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Ship's Manifest for "Brig Cledder Belle"
Departing from Carbonear, Newfoundland
Arriving in Boston, Massachusetts December 10, 1887

Source: Mircofilm roll 105. Boston, Massachusetts. Passenger Lists of
Vessels Arriving at Boston, Massachusetts, 1820-1891. Micropublication M277.
RG036. Rolls #1-115. National Archives, Washington, D.C.



List of Passengers District of Boston and Charlestown, Port of Boston December 1887 I, John Bransfield, Master of the Brig. Cledder Belle do solemnly, sincerely, and truly swear that the following list or manifest subscribed by me and now delivered by me to the collector of customs of the Port of Boston passengers taken on board the said vessel at Carbonear NF from which port said vessel has now arrived; and that on said list is truly designated the age, sex, calling, coutry of citizenship, native country, intended destination or location, number of pieces of baggage, location of compartment or space occupied, and date and cause of death of passengers as required by the Passenger Act of 1882; also a true statement, so far as it can be ascertained, with reference to the intention of each alien passenger as to a protracted sojourn in this country. So help me God. Sworn to this 10th Dec 1887 before me {signature illegible} collector. John Bransfield {Signed} Master, List of Manifest of All Passengers taken on board the Brig. Cledder Belled whereof Bransfield is Master, from Carbonear burthen 117 tons



Edward Clarke 32 male Fisherman N. Foundland

US 1 (bag) Forward (compartment) Settle

John Kennedy 27 " " " "
note: Immigrants, not in US before


The Clarks, Kennedys, and Bransfields had lots next to each other in Crocker's Cove, Carbonear, Newfoundland


Contributed by Joanne Connors (May 2007)

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Page Last Updated Wednesday February 20, 2013 (Craig Peterman)

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