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Confirmations at Lower Burgeo - 1845

1. James ROSE3117. John MATTHEWS42
2. Christopher DICKS3218. John NORTHCOTT23
3. Henry DICKS3419. Charles COLLIER, Sr.60
4. Joseph DICKS4020. Charles COLLIER, Jr.30
5. Stephen VATCHER2521. George VATCHER29
6. Henry MATTHEWS1622. Joseph VATCHER16
7. William MATTHEWS3623. Thomas LUSHMAN16
8. Thomas STEVENS3524. James CURRIE15
9. Henry DICKS7125. Manuel VATCHER18
10. Richard VATCHER2126. Joseph WATTS19
11. John MATTHEWS1727. William DUM21
12. Thomas MATTHEWS3028. Samuel HOWE21
13. Samuel MATTHEWS2729. George BOWDRIDGE23
14. William KINLSOW3530. John COX
15. Joseph MATTHEWS1931. Richard PARSONS
16. William CURRIE14

1. Martha VATCHER 5015. Sarah ORCHARD42
2. Susan DICKS2516. Elizabeth COLLIER53
3. Deborah ROSE2317. Eleanor MATTHEWS18
4. Francis MATTHEWS of John3618. Ester KINSLOW36
5. Maria VATCHER 22 19. Mary Ann CURRIE18
6. Jane JORDAN2520. Eliazbeth DICKS15
7. Susanna DICKS5621. Charlotte MATTHEWS17
8. Mary MATTHEWS2822. Sarah GUY16
9. Martha VATCHER John1523. Mary PARSONS23
10. Susan MATTHEWS1524. Bethania COLLIER22
11. Elizabeth DICKS of C2425. Emma KINSLOW19
12. Sarah MATTHEWS1426. Jane COX
13. Francis MATTHEWS2127. Martha BAGG
14. Deborah MATTHEWS2528. Sarah READ

The above was extracted from Rev. Martin Blackmore's Journal
obtained from the Center for Newfoundland Studies, Memorial University,
St. John's, Newfoundland and Transcribed by Bill Crant, Jan. 12, 2000.

Page Revised: October 2002 (Don Tate)

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