturen frenchman


Ranger from St. Peters Nfld
a Sloop, Captained by John Junkins
Arriving October 6 1764

Captain William Albespe mariner


Squid from Nfld
a Schooner, Captained by Joseph Swan
Arriving Nov ? 1764

List not given in  


Dolphen from Nfld
a Schooner, Captained by Ailas ( Silas ) Atkins
Arriving Nov ? 1764

List not given in  


Betsy from Nfld
a Sloop, Captained by Hugh McPhilomy
Arriving November ? 1764

List not given in  


Neptune from Nfld
a Sloop, Captained by William Cochren
Arriving Nov 7 1764

List not given in  


Peggy from Nfld
a Brig, Captained by Daniel Waters
Arriving November 26 1764

James Thompson Traider
William Pike fisherman


Grayhound from Nfld
a Sloop, Captained by Henry Atkins
Arriving December 6 1764

Captain William Moor  
Captain Archer ???? servant
???? A sergant his name not given in


Polley from Nfld
a Sloop, Captained by William Sheppard
Arriving Dec 13, 1764

Mrs Mary ???? widow
Captain Cavennough mariner


Elizabeth from Nfld
a Schooner, Captained by Abel Badger
Arriving July 26, 1765

List not given in  


Sibella from Nfld
a Brig, Captained by Peter Doyle
Arriving July 31, 1765

Captain Carthwright marriner


Betsy from Nfld
a Sloop, Captained by Samuel Rogers
Arriving Sept 5, 1765

Edward Pool seamen
William Keen seamen
Con Casey seamen
John Strurd seamen
John Simons seamen


Dolphen from Nfld
a Schooner, Captained by Silas Atkins
Arriving October 9, 1765

William Dean mariner
Eben Flower mariner
John Mackroth mariner
Michael Morse mariner
Eben Hinkley mariner
Daniel Bridges mariner
John Lakey mariner
William shaw mariner
William Corby mariner
Sadares Thorn mariner
John Wallis mariner
Richard Parater mariner
Roger Warnall mariner
John Turner mariner
William Halse mariner


Lawrence from Nfld
a Schooner, Captained by William Cockran
Arriving October 14, 1765

John Thurston fisherman and mariner
Tim Cotterill fisherman and mariner
Josh Cadole fisherman and mariner
Sam Davis fisherman and mariner
Jere Roles fisherman and mariner
Joseph Bartlett fisherman and mariner
Thomas Brigs fisherman and mariner
James Trefary fisherman and mariner
John Durk fisherman and mariner
J. Owen fisherman and mariner
John Nettleton fisherman and mariner
David Smith fisherman and mariner
John Donnie fisherman and mariner
John Gilroy fisherman and mariner
Joseph Snellum fisherman and mariner
William Hannon fisherman and mariner
John Ore fisherman and mariner
Henry Bosworth fisherman and mariner
Patrick Conner fisherman and mariner
Leon Baily fisherman and mariner
Charles Sharpley fisherman and mariner
Jarius Fulls fisherman and mariner
Valt Conner fisherman and mariner
Thomas Borden fisherman and mariner
Patrick Dutting fisherman and mariner
Jerm Haley fisherman and mariner
John Brockington fisherman and mariner
Dennis Rolan fisherman and mariner
Edward Waddy fisherman and mariner
Patrick Nuff fisherman and mariner
Captain Hayman fisherman and mariner
Mr. Johnson fisherman and mariner


Sebella from Nfld
a Brig, Captained by Peter Doyle
Arriving October 28 1765

Thomas Keeffs fishermen and seamen
Edmond Weeken fishermen and seamen
Edmound Barret fishermen and seamen
John Ryan fishermen and seamen
Mary Bleake Servant Servant
Ann Bleake Servant Servant
David Welch fishermen and seamen
Thomas Linch fishermen and seamen
John Shannahan fishermen and seamen
Patrick Herrin fishermen and seamen
Thomas Downs fishermen and seamen
Thomas Keoho fishermen and seamen


Squid from Nfld
a Schooner, Captained by Moses Roach
Arriving October 28, 1765

William Cummins marriner
Robert Sample marriner
John Larey marriner
John Bryan marriner
Mathew Ginsford marriner
John Burk marriner
John Cunningham marriner
Corn. Perry marriner
Stephen Fosdick marriner
Thomas Roach marriner
James Cambell marriner
John Galpin marriner
Corn. Nophen marriner
Mathew Kelley marriner
Mathew Knight marriner
John Flannagin marriner
John Melledge marriner
James Tucklen marriner
Willian Lassey marriner
John Callahan marriner


Mary from Nfld
a Schooner, Captained by Thomas Mitchal
Arriving October 28,1765

Mathew Tarber Fisherman
Jon Steel Fisherman


Schooner Rainbow from Nfld
a Schooner, Captained by Samuel Gray
Arriving Nov. 4, 1765

Samuel Sheppard ( No mention of Occupations K.B. )
John Spering  
Thomas Hutchinson  
John Lamm  
John Kavanaugh  
Lewis Parrott  
John Marshall  
Edward Loores  
William Thurston  
Michael McNamara  
John Collinson  
Jos. Raymord  
Robert Saunders  
Samuel Pepper  
John Farnam  
John Nations  
Eben Lane  
Helton Stevens  
Issac Harkell  
Thomas Waterman  


Nancy from Nfld
Sloop, Captained by Issac Phillips
Arriving November 11, 1765

Mr. Oneal merchant and his servant
Edward Moor Fishermen
Silvest Cambell Fishermen
Thomas Ring Fishermen
James Crary Fishermen
Joseph Port Fishermen
Robert West Fishermen
William Williams Fishermen
Cornelius Mahan Fishermen
Richard Butler Fishermen
Patrick Dallany Fishermen
Luke Shanton Fishermen
John Crow Fishermen
Richard Stafford Fishermen


Dolphen from Nfld
Schooner, Captained by Henry Atkins
Arriving November 29, 1765

Captain Lily and 2 servants Captain and servants


Success from Nfld
Sloop, Captained by Thomas Mathews
Arriving December 9, 1765

Captain Field and 6 sailors Captain and sailors


Hope from Nfld
Sloop, Captained by William Damerell
Arriving December 11, 1765

Joseph Quin fisherman
David Livey Sailor


Apprentice from Nfld
Schooner, Captained by John Foweraker
Arriving December 12, 1765

Mr. Richard Waterman trader
Mr. Peter Prim merchant


Chamg Molly from Nfld
Sloop, Captained by Francis Tree
Arriving December 12, 1765

Captain Bass and three sailors Captain and sailors


Swallow from Hallifax
Sloop, Captained by Nathaniel Atwood
Arriving Feb 27, 1766

Mr. John Carby  
Mr. Eben Wales a Merchant Merchant
I have bought a Girles Time that was brought from Newfoundland in the Brig Sebella Peter Doyle Master which you will find entered October 25 1766 I am your humble servant
Richard Russell

[ This entry is interesting and appears like this, K. Brown ]


Nancy from Nfld
Sloop, Captained by Isaac Phillips
Arriving July 31, 1766

Mrs. Dumeresque and her daughter widow and her daughter


Juno from Nfld
Brig, Captained by Jacob Cole
Arriving August 20 1766

John Lambert Marriner
Charles S. Penn Marriner
Patrick Poor Carpenter


Bideford from Nfld
Sloop, Captained by Isasc Smith
Arriving September 27, 1766

Captain William Shippard and five sailors Captain and sailors
John and William Fanning marriners


Abigail from Nfld
Sloop, Captained by Eben Rider
Arriving Sept 29, 1766

George Chester, Thomas Sterling , William Studman Marriners
Patrick Furnas Fishermen
Edward Casey Fishermen
John Latthorn Fishermen
Rodman Reed Fishermen
John Maragrine Fishermen
Martin McLartin Fishermen
John Killey Fishermen
Edward Casey Fishermen
William Scott Fishermen
Peter Rhine Fishermen
Derby Morrison Fishermen
Edmound Butler Fishermen
John Anderson cooper


Squid from Nfld
Brig, Captained by Moses Roach
Arriving Oct 18, 1766

Thomas Whaland and Samuel White coopers
Edward Carey Sailors and fishermen
Edward Griffen Sailors and fishermen
John Mahan Sailors and fishermen
Richard Quirk Sailors and fishermen
Thomas Roach Sailors and fishermen
Luke McGray Sailors and fishermen
Thomas Barrey Sailors and fishermen
William Comings Sailors and fishermen


Dolphen from Nfld
Schooner, Captained by Silas Atkins
Arriving October 22, 1766

Captain Combs Marriner


Success from Nfld and Louisbourgh
Sloop, Captained by Uriah Oaks
Arriving October 24, 1766

Morris Dayley fishermen
John Newman fishermen
John Murrey fishermen
James Cockran fishermen
James Casey fishermen
Robert Wood fishermen
James Sheppard fishermen
Mrs. Margaret wife to Robert Wood
Catherine Ormsby a child to the care of Mr. Gregory Townsend
Peter Crumer and William Brumigin Traders


Dolphin from Nfld
Sloop, Captained by Jacob Parker
Arriving October 27, 1766

John Barry marriner
Richard Rinch marriner
William Janison marriner
William Gray marriner
James Kain marriner
Israel Turner marriner
Anthony Stodd marriner


Industry from Nfld
Sloop, Captained by Joseph Rose
Arriving November 22, 1766

Captain William Cockeran Marriner
Captain William Bray Marriner
Captain Peter Hewson Marriner
Daniel King Marriner
James Burn Marriner
Phillip Le Crais Marriner
Elias Le Siberrill Marriner
Peter Arive Marriner
Thomas Gallien Marriner
Isaac Wing Marriner
Archibald Tate Marriner
Hugh Verncomb Marriner
James Clark Marriner
Richard Morisey Marriner
Thomas Le Siberred Marriner
Moses Clements Marriner
Abraham Podesters Marriner
Thomas Allen Marriner
Robert Baswell Marriner
William Jones Marriner
Eben Hinkley Marriner


Charming Sally from Nfld
Sloop, Captained by Joseph Dobel
Arriving December 1,1766

Captain William Clark a marriner and his sevants
Mr. John Maudervel land surveyor


Hawk from Nfld
Brig, Captained by Issac Phillips
Arriving December 3, 1766

Captain John Wilson and servant Captain and servant
Mr. Thomas Kenady merchant
Mr. Thomas Kasey Trader
Andrew Minton Marriner
Joseph Stripton Marriner
John Elson Marriner
Darby Rion Marriner
William Laurence Marriner


Sloop , Desire from Newfoundland
Sloop, Captained by Thomas Jarvis
Arriving December 11, 1766

John Hanbury fishermen and sailor
Nathaniel Linch fishermen and sailor
Luke Dulin fishermen and sailor
Morris Murphy fishermen and sailor
Phillip Dunelty fishermen and sailor
Edward Whalin fishermen and sailor
John Hade fishermen and sailor
John McDonnagh fishermen and sailor
John Gleason fishermen and sailor
Thomas Fling fishermen and sailor
James Lase fishermen and sailor
Jesse Connelly fishermen and sailor
Thomas Power fishermen and sailor
William Murphy fishermen and sailor
Patrick Brinnen fishermen and sailor
John Colston fishermen and sailor
John Fling and his wife fisherman


Burnham from Nfld
Brig, Captained by John Wilson
Arriving December 15, 1766

List not given in  


Poppett from Nfld
Brig, Captained by Thomas Davis
Arriving June 17 ,1767

Captain Wilson marriner
David Dunkar marriner
Thomas Barrow marriner
Daniel Mcbrine marriner
Elijah Luce marriner
Daniel Thomas marriner
David Sender marriner
William Fitchgeral marriner


William from Nfld
Brig, Captained by John Hickling
Arriving August 13, 1767

Captain John Hayward and five sailors Captain and sailors
William Lawren marriner


Hannah from Nfld
Sloop, Captained by William Ruggles
Arriving September 28, 1767

Captain Casneau and four sailors Captain and sailors
Captain McFarland and three sailors Captain and sailors


Fanny and Jenny from Nfld
Sloop, Captained by Moses Roach
Arriving November 10, 1767

Captain Fossey and 4 sailors Captain and sailors
Captain Treefarthon and 4 sailors Captain and sailors


Elizabeth from Nfld
Schooner, Captained by Josiah Rogers
Arriving December 4, 1767

Captain William Shippard and Two sailors Captain and sailors
Henry Righthead and his brother marriner and his brother a lad
Richard Barnes carpenter
Daniel Mchaney tailor
Jerimiah Kane fisherman


Sally from Nfld
Sloop, Captained by Rob Ball
Arriving August 16, 1767

Captain Patten and four sailors Captain and sailors
Captain Sheldon and four sailors Captain and sailors


Hampton from Nfld
Schooner, Captained by Daniel Turner
Arriving August 18, 1768

Michael White marriner


Dolphen from Nfld
Schooner, Captained by Elisha Turner
Arriving November 10, 1768

Captain Nathaniel Curtis marriner
Mr. James Foss marriner


Squid from Nfld
Brig, Captained by Abraham Brown
Arriving November 14, 1768

John Terry fishermen
John Tracey fishermen
Nicolas Whealan fishermen
Michael Conner fishermen
Michael Colman fishermen
Daniel Connel fishermen
Edmound Maugher fishermen
Thomas Coody fishermen
Michael Collins fishermen
Patrick Hamman fishermen
William Kemple fishermen
James Hammons fishermen
William Hascock fishermen
William Buckley fishermen
Walter Flanen fishermen
James Magee fishermen
Samuel Johnson fishermen


Two Friends from Nfld
Schooner, Captained by William Moroney
Arriving November 21, 1768

Thomas Wallace Fisherman
Dennis Kain Fisherman


Hampton from Nfld
Schooner, Captained by Daniel Turner
Arriving November 21, 1768

Edward Russell fishermen
Edward McCarty fishermen
Edward Welsh fishermen
Edward Linch fishermen
James Deane fishermen
John Westlake fishermen
James Dunken fishermen
James Hickey fishermen
Terrence McCarty fishermen
Thomas Jorden fishermen


Ann from Nfld
Schooner, Captained by James Arnold
Arriving November 21, 1768

List not given in  


Swallow from Nfld
Sloop, Captained by Daniel Ketchum
Arriving December 3, 1768

Captain Elnathan Jones and six sailors Captain and sailors
Captain Palfrey Collins and four sailors Captain and sailors
Mr. Samuel Casten merchant


Hawk from Nfld
Schooner, Captained by Isaac Phillips
Arriving December 13, 1768

John Dunfee sailor
James Mahane sailor
James Nowland sailor
John Dad sailor


Two Friends from Nfld
Schooner, Captained by John Snelling
Arriving June 1, 1769

Mr. Samuel Ware gentleman


Elizabeth from Nfld
Schooner, Captained by Ezekal Hatch
Arriving June 19, 1769

Captain Westcoat and two sailors Marriners

Contributed by Keith Brown (January 2004)

Back to the Passenger Lists Index

Revised by Craig Peterman (January 2004)

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