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Bell Island Submarine Miner
September 1955
Sincere sympathy is extended to bereaved relatives of Pensioner Hubert LeGrow, who passed away at his home, East Wabana, on September 16th, in his sixty-eighth year, following an illness of several weeks.
![]() Shown are members of the Number 4 Slop Tug-o-War team, winners of this Labour Day event during the past four years. Standing, Left to Right: Thomas Bickford, Sam Deluney, Tom Lahey, Lemuel Bickford, Dominic Slade and Anderson Peckham. Kneeling, Left to Right: Harold Bickford, Stanley Bickford, Harvey Yetman, Walter Bickford, William Bickford (Coach) and Joe Hawco.
"Reprinted courtesy of The Submarine Miner"
A publication for the employees of the Dominion Wabana Ore Limited. Any monetary or commercial gain from using this material is strictly prohibited and subject to legal action.
Page Contributed by: Coleen Murrin-Norcott-Pieczewski
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (July 20, 2003)
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