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Ship Manifest for "SS Nova Scotia"
List of Passengers
Sailing from St. John's, Nfld. November 22nd 1935
Arriving Boston, Mass, USA November ?? 1935
(Partial Transcription)
1 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | ||||||||||||||
No. on List | Name in Full | Age Yrs/Mos |
Sex | Married or Single |
Calling or Occupation |
Nationality | Race | Place of Birth | Immigration Visa Number |
Issued at | Date | Last Permanent Address | ||||||||||||||
Family Name | Given Name | Yrs | Mos | Country | City or Town | Country | City or Town | |||||||||||||||||||
LIST 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | HASKELL | Reginald | 16 | 3 | M | S | Student | Nfld. | English | Nfld. | Lamaline | 44 | St. John's N.F | 4-C 19/11/1935 |
Nfld. | Lamaline | ||||||||||
2 | HAWCO | Mary | 68 | F | W | None | Nfld. | English | Nfld. | Chapel Cove | 3-2 |
Nfld. | Avondale | |||||||||||||
3 | HISCOCK | Esther N | 70 | F | W | None | Nfld. | English | Nfld. | Hbr. Grace | 41 | St. John's N.F | 4-C 25/10/1935 |
Nfld. | Carbonear | |||||||||||
4 | JOHNSTON | Charlotte | 71 | F | W | None | Nfld. | English | Nfld. | Bay Roberts | 3-2 |
Nfld. | St. John's | |||||||||||||
5 | KING | James | 73 | M | W | Fisherman | Nfld. | English | Nfld. | Kingston | 3-2 |
Nfld. | Kingston | |||||||||||||
6 | McGRATH | Katherine | 36 | F | S | None | Nfld. | Irish | Nfld. | Holyrood | 3-2 |
Nfld. | Holyrood | |||||||||||||
7 | MERCER | Emma | 55 | F | W | None | Nfld. | English | Nfld. | Coley's Pt. | 33 | St. John's N.F | 4-C |
Nfld. | Bay Roberts | |||||||||||
8 | MURPHY | Mary | 55 | F | M | Housewife | Nfld. | Irish | Nfld. | Kingston | 3-2 |
Nfld. | Adams Cove | |||||||||||||
9 | NEVILLE | Nicholas | 15 | M | S | Student | Nfld. | English | Nfld. | Cupids | 45 | St. John's N.F | 4-A
Nfld. | South River | |||||||||||
10 | O'LEARY | Bridget | 57 | F | M | Housewife | Nfld. | Irish | Nfld. | Western Bay | 3-2 |
Nfld. | Kingston | |||||||||||||
11 | PAUL | Adam | 37 | M | M | Carpenter | Nfld. | English | Nfld. | Deer Lake | Returning from tempy visit | 4-B |
U.S.A. | Brooklyn | ||||||||||||
12 | PAUL | Violet | 33 | F | M | Housewife | Nfld. | English | Nfld. | Newman's Cove | Returning from tempy visit | 4-B |
U.S.A. | Brooklyn | ||||||||||||
13 | PERRY | Annie | 34 | F | M | Housewife | Nfld. | English | Nfld. | St. John's | 3-2 |
Nfld. | St. John's |
Data Omitted Above | ||
Column | Description | |
2 | Head-Tax Status | |
8 | All passengers were able to read and write English | |
16 - 37 | Columns on rightside page of manifest |
Contributed by Cindy Salvato (February 2016)
and Transcribed by Craig Peterman (February 2016)
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Page Last Updated March 09, 2016 (Craig Peterman)
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