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Newfoundland Obits & Marriages
From the Montreal Star
Montreal, Quebec


At St. John's Newfoundland, on Oct
10th by the Rev. A.C.F. Wood, M.A.,
M.G. Winter, son of James Winter, Esq., of H.M.
Customs, to Alice Augusta, youngest daughter of
R.R. W. Lilly, Esq., Q.C., all of St. John's.


SIMMS: Suddenly on Wednesday, July 11 [1900] Francis Henry Simms youngest son of the late Judge Simms of Newfoundland, in the 70th year of his age. Funeral will leave his late residence, 246 University street, Friday at 3 pm. KIndly omit flowers.

BEST: At St. John, N.B.,, on July 10th [1900] Fanny Best, a native of St. John's Newfoundland, aged 23 ? 28 years.

Contributed and Transcribed by Sheila Hennessy-Brandl



Contributed and Transcribed by Sheila Hennessy-Brandl

Page Revised by Craig Peterman (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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