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Source: The London Chronicle Vol 45, April 12-14, 1757 Extract of a Letter from Mr. Robert Carter, dated at at Ferryland in Newfoundland, Jan. 12: "I have the great Misfortune to acquaint you, that on the 24th of last Month, by some Neglect in heating Mr. Benger's Oven, a terrible Fire broke out about One in the Morning. I was waked out of my Sleep, and ran thro' the Fire in my Shirt with two of my Children, my Wife followed in her Shift, but my Son, the Maid-Servant and an Apprentice-Boy were all consumed in the Flames. The Store-Houses and Dwelling Houses were all entirely destroyed; and all the Goods, Furniture, and Provisions whatever, for not a single Thing was saved. Valuing my Goods at prime Cost, I have lost full 2800l. exclusive of the Buildings, for I had in the Store 2400 Quintals of dry Fish, which I purposed to send to Spain in the Spring. Mr. Benger and his Family lost their All; and we were reduced to the greatest Distresses for Want of Provisions and Cloaths till we had a Supply from the neighbouring Harbours."
Page Contributed by: Linda Elkins-Schmitt
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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