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Date | Details |
01 January 1862 |
Birth. At St. John's, on Wednesday the 25th inst., the wife of Arohib...l Emerson, Esq., of twin daughters. |
Birth. At same place, on the above date, the wife of D. W. Prowse, Esq., of a son. |
08 January 1862 |
Died. On Friday 3rd inst., Maria, relict of the late William Innott, Esq., Merchant of this town, aged 68 years. |
13 January 1862 |
Married. At Brigus, on Wednesday, 1st inst., by the Rev. T. Harris, Mr. Absalom Antle, to Emma Susanna, daughter of Mr. George Spooner, all of Brigus. |
Married. On Wednesday, the 1st instant, at St. Thomas's Church, by the Rev T. M. Wood, Military Chaplain, Charles Mesham, Esq., Lieut. H.M. 52nd Regt. to Ellen Caroline, second daughter of Edward l. Jarvis, Esq., of this city. |
Died. At Carbonear, on the 13th inst., after a lingering illness, Leonora, the beloved wife of Capt. T. Pike, aged 32 years. |
Died. At St. John's, on Monday morning, the 6th inst., at half-past nine o'clock, Amelia Fredrica, Wife of Mr. W. Freeman, aged 64 years. |
Died. At same place, on Thursday morning, after a short illness, Mr. William Kielly, aged 64 years, an old and respectable inhabitant of that town. |
Died. At Thorndean, Greenock, on the 13th December, of Croup, Harrington, aged 2 years and a half, son of James J. Grieve, Esq., Provost of Greenock. |
22 January 1860 |
Died. On Saturday night after a short illness, in the 98th year of his age, Mr. William Parsons, an old and highly respectable inhabitant of this town. His Funeral will take place to-morrow (Thursday,) at 2 o'clock, when the friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. |
Died. On Sunday morning, after a lingering illness, Mr. Mansell Alcock, aged 96 years, an old and respectable inhabitant. His Funeral will take place to-morrow (Thursday,) at 2 o'clock, when the friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. |
Died. At Carbonear on Wednesday last, 15th inst., of Consumption, Fanny Elizabeth, second daughter of Mr. Francis Pike aged 18 years. |
Died. On Monday morning, John, infant son of Mr. Joseph Godden. |
12 February 1862 |
Died. After a lingering illness, Mrs. Catherine Kitchen, in the 85th year of her age, an old and highly respectable inhabitant of this town. Her funeral will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock, when the friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. |
19 February 1862 |
Died. On Saturday morning last at Spaniard's Bay, Mr. Moses Gosse, son of Mr. Richard Gosse, aged about 40 years. |
12 March 1862 |
Died. On Saturday morning last, after a protracted illness, borne with Christain (sic) resignation to the Divine will, Mary relict of the late Wm. Mitchell, aged 66 years, an old and respected inhabitant of this town. |
John McKee, native of Carbonear, Newfoundland, left his own home for America seventeen years ago, being then Twenty-eight years of age. His friends in Newfoundland have not since received any intelligence from him. His brother, MATTHEW McKEE, whose signature this notice bears, is desirous to inform him that there is property here which said JOHN McKEE is heir to, and that no difficulty twill be made in putting in possession of the same, on the presentation of such legal documents as the law requires. |
26 March 1862 |
Died. Yesterday morning, at Port-de-Grave after a long and painful illness which she bore with truly Christian resignation to the Divine will, in the 75th year of her age, Mrs. Shea, relict of the late Dr. Shea of that place. The deceased was highly respected by all her acquaintances, and the poor has lost a true and faithful friend, as she was in the habit of dispensing medicines and other relief to them for a number of years. |
Died. Suddenly, at Figueira, Portugal, on the 12th Jan. last, Thomas B. Rendell, Esq., for many years a resident merchant of that place, aged 77 years. |
Died. At 16 Tavistock Street, Bedford Square, London, in the 86th year of her age, Lucretia, widow of the late Newman Wright Hoyles, Esq., formerly Colonel Treasurer of this Colony. |
02 April 1862 |
Birth. On Monday morning, Mrs. W. H. Ridley of a son. |
DIED. On Sunday last,, after a short illness, Mr. George Wells, aged about 26 years. His funeral will take place this day (Wednesday) when the friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. |
09 April 1862 |
We regret to learn that Captain Snelgrove, and one of the crew named Williams, belonging to the brigantine Jara were lost with the vessel when she went down. |
Married. At St. John's on Thursday night last, at St. Mary's Church, South-side, by the Rev'd. J. Pearson, George Augustus, youngest son of Mr. George Garland, to Patience Emelia, eldest daughter of Mr. William Whitten, both of this town. |
16 April 1862 |
Died. At Carbonear on Thursday evening last, after a long and painful illness which she bore with Christian resignation to the Divine will, Miss Margaret Jones, aged 65 years. The deceased was an old and respected inhabitant of Carbonear. |
23 April 1862 |
Birth. On Good Friday, Mrs. T. Higgins, of twin sons. |
30 April 1862 |
Died. On Wednesday last, after a lingering illness, Louisa, wife of Captain James Brown, aged 34 years. |
07 May 1862 |
Died. At Brigus on the 26th ult., universally respected and regretted, Mr. James A. Percey, aged 24 years, son of Captain Stephen Percy, late of Brigus, now of St. John's. The deceased was Telegraph operator at Bay Roberts. His death was preminently peaceful. |
Died. At St. John's on Tuesday morning, Louisa, third daughter of Mr. Abel Watkins, shipwright of this town. |
14 May 1862 |
Died. On Tuesday the 7th inst., after a long and painful illness borne with truly Christian resignation to the Divine will, Mrs. Grace Taylor, aged 70 years, an old and respectable inhabitant of this place. |
21 May 1862 |
Died. On Sunday night at Black Head Conception Bay, May 11th, after a short illness of extreme sufferings borne with Christian resignation, Mary Ann, the beloved wife of John Curtis, Esq., Coroner, &c., native of Brixton, England, aged 65 years, leaving a large family and circle of friends to lament their irreparable loss. |
04 June 1862 |
Died. On Friday evening last, after a lingering illness, in the 56th year of his age, Mr. John West, a native of Bristol, England, and for many years a respectable inhabitant of this town. |
Died. On Sunday last, at the International House, after a short but painful illness, Meliora, second daughter of the late R. Perchard, Esq. Her remains were taken to St. John's in the Ellen Gisborne via Portugal Cove. |
11 June 1862 |
Died. On Monday last at Carbonear aged 77 years, Ann relict of the late Robert Pack, Esq., of the same place, Merchant. Her funeral will take place from her late residence Carbonear on Thursday next, at half past 2 o'clock when friends are respectfully invited to attend. |
02 July 1862 |
Died. On Sunday morning last, after a short illness, Mr. William Walsh, aged 84 years. The deceased was a very respectable inhabitant of Newfoundland for upwards of 47 years, 44 of which he spent in Harbor Grace; he bore an excellent character for honesty of purpose, and uprightness, and was one whose life as a citizen, a parent, and a pious christian (sic) may be pointed at as an example to all. |
Died. At St. John's, on the 27th inst., at Richmond Hill, the Hon. Kenneth McLae, a native of Greenook, in the 62nd year of his age, beloved and deeply regretted by his family and a large circle of friends. |
Died. At Harbor Main, on Tuesday, the 24th inst., after a long and tedious illness, Mr. John Kennedy, aged 48 years, a respectable inhabitant of that place. |
09 July 1862 |
Died. At Burin. On the 19th May last, after a lingering illness, John, eldest son of Richard Marshall, Esq., merchant there, aged 20 years. |
Died. On the 27th May, after a short illness, at Kilkenny, Ireland, John Withell, Esq., R.E., aged 55 years. The deceased was Clerk of Works in this Colony for a number of years. |
30 July 1862 |
Married. On Saturday, 20th Inst., by the Revd. E. Brettle, Mr. George Crosbie, of Miraumachi, to Miss Martha Chalker of Brigus. |
Birth. On Sunday last the wife of Henry T. Moore, Esq., M.H.A., of a Son. |
06 August 1862 |
Birth. On the 24th ult, the wife of H. W. Trapnell Esq., of a son. |
13 August 1862 |
Married. On the 17th inst., at St. Bride's Church, Liverpool, Mr. W. Tait, to Zela Drusilla, second daughter of C. Watts, Esq., Harbour Grace, Newfoundland. |
20 August 1862 |
Died. On Sunday, aged 79 years, leaving a large family to deplore his loss, Mr. Wm. Gordon, an old and respectable inhabitant of this town. His funeral will take place from his late residence, Bears' Cove, Tomorrow, at 2 o'clock, when the friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. |
Died. On the 31st July last, of yellow fever, on the voyage from New Orleans to Halifax, N.S., Arthur Stuart Bindon, Assistant Paymaster of H.M.S. Rinaldo, aged 19 years, and of the late Major Bindon, R.N.C. |
17 September 1862 |
Married. At St. John's, on the 11th inst., by the Rev. E. Botterell, assisted by the Rev.T. Harris, Rev. James A. Duke, Wesleyan Minister of Bonavista, to Emily R. Knight, eldest daughter of Thomas Knight, Esq., H.M.A. (sic) of St. John's. |
Married. At same place at the Episcopal Cathedral, on Tuesday the 2nd inst., by the Rt. Rev. The Lord Bishop, assisted by the Rev. John Pearson, the Rev. Joshep (sic) Francis Phelps, eldest son of Joseph Phelps, Esq., of Madeira, to Fanny Harriet, fourth daughter of the Hon. Mr. Justice Robinson. |
Married. At the Wesleyan Parsonage, Sackville, N.B., on the 20th inst., by the Rev. John Allison, A.M., Joseph L. Black, Esq., Merchant, of Sackville, to Mary A., second daughter of the Rev. John Snowball, Wesleyan Minister. |
Died. Yesterday morning, after an illness of extreme suffering of over twenty-four years, twenty-three of which she was confined to her bed, Mary Audion, wife of Mr. Henry Stowe, of this town, in the fifty-first year of her age. |
Died. At Alora Gonath West, on the 28th August, Mr. John Samuel Clossman, aged 49 years, a native of Newfoundland. He has left a wife and six children to mourn their loss. |
01 October 1862 |
Birth. At St. John's, on Monday morning, 22nd inst., Mrs. Llewellyn Hammer, of a daughter. |
Married. At Boston, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Chapin, Methodist Episcopal Church, Mr. C. Henry St. John, to Adeline, daughter of the late William Henry Hartwell, Esq., of Bangor, Maine. |
Died. At Heart's Content, on the 25th inst., Mary Jane, eldest daughter of the late Charles Rendall (of diphtheria.) Aged 14 years. |
Died. At St. John's, on the 20th inst., Mr. Richard Hamlin, aged 47 years. |
15 October 1862 |
A young man named James Oliver was killed by the accidental discharge of a gun at the Labrador. His body was brought to St. John's by Capt. Gosse of the brigantine Maggie. |
22 October 1862 |
Birth. On Thursday the 11th inst., the wife of the Rev. Mr. Ross, of a daughter. |
29 October 1862 |
Birth. At Carbonear on Wednesday last the wife of Mr. R. Maddock, of a son. |
Birth. On Thursday 28th inst., the wife of L. W. Emerson, Esq., of a son. |
Married. On Thursday last, at Carbonear, J. Maddock, Esq., of the firm J.. & R. Maddock, to Miss D. Guy, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Joseph Guy. |
Died. At St. John's, on Tuesday morning, after a brief illness borne with great meekness and patience, Mr. William Freeman, in the 78th year of his age. |
Died. At same same (sic), on Wednesday last, at one o'clock, p.m. in the 61st year of her age, Ellen Maria, wife of our respected Sheriff, John V. Nugent, Esq. The deceased lady was a daughter of John Creedon, Esq., of Mount Dorset, City of Cork. |
05 November 1862 |
Birth. At Carbonear, on the 27th ult., the wife of R. Pack Esq., of a daughter. |
Died. On Sunday the 3nd inst., at Retreat Cottage, Lewis, infant son of Lewis W. Emerson, Esq. |
12 November 1862 |
Married. At St. John's, at St. Thomas' Church, by the Rev. T. M. Wood, Mr. John G. James, to Eliza, fourth daughter of the late John Foot, Esq., of Twillingate. |
Married. At Glasgow, on the 2nd Sept., by the Rev. Alexander Cumming, Andrew Bogle, Esq., of the Royal Bank of Scotland, to Helen, Daughter of W. F. Rennie, Esq., of St. John's, Newfoundland. |
Page contributed and transcribed by: Frank Martin
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (June 5, 2003)
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