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St. Pierre and Miquelon Parish Records
of Newfoundlanders
1763 - 1791

The following is a translation of birth, death, marriage records of Saint-Pierre, Miquelon, and Île aux chiens.
The earliest records are Roman Catholic, and after the French Revolution they became civil.

In the 1700s, when the penal laws banned papists in Newfoundland, devout Roman Catholics in Placentia Bay and Burin
went to the island of Saint-Pierre for baptisms and marriages.  After the French Revolution, Saint-Pierre became the trade entrepôt. 
Many people from Placentia Bay, Burin, and Fortune Bay went there to work.  The island also had the only hospital in the region.  

The birth, death. marriage records are presented together in a cronological listing .

Check St. Pierre "Vital Statistics" for records after the French Revolution

Parish Births, Deaths, Marriages for St. Pierre 1763 - 1791 with a Newfoundland Connection
(Registre des baptêmes, mariages, et enterrements de la paroisse de St. Pierre, 1763 – 1791)
Act Date Information
Baptism 13 June 1763 PATRICK WAUTEL, son of Richard Wautel of Wauterford in Ireland and his wife Elizabeth Coem of London.  The Godfather is Charles de  Rossily, marine guard on the frigate Unicorn
Baptism 13 June 1763 HELEN WAUTEL, daughter of Richard Wautel of Wauterford in Ireland and his wife Elizabeth Coem of London. The Godfather is Benjamin Hubert, marine guard on the frigate Unicorn. 
Baptism 13 June 1763 CATHERINE HENRY, daughter of William Henry of Millborn in England and his wife Margaret Bury of Cork in Ireland. The Godfather is Pierre Marie Dupont. 
Baptism 2 October 1763 MARY PENNY, aged 10 years and three months old, daughter of William Penny and his wife Margaret Borke. The Godparents are Thomas Corbin and Angelique Protau. 
Baptism 2 June 1764 GEORGE CHARLES WEALCH, son of Richard Wealch and his wife Sophie Elizabeth Hart. The Godparents are George Delologe and Marguerite LeNeuf. 
Baptism 8 July 1765 JEAN CHARLES RENE CAMUS, son of Jean Camus and his wife Jeanne Clermont. The Godparents are Rene La plant and Catherine Gruan. 
Baptism 17 October 1765 ELIZABETH KINSELLI, daughter of Denis Kinselli and his wife Anne. The Godparents are Barnabe Marshi and Elizabeth Williams. 
Baptism 29 October 1767 DENIS KINSLEI, son of Denis Kinseli and his wife Anne Charte, aged about 21 years old. The Godparents are David Waalsth and Elizabeth Waalsth. 
Baptism 8 November 1770 Today was baptized in the church of Saint-Pierre, FRANÇOISE JEANNE THEBEAU (TIBBO), aged 23 years, daughter of GUILLAUME THEBEAU and MARIE ISLE, his wife. The Godparents are François Philippeau and Françoise Manuel.
Marriage 18 November 1770 WILLIAM POOR, aged 27 years, son of JOSEPH POOR and JANE QUIN, residing in St. Lawrence, and FRANÇOISE JEANNE THEBEAU (TIBBO), aged 23 years, daughter of GUILLAUME THEBEAU and MARIE --?-- were married by us, after we inquired about their mutual consent. The witnesses were Jean-Louis Detcheverry, François Philippeau, and Jacques Bourney. The bride FRANÇOISE JEANNE THEBEAU I have baptized.
Records missing from 1776 to 1782
Baptism 5 October 1783 JOHN BAPTISTE DRAKE, of the English nation, aged 20 years, son of James Drake and his wife Anne Ouarren, residing at Mortier Bay in Newfoundland. The Godparents are Jean-Baptiste Malberbe and Louise Julien. 
Baptism 5 October 1783 FRANCIS RENE DRAKE, of the English nation, aged 2 years, son of James Drake and his wife Anne Ouarren, residing at Mortier Bay in Newfoundland. The Godparents are Jean-Baptiste Paradis and Marguerite Dugas, wife of Rene Melayd
Baptism 5 October 1783 ELIZABETH CHARLOTTE DRAKE, aged approximately 18 years, daughter of James Drake, of the English nation, and his wife Anne Ouarren. The Godparents are Antoine Danseville and Elizabeth Arithsague. 
Baptism 19 October 1783 WILLIAM LAWRENCE MIGRA, born at St. Lawrence, Newfoundland, aged 2 years, son of Michael Migra and Marie Slaney. The parents were civilly united in November not according to the practices of our mother, the Holy Roman Catholic Church. The Godparents Cabot reside at St. Pierre.  
Baptism 19 October 1783 HELEN MIGRA, born at St. Lawrence, Newfoundland, aged 2 years, daughter of Michael Migra and Marie Slaney. The parents were civilly united in November not according to the practices of our mother, the Holy Roman Catholic Church. The Godparents are Charles deMalvelain and Anne Cormier, daughter of Joseph Cormier.  
Baptism 19 October 1783 CHARLOTTE MIGRA, born in St. Lawrence, Newfoundland, 6 years old, daughter of Michael Migra and Marie Slaney. The parents were civilly united in November not according to the practices of our mother, the Holy Roman Catholic Church.  The Godparents are Mr. Geary and Charlotte LeMale.  
Baptism 19 October 1783 JOSEPH JAFFRY, age unknown, parents were of the English nation and unknown.  The Godparents are Mr. Deschamp and Rosalie Vigneau. 
Married 21 November 1783 MICHAEL MIGRA, baptized at Ouatterford in Ireland, aged 39 years, English, residing in Newfoundland on one hand; and MARIE SLANEY, born in Mastyre, (or Asbire) in Newfoundland, near the aged 28 years, English.   
Baptism 21 November 1783 MARIE SLANEY, born in Marbyre, Newfoundland, aged 28 years, married woman. The Godparents are Remi Desperler and Anne Cormier. 
Baptism 21 November 1783 REMI MIGRA, aged 10 years, born at St. Lawrence in Newfoundland, son of Michael Migra and his wife Mary Slaney. The Godparents are Remi Desperler and Marie Cormier
Baptism 6 September 1784 BASTIAN, aged 6 years, born in Newfoundland, parents deceased and they were Irish or English. The Godparents are Joseph Sebastian Miquet and Genevieve Julien. 
Baptism 6 September 1784 JOSEPH FRANCIS, English or Irish, aged five years, baptized 6 September 1784. The Godparents are Jean-Baptiste Paradis and Anne Francoise Xavier. 
Baptism 22 September 1784 ROGER DRAKE, 26 years, of the English nation, native of Odierin in Newfoundland; son of James Drake and his wife Anne Ouuarren, father and mother reside in Mortier Bay. The Godfather William Leger, of the Irish nation, resides at Placentia, and the Godmother Judith Donville is of the island of St. Pierre. 
Baptism 1 October 1784 EDWARD LOUIS POWER, of the Irish nation, aged 2 years, a native of St. Lawrence in Newfoundland, son of Edward Power and his wife Anne Brazil of the aforesaid place. The Godparents are Louis Gervais Arbinet and Angelique Baron. 
Baptism 1 October 1784 MARY HELEN POWER, a native of Great St. Lawrence in Newfoundland, daughter of Edward Power and Anne Brazil.  The Godparents are Louis Gervais Arbinet and Marie Francoise Baron. 
Baptism 1 October 1784 PETER JOSEPH COGERAN, born at Placentia in Newfoundland, aged 7 years, son of James Cogeran of the Irish nation and his wife Honoria Welsh of the Irish nation, residing at Petit Placentia. The Godparents are Pierre Euritrague and Genevieve Julian, cousins of the parents. 
Baptism 1 October 1784 JEANNE MAGDELEINE COGERAN, born at Placentia in Newfoundland, aged 15 years, daughter of James Cogeran of the Irish nation and his wife Honoria Welsh of the Irish nation, residing at Petit Placentia. The Godparents are Pierre Julian and Madeleine Cormier. 
Baptism 1 October 1784 JOHN MICHAEL COGERAN, of the English or Irish nation, aged 12 years, native of Little Placentia, son of James Cogeran, a native of Ireland, and his wife Anne Rioard (Honoria Welsh), a native of Ireland. The Godparents are Jean-Baptiste Terriot and Marie Bozy. 
Baptism 1 October 1784 MARY FRANCES COGERAN, of the English or Irish nation, aged 11 years, native of Little Placentia in Newfoundland, daughter of James Cogeran, a native of Ireland, and his wife Anne Rioard (Honoria Walsh), a native of Ireland. The Godparents are Jean-Charles Babin and Marie Blanche LeBleu. 
Baptism 1 October 1784 CHARLES JOSEPH COGERAN, of the English or Irish nation, aged about 4 years, native of Little Placentia, son of James Cogeran, a native of Ireland, and his wife Anne Pioard (Honoria Walsh), a native of Ireland. The Godparents are Charles Antoine Dupleix Silvain and Henreitte Dupleix Silvain
Baptism 1 October 1784 MARY MARGARET MIGRAH, of the English nation, thirty months old, native of St. Lawrence, Newfoundland, daughter of Michael Migrah and his wife Mary Slaney who reside at St. Lawrence. The Godparents are Francois Goyethe and Sebastienne Detoucher. 
Baptism 19 October 1784 JOSEPH ST. CROIX, a native of Placentia in Newfoundland, aged six months, son of Christopher St. Croix, resident of Placentia and his wife Jeanne Cary of the Irish nation. The Godparents are Louis Cauchot and Marie Rosse. 
Baptism 19 October 1784 CHARLES JAMES MORGAN, aged fifteen months, son of John Morgan and his wife Eleanor Cogeran, natives of Burin Bay, Newfoundland. The Godparents are Jacques Le Gentil and Charlotte LeMale (also present is Morgan Fitzpatrick). 
Baptism 19 October 1784 LOUISE ELIZABETH MORGAN, aged three years, daughter of John Maorgan and his wife Eleanor Cogeran, natives of Burin Bay, Newfoundland. The Godparents are Cary LeMale and Elizabeth Cormier. 
Baptism 8 November 1784 MARIE JOSETTE, aged about a month, born in Texespery Bay, Newfoundland, daughter of Raimond Etiennéhuit and his wife Isabelle Doucet. The Godparents are William Brown and Marie Josette Cape. 
Baptism 8 November 1784 In the year of grace 1784 was baptized sub condition in our domestic chapel dedicated to St. Francis Xavier, THOMAS, aged about eleven, born at Petit Placentia, son of THOMAS LESDONIE and ELIZABETH COLONS, his wife. The birthplace of the father is Little Placentia and the mother is Ireland. The child passes for time in this island in company of the uncle and aunt who reside at Little Placentia, and pray to return for Bay D’Espoir. The Godparents are Jean Sire and Catherine Colons, the child's aunt.
Baptism 8 November 1784 In the year of grace 1784, the 9th of November, we were baptized sub condition in our domestic chapel dedicated to St. Francis Xavier, PATRICK RAYNE, aged about 18 years, who does not know the date of his birth due to the death of his mother twelve years ago at St. Lawrence in Newfoundland and the departure of the father for Ireland for three years ago. He is a native of St. Lawrence, son of LAWRENCE RAYNE and MARGUERITE HELENE, his wife. His father and mother are natives of Ireland. The youth baptized usually resides at Little Placentia. The Godparents are Michael Profit, a native of Ireland who resides at Petit Placentia, and Judith Douville of Saint-Pierre.
Baptism 9 November 1784 In the year of grace 1784, the 9th of November, was baptized under condition in our domestic chapel dedicated to St. Francis Xavier, RICHARD RAYNE, aged about 17 years, who does not know the date of his birth due to the death of his mother twelve years ago at St. Lawrence in Newfoundland and the departure of the father for Ireland for three years ago. He is a native of St. Lawrence, son of LAWRENCE RAYNE and MARGUERITE HELENE, his wife. His father and mother are natives of Ireland. The young man usually resides at Little Placentia. The Godparents are William Lennard, of the Irish nation, and Bastienne Detouche of Saint-Pierre.
Burial 17 February 1785 PATRICK WELSH, of the parish of Kilharri, Ouaterford, in Ireland, drowned on February 16, 1785 and was interred in the cemetery of this place by the parish priest of St. Pierre.
Baptism 18 April 1786 MICHAEL CONNOR, English resident of Newfoundland, aged eight months old, son of Michael Connor and Sarah Sanders his wife, was presented for the baptism ceremonies to the parish priest of the islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon. The Godparents are Anselm Shave and Mary Ann Arundel. 
Baptism 13 July 1788 MARIE GENEVIEVE POWELL, born in Boston in New England, March 15, 1786, daughter of Joseph Powell and Sara Parker, his wife, was today baptized by us Jean Longueville, parish priest. The Godparents are Edme Henry and Genevieve Fournier
Baptism 13 July 1788 CHARLES LAURE DOUVILLE, born at Rhode Island, in New England, on the 14th of April 1786, son of Pierre Douville Sr., lieutenant of the United States navy, and currently a shipowner living in these islands and CYNTHIA ABORN, his wife, was baptized today by us, the parish priest of Saint-Pierre. The Godparents are Philip Douville, the child's paternal uncle, and Françoise Bouinnierres.
Marriage 20 July 1788 Jean Longueville, parish priest of St. Pierre and Miquelon, have given the nuptial blessing according to the ceremonies of our Mother, the Holy Catholic Church to JEAN MARIE RAYNER, aged 28 years son of Lawrence and Marguerite Helene, of St. Lawrence, Newfoundland, on the first part; to MARIE ROUARD, (WALSH?) of Ireland, on the other hand.
Baptism 23 July 1788 SAMUEL CHARLES DOUVILLE, son of Pierre Douville, Lieutenant of the United States Navy, and currently ship-owner living in the islands and CYNTHIA ABORN, his wife, born yesterday, 22 July 1788, baptized by us, parish priest of Saint-Pierre. The Godparents are Sieur LeMoyne and Judith Douville, first cousin of the child.
Burial 29 July 1788 Today, François Bordot clerk of the admiralty of the islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon, interpreter of the King, declared he was present for the burial of JACQUES LAHA, of the town of Haraic in New England, aged 41 years. The burial is done.
Burial 7 September 1788 JOHN STUARD, from Dublin in Ireland, from the flag ship of South America, died yesterday at the hospital of this place, was buried today in the cemetery by us, priest of Saint-Pierre
Burial 17 October 1788 JEAN KIELI, Irish fisherman from Newfoundland, aged 42 years, who died yesterday at the hospital, was today buried in the cemetery of this place by us, parish priest of St. Pierre
Baptism 24 November 1788 ANNE CHOERE, aged 7 years old, daughter of the late Finne and Marie Anglais who died in Newfoundland four years ago, has been baptized unconditionally today by us the priest of the islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon.  The Godparents Bernabe Dorde and Margaret Flannigue, are Irish residing in the Fortune Bay.  
Baptism 24 March 1789 JULIE HENRIETTE POWELL, daughter of Joseph Powell, merchant, and Sara Parker, his wife, born today March 24, 1789, and baptized by us Jean Longueville, parish priest. The Godparents are Edme Henry and Genevieve Fournier
Baptism 3 May 1789 JOHN THOMAS SEREL, son of Jean François (Searle) established at Neuiharbour, on the island of Newfoundland, aged 10 years, and undated at his birth, have been provided with the ceremony of baptism today by us, parish priest of Miquelon. The Godparents are Thomas LeNoir and Esther Poirier. The name of the child's mother is Catherine Dennis.
Burial 2 October 1789 MICHAEL MIGUEL, Irish, cooper on the islands for two years, about 40 years old, died yesterday, was today interned in the cemetery of this place by us, priest of Saint-Pierre.
Baptism 3 April 1790 GEORGE AUGUSTUS READE, son of John Reade and Elizabeth Barance, born 25 Xber 1761 at Powell in the country of Norfolk in Great Britain has professed that the Roman Catholic Church is the only true one.  At his request, today April 3rd 1790, he was baptized by us missionary priest of isles of St. Pierre and Miquelon with the permission of Rev. Engueville prefect of the isles after the instructions for this sacrament.  The Godparents are Augustin Thomas, a soldier of the French company of this isles, and Marie Francoise Baron, his wife. 
Baptism 9 May 1790 BRIDGET ALEXANDRINE RYAN, daughter of Jean Ryan, living in the barrins of Newfoundland and Marie Ryan, his wife, aged (ten?) months was today baptized by the parish priest of the islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon.  The Godparents are Jean-Pierre Hulau and J.C. Keury. 
Burial 24 May 1790 JEAN BAPTISTE OSMOND, aged 53 years, died yesterday and was buried today in the cemetery of this place by the parish priest of St. Pierre and Miquelon. In the presence of Hervey and Neven. 
Marriage 20 July 1790 FRANÇOIS BENOIT, son of the late Augustin Benoit and Francoise Terriot of Falkland Islands, now living at Bay St. George, Newfoundland for six months, and Anne L’Official, daughter of Henry L’Official and Isabelle Chego, were married with the permission of the aforesaid L’Official in front of Joseph Payson, John Dennis, Louise Monroe, and John Ford, with the promise of presenting themselves before the Church in order to receive the nuptial blessing when they would be able to; from that marriage was born a daughter May 7th of the present year, today 4 August 1791 dispensation of the three banns have been obtained from us in virtue of our apostolic powers we Jean Longueville, parish priest of St. Pierre and Miquelon, after having received again their mutual consent, have given them the nuptial blessing according to the ceremonies of our Mother, the Holy Catholic apostolic and Roman Catholic, were present and consenting Henri L’Official, father of the bride, her brother George L’Official, uncle-in-law of the groom Jean Blin; maternal aunt Madeleine Terriot, and Augustin Thomas.        
Burial 26 July 1790 CATHERINE DONOVAN, daughter of Thomas and Anne Gorman, inhabitant of Newfoundland, aged 3 years died of yesterday, and was today buried in cemetery of this place by us the parish priest of St. Pierre et Miquelon.
Baptism 30 July 1791 ANNE FRANÇOISE BENOIT, daughter of Francois Benoit, resident of Bay St. George, Newfoundland, and Anne L'Official, his wife, aged three (months?), was today baptized by the parish priest of the islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon. The Godparents are George L'Official and Francoise Glin. 
Baptism 5 April 1791 JOHN HENRY POWELL, son of Joseph Powell and his wife Sarah Parker, was born yesterday and today was baptized by the parish priest of the islands of St. Pierre.  The Godparents are Mr. Mainville and Marie Josette Detchevery. 
Baptism 9 April 1791 JEANNE HELENE ANDREE BUTLER, daughter of Jean Butler and his wife Catherine Ryan, born at Baie de Loup, Newfoundland, and today was baptized by the parish priest of the islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon.  The Godparents are Andrew Peter Daragan and Jeanne Francoise LeMoyen. 
Baptism 13 May 1791 JOSEPH LOVIS, from the town of Hingham in the province of Massachusetts in North America, aged 22 years old, having recognized that outside the true Church there is no salvation and without constraint has made profession of the Catholic faith and abjures the heresy of Calvin. In the presence of Mr. Dupleix Silvain, Julian Chauvel, Edward Silvain, Jean Duhale residents of the isles St. Pierre et Miquelon, (Joseph Lovis, son of Joseph Lovis and Hannah Leavett married Jeanne Perine Dupleix Silvan the same week)  

Translated and Contributed by Edward-Vincent Chafe (2020)

Page Revised by Craig Peterman (April 25, 2022)

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