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The Weekly Express

Proprietor - James Seaton

The Weekly Express Printed and Published for the Proprietor, James Seaton
on Wednesday evenings, at the Express Office, St. John's, Newfoundland.


Vol. 1 No. 1

Wednesday January 6, 1858

Warnings Against Playing on Ice - Four Lives Lost - Trinity, December 29, 1857 - As a warning against playing on Ice, I feel it right to ask Publicity for the following on Sunday afternoon (27th inst.) on a pond in this neighborhood some 15 or 20 children (boys & girls) were playing. A boy named EGAN, son of Daniel Egan, and nephew of Captain Egan of this place, took another small boy named McGRATH with him to teach him how to skate, and venturing too far out over deep water, the ice broke under them and both fell through, Egan's brother ran to save them but he fell in also. The sister of Egans' seeing her brothers sink and disappear, ran screaming to their rescue and she also fell through and thus the two brothers 14 and 16 and their sister 18 were drowned with the boy McGrath aged 9 or 10. The feelings of the bereaved parents at so awful and sudden catastrophe must be left to the imagination of those who can commiserate the distressed - Correspondent of Newfoundlander.

Married - at Hamilton Canada West, on the ? December, by the Rev. Robert Barrett, Mr. Angus BLACK of Toronto to Louisa, second daughter of the late Jo(?) THOMPSON, Esq., Catalina, Newfoundland.

Married - At New York, December 2, 1857, at the Reformed Dutch Church, Fifth Avenue by the Rev. Thomas De Witt, D.D., William H. VALANCE, Esq. late of Liverpool , England to Miss Margaret Van Antwerp, daughter of C.F. LINDSLEY, Esq., Banker of that city.

Married - On Thursday evening last, at St. Thomas 's Church, by the Rev. T.M. Wood, John ROSCOE, of Manchester to Bessy, youngest daughter of the late Michael ROWELL of Teignmouth.

Died - on Saturday night last, Mr. Thomas WALKER aged 72 years. His funeral will take place today, (Wednesday) at 2 o'clock , from his late residence near Appletree Well. When the friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully invited to attend.

Vol. 1 No. 2

Wednesday, January 13, 1858

Died - At her residence, in Harbor Grace, on Thursday, 31st December, Emma, relict of the late Charles GARLAND, Esq., Magistrate of that place, in the 87th year of her age.

Died - At Port de Grave, on Monday, 28th December, Arthur Snowball, age one year and nine months, youngest child of Mr. J. WILCOX.

Died - Suddenly, on Sunday morning last, Margaret Ann, infant daughter of Mr. Nathaniel THOMAS of this town.

Birth - On Sunday morning, the 17th instant, the wife of Dr. BUNTING, of a son.

Married - At Harbor Grace on Friday, the 18th ult., by the Rev. Alexander Ross, John BADCOCK to Miss Olivia FRENCH, both of Bay Roberts.

Married - At the same place, on the 7th by Rev. J. Walsh, C.C., Mr. John KEEF, planter, to Miss Elizabeth SCULLY, both of Harbor Grace.

Married - On Sunday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. O'Donnell, Mr. John McLAUGHLIN, to Miss Margaret FITZGERALD, both of this town.

Married - At Trinity on New Years Day, by the Rev. T. Smith, Rural Dean, Mr. David GRANT, to Frances Jane, only daughter of Mr. James COLLIS, Schoolmaster of that place.

Married - At same place, on 14th inst., by the same, Capt. George GERT, of the brig. Noel, to Miss Judith CROSS, both of that place.

Died - On Tuesday evening, after a protracted illness, Susanna, the beloved wife of Mr. Thomas W. SPRY, printer, aged 39 years.

Died - At Harbor Grace, on Monday morning, the 11th inst., in the 25th year of her age, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of John MULLALLY, Esq. of Harbor Grace and daughter of Edward SWYER, Esq. of Carbonear.

Died - At the same place, on Thursday morning last, the 14th inst., deeply lamented, after a long illness in her 21st year, Ann Theresa, second daughter of the late Mr. William DIXON, of Harbor Grace.

Vol. 1 No. 4

Wednesday, January 27, 1858

Birth - At Carbonear, on Wednesday the 20th inst., Mrs. John MADDOCKS of a daughter.

Married - On the 4th July last, at St. George's, Hanoversquare, London, by the Rev. A.M. Sugdon, M.A., Mr. William PULFORD, Steward to Governor Darling, to Susan Frances M. Munro, only daughter of the late Major PECK, of H.M. service.

Died - On Wednesday 13th inst., in Carbonear, Donald BETHUNE, Esq., Deputy Collector of H.M. Customs at the port and Justice of the Peace for the Northern District, in the 43rd year of his age, twenty-one of which he resided in Carbonear. The deceased has left, to lament their irreparable loss, an affectionate widow and four young children. No man ever breathed his last in Carbonear, who was more universally and more deservedly regretted. All who knew him recognized honour and principle as the guides of his conduct, and with these qualities he combined a disposition benevolent in the extreme, a mind no common clearness and cultivation and manners distinguished by frankness and courtesy. Every acquaintance he made was sure to become a friend or well wisher: and viewed either in public or private character, his place can hardly be adequately filled in the estimation of the Community of which he was a member. Long and heartily will his memory be cherished amongst us.

Died - On Wednesday evening last, after a painful illness, Rosa Mague, eldest daughter of the late Lieutenant MORISS, in the 58th year of her age.

Died - On Saturday morning last, after a short illness, much and deservedly regretted, Thomas, youngest son of Mr. Thomas MEALEY, aged 27 years.

Died - On the 24th December last, at the Parsonage, Bovingdon, Fanny, the wife of the Rev. A. BROOKING, aged 36.

Died - At Burin, on the 19th inst., aged 75 years, after a severe and painful affliction borne, with Christian patience, Mrs. GODDARD, relict of the late Mr. Thomas Goddard.

Died - Deservedly regretted, on Saturday, the 16th inst., at Carbonear, Emma Gaden, the beloved wife of Stephen O. PACK, Esq. and second daughter of the late George BAYLY, Esq. Comptroller of H.M. Customs at this port. She has left a large family to mourn their irreparable loss.

Died - On Sunday evening last, after a very long illness, aged 50 years, Jane, wife of Mr. Joseph SKINNER, farmer. Deceased was a native of England, but has been for about 28 years a resident of this Country.

Vol. 1 No. 5

Wednesday February 3, 1858

Birth - On Sunday morning last, Mrs. T. CONNELL of a son.

Married - On Thursday evening last, at the Cathedral Church, by the Ven. Archdeacon Lower, Mr. John ANON of Leith, Scotland to Emma Jane, daughter of Mr. Abraham CLARK, of this town.

Married - On Wednesday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. O'Donnell, Mr. William David FORRISTAL, to Miss Catherine KELLY, both of this town.

Married - At Ferryland on Wednesday last, by the Rev. A.E.C. Bayly, W.W. LEMESSURIER, Esq., to Priscilla Ann, daughter of the late Matthew MORRY, Esq., J.P., Caplin Bay.

Married - At St. Paul 's Church, Harbor Grace, on Tuesday the 26th ult., by the Rev. Bertram Jones, Mr. John Charles HAYTER to Miss Levinna PARSONS, all of that town.

Died - At Harbor Grace on Thursday the 21st inst., after a lingering illness, Mr. Charles KENNEDY, an old and respectable inhabitant of that place.

Died - At Carbonear on Monday evening the 25th inst., much deservedly regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends, Mary Ann, aged 26 years, the beloved wife of Mr. John MADDOCKS and daughter of the late Mr. Joseph GUY of that place.

Died - On Friday last, much and deservedly regretted, Bridget, wife of Mr. Richard DUFF, aged 22 years.

Vol. 1 No. 7

Wednesday, February 17, 1858

Married - At Halifax , on the 6th January, by the Rev. Mr. Hannan, Catherine Joseph, second daughter of Captain John FITZGERALD, to Mr. John Charles MILLS, both of St. John's.

Married - On Sunday, the 7th instant, by the Rev. Mr. O'Donnell, Mr. Patrick REARDON, to Miss Margaret CARRIGAN - both of this town.

Married - On Thursday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Daniel, W.M. Mr. John THOMPSON, second son of the late John Thompson, Esq., formerly merchant of Catalina, to Bridget Theresa, relict of the late Mr. Joseph HENDRY of this town.

Died - On Wednesday evening last, after a long and lingering illness, which she bore with Christian resignation to the Devine Will, Elizabeth R. LILLY, aged 80 years, wife of the late James Lilly, formerly a merchant of this place. Her funeral will take place on tomorrow (Thursday) at 3 o'clock from the residence of her son-in-law at the Courthouse, where the friends and acquaintances of the family are requested to attend.

Vol. 1 No. 8

Wednesday, February 24, 1858

Birth - On the 17th inst., the lady of W.P. THOMAS Esq., of a son.

Died - At Lytham, on the 19th December 1857, aged 63 years, the Rev. John WALSH, Wesleyan Minister. "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord, from henceforth. Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours, and their works do follow them."

Died - At Carbonear, on the 2nd inst., after a short but severe illness, which he bore with Christian resignation to the Devine Will, Mr. John CASEY, aged 60 years, an old and respectable inhabitant of that place.

Vol. 1, No. 9

Wednesday, March 3, 1858

Birth - On Tuesday morning, the 23rd ult., Mrs. Matthew BARR, of a son.

Died - On Sunday evening last, Henry Hatton MORRISON, aged 18 years, youngest son of the late Donald Morison of Carriboo, County of Pictou, Nova Scotia. His funeral will take place this day (Wednesday) at 3 o'clock P.M. from the residence of his brother Mr. W.D.Morison, near the Military Hospital. Friends are respectfully invited to attend. (Transcribed as written in paper)

Died - At Bareneed, on Sunday the 21st February, Emma the beloved wife of Thomas MARTA, Esq., in the 52nd year of her age, leaving a sorrowing family and large circle of friends and acquaintances to mourn their irreparable loss.

Vol. 1 No. 10

Wednesday, March 10, 1858

Died - On the 29th January last, at Polnoon Lodge, Eaglesham, Scotland, James GILMOUR, Esq., of Polnoon, in the 76th year of his age; formerly of the firm Messrs. Gilmour, Rankin and Co. of Miramichi.

Died - On Wednesday morning last, after a short but severe illness, which he bore with true Christian fortitude and resignation to the Divine Will, Peter McLEOD master mariner of Stornaway, Rosshire, Scotland in the 48th year of his age; seldom has there been a man in the capacity which he held more deservedly regretted. His remains were interred on Thursday last at the River Head Cemetery attended by his friends and acquaintances. His end was peace.

Died - On Monday last, after a protracted illness, which he bore with truly Christian resignation to the Divine Will, Mr. William SCAPLER, of Poole , Dorset , aged 94 years. His funeral will take place tomorrow morning (Thursday) at half past 9 o'clock , from his late residence at Church Hill.

Died - At the Irsuline Convent, Waterford on the 5th ultimo, of decay of the glands of the stomach, Margaret daughter of the Hon. John KENT, Col. Secretary, aged 14 years.

Vol. 1 No. 11

Wednesday, March 17, 1858

Died - On Wednesday morning last, after a short but severe illness, Louisa, the beloved wife of Mr. William BROWN, and second youngest daughter of the late of William EBBS of Portugal Cove.

Vol. 1 No. 12

Wednesday, March 24, 1858

Birth - On the 17th instant, the wife of Mr. Joseph RUSSELL a daughter.

Married - At the Wesleyan Chapel on Thursday the 18th by the Rev'd. Henry Daniel, Chairman of the Newfoundland district, Mr. James GOODFELLOW to Rosina, youngest daughter of Alexander WHITEFORD, Esq., of this place.

Died - On Friday, the 19th instant, Patrick St. GEORGE eldest son of the late John St. George formerly of this town. His funeral will take place on tomorrow (Sunday) at 3 o'clock; his friends are respectfully requested to attend.

Died - Yesterday, Albert Brockington, infant son of Mr. Samuel LOVEYS, aged 6 months.

Vol. 1 No. 14

Wednesday, April 6, 1858

Birth - At Harbor Grace, on the 23rd ult., the wife of W.H. RIDLEY, Esq. of a son.

Died - On Wednesday evening last, much and deservedly regretted by all who know him, Mr. Edward RAWLINS aged 45 years and a resident of this country for the last twenty nine years. He leaves a wife and 4 children to deplore his loss.

Died - On Thursday last, after a long illness, Mary DUFFIN, relict of the late John THOMPSON, Esq. of Catalina, aged 56 years.

Died - On Friday last, after a long and protracted illness, which he bore with Christian resignation, Mr. Edward BOLAN, in his 76th year an old and respectable inhabitant of this town.

Died - At Catalina, on the 14th inst., John MURPHY, last master of the brig Adamat of that place, much and deservedly regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends.

Vol. 1 No. 15

Tuesday, April 13, 1858

Married - On Wednesday last, at noon, by the Rev. H. Daniel, at the residence of the brides' father, Mr. Stephen H. KNIGHT , to Caroline, fourth daughter of James PITTS, Esq. both of this town.

Died - On Saturday evening last, after a short illness, Mary KENNEDY, lately in the service of the late W.L. Anthony, Esq.

Vol. 1 No. 16

Tuesday, April 20, 1858

Died - On Wednesday evening last, at the Roman Catholic Episcopal Residence, in the 78th year of his age, Thomas MULLOCK, Esq. father of the Rt. Rev. D. Mullock. The deceased gentleman was a native of Limerick and has been in this country for a few years, sufficiently long, however to have made him very generally respected.

Died - On Thursday afternoon, after a long illness, which she bore with Christian resignation to the Divine Will, Jane, the beloved wife of Thomas Phelp WILLS of this town aged 62 years. Her funeral will take place on Monday next at 3 o'clock , where friends and acquaintances are requested to attend.

Died - At Montreal, Canada, of inflammation of the lungs, in the sixty-five year of his age, Captain Andrew BULGER, of the Royal Nfld. Regiment, second son of the late Captain John Bulger of the same regiment.

Vol. 1 No. 17

Tuesday, April 27, 1858

Birth - On Sunday last, Mrs. R.R.W. LILL, of a daughter.

Died - On Saturday last, at the residence of her son-in-law, Charles SIMMS, Esq. Kings Beach, Ann Elizabeth, widow of the late Jordon HENDERSON, Esq. of Harbor Grace, merchant age 68.

Died - At Harbor Grace, on Monday the 11th inst., John FITZGERALD, planter, an old and respectable inhabitant of this place.

Died - At the same place, on the same day, after a lingering illness, borne with meekness and resignation to the Divine Will, Ambrose son of Mr. William ASH, planter.

Vol. 1 No. 18

Tuesday, May 4, 1858

Married - On Tuesday morning last, by the Rev. T. Smith, W.M., at the Ministers residence George V. FREEMAN, to Maria, fifth daughter of Mr. Joseph BACON, both of this town.

On the 31st March, at St. Nicholas, Ringmore, by the Rev. R. Hutton, Ralph John RABETT, Esq. of Bromley Kent, to Jesse Hingston, third daughter of W. BODER, Esq. merchant, of Ringmore, near Teignmouth.

Died - At Burin, March 21st , after a protracted affliction, borne with Christian patience, Mr. Thomas HOLLETT, aged 87 years.

At Halifax , Nova Scotia on the morning of Friday and 23rd April, Mary Jane, the beloved wife of John FARQUHARSON Esq., and daughter of Capt. CORBIN, deeply and deservedly regretted.

Vol. 1 No. 19

Tuesday, May 11, 1858

Married - On Thursday, the 6th instant, by the Rev. Charles Pedley, Minister of the Congregational Church, Peter German TESSIER, Esq. to Ann Catherine Weston, eldest daughter of Capt. Robert CARTER. R.N.

Married - On Thursday, April 29th at Bonavista, by the Rev. Thomas Harris, W.M., Mr. Jabez SAINT, to Miss Elizabeth STRATHIE.

Died - On Wednesday evening last, after a long illness, borne with Christian resignation to the Divine Will, Mr. Samuel FRYE, aged 78 years an old and respectable inhabitant of this town.

Died - On Sunday night, the 9th instant, Mr. Joseph GRIBBLE, Sen. aged 75 years. His funeral will take place tomorrow (Wednesday) at 3 o'clock from his late residence in Duckworth St., where friends and acquaintances of the family are requested to attend.

Vol. 1 No. 20

Tuesday, May 18, 1858

Birth - At Carbonear, on Friday 7th current, Mrs. Robert MADDOCKS of a daughter.

Died - On Tuesday last, after a short illness, Michael Anthony, second son of Mr. Philip POWER, aged 16 years.

Died - At Harbor Grace, on Sunday the 9th inst., after a short illness, at 2 o'clock, Thomas LYNCH, publican of that town, aged 42 years.

Vol. 1 No. 21

Tuesday, May 25, 1858

Married - On Saturday, the 15th inst., by the Rev. Jeremiah O'Donnell, W.G. FLOOD, Esq. Barrister of Law, to Eliza, second daughter of VALENTINE, merchant, Esq.

Married - On Wednesday evening last, by the Rev. Jeremiah O'Donnell, Mr. William WALSH, cooper to Margaret, third daughter of Mr. Edward WALSH, both of this town.

Married - On Tuesday evening last, by the Rev. Jeremiah O'Donnell, Captain Alexander J. DUNLOP, of the brig Meteor, to Eliza Ann, second daughter of Mr. Michael MANNING.

Died - At Halifax , on Monday, April 26th, in the 91st year of age, Eleanor Margaret, widow of the late Captain McLEAN, of Durat, formerly of the 84th Regt. or Royal Highland Emigrants.

At Grand Bank, on the 11th March last, Mary the beloved wife of Henry HICKMAN, aged 30 years, leaving this world in the full hope of a glorious immortality.

Vol. 1 No. 22

Tuesday, June 1, 1858

Birth - At Bonavista, on the 6th inst. the wife of the Rev. Thomas HARRIS, of a daughter.

Died at Great Placentia, on Tuesday the 11th May, after a short illness, aged 66 years, much and deservedly regretted, William George BRADSHAW, Esq., Sub-Collector of that place, which situation he held for 37 years.

Died - On the 17th, ult. at Bonavista, after a lingering illness, Mr. John SAINT, aged 36 years, leaving a disconsolate widow and five children to mourn their irreparable loss.

Vol. 1 No. 23

Tuesday June 8, 1858

Birth - On Sunday last, the wife of Gilbert CLAPP, Esq. of a son.

Birth - On the 19th ult., at Brigus, Mrs. F.N. GISBORNE of a son.

Birth - On Friday night last, Mrs. Robt. DOWN of a son.

Married - On Monday evening (31st ult.) by the Rev. J. O'Donnell, Mr. Edward PRENDERGAST, to Miss Mary FRY - both of this place.

Died - On Tuesday morning, suddenly, Henry Charles, infant son of Mr. William STITSON, aged 4 months.

Died - On Tuesday evening last, after a lingering illness borne with Christian resignation to the Divine Will, Captain Maurice HURLEY, a native of Youghal, County Cork, Ireland, aged 36 years. The deceased was much respected by his employers and those who had the pleasure of his acquaintance.

Died - On Sunday evening last, after a short illness, Louisa, the beloved wife of Captain PALFREY.

Died - On the voyage from Cuba to Baltimore on the 5th November last, Mr. Thomas Reid EWING, son of Mr. James M. Ewing of this town.

Vol. 1 No. 24

June 15, 1858

Birth - On Wednesday 9th inst., Mrs. Robert J. PINSENT of a daughter.

Died - At Roxbury hospital, Cape Ann, in the state of Massachusetts, Mr.Thomas MURPHY, Blacksmith, aged 33 years, a native of St. John's, Newfoundland.

Died - Yesterday morning after a protracted illness, which he bore with Christian resignation, Robert RODGER, Esq., a native of the County Renfrew, Scotland, for many years a Classical Teacher in this town, where he was much deservedly respected. His funeral will take place tomorrow (Wednesday) at 2 o'clock P.M. from his late residence, Long's Hill, when his friends are respectfully requested to attend.

Vol. 1 No. 25

Tuesday, June 22, 1858

Died - On Thursday morning last, Lavina, eldest daughter of Captain. William KNIGHT, aged 15 years.

Died - On Sunday morning last, after a short illness, sincerely and deservedly regretted, Mary, the beloved wife of Mr. Timothy FLANNERY, aged 73 years.

Vol. 1 No. 26

Tuesday June 29, 1858

Birth - On Friday evening last, the Lady of the Rev. Charles PEDLEY, of a son.

Married - In the Church of St. James, Carbonear, by the Rev. William J. Hoyles, on Tuesday 6th June, Captain Robert PEARCE, a native of Carbonear, to Elizabeth, second daughter of Mr. John TUCKER of Burnt Point in Conception Bay.

Married - On Tuesday, 22nd inst. by the Venerable Archdeacon Lower, Charles Peter, third son of John WITHELL, Esq. to Mary Ann, eldest daughter of Thomas WILKIE, Armourer R.N.C.

Died - On Saturday the 19th inst., aged 75 years, Mr. Michael McGRATH, a native of Kilcaharrah in the County of Waterford.

Died - On Sunday last, after a protracted illness borne with exemplary patience and resignation, Anna Maria, second daughter of John DELANEY, Esq. M.H.A. aged 17 years. The malady which cut off this amiable young lady thus prematurely was disease of the heart. The deceased has been Librarian of the Legislative Library for several years, and the order, neatness and regularity with which she conducted her duties, gave all interested the utmost satisfaction.

Vol. 1 No. 27

Tuesday, July 6, 1858

Birth - On Sunday morning last, Mrs. Charles H. RENOUF of a daughter.

Birth - At the Union Hotel on Tuesday, June 29th, the wife of Captian SLUYTER of the Victoria of a son.

Married - On Thursday morning last, at the Cathedral by the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Newfoundland, assisted by the Venerable Archdeacon Lower, George Thomas RENDELL, Esq. to Mary Wix, eldest daughter of the Rev. Thomas, M. WOOD, incumbent of St. Thomas' Church in this town.

Died - On Tuesday evening last, after a protracted illness borne with Christian resignation and submission to the Divine Will, Mr. John KENNEY, aged 26 years, regretted by all who knew him.

Died - At Placentia , on Saturday last, after a short illness, Wilson, youngest son of the late W.G. BRADSHAW, Esq. aged 15 years.

Vol. 1 No. 28

Tuesday, July 13, 1858

Birth - On Wednesday, the 30th June, Mrs. W.T. PARSONS of a son.

Birth - On Sunday morning 4th inst. the wife of Mr. R. NEYLE of a son, which died on Wednesday morning last.

Died - On Tuesday morning last, after a short illness Hannah Jane Keith, the beloved wife of Mr. James PARSONS, and fourth daughter of the late Mr. John CARNELL, aged 27 years. Her funeral will take place today (Thursday) at 3 o'clock , when the friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully invited to attend.

Died - On Sunday morning last, after a tedious illness which she bore with Christian fortitude and resignation to the Divine Will, much and deservedly regretted by all who knew her, Elizabeth Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. John KINSELLA, aged 23 years. Her funeral will take place tomorrow (Wednesday) at half past 3 o'clock, from the Roman Catholic Cathedral, when the friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully requested to attend.

Vol. 1 No. 29

Tuesday, July 20, 1858

Married - On Tuesday evening last, at the Cathedral Church, by the Venerable Archdeacon Lower, A.M., Mr. Charles SMITH of Stockholm, Sweden, to Miss Elizabeth CHAFE, of Petty Hr.

Died - On Tuesday last, after a protracted illness at the residence of George Winter, Esq. Alpheus, third son of J.F. TRIMINGHAM, Esq. of Barbados - aged 12 years.

Vol. 1 No. 30

Tuesday, July 27, 1858

Birth - On Friday last, The Lady of R. O'DWYER, Esp. of a son.

Birth - At Parsonage, Hermitage Cove on the 23rd June, the wife of the Rev. Edward COLLEY, of a daughter.

Birth - On Friday last, the Lady of H.H. STABB, Esp. M.D. of a daughter.

Married - At Halifax , N.S. , on the 13th July at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. John KANDRICK, merchant to Halifax , to Isabella, eldest daughter of Alexander FARQUHARSON, Esq. of Dartmouth.

Died - On Monday, after a long and painful illness, borne with truly Christian Resignation, Mrs. Johanna BESIN, Matron of the St. John's Hospital.

Died - On Wednesday morning last, after a short illness, Alexander Harvey, aged 2½ years youngest son of Mr. Robert PEACE.

Died - On Wednesday 21st current, after a long illness, William Harvey, aged 17 years, youngest son of Mr. Henry THOMAS, Senr., Newtown Road.

Died - At Bermuda , on the 1st instant, Dr. A.J. HARVEY, brother of Eugenius Harvey, Esq., merchant of this place.

Death - At Placentia, of putrid sore throat within the last three weeks, Elizabeth Kempt, aged 18 years, Anastatia Kempt 15, Ellen Kempt 12, Peter Kempt 10, John Kempt 8, children of Patrick KEMPT, ferryman at the gut of Great Placentia.

Died - Last evening after a lingering and painful illness, Michael W.M. the beloved son of Mr. John POWER aged 19 years.

Vol. 1 No. 31

Tuesday, August 3, 1858

Married - On the 1st inst., at St. Peter's Church, St. George's, Bermuda, by the father of the bride, assisted by the Rev. M.K. Andfrith, Rector of Pagest and Warwick, the Rev. John Melville, GUILDING, Chaplain of H.M. Convict Establishment, Bermuda, to Emma Louisa, only daughter of Rev. R.T. TUCKER D.D. Ecclesiastical Commissary, and Rector of St. George's.

Died - On Tuesday last, after a lingering illness, which he bore with Christian resignation to the Divine Will, John SCOTT, a native of Fifeshire, Scotland, aged 55 years.

Died - At Bay Roberts on Saturday the 17th, after a long and painful illness, which she bore with truly Christian fortitude and resignation to the Divine Will, Mrs. Ruth DELANY aged 70 years.

Died - On Friday evening last, after a protracted illness, borne with humble resignation, Louisa, the beloved wife of Mr. Charles BARNES, -aged 37 years.

Died - On Saturday morning last, aged 46 years, James HICKEY, a native of this Country. His funeral will take place this day (Tuesday) from his brothers' residence, at the South Side, near Job's Bridge at half past 3 o'clock precisely when the friends and acquaintances of the Family are respectfully requested to attend.

Vol. 1 No. 32

Tuesday, August 10, 1858

Birth - On Wednesday the 4th inst., the wife of Mr. Aaron CROSSMAN of a son.

Died - On Monday evening 2nd inst. after a few days illness, Ellen, widow of the late James JOHNSTON, architect, aged 75 years. Mrs. Johnston was a native of Stirlingshire, Scotland and a resident of this country for 35 years where her uniformly amiable disposition and generous hospitality endeared her to a large circle of friends.

Vol. 1 No. 33

Tuesday, August 17, 1858

Birth - On Friday 13th, August, at the Military Hospital St. John's, Newfoundland, the wife of Dr. Mackenzie SKUES, R.N.C. of a son.

Died - At Dalhousie, N.B. on the 9th current, Matthew STEWART, Esq. for many years a merchant in this town, much and deeply regretted by all who knew him.

Died - On Wednesday morning last, after a short illness, borne with Christian submissions to the Divine Will, Joanna, relict of the late Mr. John CASEY, Flower Hill, aged 73 years. The deceased was one who deservedly possessed the good opinion and feeling of all classes, and her death will be widely regretted as she was known.

Died - At the residence of his son, Twillingate, on Thursday morning last, August 12th, Doctor STIRLING - aged 72 years.

Died - Last evening, after a short illness, Sarah Emma, only daughter of Mr. James HOWE aged 2 ½ years - her funeral will take place on Thursday morning next at 9 o'clock from the residence of Mr. Howe at Church Hill when the friends and family are respectfully requested to attend.

Vol. 1 No. 34

Tuesday, August 24, 1858

Married - on the 15th ult, in New York, by the Rev. Mr. Lawrence, of the Church of the Holy Communion, Richard W. NEWMAN, Esq. merchant to Susan Henrietta, second daughter of William BRADFORD, Esq. late of Philadelphia .

Died - On Wednesday morning last, after a lingering illness, borne with Christian resignation, Anne aged 27 years, the beloved wife of Mr. H.H. ROCHE.

Vol. 1 No. 35

Tuesday, August 31, 1858

Birth - On the 21st inst. at Glenbrook Farm, Mrs. John STUART, of a son.

Birth - On Thursday 19th inst. at Port de Grave the wife of Mr. J. WILCOX, of a son.

Died - At Harbor Grace on the 9th inst, after a lingering illness borne with Christian resignation, Jane, relict of the late Robert ANDREWS - aged 70 years.

Died - At the same place on the 20th instant, after a lingering illness, much and deservedly regretted by his numerous friends and neighbours, Edmond FOLEY, publican, aged 56 years.

Vol. 1 No. 36

Tuesday, September 7, 1858

Married - At St. Thomas 's Church on the evening of Tuesday last, by the Rev. T.M. Wood, Mr. Roger DOWN to Miss Mary Ann HEURADINE - and Mr. John William SHAMLER, to Miss Mary Rebecca GUNN.

Died - At sea on the 14th August last, on board the brig "Spray" on his passage from Liverpool to this port, Aaron HOGSETT, Esq., aged 81 years. The deceased gentleman resided in this colony nearly 40 years, throughout which time he filled several important offices under the crown.

Died - On Tuesday evening last, after a lingering illness Mr. John O'KEEFE, aged 75 years.

Died - On Sunday last, the 5th instant, at his residence in Cochrane St., Major William BINDON, aged 78 years, late, of the Royal Newfoundland Companies. His funeral will take place from his late residence, today (Tuesday) at half past three o'clock .

Died - At Harbor Grace on Friday 27th inst. after a short illness, Anne, the beloved wife of Mr. George SNOW.

Died - At St. Jago de Cuba on the 4th ult, of yellow fever, George PHILLIPS of St. John's Newfoundland, Mariner, belonging to the brigantine "Orion".

Died - Also on the 21st ult, of yellow fever at sea, Frederick Edwin PHILLIPS of Brideford, England, Mariner on board the "Orion" from St. Jago de Cuba of this port.

Died - At Donlington, England on the 16th of July last, aged 59 years, Virtue, relict of the late Rev. John PICKAVANT, for many years Wesleyan Chairman of Newfoundland District.

Vol. 1 No. 37

Tuesday, September 14, 1858

Married - On the 5th inst, by the Rev. J. O'Donnell, Mr. Edward KELLY, to Miss Mary CANNON - both of this place.

Married - On Saturday morning last, at Brigus, by Rev'd W.S. SHANNON, Mr. J.N. FINLAY, son of James Finlay, Esq., of St. John's to Elizabeth Sarah, eldest daughter of Captain James SMITH of Teignmouth, Devon, England.

Vol. 1, No. 38

Tuesday, September 21, 1858

Died - On Sunday morning after a very short illness aged 75 years, Mary relict of the late Mr. Thomas NURSE.

Died - On Thursday morning last, after a short illness borne with Christian resignation to the Divine Will, James, son of Mr. James MULLOWNEY, aged 19 years.

Died - At Lime Villa Cheshunt, Herefordshire, on the 23rd ult, in her 55th year, Elizabeth the beloved wife of Capt. W.S. BOLD, Royal Newfoundland Companies, deeply lamented by her husband and family.

Died - At Harbor Grace, of consumption, on Saturday 11th inst, Thomas, eldest son of Captain Nathaniel DAVIS aged 28 years.

Vol. 1 No. 39

Tuesday, September 28, 1858

Married - On Saturday evening last, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. C. Pedley, Mr. William BUDDEN of Montreal, to Miss Isabel C., fourth daughter of J.W. SAUNDERS, Esq. both of this town.

Married - On Wednesday 22nd inst, at the Cathedral by the Venerable Archdeacon Lower, M.A. Joseph YELLARD, to Ellen Carter, eldest daughter of the late Frederick William SAUNDERS - all of Devon.

Died - At Quidi Vidi on Saturday night last the 25th inst, after a protracted illness, Mr. Thomas BRACE, aged 57 years.

Death of a well known merchant, Thomas TREMLETT, Esq. a well-known enterprising and much respected merchant of this city, died at his residence in Dorchester yesterday morning. He has been in poor health for some time past, and has but recently returned from Europe, where he went for the benefit of his health. His age was about 62. - Boston Journal Sept 14.

Vol. 1 No. 40

Tuesday, October 5, 1858

Birth - On Tuesday morning last, the lady of F. DOWSLEY, Esq. of a son.

Married - On Saturday, the 4th inst, at St. John's Church, Paddington by the Rev. R. Prescott, Samuel COWAN Esq. of Kingston, Upper Canada, to Catherine Annabelle, second daughter of Hugh Alexander EMERSON, Esq. of No. 3 Southwich Street, Hyde Park-Square, ex Solicitor General of Newfoundland- London Times Sept 8

Married - At Cork, on the 7th September, at the residence of John Shea, Esq, J.P., uncle to the bride, by the Rev. George Brennan, R.C.C. William Kennedy O'SHAUGHNESSY, Esq. 35 Stephen's Green, North Dublin, to Eileen Frances, eldest daughter of Joseph SHEA, Esq. M.D. St. John's, Newfoundland - Cork Reporter.

Died - On Saturday, the 25th instant, after a short illness, borne with Christian resignation to the Divine Will, William STARES, an old and respectable inhabitant of this place, aged 85 years.

Died - On Monday evening, the 27th September, Peter ROGERSON, Esq. merchant, a native of Johnstone Parish, Dumfrieshire, Scotland, aged 69 years, forty-four of which he has resided in this country.

Vol. 1 No. 41

Tuesday, October 12, 1858

Married on Thursday evening last, by the Rev. J. Winterbotham, Mr. John KATE, to Miss Celab BARRETT, of this place.

Married - On Friday evening last, by the Rev. H. Daniel, Captain PERCY, of Brigus to Mary Ann, eldest daughter of Henry ANDREWS, Esq. of Waltham Cottage, St. John's.

Married - At. St. Thomas Church, Hamilton on the 18th August by the Rev. J.G. Geddes, M.A., assisted by the Rev. John Hobdon, M.A., the Rev. T.J.M. BLACKMAN, D.C.L incumbent of the above Church, younger son of the late Rev. Charles Blackman, M.A. incumbent of St. Thomas' Church, St. John's and Chaplain to the forces in Newfoundland to Annie, daughter of D.C. GUNN, Esq. Hamilton.

Died - On Wednesday last, after a long and painful illness, which she bore with Christian resignation to the Divine Will, Emluy relict of the last Captain Samuel WILLS of Torquay, Devonshire.

Died - On Friday morning last, after a painful illness, Theodora Eugenie, second daughter of Mr. David ADAMS, aged 5 years.

Died - At Hamilton, Canada West, on the 15th September, Marion, wife of Mr. James CREE, and daughter of Mr. David REID of this town.

Died - On Monday last, after a lingering illness, borne with Christian resignation to the Divine Will, Catherine MUNDER, relict to the last Mr. William Parsons, planter, aged 71 years. - Conception Bay Man.

Vol. 1 No. 42

Tuesday, October 19, 1858

Married - On Saturday evening 9th inst, by the Rev. J. Winterbotham, George READ, to Jemima GREEN, and William Henry GREEN, to Eliza CLARKE, all of this place.

Vol. 1 No. 43

Tuesday, October 26, 1858

Birth - At Bonavista, on the 2nd inst, the lady of the Rev. E.A. SALL, of a daughter.

Married - On Sunday, the 17th instant, by the Rev. J.O'Donnell, Mr. Peter DRUHAM to Miss Catherine Anna DUSEY, both of this town.

Died - On Wednesday morning last, at Caledonia Cottage, J.W. SAUNDERS, esq., aged 69 years, a native of this island.

Died - On Saturday morning the 23rd inst, of organic disease of the heart, to the deep grief of her afflicted parents and friends, Ann Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Charles SIMMS, Esq. in the 19th year of her age. Her funeral will take place tomorrow Wednesday at 10 o'clock from her parents' residence at Willowdale, Portugal Cove Road.

Vol. 1 No. 44

Tuesday, November 2, 1858

Married - On Sunday, the 24th ult, by the Rev. C. Pedley, Issac COLLIERS Esq. J.P. of Burin to Mary relict of Capt. PAYNE.

Married - On Tuesday evening last, by the Rev. J. O'Donnell, Mr. Thomas CRONAN, planter of Trepassey to Margaret, second daughter of Mr. John GLODY of this town.

Married - On Wednesday evening last, by the same, Mr. John KAVANAGH, to Honora, second daughter of Mr. George SMYTH, tidewaiter, of this town.

Married - On Sunday evening last, by the Rev'd J. O'Donnell, Mr. Michael NOWLAN, joiner, to Bridget Brennan, daughter of Mr. Richard HYNES, planter of Petty Harbor.

Married - On Wednesday evening last, by the Rev. J. O'Donnell, Mr. Martin BREEN, of the county of Wexford, to Jane second daughter of Mr. Edward MURPHY, of Job's Cove.

Died - At Winterton on the 20th ultimore, Elfrido Caroline, infant daughter of the Rev. E.A. SALL, aged one year and 8 months.

Died - On Wednesday last, much deservedly regretted, Diana ELLIOTT, eldest daughter of George Elliott, Esq. formerly merchant of this town.

Died - At Brigus on the 20th ult, at the residence of Capt. Stephen Percey, the infant son of Capt. and Mrs. S.G. SLUYTER.

Died - On Saturday the 23rd ult, after a long and lingering illness, borne with Christian fortitude and exemplary patience to the Divine Will, and deeply lamented by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, Mr. James HARRIS, a native of this island, aged 31 years.

Died - On Thursday last, William, eldest son of Mr. Michael CAMPBELL aged 28 years.

Vol. 1 No. 45

Tuesday, November 9, 1858

Married - On Sunday, the 24th ult, by the Rev. J.O'Donnell, Mr. William B. RYAN, to Miss Bridget S. SWENEY - both of this town.

Married - On Saturday evening last, by the Rev. J. O'Donnell, Michael M. MAHER, to Ellen Mary GRILLS, both of this town.

Vol. 1 No. 46

Tuesday, November 16, 1858

Birth - At Fort Townsend, on the 13th inst. the lady of A.B. MITCHELL, Esq. Royal Newfoundland companies of a daughter.

Married- On the 4th inst, by Rev. Henry Daniel, Mr. Solomon MILLEY to Miss Caroline SQUIRES, both of this place, Mr. Thos. OATES, of Carbonear, to Miss. E. VYE of St. John's, and Mr. William BAGGS, of Broad Cove to Mrs. Mary MATTHEWS of this city.

Married - On Sunday evening last, by the Rev. J. O'Donnell, Mr. Michael MAGHER, to Ellen Mary, eldest daughter of the late Capt. Charles GRILLS, all of St. Johns.

Married - On Tuesday the 9th November inst, at St. Thomas' Church by the Rev. T.M. Wood, William Cawley SIMMS, M.D. Esq, to Christina St. Clair, second daughter of the Rev. Lachlan McLEAN, minister of Liff, Forgarshire, Scotland, and immediately after, Mr. Charles Frances BRINE, to Mary Ann SMITH.

Married - On same evening by the Rev. M. Harvey, Mr. John CALVER, son of William Calver, Esq. to Charlotte PERCEY, both of this place.

Vol. 1 No. 47

Tuesday, November 23, 1858

Birth - On the 20th September, at Barbadoes, the wife of Deputy Assistant Commissary General McKINSTRY, of a son.

Married - On Wednesday evening last, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Henry Daniel, W.M., Mr. William TILLY, of Trinity, to Harriett, second daughter of Mr. George BOWDEN of this town.

Died - On Saturday evening the 13th inst, after a short and painful illness, which she bore with Christian resignation to the Divine Will, Anastatia, widow of the late Nicholas KENT, aged 75 years.

Died - At Cupids on the 7th instant, after a lingering illness aged 69 years, Mr. W.M. SCILLY, a respected member of that community and one who possessed the regard and esteem of all who knew him.

Died - On Wednesday 10th inst, John Osborne, infant son of Mr. Edmund CLOW, aged 2 months.

Died - On Thursday evening last, after a long illness, deeply regretted by all who knew him, Mr. Timothy CONNELL, aged 26½ years.

Vol. 1 No. 48

Tuesday, November 30, 1858

Married - On the 4th inst, at St. Mary's Abbotts, Kensington, by the Venerable Archdeacon Sinclair, assisted by the Rev. Frederick Chalmers, Rector of Bickingham and cousin of the bride, Richard John MAXWELL, Gambleton, Esq. J.P. of Glenatore, County Cork, to Isabella Matilda, only daughter of the Hon. Judge DES BARRES, late of the Supreme Court, Newfoundland.

Married - On the 11th inst, at the father's residence at Trenton, New Jersey, U.S. by the Rev. A.D. White, James J. BEVAN, Esq. of P.E. Island, to Sophia Eliza, eldest daughter of James WISEMAN, Esq. of the former city.

Married - On Tuesday 23rd inst, by the Rev. J. O'Donnell, Pierce M. BARRON, Esq. to Joanna, second daughter of the late Mr. Dennis SULIVAN.

Married - On Monday evening, the 22nd inst, by the Rev. J. O'Donnell, Mr. Martin QUIGLEY, to Miss Margaret KNOX, both of this town.

Married - On Thursday evening last, by the same, Mr. John McNamara WALSH, to Mary, second daughter of the late Capt. Thomas SLANEY of Ferryland.

Married - On the same evening, by the same, Mr. Patrick COADY, carpenter, to Mary Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. John GLODY, both of this town.

Married - On Saturday evening, by the same, Mr. Maurice RYAN to Miss Mary MORRISSEY, both of this town.

Married - At. Balinamora, Brigus, on Monday morning, the 22nd inst. by the Rev. E. O'Keefe, Richard McCARTHY, Esq. of Carbonear, to Hannah Mary, youngest daughter of John SLATTERY, Esq. of Tipperary and niece of the late very Rev. Dean Mackin.

Died - At New York on the 6th instant, Richard N. GOFF, Esq. merchant, a native of St. John's, Newfoundland and eldest son of William Goff, Esq. of said place. His remains were consigned to the tomb surrounded by a most respectable assemblage, deeply lamenting the departure of a truly worthy and devoted son and good citizen.

Died - At Boston, on the 13th November, Nicholas POWER, in his 24th year, a native of Newfoundland.

Vol. 1 No. 49

Tuesday, December 7, 1858

Married - At the Cathedral on the 27th ult, by the Lord Bishop of Newfoundland, assisted by the Rev. J. Pearson, the Rev. Martin BLACKMORE, Rural Dean of Conception Bay, to Marian, youngest daughter of the late George BAYLY, Esq. Comptroller, H.M. Customs, at this port.

Married - On Thursday last, by the Rev. J. Winterbotham, Mr. William NOSEWORTHY, to Miss Jane MOULTIER, both of Pouch Cove.

Died - On Thursday morning last, after a lingering illness Mary Honora, eldest daughter of the late William PARKER, and wife of Edward J. FINN aged 22 years.

Died - On Monday morning, the 22nd inst, after a protracted illness, Captain George A. CORBIN, aged 51 years, formerly of Strickland, England, well known and highly esteemed for many years as Commander of the Royal Mail Steamer between this port and Newfoundland. - Halifax Morning Chronicle November 23.

Vol. 1 No. 50

Tuesday, December 14, 1858

Died- On Thursday morning last, after a long and painful illness, which he bore with Christian resignation to the Divine Will, Mr. Thomas VAVASOR, aged 47 years.

Vol. 1 No. 51

Tuesday, December 21, 1858

Married - On Monday last, the 13th instant at Carbonear, by the Rev. W.J. Hoyles, Captain Richard LINTHORNE of Poole, Dorset to Mary Ann, eldest daughter of the late Robert AYLES, of Carbonear, merchant, and grand-daughter of Robert Pack, Esq., of the same place.

Married - At Heart's Content, on Tuesday, 14th instant, by the Rev. Thomas Fox, Mr. Joseph HOPKINS, to Mrs. Ann MOORE, relict of the late Mr. Moses Moore.

Died - At Harbour Maine, on Wednesday the 8th instant, James WOODFORD Esq., planter, aged 74 years, an old and respectable inhabitant of that place.

Died - At the same place on the same date, Mrs. Ann PENNY aged 84 years.

Died - On Tuesday morning last, Mr. Michael COADY aged 65 years.

Vol. 1 No. 52

Tuesday, December 28, 1858

Died - Recently at sea (on his passage from Italy to Newfoundland) after a tedious illness borne with truly Christian resignation to the Divine Will, in the 27th year of his age, Mr. John HANRAHAN, eldest son of the Hon. Edmund Hanrahan, Surveyor General of this island. The deceased was a very promising young man, of excellent character, amiable in disposition and unassuming in manner and had died esteemed and regretted by all who knew him.

Died - At Aquaforte, on Sunday 19th inst, after a long illness, Capt. Jacob WISSER, aged 74 years, a native of Denbury, England.

Died - On Saturday evening last, after a lingering illness William NORTHCOTT, aged 40 years, a native of Devonshire England. His funeral will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock, from his late residence, Prescott Street.

Died - On Sunday evening last, at 7 o'clock after a short but painful illness, Mr. Joseph F. BURSELL aged 33 years. He leaves a disconsolate widow and 3 children to mourn their irreparable loss. His funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday) at 3 o'clock from his late residence, South Side, when the friends and relatives of the deceased are respectfully invited to attend.



Page transcribed by Sharon Hobbs, March 2006 for the Family Tree Group, Grand Falls-Windsor, NL (

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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