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The Weekly Express

Proprietor - James Seaton

The Weekly Express Printed and Published for the Proprietor, James Seaton
on Wednesday evenings, at the Express Office, St. John's, Newfoundland.


Vol. 11 No. 1

Tuesday, January 4, 1859

Married - On the 21st inst, by the Rev. Henry Daniel, Mr. George PIPPY, to Miss Jane WHELAN, both of this town.

Died - On Wednesday last, after a lingering illness, borne with Christian resignation to the Divine Will, Michael SCANLAN, Esq., an old and respectable inhabitant of this town, much and deservedly regretted.

Vol. 11 No. 2

Tuesday, January 11, 1859

Married - In Brooklyn on Wednesday evening, December 8th by the Rev. Father Francioli, of the Church of St. Charles Borromeo, Mr. Thomas H. BOAG, to Ann, youngest daughter of the late B. RUTLEDGE, Esq, all of St. John's, Newfoundland. - New York Herald

Married - On Tuesday evening, by the Rev. Henry Daniel, Janet, only daughter of the late Mr. John HALLIDAY, to Capt. John GREEN, of Lynn - Regis, England.

Married - On the 12th November at the Church of St. John the Baptist, Liverpool, by the Rev. James Hassel, Sarah Jane, only daughter of the late Mr. BOND of this town to William Cornelius BOND, Master of the brig. "Mary Hounsell." - Dartmouth Chronicle, December 1.

Died - On Sunday morning last, after a short but painful illness, deeply regretted by all who knew him, Mr. John BARTER, aged 55 years, leaving a large family to mourn his irreparable loss.

Died - On Tuesday evening last, Bridget, widow of the late Richard PALMER, Esq. merchant, Hr. Grace, aged 87 years.

Died - At Matanzas de Cuba, on the 3rd November of intermittent fever, Mr. John FURLONG, aged 34 years, third son of Mr. John Furlong of this place. He leaves a widow and four children to mourn his loss.

Died - At Halifax, on the 6th, after a lingering illness much and deservedly regretted by all who knew her, Bridget, the beloved wife of Mr. George NICHOLS, aged 37 years and eldest daughter of the late Mr. John KING of this town.

Died - At the same place on the 8th ulto, of Scarlet fever in the 13th year of her age, Mary Ann, second daughter of the late Philip NOONAN of this town.

Died - At Colliers on the 4th ult, Mr. James PHELAN, a highly respectable planter of that place aged 91 years.

Died - At Summer Hill, near Brigus on the 6th, ult, Mr. Patrick KEARNEY, a native of Callan, County Killenny, Ireland, aged 70 years.

Died - At Brigus on the 7th ult, Mrs. Patrick HICKIE, a native of Templemore, County Tipperary, Ireland aged 68 years.

Died - At Bay Roberts, on the 8th ult, Mr. Martin WALSH, a native of Mullinavat, County Kilkenny, Ireland aged 84 years.

Died - At Northern Gut, Port de Grave, on the 10th ult, Mrs. Rachel HURLEY, aged 69 years - R.I.P.

Vol. 11 No. 3

Tuesday, January 18, 1859

Married - At St. Mary's Abbots, Kensington on the 2nd instant, by the Venerable Archdeacon Sinclair assisted by the Rev. F.W.Helder, D.S. STEWART, Esq. Captain 11th Hussars, son of the late James Stewart, Esq. of Greenock to Anna Dowson, elder daughter of Joseph EARLE, Esq. Kensington Palace Gardens - Greenock Advertiser December 7.

Died - On Tuesday morning last, of dropsy, in the 50th year of her age, Elizabeth, relict of the late Mr. Edward ROWE, of Carbonear.

Died - On Saturday morning last, after a short but severe illness, John Henry Charles, second son of John H. WARREN, Esq. M.H.A., aged 8 years.

Died - On Saturday morning last, after a lingering illness borne with Christian resignation to the Divine Will, Captain James FEEHAN, aged 28 years, eldest son of Captain Pierce Feehan. The deceased was a most promising young man, and his premature death is sincerely and justly regretted by a large circle of friends.

Died - On Sunday morning last, after a protracted illness, borne with Christian resignation to the Divine Will, Philip MOORE, aged 81 years - an old and respected inhabitant of this town. His funeral will take place tomorrow (Wednesday) at half past 3 o'clock from his late residence in Maggetty Cove, when the friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully requested to attend.

Vol. 11 No. 4

Tuesday, January 25, 1859

Married - At Cat's Cove, on Tuesday the 18th inst, by the very Rev. Kyran Walsh, Captain Edward O'BRIEN of Broad Cove, to Elizabeth only daughter of Mr. James WADE Jr., planter of that place.

Died - At Halifax, Thursday 20th inst, Joseph GRAHAM - Esq., father of James J. Graham, St. John's Newfoundland.

Died - At Harbor Maine, on Thursday the 13th instant, Mr. Nicholas LOCKOOR, planter, aged 67 years an old and respectable inhabitant of that place.

Died - At the same place on Wednesday, the 19th inst, Mrs. Mary JOY, aged 77 years.

Vol. 11 No. 5

Tuesday, February 1, 1859

Married - On Tuesday evening last, at St. Thomas ' Church by the Rev. T.M. Wood, Mr. Horatio Oehishlager CANNING, to Miss Annie Kate, only daughter of Mr. Richard HOLDER - all of this town.

Married - In Charlestown, Mass. on 1st January, by the Rev. T. Lambert, Mr. Abram KEACH, to Miss Sarah J. TOWAN formerly of St. John's, Newfoundland.

Died - On Sunday morning last, deeply regretted and universally esteemed Hannah McKillop, the beloved wife of Thomas BENNETT, Esq., aged 51 years. The funeral will take place from Mount Dorset tomorrow (Wednesday) at One o'clock.

Died - On Monday last after a lingering illness, Mr. Samuel WALSH, carpenter, aged 68 years - an old and respectable inhabitant to this town.

Vol. 11 No. 6

Tuesday, February 8, 1859

Birth - On Saturday morning last, Mrs. H. WINSTON of a daughter.

Birth - At Bay Roberts on the 17th ult, Mrs. J.T. MOORE of a son.

Married - On the 13th inst, by the Rev. H. Daniel, Mr. Thomas PAYNE, native of London, England, to Mary second daughter of Mr. Henry JONES.

Married - On Tuesday the 25th ultimo, by the Rev. J. O'Donnell, Mr. Timothy BRIEN, to Ellen, youngest daughter of Mr. William KIELLEY - both of this place.

Married - On Thursday evening, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. H. Daniel, Mr. Robert DICKS, to Mary Jane Faulkner, eldest daughter of Mr. W.T. PARSONS - all of this town.

Died - At Gmunden, Upper Austria, on the 17th December last, Mrs. Fanny HEPBURN, aged 85 years, mother of F.C.K. Hepburn, Esq.

Died - At Halifax , N.S. on the 27th January Mrs. Ann MANNING, in the 40th year of her age - a native of Ferryland, Newfoundland.

Died - On Thursday morning last, after a long illness borne as becomes a resigned Christian, Mr. James BRINE, pilot, aged 60 years leaving a large family and regretted by numerous friends.

Died - At Carbonear, on the 19th ultimo, after a tedious illness, Margaret, relict of the late Nicholas McKAY, aged 70 years.

Died - At Exeter, Devon, on the 28th December last, Eliza Howe, widow of Captain J.C. WOOLLCOMBE, R.N. only sister of James H. and the late Robert CARTER, Esq.'s of Ferryland, Newfoundland.

Died - At Ferryland on Thursday the 3rd instant, James Howe CARTER, Esq. of Dartmouth Devon, - aged 65 years.

Died - On Saturday night last, at 12 o'clock after a long and tedious illness, borne with Christian resignation to the Divine Will, Ellen the beloved wife of Mr. Edward BRENNAN aged 52 years.

Vol. 11 No. 7

Tuesday, February 15, 1859

Birth - In this city on Wednesday the 9th current, Mr. J.T. NEVILL, of a daughter.

Died - At Grand Bank, on the 29th December last, perfectly resigned to the Divine Will, Caroline Mary Ann, the beloved wife of Mr. George EVANS, and eldest daughter of the late J.W. SAUNDERS, Esq., aged 27 years. The deceased was much beloved by all who knew her and her death has caused a void in their hearts which cannot be easily filled.

Died - On December 10th, in this city at the residence of her son, the Rev. J.H. Hay, Ann Pearce, in her 80th year, relict of the late Robert PEARCE, Esq. of Exeter - Bath Herald.

Died - At Maulmain, East Indies in October last, in child birth of twins, both living at the date of information (30th October) Margaret, the beloved wife of Captain WYATT, of the ship Raritan, and daughter of our late well-known and highly-esteemed fellow-townsman Mr. P MULLOWNEY.

Died - On Saturday evening last, after a short illness, borne with truly Christian resignation to the Divine Will, Margaret, the beloved wife of John O'MARA, Esq. aged 44 years. Her funeral will take place this day (Tuesday) at 4 o'clock, when friends are respectfully invited to attend.

Vol. 11 No. 8

Tuesday, February 22, 1859

Married - On the 9th February, by the Rev. J. O'Donnell, P.P. Mr. James M. KELLY, planter, Brigus (North) to Elizabeth Ann, second daughter of Captain Daniel BRYAN, formerly of same place.

Married - On the 27th January at Hope Street Church, by the Rev. James Martinean, George B. WINDELER, Esq. of London, son of the late Charles Henry Windeler, Esq. to Marianne, second daughter of Charles T. BOWRING, Esq. of Princes Park, Liverpool.

Married - On Thursday evening, by the Rev. Charles Pedley, Mr. Archibald McFARLAN, of Scotland to Mrs. James HAYES, of St. John's.

Married - Same evening by the Rev. D. MacRae, Mr. Thomas McANLEY, of Greenock, to Miss Isabella PEACE, late of Edinburgh, Scotland.

Died - On Tuesday last, after a protracted illness borne with Christian resignation to the Divine Will, Joseph GILL, Esq., aged 85 years.

Died - On Tuesday evening last, in the 76th year of his age, 40 of which he spent in this country Mr. Thomas NANGLE, and old and respectable inhabitant of this town.

Died - On Wednesday last, Edward Frederick, infant son of Mr. John DAKINS, aged 5 months.

Died - On Thursday morning last, after a lingering illness, Mary Ann, the beloved wife of Mr. Mark COXSON, aged 60 years.

Vol. 11 No. 9

Tuesday, March 1, 1859

Died - On Wednesday morning, after a protracted illness, in the 42nd year of her age, Susanna, the beloved wife of Mr. J.C. WITHERS.

Died - On Thursday morning last, after a lingering illness, Mr. Daniel DOOLEY, Pilot, aged 55 years.

Died - At Carbonear, on the 6th instant, after a very short illness, Sarah, wife of Mr. Samuel ELSON - aged 35 years.

Died - At Bayview Cottage, on the 13th instant, the beloved wife of Mr. Michael CONERAN, much and deservedly regretted by all who knew her.

Died - On 15th by falling from the Royal yard of the Emerald Isle, J.M. SLIM, a native of Scotland and a servant of C. Fury, Esq. of this place. An inquest was held on view of the body, by P. Strapp, Esq. J.P. - Verdict accidental death.

Died - On Saturday last after giving birth to twins, Mrs. Michael HENNESSEY, of Broad Cove, near Cats Cove.

Died - John CORBITT of Chapels Cove in the 70th year of his age, a native of that place, greatly esteemed by all who knew him - Hr. Main Correspondent of the Newfoundlander.

Vol. 11 No. 10

Tuesday, March, 1859

Died - On Thursday morning last, Mr. William MAXWELL, of Longford, Ireland, in his 82nd year, for 50 years a respectable inhabitant of this town.

Died - On Thursday evening last, after a long and painful illness, Mary, the beloved wife of Mr. James BYNE, aged 40 years.

Died - On Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, Sarah Barter, only daughter of Mr. William S. POPE, aged 4 years.

Died - On Sunday morning, after a protracted illness, deeply regretted by all who knew him, Thomas Augustin, second son of Mr. Thomas TARRAHAN, aged 17 years. His funeral will take place from the residence of his father, Prescott Street, at 8 o'clock, tomorrow (Wednesday) when the friends of the family are respectfully requested to attend.

Vol. 11 No. 12

Tuesday, March 22, 1859

Died - On Wednesday morning last, after a long illness borne with Christian Resignation to the Divine Will, Mr. Richard ASPELL, aged 25 years. He leaves a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his loss.

Died - On Tuesday morning last, after a painful illness, borne with Christian resignation to the Divine Will, Honorah, widow of the late William KING, aged 84 years.

Died - At Harbor Grace, on the 28th ultimo, Mr. Charles MARTIN, planter, aged 55 years.

Died - At Alexandria, Virginia, on the 30th January last, after a short illness, Mr. Thomas POWER, much and deservedly regretted by all who knew him and for many years a resident of Harbor Grace.

Vol. 11 No. 14

Tuesday, April 5, 1859

Fatal Accident - On Tuesday last, a poor lad named John M'CARTY, 16 years of age, and the only son of a widow, lost his life by falling through the ice at River Head, where he had been gathering mussels, two younger boys fell in at the same time, but were rescued by the intrepidity of another somewhat older, who at the risk of his life succeeded in keeping them from sinking until assistance was afforded. Up to this time the body of the unfortunate youth has not been found. - Conception Bay Man.

Died - On Monday last, of consumption, Catherine KENNEDY of this place - a most faithful and worthy servant.

Died - At Cat's Cove, on Thursday, the 27th ult, after a lingering illness borne with Christian resignation to the Divine Will, Mr. Martin KENNEDY, planter, aged 53 years, a respectable inhabitant of that place.

Died - At Barbados, on the 4th February, Dr. KERR, assistant Surgeon H.M. Brig, Atalanta, regretted by all who knew him in this country.

Vol. 11 No. 15

Tuesday, April 12, 1859

Birth - At Brigus on Wednesday morning last, Mrs. James N. LEAMON of a son.

Birth - On Thursday morning, the wife of Mr. S. LOVEYS of a son.

Died - On Friday 1st inst, at half past 8 o'clock, John, youngest son of the Rev. T.M. WOOD, military chaplain and minister of St. Thomas Church - aged 12 years.

Died - On Monday evening last at 10 o'clock after a lingering illness, borne with patient resignation to the Divine Will, Mary, second daughter of Mr. William KITCHIN, in the eighteenth year of her age, deeply deservedly regretted by all who knew her.

Died - On Monday evening last, after a short but severe illness, much and deservedly regretted by all who knew him, Mr. Robert COOK, a native of Ringmore, Devonshire aged 43 years. The deceased was for the past 20 years an officer in Her Majesty's Customs at St. John's and leaves a widow and a child to mourn their irreparable loss.

Vol. 11 No. 16

Tuesday, April 16, 1959

Died - On Sunday evening last, at 5 o'clock at the residence of Mr. Adams, after a lingering illness, borne with patient resignation to the Divine Will, Mr. Samuel COOK, hair dresser, aged 26 years, a native of New York.

Died - On last evening, after a long illness, which she bore with resignation to the Divine Will, Eliza, relict of the late Mr. William SHEPPARD, aged 62 years.

Died - At Harbor Grace, on Saturday the 9th inst, in her confinement, aged 45 years, Ann Searle, the beloved wife of Mr. James HUTCHINGS of this town, she leaves a young family to mourn their unexpected bereavement.

Vol. 11 No. 17

Tuesday, April 26, 1859

Married - on Sunday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. O'Donnell, Captain George DYER, of Logy Bay, to Catherine, third daughter of Mr. William ARMSTRONG, of this town.

Died - At 145 West Campbell Street, on the 5th inst, John SINCLAIR, Esq. late of Newfoundland.

Died - At Burin on 21st March, after a very short illness Herbert George, second son of T. BIRKETT, Esq. aged five years and three months.

Vol. 11 No. 18

Tuesday, May 3, 1859

Married - At the Cathedral Church on Tuesday evening last, by the Ven. Archdeacon Lower, Mr. Elias FORD, of Dartmouth, England to Mrs. Sarah Stone COLLIER of this place.

Died - On Thursday evening, after a long and painful illness, borne with Christian resignation to the Divine Will, Mary, the beloved wife of Mr. Robert GEAR, aged 45 years.

Died - On Saturday evening 30th inst, after a short illness, Mr. Charles RYAN, aged 80 years.

Vol. 11 No. 19

Tuesday, May 10, 1859

Married - At Barbadoes, on the 17th February, at the Cathedral by the Rev. E.G. Sinclair, assisted by the Rev. P.B. Austin, John PITCHER, Esq. eldest son of the late John Pitcher, to Sophia Maria Julia, eldest daughter of George WINTER Esq. merchant of this city, and senior partner in the firm of Winter and Preston, of the Colony of Demerara.

Married - On 26th April at Arichat, by the Rev. Mr. Ryan, Mr. J.H. SHORT, Assistant Super of the New York, Newfoundland and London Telegraph Company to Miss Priscilla Winnefred BALLAM, second daughter of Ballam, Esq., Arichat.

Died - On Tuesday morning last, after a lingering illness, which she bore with Christian resignation to the Divine, Ellen the beloved wife of Captain Thomas BUTLER aged 45 years, much deservedly regretted by all who knew her.

Died - On Wednesday last, aged 81, deeply regretted by a large circle of sorrowing relatives and friends, Mr. John BRINE, a native of Carlton Hawthorn Somerset, England, and an old inhabitant of this Country. Honesty and Integrity were his, watchwords during life, and his end was peace.

Died - Yesterday morning, deeply and deservedly regretted after a lengthened illness, in his 41st year, Mr. David TOBIN, junr. Cooper.

Died - On Friday night, 6th instant, after a long illness, Ellen, the beloved wife of Archibald KERR, Esq. aged 46 years, deeply regretted.

Died - On Sunday morning, aged 29 years, Mr. Richard TOOR.

Vol. 11 No. 20

Tuesday, May 17, 1859

Died - On the 24th inst, at Gravesend, after landing from the ship "Coldstream" on the 1st, R.Y. CUMMINS, Esq. late assistant Colonial Secretary, and Acting Secretary to the Council of Govr., from excessive tropical debility and unremitting attention to his responsible duties during 25 years residence, in the colony of Mauritius, aged 43 years.

Died - At Rectory Cottage, St. Lawrence, Jersey, on the 5th of April last, in her 65th year, Margaret, the beloved wife of W. JENKINS, Esq. late Captain Royal Newfoundland Companies, deeply lamented by her husband and friends. - Jersey Times, 8th April.

Died - On Friday evening last, after a short and painful illness, which she bore with Christian fortitude and resignation, Harriett, the beloved wife of James WINTER, Esq. H.M.C., leaving a husband and a family of eight children to lament their irreparable loss.

Vol. 11 No. 21

Tuesday, May 24, 1859

Married - At the Cathedral Church on Wednesday last, by the Venerable Archdeacon Lower, assisted by the Rev. J. Pearson, Mr. Philip J. MOTTY, to Miss Elizabeth MOORS - both of this place.

Married - In this city on the 13th April, by the Right Rev'd Bishop Eastburn, Mr. W.H. FOX to Helen, daughter of Mr. William DAVIDSON, late of the R.A., St. John's, Newfoundland - Boston Daily Advertiser.

Died - On Monday morning last, after a short illness Mary Joseph, eldest daughter of Mr. John VINICOMB, aged 25 years.

Died - On Wednesday afternoon last, after a long and painful illness, borne with resignation to the Divine Will, Mr. Michael READ, aged 66 years. His funeral will take place tomorrow (Sunday) at 3 o'clock from his late residence, Cathedral Lane, when the friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully invited to attend.

Died - On Saturday evening last, after a long and painful illness, borne with Christian resignation to the Divine Will, Ann, the beloved wife of the late Mr. John AYLESBURY, aged 84 years.

Died - On the 14th April, at Exeter, of Bronchitis, the Rev. Kenneth FRAZER, incumbent of St. Paul's, Astley, Bridge, Bolton le Moors.

Vol. 11 No. 22

Tuesday, May 31, 1859

Died - On Tuesday evening last, after a long illness, borne with Christian resignation to the Divine Will, Agnes, daughter of the late Mr. Clement MURPHY, aged 21 years.

Died - On Saturday last, much regretted by all who knew him, Mr. Alexander John W. JACKMAN, aged 30 years. His funeral will take place this day at 3 o'clock p.m. from his late residence, Play-House Hill, when friends are invited to attend.

Died - On Sunday morning last, in the 80th year of her age, deeply lamented by her family and friends. Mrs. Elizabeth M.B. GILL, relict of Nicholas Gill, Esq. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Wednesday) at 10 o'clock a.m. from her late residence Duckworth Street, when the friends and family are respectfully invited to attend.

Vol. 11 No. 23

Tuesday, June 7, 1859

Married - On Saturday 28th, ult, at the Episcopal Cathedral, by the Ven. Archdeacon Lower, William, son of Charles STACY, Esq., to Isabel Byron, youngest daughter of James FINLAY, Esq. all of this place.

Died - On the 11th April, at Elora, Canada West, after a short illness in the 28th year of her age, Elizabeth Mary, the beloved wife of George Alexander DREW, Esq. Barrister at-Law, and daughter of the late John JACOB, Esq. of Port de Grave.

Died - On Sunday morning after a short illness, Catherine, the beloved wife of Mr. Polydore BARNES, aged 25 years.

Vol. 11 No. 24

Tuesday, June 14, 1859

Married - On Thursday morning the 9th instant, at St. Andrews Kirk, by the Rev. Donald McRae, John B. McLEA, Esq. of this town, merchant, to Phebe, daughter of the late John CURRIE, Esq. of Harbor Grace.

Married - At Carbonear on Monday the 6th inst, by the Right Rev. Dr. Dalton, Mr. Eugene HAMILTON, teacher of the Commercial School at King's Cove, Bonavista Bay, to Kate, third daughter of John MACKAY, Esq. Clerk of the Peace, Carbonear.

Married - On the 22nd inst, in the city, by Rev. Dr. Teasdale, Mr. G.N. SHAW, (late of Ohio) to Miss Annie CALLIHAN, of St. John's, Newfoundland - Columbia Gazette.

Married - On Thursday morning at the Cathedral by the Venerable Archdeacon Lower, Charles ELLIS, a native of Woodbury, Devon, to Mary Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. PINKHAM of Teignmouth, England.

Died - On Thursday evening last, much regretted after a short but painful illness, Elizabeth, the beloved daughter of the late Mr. William COADY, aged 17 years.

Died - At Spaniards Bay on the 3rd instant, after a long and painful illness, borne with Christian resignation to the Divine Will, Frances, the beloved wife of Mr. Richard CALLAHAN, aged 66 years, deeply regretted by a large circle of relative and friends.

Died - On Saturday morning last in the 67th year of her age, Sarah, relict of the late Mr. Robert SQUAREY.

Died - On the 23rd May, at Mile-end, Portsea, Edward COWAN, Esq, Deputy Commissioner General, in his 67th year, deeply regretted.

Died - Wednesday morning, deeply regretted after a long illness Margaret, the beloved wife of Mr. Robert FURNISS.

Vol. 11 No. 25

Tuesday, June 21, 1859

Married - On Sunday evening, the 12th instant, by the Rev. J. Winterbotham, Wesleyan Minister, Private Joseph TILSON, Royal Newfoundland Companies, late of the 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers, a native of Hull, Yorkshire, England, to Louisa, third daughter of Mr. James SMEARDON, of St. John's, Newfoundland.

Died - On Friday morning last, at Harbor Grace, of which place he had been the respected Parish Priest for upwards of twenty five years the Very Rev. Charles DALTON, uncle to the Right Rev. Bishop Dalton of the Diocese.

Died - On yesterday morning, after a short illness, in his 70th year, John RYAN (pilot) an old and respectable inhabitant of this Country for a period of nearly 50 years. His funeral will take place on Thursday evening, at half past 3 o'clock, from his late residence, Duckworth Street.

Vol.11 No. 26

Tuesday, June 28, 1859

Married - On Thursday last, at St. Thomas Church, by the Rev. T.M. Wood, Charles T. RYLAND, Esq. fourth son of the Rev. Richard H. Ryland, M.A. Chancelor of the Cathedral of Waterford, to Lucinda Ryland, eldest daughter of John T. BARTON, Esq.

Married - On Saturday the 18th instant, at the Cathedral by the Lord Bishop, assisted by the Rev. George MacNess Johnston, brother of the bridegroom, the Rev. Reginald Malcolm JOHNSON, to Harriett Louisa, only daughter of Noel HAMMER, Esq. Military Store Office, Newfoundland. (as written in newspaper)

Married - On Tuesday the 21st instant at the Cathedral by the Lord Bishop, assisted by the Ven. Archdeacon, the Rev. Wellman W. LeGALLAIS, to Fanny Harriett Loftus, youngest daughter of the late Lieutenant Robert LANGSRISHE, R.N.

Married - On Thursday last, by the Rev. J.Winterbotham at the Wesleyan Church, Mr. William GARDNER, to Mary Jane KAVE, both of this place.

Married - At the Parish Church, Chatteris, April 26th, by the Rev. E.W.A. Gathercole, the Rev. Michael Augustus GATHERCOLE, Vicar of Chatteris, widower, to Mrs. BLACKBOURN, widow of the same place.

Died - On Sunday morning, at Fresh Water Bay, after a very short illness, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Mr. William BIER, aged 33 years.

Died - On Saturday morning last, after a short illness, Jane, the beloved wife of Nicholas Gill HARRIS, aged 53 years.

Vol. 11 No. 27

July 5, 1859

Birth - On Saturday last, Mr. John STEER, of a son.

Died - Suddenly on Friday evening last, aged 66 years, Mr. George ANDERSON, Senr., late clerk in the chief Clerk and Registrar's Office of the Supreme Court. The funeral will take place this morning at 11 o'clock, when the friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully invited to attend.

Died - At Calcutta, of Cholera, Elfrida, the beloved wife of Major SALL, H.M. 37th Regmt., daughter of the Rev.d G. DAY, Canon of Norwich Cathedral and sister-in-law of the Rev.d E.A. Sall of Bonavista.

Vol.11 No. 28

Tuesday, July 12, 1859

Married - On Sunday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Forrestal, Mr. James DUNN of Charlottetown, P.E.I. to Bridget, eldest daughter of Mr. John CAREY, of this town.

Died - On Sunday last, Ann Elizabeth Green, daughter of Mr. William CARNELL of this town, aged 15 months.

Vol.11 No. 27

Tuesday, July 19, 1859

Died - On Wednesday evening last, after a short illness, Mr. Michael RILEY, aged 23 years.

Vol.11 No. 29

Tuesday, August 2, 1859

Married - At St. Mary's Church, on the 21st instant, by the Rev. J.P. Pearson, Mr. William GIBSON of Kelso, Rexburghshire, Scotland, to Jane, youngest daughter of Mr. George PALK of this town.

Vol. 11 No. 30

Tuesday, August 9, 1859

A man named LONG, residing on the King's Road, was so severely beaten and kicked on Sunday night week, about ten o'clock by the neighbour of his by the name WHELAN, and two or three others, that he has been brought to a state in which his life is despaired of. Whelan and his assistants are in custody. The versions of the affair are so conflicting that for the present we abstain from comment upon it. Doubtless the whole truth will soon be brought to clear light. - Newfoundlander of Thursday.

Married - At New Glasgow, on the 27th July by the Rev. John Stewart, Thomas W. STABB, Esq. to Elizabeth Tressiliar, youngest daughter of Edward ROACH, Esq. Barrister.

Married - At Halifax, Nova Scotia, on the 14th July at the residence of the brides father, Poplar Grove, by the Rev. Mr. Cochran, Thomas BUTLER, Esq. son of the Rev. T. Butler, Rector of Lingar, Nottingham, England, to Henrietta Phillips, daughter of Issac RIGBY, Esq, late Deputy Military Storekeeper War Dept. and recently Acting Barrack Master at P.E.I.

Married - On Thursday evening last, by the Rev. H. Daniel, Mr. Joseph BOYD, Blacksmith, to Mary Jane, second daughter of Mr. George PIPPY of this city.

Vol. 11 No. 31

Tuesday, August 16, 1859

Married at St. Thomas Church on Tuesday the 9th August, inst, by the Rev. T.M. Wood, Garrison Chaplain, assisted by the Rev. J.H. Knapp, Chaplain of H.M.S. "Tartar", James Bower BALFOUR, Esq. First Lieutenant of H.M.S. "Tartar" second son of the late Francis Balfour, Esq. of Ferrie Castle, Fifeshire, Scotland, to Martha Maria, second daughter of the Honorable George Henry EMERSON, Q.C. of Virginia Water, St. John's, Newfoundland.

Married - At Carbonear, on Tuesday evening the 2nd instant, by the Right Rev. Dr. Dalton, assisted by the Rev. John O'Connor, at the house of the bride's father, Captain Nicholas HANRAHAN, of the Brig, Inoa, of Harbor Grace, to Julia, eldest daughter of John McCARTHY, Esq., Deputy Sub Collector of H.M.C., Carbonear.

Died - Yesterday morning, after a lingering illness, which she bore with calm submission to the Divine Will, Emma Elizabeth STEER. Her funeral will take place on Thursday at 11 o'clock .

Died - Yesterday morning after a short illness, John Nicholas, the beloved son of Mr. Richard CARNELL, wheelwright, aged 15 months. The funeral will take place tomorrow, Wednesday evening at 3 o'clock.

Vol. 11 No. 32

Tuesday, August 23, 1859

Birth - On Sunday morning, the 16th instant, the wife of James N. FRASER, M.D of a son.

Birth - On Wednesday the 17th instant, the wife of the Honorable Robert J. PINSENT of a daughter.

Married - On the 13th of July, at St. George's Sowerby, by the Rev. James Farrar, B.A. Curate of St. Mary's Sowerby, brother of the bride, assisted by the Rev. Thomas Pitts, B.A. incumbent and uncle of the bridegroom, Daniel Woodley PROWSE, Barrister-at-law, of St. John's, Newfoundland, to Sarah Ann Edleston, only daughter of the late George FARRAR, Esq. of West Boyd, Sowerby, Halifax, Yorkshire. - London Times, 28th July.

Married - On the 23rd July, at St. George's, Bloomsbury, by the Rev. John Oakley, John EVANS, Esq. of Nash Mills, Herts, to Frances, daughter of Joseph PHELPS, Esq. of the island of Madeira, Ibid.

Married - On the 29th of June, in the Parish of Trinity Without, Waterford, by the Rev. Mr. Flynn, P.P., Mary Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. P. BUGGAY, Quarter-master of the Waterford Royal Artillery Militia, to Mr. M. J. PHELAN, son of the late Richard Phelan, Esq., bacon merchant, of Waterford.

Died - On Friday afternoon, after a severe illness, Celia Jane BARRETT, aged 8 years.

Vol. 11 No. 33

Tuesday, August 30, 1859

Died - On Friday last, John, only son of Mr. John CARRELL, aged 5 months.

Vol. 11 No. 34

Tuesday, September 6, 1859

Birth - On Friday, the 25th instant, the wife of Mr. John GARLAND of a daughter.

Died - On the 14th instant, aged 20 years, Arthur Weston TOBIN, son of the Honorable James Tobin.

Died - At Halifax , on Tuesday last, in the 55th year of her age, Anastatia PHELAN, a native of St. John's, Newfoundland and the widow of the late Captain Phelan.

Died - At Carbonear, on the 27th instant, Mr. William H. TAYLOR, who for a long time had been laid aside from the active duties of life by a painful disease, which was borne with fortitude and resignation, but ultimately prevailed over a frame, which was almost of Herculean mould. Few persons were more generally esteemed then Mr. Taylor, his uprightness of character straightforward honesty, hospitality and benevolence will not easily be forgotten. His age was 73 years.

Died - At Harbor Grace, on Wednesday 24th August, Mr. Henry RUTHERFORD, merchant, a native of Roxburghshire, Scotland, aged 37 years.

Died - At Zacatecas, Mexico, on the 16th June last, John, youngest son of the late William ALEXANDER, Esq. of Bonavista.

Vol. 11 No. 35

Tuesday, September 13, 1859

Married - on the 3rd of August, at the Church of Ascension, (Hamilton, C.W.) by the Rev. Johnstone Vicars, brother-in-law of the bride, assisted by the Rev. C.C. Johnston, Emma Agnes, youngest daughter of B.G. GARRETT, Esq. (Many years High Sheriff of Newfoundland) to James Hands WILKINSON, Esq. Barrister-at-law, Sandwich, Canada West.

Married - On Sunday evening last, at Cape Spear, at the residence of the brides father, by the Rev. Jeremiah O' Donnell, Mr. John VINICOMBE, (Branch Pilot) to Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. James CANTWELL, Keeper of Cape Spear Light house.

Died - On Monday morning last, after a lingering illness, Johanna, the beloved wife of Mr. William HENNESSEY, aged 67 years.

Died - At Windsor, Nova Scotia, on Friday night 26th ult, Rev. William CROSCOMBE, Wesleyan Minister aged 73 years.

Vol. 11 No. 36

Tuesday, September 20, 1859

Married - On Wednesday evening last, by the Rev. J. O' Donnell, Mr. James FURLONG, to Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. Edward DOHERTY - both of this town.

Married - At Thorndean, Greenock, on the 24th ult, James Ramsay HILL, Esq. to Mary, daughter of James J GRIEVE, Esq.

Married - At Pictou, Nova Scotia, on Tuesday the 22nd August by the Rev. James Bayne, Augustus H.A. HENNIKER, Esq. Royal Navy, son of the Hon. Lady Elizabeth Henniker, of Mew Hall, Suffolk, and nephew of the Right Hon. Lord John Henniker, to Lilia G. HOLROYD, widow of the late Hon. Joseph Holroyd of P.E.I. and youngest daughter of the late Captain CAMPBELL, Royal Navy.

Died - On Wednesday last, after a short illness, borne with submission to the Divine Will, Mr. James KELLY, an old and respectable inhabitant, aged 76 years.

Died - On Sunday last, after a long and painful illness, which she bore with true resignation to the Divine Will, Emma, the beloved wife of Mr. William BREEN, aged 38 years. Her funeral will take place from her late residence, Appletree Well, tomorrow Wednesday at 2 o'clock.

Died - At Exploits Burnt Island, on the 8th current, Philipina, daughter of Mr. Robert DICKS, of this town, aged 4 years.

Died - At Bonavista, after a short illness, on the 30th August, Mary Ann, second daughter of Mr. John LAWRENCE aged 7 years.

Vol. 11 No. 37

Tuesday, September 27, 1859

Married - On Saturday, evening last, by the Rev. Mr. O' Donnell, Mr. Maurice CASEY, to Ellen, relict of the late Mr. Peter RICE both of this town.

Died - On Sunday evening last, after a tedious illness, Mary Ellen, only daughter of Mr. William Hickey COOPER.

Died - On Saturday evening last, Marianne Hedley Vicars, third and infant daughter of the Honorable Robert J. PINSENT.

Vol. 11 No. 38

Tuesday, October 4, 1859

Birth - On Friday morning last, the wife of William STEED, Esq. of a son.

Died - On Wednesday evening last, at half past 8 o'clock, after a long and painful illness, which he bore with Christian fortitude to the Divine Will, James MEALEY, aged 22 years.

Died - Yesterday after a short illness, Mr. Edward LAWLOR, an old and respectable inhabitant of this town, aged 63 years.

Died - On Friday morning last, much and deservedly regretted by all who knew her. Bridget the beloved wife of Mr. Patrick JORDON aged 31 years.

Died - At Digby, Nova Scotia, of putrid sore throat, on Monday 29th ult, Charles Lovett, aged 7 years and on Friday, September 2nd, Mary Gray, aged 5 ½ years, both the children of the late Rev. Robert A. CHESLEY, Wesleyan Minister.

Vol. 11 No. 39

Tuesday, October 11, 1859

Married - On last Tuesday evening, by the Rev. W. Forristal, Mr. Edward BRENNAN to Miss Margaret McCARTHY, both of St. John's.

Died - At Harbor Grace, on Sunday 18th September, after a short illness, Captain William HAYES, a respectable inhabitant of that place aged 39 years.

Died - On Thursday morning last, Mr. Luke FOLEY, an old and respectable inhabitant, aged 69 years.

Died - On Wednesday morning last, aged 49 years, Mr. Pierce POWER, a long resident of this town.

Died - Suddenly yesterday morning, Mr. Thomas Phelps WILLS, an old and respectable inhabitant of this town, aged 64 years. His funeral will take place from his late residence, Riverhead, near Jobs Bridge on Thursday next, at 2 o'clock p.m. when the friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend.

Vol. 11 No. 40

Tuesday, October 18, 1859

Died - At King's Cove, on the 10th current, in the 38th year of his age, the Rev. John MORETON.

Vol.11 No. 42

Tuesday, November 1, 1859

Married at Boston, U.S. on the 15th instant, by Rev. J. Dadman, Methodist Episcopal Church, Robert Russell YEATS, Esq. of Glasgow, Scotland, to Sara Hannah, second daughter of W.C. ST. JOHN, Esq. late of this island.

Married - At No. 13, Barossa Place, Perth, on the 5th current, by the Rev. A. Flemming, St. Paul 's, Robert THOMAS, Esq. merchant Newtyle, to Jane Agnes, eldest daughter of Thomas MCMURDO, Esq. St. John's, Newfoundland. - Perthshire Advertiser, October 6.

Married - On Sunday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. O' Donnell, Mr. G. GREENING, of London, to Miss Ellen FAGAN, of St. Mary's.

Married - On Tuesday evening last, by the Rev. J. O' Donnell, Mr. Joseph INNOTT, of Harbor Grace, to Caroline HARRIS of this place.

Died - On Monday afternoon, after a protracted illness, Ann, wife of Mr. P.H. WALSH, Lion Square.

Died - On Thursday morning last, after a severe illness, Mr. Edward COLTON, a native of Kingskerswell, Devon, aged 69 years.

Died - On Thursday evening last, after a short illness George Maurice, second son of George G. GEDDES, aged 15 years.

Died - On Sunday morning last, after a short illness, Michael, youngest son of Mr. George SMYTH, aged 14 years.

Died - At Greenock House, on the 3rd instant, Margaret Parker Darrock, the beloved wife of James STEWART, Esq. - Greenock Advertiser, October 6.

Died - At Melbourne, Australia, on the 27th July last, Allan FRASER, Barrister-at-law, aged 36 years, son of the late Rev. D.A. Fraser.

Vol. 11 No. 43

Tuesday, November 8, 1859

Birth - At Glanatore, County Cork, on the 18th October, the wife of Maxwell GUMBLETON, Esq. of a daughter.

Married - On the 1st instant, at St. Mary's Cathedral, Halifax by the Rev. Dr. Hannan, Mr. James CROSBY, Chief Engineer of the R.M. Steamer "Ospray" to Miss Ellen R. daughter of Mr. John MURPHY.

Married - By the Rev. Henry Daniel, Mr. Apollos CHURCHILL, to Miss Sophia WILLIAMS, of Pouch Cove.

Married - By the same, Mr. John ROSE, to Miss Elizabeth WHASLAN, of Pouch Cove.

Married - By the same, Mr. Joseph BUTT, to Miss Lucinda HUDSON, of Pouch Cove.

Married - By the same, Mr. George HUDSON, to Miss Maria FRYS, of Pouch Cove.

Married - On Sunday evening last, by the Rev. J. O' Donnell, Mr. Richard DOOLEY, to Mary Anne Warring WALSH, second daughter of William Walsh, Esq. Architect, late of St. John's.

Died - On Friday morning after a few hours suffering from an attack of scarlatina, Sarah Elizabeth Ford, second daughter of Mr. James WILLIAMS, South Side, aged 6 years. The above child is the third that Mr. Williams has been bereft of within the past five days - all dying of the same disease.

Died - On Saturday morning last, after a protracted illness, Ann, the beloved wife of Mr. Thomas STITSON, age 59 years.

Died - On Tuesday morning last, Jane Blampah Cole, eldest daughter of Mr. James WILLIAMS, South Side, aged 8 years.

Died - At Greenock on the 19th of October, Mrs. Neil WEIR.

Vol. 11 No. 45

Tuesday, November 22, 1859

Birth - On Wednesday last 16th inst, the lady of H.H. STABB, Esq. M.D. of a son.

Married - On Wednesday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Pedley, Congregational Minister, at Caledonia Cottage, the residence of the bride's mother, Mr. Heber BUDDEN, late of Quebec, to Louisa Harriett, second daughter of the late J.W. SAUNDERS, Esq. and granddaughter of the late George Winter, Esq. Ordnance Storekeeper.

Married - On Sunday morning, by the Rev. J. O' Donnell, Mr. John GIBBONS, to Esther, daughter of Mr. James MURPHY.

Married - At St. Mary's on the 12th inst, by the Rev. J. Ryan, P.P., assisted by the Rev. Thomas Henebury, Mr. Thomas WALSH, second son of J. Walsh, Esq. J.P. to Jane, third daughter of Mr. Garrett CURTIS, shipbuilder.

Married - At Harbor Grace, on the 10th instant, by the Rev'd Alexander Ross, Mr. Thomas MUNRO, of Rosshire, Scotland, to Marie Elizabeth, daughter of the late Captain William CUNNINGHAM, of that place.

Died - On Friday evening last, regretted by all who knew her, Margaret, relict of the late Louis Julian MARTIN.

Vol. 11 No. 46

Tuesday, November 29, 1859

Married - On Sunday evening last, by the Rev. H. Daniel, Mr. James J. BUTLER, of Port de Grave, to Miss Sarah Ann PHILIPS, of this town.

Married - On Wednesday evening last, at St. Thomas' Church, by the Rev. T.M. Wood, incumbent, Mr. James PENNOCK, gas fitter, of St. John's, to Miss Elizabeth BRINE of Trinity.

Married - On the 20th inst, by the Rev. Henry Daniel, Mr. John HUDSON, to Dorcas, daughter of Mr. Joseph PIPPY of St. John's .

Married - On Thursday evening by the Rev. J. O' Donnell, Mr. Thomas C. KENNEY, cooper, to Catherine, third daughter of Mr. Oliver GREENE, of Greenspond.

Married - On Saturday evening last, at the residence of the bridegrooms mother, by the Rev. J. O' Donnell, Mr. John CURTAIN, planter, to Catherine Jane, only daughter of the late Mr. Laurance LARKIN, Battle Harbor, Labrador.

Died - Yesterday morning, Sarah, a relict of the late Mr. John BEAUMOND, aged 76 years.

Died - On the 18th ultimo, suddenly, Joseph Randolph MULLINGS, Esq. of Eastcourt House, Wilts., late M.P. for Cirencester and Deputy Lieutenant of the County of Gloucester in his 67th year of his age. The deceased was uncle to Mr. J.R. Mullings, of the Customs dept. at this point.

Vol. 11 No. 47

Tuesday, December 6, 1859

Married - On Thursday last by the Rev. J. O'Donnell, Captain Joseph CLEMENTS of Green Bay to Alice, relict of the late Captain James SILVEY of this city.

Married - On Wednesday evening last, at St. John's Cathedral by the Venerable Archdeacon Lower, M.A,. Mr. John STIDSTONE, of this place, to Miss Jane, third daughter of Mr. John MOORS, of Carbonear.

Married - On Saturday evening last, by the Rev. J. O' Donnell, Mr. Patrick POWER, (Branch Pilot) to Ellen, second daughter of the late James MCLOUGHMAN, of this town.

Married - At Salmon Cove, Gasters, on the 26th ult, by the Rev. Kyran Walsh, Edward, eldest son of Mr. James WADE, Jr., planter at Cat's Cove, to Mary, second daughter of Mr. Edward FLAHERTY, planter at that place.

Died - On Wednesday evening last, after a short illness, James Edward, second son of Mr. Thomas WITHYCOMBE, South Side - aged 2 years and 4 months.

Died - On Thursday last, aged 90 years, John BRYAN.

Died - On Saturday last, after a long and painful illness which he bore with Christian resignation to the Divine will, Mr. John COAKER, a native of Widdicomb, Devonshire, England age 50 years.

Vol. 11 No. 48

Tuesday, December 13, 1859

Birth - On the 1st November, at the Wesleyan Mission House, Twillingate, the wife of the Rev. James HARRIS, of a daughter.

Married - On the 3rd December, by the Rev. Henry Daniel, Mr. Robert WOODS, to Miss Elizabeth Ann MOOR, both of St. John's.

Married - On the 20th, inst, at the Church of Holy Trinity, Brompton by the Rev. ____ Hutchins, Henry ARNOLD, Esq. to Ellen Letitia, daughter of the late Captain William GLASOCK, R.N. and niece of Gen. Ross, of Bladensburg. - London Times, October 31.

Died - Yesterday morning, the 12th current, after a long illness, Esther COADY, aged 90 years. Her funeral will take place tomorrow (Wednesday) at 2 o'clock , from her late residence, house of Mr. Henry Simms, head of Queen Street.

Vol. 11 No. 49

Tuesday, December 20, 1859

Married - On the 23rd October, at the Church of St. Mary, Lamaline, by the Rev. W. Rozier, Mr. Henry John HICKMAN, of Grand Bank, to Ann, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Charles HILLIAR of Lamaline.

Married - On the 8th November, by the same, Mr. James HANS, of Lamaline, to Francoise HOWIE of St. Pierre , Newfoundland.

Married - On the 29th November, by the Rev. J. O'Donnell, Mr. John BYRNE, of Port de Grave, to Catherine, third daughter of Mr. Edward DWYER, of this town.

Died at Bonavista, Monday the 5th current, after a short illness of 29 hours, Dr. John SKELTON, a native of Yorkshire, England aged 68 years, 44 of which he spent in this country.

Vol. 11 No. 50

Tuesday, December 27, 1859

Married - At Greenspond, on the 8th instant, by the Rev. Julian Moreton, George SKELTON, Esq. M.D. eldest son of John Skelton, Esq. M.D. of Bonavista, to Lucy Hester, fourth daughter of Mr. Richard WILLS, of St. John's , Newfoundland.

Died - On Sunday last, the 25th inst, at the residence of Lorenzo Moore, Esq. Julia, relict of the late Mr. Stephen J. DANIEL, aged 47 years. Her funeral will take place on Wednesday next at 2 o'clock p.m. when the friends of the family are respectfully requested to attend.



Page transcribed by Sharon Hobbs, March 2006 for the Family Tree Group, Grand Falls-Windsor, NL (

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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