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Ship Manifest for "SS Nerissa"
Departing from St. John's, NFLD September 13, 1930
Arriving in New York September 18, 1930

1 3a 3b 4 5 6 7 9 10 11a 11b 12 13 14 15a 15b 17a 17b 18a 18b 21 22a 22b 22c 22d 23a 23b 24a 24b 24c 33 34 35a 35b
List No. Name: Age Sex Married or Single Calling or Occupation Nationality Race or People Place of Birth Immigration Visa Number Issued at Date Last permanent residence Nearest Relative or Friend at home: Destination: In possession of $50? In U.S. before? Year or Period of Years Where? Date, last departure Relative or Friend at Destination: Purpose: Height Complexion Color of:
Family Given Country City or Town Country City or Town State City or Town Temp? Stay how long? Intends to become citizen? Hair Eyes
1 Kelly Eileen M. 17 F S Student Nfld English Nfld St John's 107 NQ St John's Aug 5, 1930 Nfld St. John's Mother Mary Kelly St John's Nfld N Y Bklyn 50 No --- --- --- Brother Edward Kelly 310-64teh St Brooklyn NY No Perm Y 5 1 Med Brn Gry
2 King Mary J. 67 F W Housekeeper Nfld English Nfld Broad Cove 276 NQ St John's Sep 11, 1930 Nfld Broad Cove Brother Matthew King Broad Cove Nfld N Y New York 180 No --- --- --- Son W S King 101 34-130th St Rch Hill NY No Perm Y 5 4 Med Brn Gry
3 King Mary 24 F S Stenographer Nfld English Nfld Broad Cove Ex. Order   Feb 21, 1928 U S A 16 months New York Uncle Matthew King Broad Cove Nfld N Y New York ? Y Mch 1929 N Y Jly 25 '30 Brother W S King 101 34-130th St Rich Hill NY No Perm Y 5 6 Med Brn Blue
4 Kinsella John J. 23 M S Fisherman Nfld English Nfld Outer Cove Ex. Order   Feb 21, 1928 U S A 4 years Brooklyn Mother Mary Kinsella Outer Cove Nfld N Y Brooklyn 100 Y Apr '26 N Y May 31 '30 Friend John O'Roarke 269-17th St Brooklyn NY No Perm Y 5 9 Med Brn Gry
5 Manning Margaret 19 F S Domestic Nfld English Nfld Torbay Ex. Order   Feb 21, 1928 U S A 3 years Brooklyn Mother Mrs C Manning Torbay Nfld N Y Brooklyn ? Y 1927 N Y Jn 14 '30 Brother Daniel Manning 572-10th St Brooklyn NY No Perm Y 5 3 Med Brn Blue
6 Manning Mary J. 19 F S Domestic Nfld English Nfld Torbay 272(?) NQ St John's Sep 11, 1939 [2] Nfld Torbay Father Patrick Manning Torbay Nfld N Y Brooklyn 20 No --- --- --- Cousin Daniel Manning 572-10th St Brooklyn NY No Perm Y 5 2 Med Drk Brn
7 Monks Edith J. 21 F S Domestic Nfld English Nfld Kings Cove 269 NQ St John's Sep 10, 1930 Nfld St John's Father Edward Monks Kings Cove Nfld N Y New York 50 No --- --- --- Employer Mrs Judge Foster Liberty NY No Perm Y 5 4 Med Brn Bl?
8 Mullins Agatha 21 F S Tailoress Nfld English Nfld Carbonear 294 NQ St John's Sep 12, 1930 Nfld Carbonear Mother Mrs W Mullins Carbonear Nfld N Y Brooklyn 50 No --- --- --- Friend Mrs Powers 389-4th Street Brooklyn No Perm Y 5 7 Med Bld Blue
9 Nash Maurice 21 M S Fisherman Nfld English Nfld Branch 287 NQ St John's Sep 12, 1930 Nfld Branch Mother Ellen Nash Branch Nfld N Y Brooklyn 50 No --- --- --- Brother Ernest Nash 362-49th St Broolyn NY No Perm Y 5 11 Med Brn Blue
10 Nash Annie 18 F S Domestic Nfld English Nfld Branch 286 NQ St John's Sep 12, 1930 Nfld Branch Mother Ellen Nash Branch Nfld N Y Brooklyn 50 No --- --- --- Brother Ernest Nash 362-49th St Broolyn NY No Perm Y 5 3½ Med Brn Blue
11 Noonan James 19 M S Labourer Nfld English Nfld Bay de Verde 283 NQ St John's Sep 12, 1930 Nfld Bay de Verde Mother Mrs T Noonan Bay de Verde Nfld N J Bloomfield 80 No --- --- --- Aunt Mrs Patrick Brycland 64-Yantican Ave Bloomfield No Perm Y 5 4 Med Brn Blue
12 Powers Kate 57 F W Housewife Nfld English Nfld Salmonier Ex. Order   Feb 21, 1928 U S A 5 years Brooklyn Daughter Mrs M O'Reilly Brine St St. John's Nfld N Y Brooklyn 50 Y 1926 N Y Jly 1930 Son James Powers 389-4th St Brooklyn NY No Perm Y 5 4 Fair Brn Blue
13 Powers Alice 32 F M Housewife Nfld English Nfld Flatrock Ex. Order   Feb 21, 1928 U S A 7 years Brooklyn Husband Morris Powers 535-11th St Brooklyn NY N Y Brooklyn 500 Y May-25 N Y 1930 Husband Morris Powers 535-11th St Brooklyn NY No Perm Y 5 4 Med Brn Blue
14 Powers Gerald 3 M S   U S A English U S A Brooklyn, August 19/27                             Father Morris Powers 535-11th St Brooklyn NY              
15 Powers Marian 1 F S   U S A English U S A Brooklyn, October 24/28                             Father Morris Powers 535-11th St Brooklyn NY              
16 Rogers [1] Mary A. 17 F S Needle worker Nfld English Nfld St John's 244 NQ St John's Sep 5, 1930 Nfld St John's Mother Mrs H Rodgers 20 Hutchings St St. John's N Y Brooklyn 15 No --- --- --- Uncle Morris Powers 535-11th St Brooklyn NY No Perm Y 5 Med Blk Brn
17 Rose Harold E. 23 M S Salesman Nfld English Nfld St John's 270 NQ St John's Sep 11, 1930 Nfld St John's Mother Mrs G E Rose 43 Golf Ave St John's Nfld N Y Brooklyn 100 No --- --- --- Sister Mrs A Luff 1901-51st St Brooklyn NY No Perm Y 5 7 Lgt Aub Blue
18 Skain Bride 32 F W Domestic Nfld English Nfld St John's Ex. Order   Feb 21, 1928 U S A 8 years Camden Sister Mrs Martin Kennedy Concepton Hr Nfld N J Camden 40 Y Feb-30 N J Aug '30 Mother(?) Mrs J Gushue 423 Walnurt St Camden NJ No Perm Y 4 11 Med Lgt Blue
19 Spurrell Alice 31 F S Tailoress Nfld English Canada(?) Enfield Ex. Order   Feb 21, 1928 U S A 15 months Brooklyn Brother James Spurrell 127 Circular Rd St John's N Y Brooklyn 100 Y Mar-29 N Y Jly '30 Friend Mrs J Kellysew 318-6th Brooklyn NY No Perm Y 5 4 Fair Brn Brn
20 Taylor Emely 58 F M Housewife Nfld English Nfld Twillingate 291 NQ St John's Sep 11, 1930 Nfld St John's Father John Keeffe Twillingate Nfld N Y Newburg 500 No --- --- --- Daughter Mrs J R Taylor 65 Popular St Newburg NY No Perm Y 5 2 Med Brn Blue
21 Warr Martin 23 M M Electrician Nfld English Nfld Twillingate 293 NQ St John's Sep 12, 1930 Nfld Twillingate Father Oliver Warr Purcells Hr Nfld N Y Brooklyn 450 Y Oct 1927? N Y Oct 1929 Aunt Mrs H Boetig 2814 Ave D Brooklyn NY No Perm Y 6 1 Med Bld Blue
22 Warr Olive L. 22 F M Domestic Nfld English Nfld Twillingate 292 NQ St John's Sep 12, 1930 Nfld Twillingate Father George Hodder Twillingate Nfld N Y Brooklyn   No --- --- --- Aunt Mrs H Boetig 2814 Ave D Brooklyn NY No Perm Y 5 Med Brn Blue
23 Wheeler Chesley 29 M S Valet Nfld English Nfld Long Isld Cove Ex. Order   Feb 21, 1928 U S A 8 years Brooklyn Mother Mrs G Wheeler Lower Isld Cove Nfld N Y Brooklyn 75 Y Dec-22 N Y Aug 6 1930 Aunt Mrs A House 108-Prospect Place Brooklyn No Perm Y 5 6 Med Brn Brn
24 Kavanagh Charles 37 M S Steward Nfld English Nfld Hr Grace 279 NQ St John's Sep 12, 1930 Nfld St John's Sister Mary Kavanagh 13 Waldgerave St St. John's N Y Brooklyn 140 Y 1921 As Seaman N Y C 1930 Friend Sol Brewer 553 58th(?) St Brooklyn NY No Perm Y 5 4½ Med Brn Blue

Transcriber's Notes
Note [1] hand-written "Rodgers"
Note [2] an obvious error…
Data Omitted Above
Column Description
2 Head-Tax Status
8 Able to Read/Write
14 Data re verifications of landings, etc.
16 List No. (at left of second sheet)
19 Ticket to final destination?
20 Passage paid by whom?
25-31 Various questions re polygamist, anarchist, etc.
32 Health
33 Deformed or crippled, etc.

Transcribed and Contributed by Bruce King (September 2004)

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Page Revised by Craig Peterman (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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