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Ship Manifest for "SS NovaScotia"
Departing from St. John's, Nfld. May 12, 1927
Arriving in Boston, Massachusetts May 16, 1927
1 | 3a | 3b | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 9 | 10 | 11a | 11b | 12 | 13 | 14 | 14a | 15b | 17b | 17b | 18a | 18b | 22a | 22b | 22c | 23a | 23b | 24a | 24b | 24c | 33 | 34 | 35a | 35b | 36 |
List No. | Name: | Age | Sex | Married or Single |
Calling or Occupartion |
Nationality | Race or People |
Place of Birth: | Immigration Visa Number | Issued at | Date [1] | Last Permanent Residence | Nearest Relative or Friend at home: | Destination: | In U.S. before? | Year or Period of Years | Where? | Relative or Friend at destination: | Purpose: | Height | Complexion | Color of: | Identifying marks | |||||||||
Family | Given | Country | City or Town | County | City or Town | State | City or Town | Temp? | Stay how long? | Intends to become citizen? | Hair | Eyes | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Mouland | James | 39 | M | M | Carpenter | Nfld | English | Nfld | Musgrave Harbour | Returning | after Tempy visit to Nfld | U.S.A. | Stamford, Conn | Brother | Mr F Mouland, Musgrave Harbour, Nfld | Conn | Stamford | yes | 4 yrs | Stamford | Cousin | Mr S Elliott, 41 Lockwood St, Stamford, Conn | - | Indef | No | 5 8 | Drk | Brn | Brn | Nil | |
2 | Mc Carthy | Felix | 24 | M | S | Rigger | Nfld | English | Nfld | Carbonear | Returning | after Tempy visit to Nfld | U.S.A. | Boston, Mass | Father | Mr J McCarthy, Carbonear, Nfld | Mass | E Boston | yes | 2½ yrs | E Boston | Brother | Mr S McCarthy, 59 Marion St, E Boston, Mass | No | Perman | Yes | 5 6 | Med | Brn | Brn | Nil | |
3 | Parsons | Shenstone | 30 | M | W | Carpenter | Nfld | English | Nfld | Freshwater | 2442 | St. John's, Nfld | 12/5/27 | Nfld | Freshwater | Father | Mr C Parsons, Freshwater, Nfld | Mass | Everett | yes | 5 yrs | Everett | Brother | Mr F Parsons, 33 Garland St, Everett, Mass | - | Indef | Ind | 5 10 | Med | Blk Grey | Brn | Nil |
4 | Parsons | Moses | 26 | M | M | Fisherman | Nfld | English | Nfld | Harbour Consul. | 2451 | St. John's, Nfld | 12/5/27 | Nfld | Harbour Grace | Wife | Mrs F Parsons, Harbour Grace, Nfld | Mass | Revere | no | Brother-in-law | Mr F Sheppard, 103 Peach St, Waverley, Mass | - | Indef | Yes | 5 8 | Med | Brn | Brn | Nil | ||
5 | Peddle | Harvey | 28 | M | S | Fisherman | Nfld | English | Nfld | Hodges Cove | 2437 | St. John's, Nfld | 11/5/27 | Nfld | Hodges Cove | Mother | Mrs M Peddle, Hodges Cove, Nfld | Mass | Brighton | yes | 6 mos | Boston | Uncle | Mr David Smith, 410 Western Av, Brighton, Mass | - | Indef | No | 5 10 | Med | Brn | Blue | 1st joint, 4th finger missing |
6 | Penney | Michael | 35 | M | M | Iron Worker | Nfld | English | Nfld | Holyrood | Returning | after Tempy visit to Nfld | U.S.A. | Philadelphia, Pa | Wife | Mrs A Penney, Holyrood, Nfld | Mass | Boston | yes | 6 mos | Philadelphia | Sister | Mrs M Burton, 223 E Eagle St, E Boston, Mass | - | Indef | No | 5 5 | Med | Fair | Blue | Nil | |
7 | Penney | James | 37 | M | M | Fisherman | Nfld | English | Nfld | Holyrood | 2446 | St. John's, Nfld | 12/5/27 | Nfld | Holyrood | Wife | Mrs E Penney, Holyrood, Nfld | Mass | Charlestown | yes | 1 yr | Philadelphia | Friend | Mr W Flemming, 52 Park St, Charlestown, Mass | - | Indef | No | 5 9 | Med | Brn | Blue | Nil |
8 | Penney | Joseph | 34 | M | M | Fisherman | Nfld | English | Nfld | Holyrood | 2449 | St. John's, Nfld | 12/5/27 | Nfld | Holyrood | Father | Mr J Penney, Holyrood, Nfld | Mass | Charlestown | yes | 2 yrs | Philadelphia | Friend | Mr W Flemming, 52 Park St, Charlestown, Mass | - | Indef | No | 5 9 | Med | Brn | Blue | Nil |
9 | Perry | Fred | 35 | M | M | Carpenter | Nfld | English | Nfld | Western Bay | Returning | after Tempy visit to Nfld | U.S.A. | Cambridge, Mass | Wife | Mrs P Perry, Western Bay, Nfld | Mass | Cambridge | yes | 5 yrs | Cambridge | Friend | Mr S Sellars, 260 Sydney St, Cambridge, Mass | - | Indef | Ind | 5 9 | Med | Aub | Blue | Nil | |
10 | Power | John | 22 | M | S | Machinist | Nfld | English | Nfld | Carbonear | 2447 | St. John's, Nfld | 12/5/27 | Nfld | Carbonear | Father | Mr J Power, Carbonear, Nfld | Mass | Chelsea | no | Sister | Mrs M King, 81 Addison St, Chelsea, Mass | - | Indef | Ind | 5 7 | Med | Brn | Blue | Nil | ||
11 | Pye | Albert | 52 | M | M | Master Mariner | Nfld | English | Nfld | Brooklyn, Bonavista Bay | 2455 | St. John's, Nfld | 12/5/27 | Nfld | Brooklyn, Bonavista Bay | Wife | Mrs B Pye, Brooklyn, Bonavista Bay, NF | NY | New York | yes | 2 mos | New York | Sister | Mrs P Simpson, 584 Academy St, NY City | Yes | 7 months | No | 5 8 | Fair | Grey | Blue | Nil |
12 | Reynolds | Celia | 67 | F | W | Housewife | Nfld | English | Nfld | Mulleys Cove | 2407 | St. John's, Nfld | 9/12/27 | Nfld | Mulleys Cove | Cousin | Mrs C King, Broad Cove, Nfld | Mass | Melrose Highlands | no | Son | Mr K Reynolds, 11 Cliff St, Melrose Highlands, Mass | No | Reside Perman | Yes | 5 6 | Med | Brn Grey | Blue | Nil | ||
13 | Reynolds | Stanley | 31 | M | S | Carpenter | Nfld | English | Nfld | Broad Cove | Returning | after Tempy visit to Nfld | U.S.A. | Melrose, Mass | Mother | Mrs C Reynolds, Broad Cove, Nfld | Mass | Melrose | yes | 1919-1926 | Melrose | Brother | Mr K Reynolds, 11 Cliff, Melrose Highlands | - | Resume Resid | - | 5 5 | Fair | Brn | Blue | Nil | |
14 | Roche [3] | Isaac | 41 | M | M | Carpenter | Nfld | English | Nfld | Coleys Point | Returning | after Tempy visit to Nfld | Nfld | Coleys Point | Wife | Mrs E Roach, Coleys Point, Nfld | Mass | Cambridge | yes | 7 mos | Cambridge | Brother-in-law | Mr E Kellegrew, 319 Washington St, Cambridge, Mass | No | Indef | No | 5 7 | Fair | Brn | Blue | Nil | |
15 | Roche [3] | Susy May | 16 | F | S | Domestic | Nfld | English | Nfld | Coleys Point | 2454 | St. John's, Nfld | 12/5/27 | Nfld | Coleys Point | Mother | Mrs E Roach, Coleys Point, Nfld | Mass | Cambridge | no | Uncle | Mrs E Kellegrew, 319 Washington St, Cambridge, Mass | No | Indef | No | 5 5 | Fair | Brn | Blue | Nil | ||
16 | Rowe | Winifred | 27 | F | M | Housewife | Nfld | English | Nfld | Bay Roberts | 2414 | St. John's, Nfld | 10/5/27 | U.S.A. | Everett, Mass | Father | Mr T French, Bay Roberts, Nfld | Mass | Everett | yes | 7 yrs | Cambridge | Husband | Mr H Rowe, 50 Highland Av, Everettt, Mass | - | Reside Indef | Ind | 5 4 | Fair | Brn | Blue | Nil |
17 | Ryan | Irene Beatrice | 22 | F | S | Domestic | Nfld | English | Nfld | Adams Cove | 2405 | St. John's, Nfld | 9/5/27 | Nfld | Adams Cove | Father | Mr P Ryan, Adams Cove, Bay de Verde | Mass | Melrose Highlands | no | Sister | Mrs A King, 11 Cliff St, Melrose Highlands, Mass | - | Indef | Yes | 5 2 | Med | Brn | Brn | Nil | ||
18 | Scott | James R. | 28 | M | S | Fisherman | Nfld | English | Nfld | Bay Bulls | 2326 | St. John's, Nfld | 3/5/27 | Nfld | Bay Bulls | Mother | Mrs E Scott, Bay Bulls, Nfld | Mass | Boston | no | Aunt | Mrs B Sundrigan, 75 Eutow St, E Boston, Mass | - | Indef | Yes | 5 9 | Med | Brn | Brn | Nil | ||
19 | Smith | Ralph | 32 | M | M | Carpenter | Nfld | English | Nfld | Hodges Cove | Returning | after Tempy visit to Nfld | Nfld | Hodges Cove | Father | Mr J Smith, Hodges Cove, Nfld | Mass | Everett | yes | 2 yrs | Chelsea | Cousin | Mr H Gosse, 38 Arlington St, Everett, Mass | No | Reside Perman | Yes | 5 7 | Med | Brn | Blue | Nil | |
20 | Smith | Bramwell | 21 | M | S | Iron Worker | Nfld | English | Nfld | Hodges Cove | Returning | after Tempy visit to Nfld | Nfld | Hodges Cove | Father | Mr J Smith, Hodges Cove, Nfld | Mass | Chelsea | yes | 7 mos | Chelsea | Aunt | Mrs S King, 24 Lynn St, Chelsea, Mass | - | Indef | No | 5 11 | Med | Brn | Blue | Nil | |
21 | Squire | Clara | 40 | F | M | Housewife | Nfld | English | Nfld | Upper Amhurst Cove | 2409 | St. John's, Nfld | 10/5/27 | Nfld | St. John's | Father | Mr T Flood, Upper Amherst Cove, Nfld | Mass | Cambridge | no | Husband | Mr G Squire, 14 Howard St, Cambridge, Mass | No | Reside Perman | Yes | 5 6 | Med | Brn | Brn | Nil | ||
22 | Squires | Walter | 24 | M | S | Iron Worker | Nfld | English | Nfld | Broad Cove | Returning | after Tempy visit to Nfld | U.S.A. | Everett, Mass | Mother | Mrs M Squires, Broad Cove, Bay de Verde, NF | Mass | Everett | yes | 3½ yrs | Everett | Cousin | Mr A LeGrow, 772 Broadway, Everett, Mas | - | Indef | Yes | 5 6 | Fair | Brn | Blue | Nil | |
23 | Taylor | Annie | 65 | F | W | Housewife | Nfld | English | Nfld | Barr'd Island, Fogo | 2398 | St. John's, Nfld | 9/5/27 | Nfld | St. John's | Brother | Mr J Waterford, Bridge Rd, St John's, Nfld | Mass | Roxbury | yes | 2½ yrs | Roxbury | Daughter | Mrs A Damon, 62 Edgewood St, Roxbury, Mass | - | Reside Indef | Ind | 5 5 | Med | Brn Grey | Blue | Nil |
24 | Thistle | Levi | 25 | M | S | Carpenter | Nfld | English | Nfld | Mulleys Cove | Returning | after Tempy visit to Nfld | U.S.A. | Greenwood, Mass | Father | Mr T Thistle, Mulleys Cove, Nfld | Mass | Greenwood | yes | 5 yrs | Greenwood | Brother | Mr E Thistle, 27 Grafton St, Greenwood, Mass | - | Indef | Ind | 6 - | Fair | Brn | Blue | Nil | |
25 | Thistle | George Leslie | 17 | M | S | Fisherman | Nfld | English | Nfld | Mulleys Cove | 2404 | St. John's, Nfld | 9/5/27 | Nfld | Mulleys Cove | Father | Mr T Thistle, Mulleys Cove, Nfld | Mass | Everett | no | Brother | Mr F Thistle, 166 Ferry St, Everett, Mass | - | Indef | Yes | 5 5 | Fair | Brn | Brn | Nil | ||
26 | Turpinot | Leona | 17 | F | S | Factory Worker | Nfld | English | Canada | Stellarton, N.S. | Returning | after Tempy visit to Nfld | U.S.A. | Somerville, Mass | Aunt | Mrs CA Neal, 73 South Side, St John's, NF | Mass | Somerville | yes | 2 yrs | Somerville | Mother | Mrs E Turpinot, 21A Flint St, Somerville, Mass | - | Reside Perman | Ind | 5 3 | Med | Brn | Brn | Nil | |
27 | Wiltshire | Nellie | 14 | F | S | Student | Nfld | English | Nfld | Lower Island Cove | 2427 | St. John's, Nfld | 10/5/27 | Nfld | Lower Island Cove | Father | Mr J Wiltshire, Lower Island Cove, Nfld | Mass | Millbury | no | Sister | Mrs RE Horne, Milbury, Mass | - | Indef | Ind | 5 4 | Fair | Brn | Blue | Nil | ||
28 | Farrell | Helen [2] | 14 | F | S | Student | Nfld | Irish | Nfld | St. Lawrence | 2214 | St. John's, Nfld | 26/4/27 | Nfld | St. John's | Grandmother | Mrs M Pike, 57 Queens Rd, St John's, NF | Mass | Jamaica Plains | no | Mother | Mrs E Farrell, 68 Day St, Jamaica Plain, Mass | - | Perman | - | 5 - | Drk | Brn | Grey | Nil | ||
29 | Farrell | Patricia [2] | 10 | F | S | Student | Nfld | Irish | Nfld | St. Lawrence | 2215 | St. John's, Nfld | 26/4/27 | Nfld | St. John's | Grandmother | Mrs M Pike, 57 Queens Rd, St John's, Nfld | Mass | Jamaica Plains | no | Mother | Mrs E Farrell, 68 Day St, Jamaica Plain, Mass | - | Perman | - | 4 11 | Fair | Fair | Blue | Nil |
Transcriber's Notes | ||
Note [1] | These dates are Canadian-style: "10/5/27" means "10 May 1927", not "Oct 5, 1927". | |
Note [2] | Spanning columns 24b-31: "Belvedere Orphanage St. John's" | |
Note [3] | The typewritten "Roach" was replaced by a handwritten "Roche". | |
Note [4] | There are many hand-written notes on this manifest, some legible. For example, for passenger Levi Thistle we find this: "Pd HT on train near Vanceboro, Oct 12 1920" | |
Data Omitted Above | ||
Column | Description | |
2 | Head-Tax Status | |
8 | Able to Read/Write | |
16 | List No. (at left of second sheet) | |
19 | Ticket to final destination? | |
20 | Passage paid by whom? | |
21 | In possession of $50? | |
25-32 | Various questions re polygamist, anarchist, health, etc. |
Transcribed and Contributed by Bruce King (June 2005)
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