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Ship Manifest for "SS Nerissa"
Departing from St. John's, NFLD October 5, 1929
Arriving in New York October 10, 1929

List No. Head Tax Status Name: Age Sex Married or Single Calling or Occupation Able to Read What Language Write Nationality Race or People List Permanent Residence Immigration Visa Number Issued at Date Name and complete address of nearest relative or friend in country whence alien comes Final Destination Ticket to Final Destination By whom was passage Paid Whether in possession of $50 and if less how much Whether ever before in the US and if yes, where and when Whether going to join a relative or friend, and if so what relative or friend, his name and complete address Purpose of comming to US: Ever in prison…(?)..or supported by charity? If so which? Whether a polygamist Whether an anarchist Whether a person who believes in or advocates the overthrow by force or violence of the Government of the United States or all forms of law etc? (see footnotes) Wheteher coming by reason of any offer, solicitation, promise or agreement expressed or implyed to labor in the United States Whether alien had been deported within one year? Condition of health mental and physical Deformed or crippled. Nature length of time and ? Height Complexion Color of: Marks of Identification Place of Birth Notes
Family Given Country City or Town State Town YES OR NO Year or Period of Years Where Whether the alien intends to return to country whence he came after ? temporarily ??? living in the United States Length of time alien plans to stay in US Whether alien intends to become a citizen of the United States Feet Inches Hair Eyes Country City or Town
1 USA RET ABBOTT Samuel 34 M S Laborer Y English Y NFLD English USA Jamaica,NY X Ex Order 7/12/2026 Wife, Edith Abbott Bonavista, NFLD NY Jamaica N SELF Y Y NOV.3/22
Aug 24/29
  Brother, James Abbott
42 Union Ave, Jamaica NY
N Perm Y N N N N N N Good N 5 5 DK BLK Bl None NFLD Bonavista  
2 USA RET BROWN Howard 28 M ? Conductor Y English Y NFLD English USA ? X Ex Order 7/12/2026 Mother, Helen Brown, King's Cove, NFLD N.Y. Brooklyn Y SELF Y Y Aug 11/23
July 20/29
NY Friend, Joseph Morris
307-12th Street, Brooklyn, NY
N Perm Y N N N N N N Good N 6 - FR BR BL None NFLD King's Cove  
3   BROWN Elizabeth Ann 24 F S Domestic Y English Y NFLD English Nfld Musgravetown 666 NQ St. Johns Oct. 4/29 Father, Edgar Brown, Musgravetown, Nfld. NY Flushing Y SELF Y N     Sister, Estel Brown
258 Bayside Av, Flushing, NY
N Perm Y N N N N N N Good N 5 31/2 MD FR BL None NFLD Musgravetown  
4   BROPHY John 29 M S Fisherman Y English Y NFLD English Nfld Daniel's Hr. 651 NQ St. Johns Oct 3/29 Father, James Brophy, Daniels Hr, NFLD NY Brooklyn Y SELF Y N     Sister-in-law, Miss Nora Biggins
373 Henry Street, Brooklyn, NY
N Perm Y N N N N N N Good N 5 7 MD Br BL None NFLD Daniel's Hr.  
5 USA RET BULGER James J 32 M M Salesman Y English Y NFLD English USA Brooklyn, NY X Ex Order 7/12/1926 Mother, Mrs Michael Bulger, Torbay, Nfld N.Y. Brooklyn Y SELF Y Y April 24/20
Sept 14 /29
NY Residence, 4906-11th Ave
Brooklyn, NY
N Perm Y N N N N N N Good N 5 8 FR Blk BL None NFLD Torbay  
6 USA RET COADY Catherine J 23 F S Domestic Y English Y NFLD English USA Brooklyn, NY X Ex Order 7/12/1926 Father, Edward Coady, Cape Broyle, Nfld. N.Y. Brooklyn Y SELF Y Y Oct 1926
May 11 /29
NY Sister, Mrs Thomas Doody
1342 East 35 th Street, Brooklyn, NY
N Perm Y N N N N N N Good N 5 3 FR Bl BL None NFLD Cape Broyle  
7 USA RET DELAHUNTY Joseph 22 M S Fisherman Y English Y NFLD English USA Brooklyn, NY X Ex Order 7/12/1926 Father, Richard Delahunty, Calvert, Nfld N.Y. Brooklyn Y SELF Y Y April 1927
Apl 13/ 29
NY Aunt, Mrs Richard Sullivan
414-61st ST Brooklyn, NY
N Perm Y N N N N N N Good N 6 1 LT LT BL None NFLD Calvert  
8   EDDY Olive, G 22 F S Domestic Y English Y NFLD English Nfld Calvert 652 NQ St. Johns Oct 3/29 Mother, Mrs Lillian Eddy, St. John's, Nfld N.J. East Orange N Employer Y No     Emp'r. Mrs Paul Keeler Jr
34 South Burnett St, East Ornage, NJ
N Perm Y N N N N N N Good N 4 11 DK Br Br None NFLD St. John's  
9   EVANS Patrick 17 M S Fisherman Y English Y NFLD English Nfld Pouch Cove 626 NQ St. Johns Sept 30/29 Father William Evans, Pouch Cove, Nfld NY Bronx N SELF Y     NY Brother, James Evans
480 East 142 nd ST., Bronx, NY
N Perm Y N N N N N N Good N 5 81/2 LBr Br Blue None NFLD Pouch Cove  
10   GEARIN James Joseph 25 M S Fisherman Y English Y NFLD English Nfld Renews 663 NQ St Johns Oct 3/29 Mother, Mrs. Mary Gearin, Renews, Nfld NY Brooklyn Y SELF Y No     Friend,. Mrs Sullivan
416- 61st Street, Brooklyn, NY
N Perm Y N N N N N N Good N 5 9 Med Br Br None NFLD Renews  
11   GOSSE Thomas 48 M M Fisherman Y English Y NFLD English Nfld Torbay 660 NQ St. Johns Oct 3/29 Wife, Mrs. Bridget Gosse, Torbay, Nfld. NY Brooklyn Y SELF Y Y 1914 NY Daughter, Mrs. Frank Gosse
80 Garfield Place, Brooklyn, NY
N Perm Y N N N N N N Good N 5 51/2 Med Br Bl None NFLD Torbay  
12 USA RES RET GOSSE James J. 26 M S Fisherman Y English Y NFLD English Nfld Torbay   Ex Order 7/12/2026 Mother, Mrs Alfred Gosse, Torbay, NFLD NY Brooklyn Y SELF Y Y Oct 11/ 28
May 1929
NY Friend, Mrs. James Whalen
4914- 11 th Ave, Brooklyn, NY
N Perm Y N N N N N N Good N 5 3 Lt Sandy Bl None NFLD Torbay  
13   GILL Blanche 38 F M Housewife Y English Y NFLD English Nfld Crow Head 670 NQ St. Johns Oct 4/ 29 Father, Samuel Dove, Twilingate, Nfld. NY Brooklyn Y Husband Y Y Dec 1926
Dec 1928
NY Husband, Harold Gill
401-61 St , Brooklyn, NY
N Perm Y N N N N N N Good N 5 3 Med Blk Br None Nfld Crow Head  
14   GILL Eric R. 6 M S Minor N Minor N NFLD English Nfld St. Johns 671 NQ St. Johns Oct 4/ 29 Grandfather, Samuel Dove, Twilingate, Nfld. NY Brooklyn Y Father Y Y Dec 1926
Dec 1928
NY Father, Harold Gill
401-61 St , Brooklyn, NY
N Perm Y N N N N N N Good N 3 9 Med Br Br None Nfld St. John's  
15   HEFFERTON Gladys E 16 F S Domestic Y English N NFLD English Nfld Newtown 662NQ St. Johns Oct 3/29 Father, John Hefferton, Newtown, Nfld NY Brooklyn Y Employer Y N ----- ---- Emp'r. Mrs Loveridge
525- 2nd Street, Brooklyn, NY
N Perm Y N N N N N N Good N 5 2 Med Br Br Scar back of left hand NFLD Newtown  
16   HICKEY Elizabeth 17 F S Domestic Y English N NFLD English Nfld Hr. Main 678NQ St. Johns Oct 4/29 Mother, Margret Hickey, Hr. Main NFLD NY Brooklyn Y Self Y N ----- ---- Father, Simon Hickey,
Gilford Const. Co. Brooklyn, NY
N Perm Y N N N N N N Good N 5 3 Med Br Bl None NFLD Hr. Main  
17   KENT Mary M 18 F S Domestic Y English N NFLD English Nfld Capr Broyle 557 NQ St. Johns Sept 25/ 29 Mother, Mrs Rose Kent, Capr Broyle, Nfld NY Brooklyn Y Father Y N ----- ---- Cousin, Mrs. Thomas Doody
1342 East 35 th Street, Brooklyn NY
N Perm Y N N N N N N Good N 5 1 1/2 Med Br Br None NFLD Cape Broyle  

Transcribed by John J. Woodfine (December 2001)

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Page Revised by Craig Peterman (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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