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S.S. Austrian (?) [1]

Passenger List
compiled by Alec McDougall

Ship sailed from St. John's, NF
to Boston
on 11 April 1888..

Name Age Sex Calling Citizens of Destination
(?)[2] Ferron 47[3] M   St. Johns[4] Boston
Tom(?) Foley 27 M Sailor Newfoundland Boston
Jno. Byrns 25 M Servant ? ?
Michael Kelly 22 M Labr. ? ?
Jeremiah Lane 17 M Salesman ? ?
Simon Walsh 27 M Labr. ? ?
Thos. Miller 21/27(? M ? ? ?
Jos. Sullivan 20 M Cooper ? ?
John White 46 M Cabinetmaker? ? ?
Mrs. John White 27(?) F Wife ? ?
A. Pike 27 F Dressmaker ? ?
C. Cahill 25 F ? ? ?
Thos. Furlong 27 M Labr. ? ?
Mich. Cartwell (?) M (?) ? ?
Edward Healey 40 M Labr. ? ?
M. Hearn 27 M Labr. ? ?
John Rogers 20 M Painter ? ?
[1] The master was very difficult to read. I do think the ship's name was the "Austrian".
[2] (?) represents my inability to read the copy.
[3] The ages were especially difficult to read. I could not distinguish between most "2's" and "4's"
[4] Could not decipher whether NB or NF.

Page Contributed by Alec McDougall
Page Transcribed by Joanna Hosteny (January, 2002)
Page Revised by Don Tate (January 2002)

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