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Ship Manifest for "SS Farnorth"
List of Passengers
Sailing from St. John's, Nfld. September 18th 1926
Via Halifax, NS., Sailing September 20th, 1926
Arriving Boston, Mass, USA September 22nd 1926




1 DIAN, Joseph 68 M M   Dictrict Court, Charlstown, Sept 20, 1904 504 Kemper Ave, Butte, Montana
2 DIAN, Mary 55 F M   Wife of American Citizen 504 Kemper Ave, Butte, Montana
3 LIMBARGER, William A 24 M S Aug 3, 1902, Westchester, Penn   Westchester, Penn
4 TREVETTE, Laurence D 20 M S Jan 30, 1906, Lackawanna, NY   Orchard Park, NY
5 DAVIS, Thomas Henry 42 M M Oct 21, 1883, Ridgeville, SC   23 Ford Ave, Roxbury, Mass
6 DAVIS, Matilda 29 F M   Wife of American Citizen 23 Ford Ave, Roxbury, Mass
1 CROCKER, Lee J 37 M M July 9th, 1889, Boston, Mass   8 Everrett St, Newport, RI
2 CROCKER, Mrs Elizabeth 35 F M February 11th, 1891, Newport, RI   8 Everrett St, Newport, RI
3 DONAGHY, Dick D 26 M M July 5th, 1901, Kent, Ohio   725 Grove Ave, Kent, OH
4 DONAGHY, Mrs Esther 23 F M October 11th 1903, Kent Ohio   725 Grove Ave, Kent, OH
5 McDONALD, Francis Joseph 6 mos M S 31st January, 1926, Roxbury, Mass   Father, Joseph McDonald, 43 Field St, Roxbury, Mass
6 WHELAN, Mrs Annie 50 F M   Wife of American Citizen Husband, James A Whelan, 44 Walnut St, Chelsea, Mass
7 ZYSKO, Anna Florence 2 F S May 23rd, 1924, Chelsea, Mass   44 Walnut St, Chelsea, Mass
8 ZYSKO, Mrs Florence 20 F M   Wife of American Citizen 44 Walnut St, Chelsea, Mass
9 LITHGOW, Theodora C 18 F S November 15th, 1908, Boston, Mass   Father, Toppera Lithgow, 53 Summer St, Dorcehster, Mass
10 O'NEAL, William 57 M S   Boston, Mass 20 Essex St, Charlestown, Mass
11 McCALL, Thom,asina 17 F S   Born of Naturalized Citizen 12 Lloyd St, Lynn, Mass
12 Lined Out            
13 RANDALL, Madeline 36 F S December 2nd, 1889, St Johnsbury, VT   27 Boynton St, St Johnsbury, VT
14 LLOYD, John P 73 M M   Dist Court of Mass, October 3, 1901 383 Eighth St, Boston, Mass
15 LLOYD, Margaret 69 F M   Wife of American Citizen 383 Eighth St, Boston, Mass
16 HADLEY, Ethel M 22 F S July 23rd, 1904, Somerville, Mass   South St, Foxboro, Mass
1 COMER, George William 39 M M November 21st, 1887, Huntingdon, WV   39 Meade St, Boston, Mass

1 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 21 22a 22b 22c 23 24a 24b 24c 33 34 35
No. on List Name in Full Age
Sex Married
or Single
Calling or
Nationality Race Place of Birth
Country/City or Town
Immigration Visa Number Issued at Date Last Permanent Address
Country/City or Town
Name and Address of Nearest Relative or Friend in Country Whence Alien Came Final Destination
State/City or Town
Whether In Possession of $50 Whether in USA before? Year or Period of Years Where? Whether Joining a Relative or Friend/Name and Address Whether Alien Intends to Return to Country Whence He Came Length of Visit in United States Whether Alien Intends to become Citizen of United States Height
Complexion Color of Hair/Eyes
List 1
1 MANSFIELD, Sadie 20 F S Shoe Joiner Nfld English Nfld/New Melborne 4-B     USA/Cambridge Mother, Clara Diamond, New Melbourne, Nfld Mass/Cambridge Yes Yes 1923 Cambridge Friend, Mrs Beatrict Bartell, 11 Tufts St, Cambridge, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 7" Fair Brn/Brn
2 GOODWIN, Mary 27 F M Housewife Nfld English Nfld/Fortune 4-B     USA/Cambridge Mother, Lydia Hewitt, Fortune, Nfld Mass/Cambridge Yes Yes 1923 Cambridge Husband, Ed Goodwin, 424 Putnam Ave, Cambridge, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 4" Med Brn/Brn
3 GOODWIN, Gordon 1 M S   USA English USA/Cambridge       USA/Cambridge Mother, Lydia Hewitt, Fortune, Nfld Mass/Cambridge   Yes     Father, Ed Goodwin, 424 Putnam Ave, Cambridge, Mass No Indef Yes 2" Fair L Bn/Brn
4 LEONARD, Katherine 28 F S Domestic Nfld English Nfld/Placentia Bay 4-B     USA/Brookline Mother, A Leonard, Placentia Bay, Nfld Mass/Brookline Yes Yes 1924 Brokline Emp, Mrs B H Aronson, 11 Wellington Rd, Brookline No Indef Yes 5' 5" Fair Brn/Brn
5 PRINCE, Martha B 30 F S Nurse Nfld English Nfld/Princeton 4-B     USA/Cambridge Father, S Prince, Princeton, Nfld Mass/Cambridge Yes Yes 1913 Mass Friend, Mrs H Lovett, 214 Lexington Ave, Cambridge No Indef Yes 5' 4" Fair Lt/Blue
6 PRINCE, Betty 22 F S Nurse Nfld English Nfld/Princeton 4-B     USA/Cambridge Father, S Prince, Princeton, Nfld Mass/Cambridge Yes Yes 1922 Mass Friend, Mrs H Lovett, 214 Lexington Ave, Cambridge No Indef Yes 5' 3" Fair Bn/Blue
7 PRINCE, Effie 23 F S Domestic Nfld English Nfld/Princeton 4-C, 608 St John's 18/9/26 Nfld/Princeton Mother, Maria Prince, Princeton, Nfld Mass/Jamaica Plains Yes No     Sister, Mrs G Banfield, 14 Oakview Terr, Jamaica Plains No Indef Yes 5' 1" Fair L Bn/Bn
8 PRINCE, Wilfred 19 M S Fisherman Nfld English Nfld/Princeton 4-C, 609 St John's 18/8/26 Nfld/Princeton Father, S Prince, Princeton, Nfld Mass/Waltham Yes Yes     Sister, Mrs E Boothby, 122 Riverview Ave, Waltham, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 9" Fair L Bn/Bn
9 LUFF, Daisy 23 F M Housewife Nfld English Nfld/Chance Isds 4-B     USA/Everett Mother, Mrs D Warren, Bishop Falls, Nfld Mass/Everett Yes Yes 1923 Everett Husband, John Luff, 11 Fisher Terr, Everett, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 2" Fair Bn/Blue
10 LUFF, Douglas 5 M S   Nfld English Nfld/Bishop's Falls 4-B     USA/Everett Mother, Mrs D Warren, Bishop Falls, Nfld Mass/Everett         Father, John Luff,11 Fisher Terr, Everett,Mass No Indef Yes 2' 6" Fair Bn/Blue
11 LUFF, Hardy 3 M S   Nfld English Nfld/Bishop's Falls 4-B     USA/Everett Mother, Mrs D Warren, Bishop Falls, Nfld Mass/Everett         Father, John Luff,11 Fisher Terr, Everett,Mass No Indef Yes 2' Fair Lt/Blue
12 WATTON, Harvey 19 M S Laborer Nfld English Nfld/Change Isds 4-C, 570 St John's 17/9/26 Nfld/Bishop's Falls Mother, Mrs D Warren, Bishop Falls, Nfld Mass/Everett Yes No     Brother, John Watton, 8 Hamilton St, Everett, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 5" Fair Abn/Blue
13 MARSH, Emily 51 F M Housewife Nfld English Nfld/Bonavista 4-C, 602 St John's 18/9/26 Nfld/Bonavista Daughter, Mrs G Hicks, Bonavista, Nfld Mass/Cambridge Yes No     Son, Baxter Marsh, 195 Green St, Cambridge, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 6" Fair Gray/Hazel
14 BOWEN, Pauline 28 F S Domestic Nfld English Nfld/St Mary's 4-B     USA/Boston Mother, Winifred Bowen, St Mary's,Nfld Mass/Boston Yes Yes 1923 Boston Mrs W H Rothwell, 333 Commonwealth Ave, Boston No Indef Yes 5' 4" Med Brn/Brn
15 BOWEN, Frances 18 F S Domestic Nfld English Nfld/St Mary's 4-C,569 St John's 16/9/26 Nfld/St Mary's Mother, Winifred Bowen, St Mary's,Nfld Mass/Boston Yes No     Sister, Florence Bowen, 30 Norford Rd, Brookline, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 7" Fair Brn/Hazel
16 MURPHY, Mary 19 F S Domestic Nfld English Nfld/Portugal Cove 4-C, 404 St John's 3'9'26 Nfld/St John's Mother, Bridget Murphy, Portugal Cove, Nfld Mass/E Boston Yes No     Aunt, Mrs Peter Dwyer, 244 Havre St, E Boston, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 6" Fair Brn/Blue
17 BROWN, Ford 28 M S Const-Worker Nfld English Nfld/Exploits 4-B     USA/Cambridge Mother, Mrs N Snow, Bay Roberts, Nfld Mass/Cambridge Yes Yes 1923-26 Mass Friend, Mrs G Russell, 24 Antrim St, Cambridge, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 7" Med Dk/Brn
18 HOUSE, Lily 21 F S Domestic Nfld English Nfld/Bonavista 4-C, 595 St John's 18/9/26 Nfld/Bonavista Mother, Mary House, Bonavista, Nfld Mass/Cambridge Yes No     Cousin, Mrs Warren Jackson, 173 Hampshire Rd, Cambridge No Indef Yes 5' 3" Rdy D B/Brn
19 KEEL, Elizabeth 19 F S Domestic Nfld English Nfld/Bonavista 4-C, 599 St John's 18/9/26 Nfld/Bonavista Mother, Martha Keel, Bonavista, Nfld Mass/Cambridge Yes Yes     Cousin, Thomas Etsell, 295 Green St, Cambridge, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 5" Fair Brn/Hazel
20 LITTLE, Edith 22 F S Sales-lady Nfld English Nfld/Bonavista 4-C, 598 St John's 18/9/26 Nfld/Bonavista Mother, Caroline Little, Bonavista, Nfld Mass/Arlington Yes No     Aunt, Mrs Fannie Abbott, 14 Brentwood Rd, Arlington, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 7" Dk D Bn/Bn
21 ETSELL, Daisy 20 F S Domestic Nfld English Nfld/Bonavista 4-C, 603 St John's 18/9/26 Nfld/Bonavista Mother, Rebecca Etsell, Bonavista, Nfld Mass/Cambridge Yes No     Brother, Thomas Etsel, 205 Green St, Cambridge, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 4" Fair Bn/Blue
22 LITTLE, Maxell N 26 M S Carpenter Nfld English Nfld/Bonavista 4-C, 589 St John's 18/9/26 Nfld/Bonavista Mother, Sarah Little, Bonavista, Nfld Mass/Roxbury Yes Yes 1923 Mass Uncle, Ehos Little, 83 Brook Ave, Roxbury, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 7½" Med Bn/Blue
23 FIFIELD, Richard 28 M S Fisherman Nfld English Nfld/Bonavista 4-C, 612 St John's 18/9/26 Nfld/Bonavista Mother, Agnes Fifield, Bonavista, Nfld Mass/Cambridge Yes Yes 1923 Cambridge Sister, Mrs John Abbott, 29 Formouth St, Cambridge, Mass No Indef Yes 6' Dk D Bn/Bn
24 FORD, George 23 M S Store Clerk Nfld English Nfld/Bonavista 4-C, 585 St John's 18/9/26 Nfld/Bonavista Mother, Sarah Ford, Bonavista, Nfld Mass/Lynn Yes No     Sister, Rebecca Ford, 3 Prescott Rd, Lynn, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 11" Fair Bn/Blue
25 PHILLIPS, Charles G 26 M M Pay-Master Nfld English Nfld/St John's 4-C, 2246 St John's 16/6/26 Nfld/Corner Brook Father, John C Phillips, St John's, Nfld Mass/Everett Yes Yes 1900-05 Various Parts Dartmouth St, Everett, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 9" Med Bn/Bn
26 PHILLIPS, Florence 26 F M Housewife Nfld English Nfld/Princeton 4-C, 616 St John's 18/9/26 Nfld/Princeton Mother, Rebecca Prince, Princeton, Nfld Mass/Everett Yes Yes 1921-26 Boston Dartmouth St, Everett, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 4½" Fair Bn/Blue
27 HEALEY, Julia 29 F W Housekeeper Nfld English Nfld/Holyrood 4-B     USA/Brookline Father, Mark Penney, Holyrood, Nfld Mass/E Boston Yes Yes 1915-26 Mass Aunt, Mrs Noonan, 40 Ashley St, E Boston No Indef Yes 5' 5" Fair Lt/Blue
28 PENNY, Laura 16 F S None Nfld English Nfld/Holyrood 4-C, 550 St John's 16/9/26 Nfld/Holyrood Father, John Penney, Holyrood, Nfld Mass/Brookline Yes No     Aunt, Mrs Nellie Smith, 10 Barville St, Brookline, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 9" Fair Bn/Blue
29 PENNY, Bertah 18 F S Domestic Nfld English Nfld/Holyrood 4-C, 416 St John's 3/9/26 Nfld/Holyrood Father, Philip Penney, Holyrood, Nfld Mass/Brookline Yes No     Cousin, Mrs Martin Staffore, 105 Heath St, Brookline, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 6" Fair D Bn/Grey
30 FURLONG, Johanna 65 F W Housewife Nfld English Nfld/Harbour Grace 4-C, 571 St John's 17/9/26 Nfld/St John's Father, Philip Penney, Holyrood, Nfld Mass/E Boston Yes No     Son, John Furlong, 143 Lexington St, E Boston No Indef Yes 5' 5" Fair Grey/Grey
1 FITZGERALD, Frances 29 F S Nurse Nfld English Nfld/Carbonear 4-B     USA/Worcester Uncle, P Cullen, Carbonear, Nfld Mass, Tweksbury Yes Yes 1916-26 Mass Mother, Mrs W R Millett, 47 Main St, Tewksbury, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 8" Med Bn/Blue
2 CULLEN, Alice 20 F S Teacher Nfld English Nfld/Carbonear 4-C, 613 St John's 18/9/26 Nfld/Conche Mother, Jane Cullen, Carbonear, Nfld Mass, Tweksbury Yes No     Cousin, Mrs W R Millett, 47 Main St, Tewksbury, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 6" Fair Bn/Hazel
3 FITZGERALD,Bridget 54 F M Housewife Nfld English Nfld/Carbonear 4-C, 614 St John's 18/9/26 Nfld/Carbonear Brother, P Cullen, Carbonear, Nfld Mass, Tweksbury Yes Yes     Cousin, Mrs W R Millett, 47 Main St, Tewksbury, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 5" Fair Gray/Blue
4 SALTER, Robert 27 M S Cable Operator Nfld English Nfld/St John's 4-C, 503 St John's 14/5/26 Nfld/St John's Mother, Mrs M Salter Mass/Boston Yes No     Uncle, W T F Salter, Boston, Mass, 229 Adams St,Newton,Mass No Indef Yes 5' 10" Fair Bn/Gray
5 EBSARY, Laura 32 F S None Nfld English Nfld/St John's 4-B     USA/Rochester Father, Stephen Ebsary, St John's, Nfld NY/Rochester Yes Yes 1925-26 New York Cousin, Mrs Fred Ebsary, Rochester, NY No Indef Yes 5" Med D Bn/Gray
6 GIBBONS, George R 19 M S Store-keeper Nfld English Nfld/St Mary's 4-C, 615 St John's 18/9/26 Nfld/St Mary's Mother, Honora Gibbons, St Mary's, Nfld Mass/Boston Yes No     Aunt, Mrs B M Mooney, 92 W Springfield St, Boston No Indef Yes 6' 1½" Fair Abn/Blue
7 YETMAN, Isabella 19 F S Domestic Nfld English Nfld/St Mary's 4-C, 547 St John's 16/9/26 Nfld/St Mary's Mother, Mary Yetman, St Mary's, Nfld Mass/Everett Yes No     Aunt, Mrs B M Bishop, 43 Summit St, Everett,Mass No Indef Yes 5' 5" Fair L Bn/Blue
8 DAVIS, Harry 9 M S   USA African & English Nfld/St John's Accompanied by Father & Mother     Nfld/St John's Father & Mother accompanying Mass/Roxbury         23 Ford Ave, Roxbury, Mass No Indef Yes 3' 10" Blk Blk/Bn
9 DAVIS, Sylvia 8 F S   USA African & English Nfld/St John's Accompanied by Father & Mother     Nfld/St John's Father & Mother accompanying Mass/Roxbury         23 Ford Ave, Roxbury, Mass No Indef Yes 3' 8" Blk Blk/Bn
10 DAVIS, Matilda 6 F S   USA African & English Nfld/St John's Accompanied by Father & Mother     Nfld/St John's Father & Mother accompanying Mass/Roxbury         23 Ford Ave, Roxbury, Mass No Indef Yes 3' 6" Blk Blk/Bn
11 DAVIS, Perry 5 M S   USA African & English Nfld/St John's Accompanied by Father & Mother     Nfld/St John's Father & Mother accompanying Mass/Roxbury         23 Ford Ave, Roxbury, Mass No Indef Yes 3' 4" Blk Blk/Bn
12 DAVIS, Myrtle 4 F S   USA African & English Nfld/St John's Accompanied by Father & Mother     Nfld/St John's Father & Mother accompanying Mass/Roxbury         23 Ford Ave, Roxbury, Mass No Indef Yes 3' Blk Blk/Bn
13 DAVIS, Lily May 5 mos F S   USA African & English Nfld/St John's Accompanied by Father & Mother     Nfld/St John's Father & Mother accompanying Mass/Roxbury         23 Ford Ave, Roxbury, Mass No Indef Yes 2' 7" Blk Blk/Bn
1 BARRY, Alphonse 24 M S Fisherman Nfld English Nfld/Red Island 4-C, 573 St John's 17/9/26 Nfld/Red Island Father, Wm Barry, Red Island,Nfld Mass/Boston Yes No     Cousin, Thomas Walsh, 723 Third St, Boston, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 8" Fair Aubn/Blue
2 PEDDLE, Margaret W 39 F M Housewife Nfld English Nfld/Fogo 4-C, 557 St John's 17/9/26 Nfld/St John's Mother, Annie Walbours, Fogo, Nfld Mass/Roxbury Yes No     Husband, Peter Peddle, 56 Hampton St, Roxbury, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 6" Fair Bn/Bn
3 PEDDLE, Edward 22 M S Machine Oiler Nfld English Nfld/St John's 4-C, 563 St John's 17/9/26 Nfld/St John's Mother, Annie Walbours, Fogo, Nfld Mass/Roxbury Yes Yes 1923-26 Roxbury Father, Peter Peddle, 56 Hampton St, Roxbury, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 7" Fair Aubn/Bn
4 PEDDLE, Margaret 18 F S Seamstress Nfld English Nfld/St John's 4-C, 500 St John's 13/9/26 Nfld/St John's Mother, Annie Walbours, Fogo, Nfld Mass/Roxbury Yes No     Father, Peter Peddle, 56 Hampton St, Roxbury, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 7" Fair Blonde/Bn
5 PEDDLE, John 16 M S BellBoy Nfld English Nfld/St John's 4-C, 560 St John's 17/9/26 Nfld/St John's Mother, Annie Walbours, Fogo, Nfld Mass/Roxbury Yes No     Father, Peter Peddle, 56 Hampton St, Roxbury, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 3½" Fair L Bn/Bn
6 PEDDLE, Leo 9 M S School Boy Nfld English Nfld/St John's 4-C, 564 St John's 17/9/26 Nfld/St John's Mother, Annie Walbours, Fogo, Nfld Mass/Roxbury Yes No     Father, Peter Peddle, 56 Hampton St, Roxbury, Mass No Indef Yes 4' 5" Fair Bn/Bn
7 PEDDLE, Stella 6 F S None Nfld English Nfld/St John's 4-C, 558 St John's 17/9/26 Nfld/St John's Mother, Annie Walbours, Fogo, Nfld Mass/Roxbury Yes No     Father, Peter Peddle, 56 Hampton St, Roxbury, Mass No Indef Yes 3' 11" Fair Bn/Hazel
8 PEDDLE, Ciolet 4 F S None Nfld English Nfld/St John's 4-C, 559 St John's 17/9/26 Nfld/St John's Mother, Annie Walbours, Fogo, Nfld Mass/Roxbury Yes No     Father, Peter Peddle, 56 Hampton St, Roxbury, Mass No Indef Yes 3' Fair Bn/Bn
9 MANSFIELD, Hattie 17 F S Domestic Nfld English Nfld/New Melbourne 4-C, 605 St John's 18/9/26 Nfld/New Melbourne Mother, Mrs L J Mansfield, New Melbourne, Nfld Mass/Cambridge 40 No     Cousin, Sadie Mansfield, 11 Tuff St, Cambridge, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 4" Med M Bn/Green
10 SMITH, Rhoda J 20 F S Domestic Nfld English Nfld/New Perlican 4-C, 606 St John's 18/9/26 Nfld/New Perlican Mother, Mrs I Smith, New Perlican, Nfld Mass/Lynn 23 No     Sister, Mrs A Underhay, 35 Bulfinch St, Lynn, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 7" Fair M Bn/Bn
11 WALSH, Jeremiah V 19 M S Fisherman Nfld English Nfld/Red Island 4-C, 551 St John's 16/9/26 Nfld/Red Island Father, John Walsh, Red Island, Nfld Mass/Boston 70 No     Brother, Thomas Walsh, 728 Third St, Boston, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 10" Fair Aubn/Blue
12 PENNEY, Harold 27 M M Laborer Nfld English Nfld/Bonavista 4-B     USA/Cambridge Father, Thomas Penney, Bonavista, Nfld Mass/Cambridge 310 Yes 1925 Cambridge Friend, Mr John Driscoll, 209 Columbia St, Cambridge, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 8" Rdy L Bn/Blue
13 PENNEY, Elizabeth 27 F M Housewife Nfld English Nfld/St Anthony 4-C, 600 St John's 18/9/26 Nfld/Carbonear Mother, Jane Burt, St Anthony, Nfld Mass/Everett Yes No     Husband, Alan Penney, 33 Highland Ave, Everett, MASS No Indef Yes 5' 5" Fair Bn/Gray
14 PENNEY, Dorothy 2 F A   Nfld English Nfld/Carbonear 4-C, 601 St John's 18/9/26 Nfld/Carbonear Mother, Jane Burt, St Anthony, Nfld Mass/Everett         Father, Alan Penney, 33 Highland Ave, Everett, Mass No Indef Yes 2' 11" Fair Bn/Gray
15 FORWARD, Thomas 16 M S Machine Operator Nfld English Nfld/Carbonear 4-C, 456 St John's 8/9/26 Nfld/Carbonear Mother, Jane Forward, Cabonear, Nfld Mass/Everett 50 No     Uncle, Mr Fielding Taylor, 46 Oliver St, Everett, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 5" Fair Bn/Gray
16 ASH, Roy 20 M S Gardener Nfld English Nfld/Carbonear 4-C, 607 St John's 18/9/26 Nfld/Carbonear Mother, Anna Ash, Carbonear, Nfld Mass/Chelsea 25 No     Father, Wm Ash & Bro Hubert Ash, 292 Washington Ave, Chelsea, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 8" Fair Bn/Blue
17 HEWITT, Stephen 25 M M Automobile Painter Nfld English Nfld/St John's 3-2     USA/Detroit Father, Stephen Hewitt, St John's, Nfld Mass/Cambridge 60 Yes 1921-26 Various parts Brother, Jos Hewitt, 108 Columbia St, Cambridge, Mass No 3 months Yes 5' 3" Fair Bn/Blue
18 PRICE, Laura 21 F S Tailoress Nfld English Nfld/St John's 4-C, 554 St John's 16/9/26 Nfld/St John's Mother, Ellen Price, St John's, Nfld Mass/Roxbury 60 Yes 1923-25 Brooklyn, NY Aunt, Mrs Peter Peddle, 56 Hampton St, Roxbury, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 4" Fair Bn/Gray
19 PEDDLE, Madeline 22 F S None Nfld English Nfld/Spaniard's Bay 4-C, 596 St John's 18/9/26 Nfld/Spaniard's Bay Mother, Bridget Peddle, Spaniard's Bay, Nfld Mass/E Boston Yes No     Aunt, Mrs Mary E Hurley, 458 Meridian St, E Boston No Indef Yes 5' 4" Fair Bn/Blue
20 RYAN, Winifred 16 F S None Nfld English Nfld/Harbour Grace 4-C, 597 St John's 18/9/26 Nfld/Spaniard's Bay Mother, Agnes Ryan, Spaniard's Bay, Nfld Mass/N Fair Haven Yes Yes 1920 Mass Aunt, Mrs John Fennessey, 43 Sycomore St, N Fair Haven, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 5" Fair Bn/Blue
21 YETMAN, Gladys 22 F S Tailoress Nfld English Nfld/Harbour Grace 4-C, 584 St John's 18/9/26 Nfld/Harbour Grace Sister, Mrs John Noel, Harbour Grace, Nfld Mass/Roxbury 25 No     Sister, Sadie Yetman, 16 Eldora St, Roxbuy, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 4" Fair Bn/Gray
22 YETMAN, Florence 18 F S Stenographer Nfld English Nfld/Harbour Grace 4-C, 586 St John's 18/9/26 Nfld/Harbour Grace Sister, Mrs John Noel, Harbour Grace, Nfld Mass/Roxbury Yes No     Sister, Sadie Yetman, 16 Eldora St, Roxbuy, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 2" Fair Bn/Gray
23 DRUKES, Michael J 29 M S Fisherman Nfld English Nfld/Tor Bay       USA/Medford Father, Thomas Drukes, Tor Bay, Nfld Mass/Roxbury 60 Yes 1920-26 Medford Brother, Patrick Drukes, 124 Harvard St, Medford, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 10" Rdy Bn/Gray
List 6
1 MacDONALD, Mrs Margaret 46 F M Wife Canada Irish Canada/Halifax 4-B,Showed alien Cert #432328 Halifax, NS 8/25/26 Mass/Newton Centre Mother, Mrs C Walsh, 3 Kent St, Halifax, NS Mass/Newton Centre No Yes 1923 & 1926 Newton Centre Husband, Colin MacDonald, 43 Union St, Newton Centre, Mass Yes Indef No 5' 2" Med Brn/Blue
2 MacDONALD, William B 8 M S Child Canada Scotch Canada/Halifax       Mass/Newton Centre Grandmother, Mrs C Walsh, 3 Kent St, Halifax, NY Mass/Newton Centre No Yes     Father, Colin MacDonald, 43 Union St, Newton Centre, Masss Yes Indef No   Fr Lt/Hazel
3 MacDONALD, Mary Caroling 7 F S Child Canada Scotch Canada/Halifax       Mass/Newton Centre Grandmother, Mrs C Walsh, 3 Kent St, Halifax, NY Mass/Newton Centre No Yes     Father, Colin MacDonald, 43 Union St, Newton Centre, Masss Yes Indef No   Dk Dki Brn/Brn
4 MacDONALD, Mrs Mary L 25 F M Wife Canada German Canada/Halifax 4-B, Cert #275989 Halifax, NS 9/1/22 - maiden name Mary Brown? Mass/Boston Father, M Bowen, 63 Maynard St, Halifax, NS Mass/Roxbury 25 Yes 1922 & 1926 Boston Husband, Lester McDonald, 43 Field St, Roxbury, Mass Yes Indef Yes 5' 1" Fr Brn/Blue
5 HUELIN, Hazel 21 F S Domestid Nfld   Nfld/Port au Basque 4-B     Mass/Roslindale Mother, Mrs J Jackson, No Sydney, Can Mass/Roslindale 40 Yes 1922 & 1926 Roslindale Brother, Robert Huelin, 26 So Water St, Roslindale Yes Indef Yes 5' 3½" Fr Lt/Blue
6 KNIFTON, Lila Teresa 18 F S None Canada English Canada/Sydney, NS 4-C, 997 Sydney, NS 16th Sept 1926 Canada/Sydney Father, Fred Knifton, 24 Woodill St, Sydney Mass/Arlington 30 No     Uncle, H B Hamilton, 54 Marathon St, Arlington, Mass Yes Indef No 5' 6" Dk Dki Brn/Brn
7 McDONALD, Ronald 20 M S Sailor Canada Scotch Canada/Glace Bay 4-B     NY/New York City Father, John A McDonald, Big Bras D'or, Canada NY/New York Yes, 60 Yes 1924 NY Uncle, John Hughes, 150 - 122nd St, New York City Yes Indef Yes 5' 11" Med Dk/Blue
8 VERGE, Marion 22 F S Student Nurse Canada English Canada/The Lodge 4-B     Can/The Lodge Mass/Boston Father, Ambrose Verge, The Lodge, Canada Mass/Boston 50 Yes 1926 Boston Nurse's Home, c/0 Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston Yes Indef No 5' 6½" Fr Brn/Blue
9 EMENEAU, Murrray B 72 M S Instructor-University Canada French Canada/Lunenburg 4-C, 1021 Halifax, NS 10th Sept 1926 Canada/Lunenburg Mother, Mrs Ada Emeneau, Lunenburg, Can Conn/New Haven yes, 100 No     c/o Yale University Yes Indef No 5' 7" Fr Brn/Blue
10 JOHNSTON, Mrs Elizabeth 52 F W None Canada Scotch Canada/Soldier's Cove 4-C, 950 Halifax, NS 5th Sept 1926 Mass/N Weymouth Cousin, Mrs J Dunphy, 14 Stair St, Halifax Mass/N Weymouth Yes Yes 1925 N Weymouth Son,John Johnston, 385 Bridge St, N Weymouth No Perm Yes 5' 6" Dk Brn/Gray
11 VOID - other manifest                                                
12 McLEAN, Margaret 56 F S Graduate Nurse Canada Scotch Canada/Stewaicke 4-B     Mass/Newton Centre Sister, Mrs C W Rowlings, Harvey St, Halifax Mass/Newton Centre Yes Yes 1902 & 1926 Boston Vicinity Home, New Centre, Mass No Indef Yes 5' 6½" Med Dr/Brn
13 PETERS, Minnie 59 F w Shoe Factory Worker Canada English Canada/Stewaicke 4-B     Mass,Dorchester None Mass/Dorchester Yes Yes 1884 continuous to 1890 Mass Niece, Mrs Cyril Cromwell, 166 Rossiter St, Dorchester No Indef Yes 5' 4½" Med Gray/Blue
List 7
1 McDONALD, Alexander S 70 M M Merchant Canada Scotch Canada/Antigonish       Canada/Antigonish Wife, Mrs Jeanette McDonald, Antigonish, NS Mass/Boston No Yes 1906 Boston Son, W D McDonald, 126 Hemmenway St, Boston, Mass Yes 3 wks No 5' 8½" Med Gray/Blue
2 ARCHIBALD, Mrs Elizabeth 70 F W Domestic Canada Scotch Canada/L Truro       Canada/Truro Son, H M Archibald, Truro, NS Mass/N Weymouth 300 Yes 1925 N Weymouth Daughter, Mrs Gladys Snook, Sachem St, N Weymouth, Mass Yes 4 wks No 5' 6" Fr Gray/Blue
List 9
1 MURPHY, John H 44 M M Carpenter Br Canada English Canada/Ingonish 4-C, 532 Sydney, NS 27th August 1926 Canada/N Sydney Father, James Murphy, Ingonish, NS Mass/E Braintree no, 40 Yes 1902 & 1914 Boston Aunt, Mrs Pyne, 63 Plain St, E Braintree, Mass Yes Indef Yes 5' 8" Dk Brn/Blue

Data Omitted Above
Column Description
2 Head-Tax Status
8 All passengers were able to read and write English
16 Number on List
19 Ticket to final destination?
20 By whom passage paid
25-30 Various questions - Polygamist? Aanarchist?
31 Whether arrested or deported at any time
32 Health
33 Deformed
37 Marks of Identification

Contributed by Sandra Forward-Warner (2007)
and Transcribed by Mary Rawlinson (January 2008)

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Page Last Updated April 17, 2010 (Craig Peterman)

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