ADAMS, Mrs. Sadie - February 22, 1980, Mrs. Sadie Adams, 59, nee Smith, of Tower Road. Native of Newfoundland. Survived by husband Robert Adams, one son, two brothers, one step-brother. Services in Glace
ANDERSON, Mrs. Albert - July 29, 1979, Mrs. Albert Anderson, 70, of 12 Collins Street, Glace Bay. Native of Newfoundand, nee Collins. Survive by husband, one sister, two brothers, Services in Glace Bay.
BISSON, Ernest - Glace Bay. Ernest Bisson, 60, 75
Connaught Avenue, died Saturday, January 11, 1986 at the Glace Bay Community Hospital. Bisson is survived by his wife the former Daphne MacLean, sons Myles, Robert of Stephenville, Nfld., Thomas of Canmore, Alberta, a daughter Lisa (Mrs. Blair Gentile) of Glace Bay and by seven grandchildren.
BLUNDEN, Mrs. Lucy Jane Norris - Glace Bay. August 14th, 1979, Mrs. Lucy Jane Norris Blunden, 25 Pleasant Street, Glace Bay. Native of Newfoundland. Widow of William Blunden. Survived by four sons, 10
grandchildren. Services in Glace Bay.
BOONE, Mrs. Olive - Dominion. Mrs. Olive Boone, nee Kuhn, 71, 21 Cottage Avenue, died Monday at the Glace Bay Community Hospital. She is survived by her husband James A., three sons Aubrey of Dartmouth, Leonard of Ottawa, Fr. Leo serving the parishes of Port Felix and
Queensport, NS. three daughters Anne (Mrs. Bernard MacIsaac) of Ottawa, Alice of Grand Falls, Newfoundland, Gladys at home, a brother Bernard of Dartmouth and nine grandchildren.
BOWERS, Mrs. Eva - Glace Bay. August 30th, 1979, Mrs.
Eva Bowers, 69, resident of Seaview Manor. Native of Newfoundland, former resident of 42 Reservoir Ave. Glace Bay. Nee Copley, widow of Arthur Bowers. Survived by one daughter, three grandchildren, one
sister, one brother. Services in Glace Bay.
BRINSTON, Mrs. Frederick - Glace Bay. December 4, 1979, Mrs. Frederick Brinston, 69, of 6 Smith Street, Glace Bay. Native of Newfoundland, nee Osborne. Survived by husband, four sons, 16 grandchildren. Services in Glace Bay.
BUTLER, Albert - January 21, Albert Butler, 80, of Sydney River. Native of Clark's Beach, Newfoundland. Survived by wife, nee Reta Anthony, one son, four daughters, 12 grandchildren. Services in Sydney.
BUTLER, Mrs. Uriah - July 23, 1979, Mrs. Uriah Butler, 66, nee Maria Wiseman, of 5 Mello Street, Glace Bay. Newfoundland native, long time local resident. Survived by husband, four daughters, three sons, and a
foster son, 21 grandchildren, 13 great grandchildren, two sisters. Services in Glace Bay.
BUTLER, Mrs Uriah - Glace Bay -Mrs. Uriah Butler, 66, of 5 Mello Street, died Monday, shortly after she was admitted to the Glace Bay General Hospital. A native of Newfoundland, she resided in Glace Bay for the past 50 years and was a member of Epworth United Church. The former Maria Wiseman, she was the daughter of the late James and the former Margaret Matheson. In May, Mrs. Butler and her husband observed the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. She is survived by her husband, daughters, Laura (Mrs. Kenneth Marsden), Gertrude (Mrs. Ray Thompson, Mrs. Marjorie Wadden, Mrs. Daisy Kaifosh, all of Glace Bay, sons Cecil, Solider's Cove, William of Dominion, Wilson of Donkin, and a foster son James Wiseman in Ottawa. There are 21 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren. Two sisters
Daisy (Mrs. Cecil Mullin) of Glace Bay, and Mrs. Mary Stevens of Halifax, also survive. Mrs. Butler was predeceased by two sons, her parents and by her
brother, Levi Wiseman. The body rested on Wednesday after 7 p.m. at the family home and funeral services under the direction of Patten's Funeral Home took
place of Friday at 2 p.m. at Epworth United Church. Interment was made in Greenwood Cemetery with the Rev. Raymond Purchase and Capt. Harvey Canning officiating.
Funeral: Butler - The funeral of the late Maria Butler of 5 Mello Street, Glace Bay was held on Friday, July 27th, at 2 p.m. from Epworth United Church. Officiating clergy were Rev. Ray Purchase of Knox Untied Church, and Captain Harvey Canning of the Salvation Army. Hymns sung were "Abide with Me" and
"Rock of Ages". John DeJeet was soloist and sang
"Sunrise". Organist was Mrs. Arthur Payne. Pallbearers were Eric Marsden, Kenneth Wayne Marsden, Fred Kaifosh, Kenneth Wayne Butler and Billie Lujdlow, a close friend of the family. Interment took place in
Greenwood Cemetery, Glace Bay.
Cards of Thanks: Butler - We, the family of the late Maria Butler wish to express our sincerest thanks and
appreciation to all our relatives, friends, and neighbours for the acts of kindness shown during our sudden loss of our darling wife and mother. Special
thanks to the nurses in the Out-Patient Department of the Glace Bay General Hospital, also to Doctor Cadegan and Doctor Boone, to Patten's Funeral Home and Staff, to the organist, Mrs. Arthur Payne, and choirs of Epworth and Knox United Churches, to Rev. Ray Purchase and a very special thank-you to Captain Harvey Canning of the Salvation Army and to Mr. John DeJeet who so beautifully sang the hymn "Sunrise". A special thank-you to all who visited or home, also to the pall-bearers who performed their very sad task.
Thank-you to all who sent flowers, sympathy cards, Gideon Bibles, many donations, memorial to the Heart Fund, St. Mary's Memorial Fund, Cullen LOBA 47
Memorial Fund, Salvation Army Building Fund, Epworth Memorial Fund, The Maritime Visual Research Program, Independent Order of Oddfellows. To all who brought food to our home, phone calls to our home and supplied cars, and a special thanks to Mrs. Duncan Fowler who supplied a complete supper after the funeral and to Mary Parsons and Arlene Ellis who stayed at our home during the funeral services to set our supper for us. To one and all who assisted in any way we are deeply grateful and we will always remember each and every one. May God richly bless you all. There's an open gate at the end of the road, Through which each must go alone, And there is a light we cannot see Our Father claims his own. Beyond the gate our loved one finds happiness and rest, And there is comfort in the thought that a loving God knows best. Husband, Uriah Butler and Family.
CAMPBELL, Neil - Dominion. Funeral services were held
August 16th at the Church of the Immaculate Conception for the late Neil Campbell, 70, of 80 Kings Road, Dominion who died August 13, 1978, at Glace Bay Community Hospital. Interment was made in Calvary Cemetery. Native of Newfoundland he came to this area
as a youth and retired from 45 years employment with Dominion Cal Company, in 1970. He was a former member of Dominion Town Council. He was a member of the Glace Bay Pensioners Union, of the Immaculate Conception Parish and was active in affairs of the Church and at one time belonged to the Men's Club of the Parish. His wife, Agnes, predeceased him. He is survived by one daughter (Patricia) Mrs. Donald MacPherson, Dominion, sons Gregory of the USA, Harvey of Dominion, Neil of Glace Bay, a step-daughter (Marie) Mrs. Thomas Gordon and a step-son Thomas Holmes both in the USA, a sister (Cassie) Mrs. Angus MacMullin of Glace Bay, and brothers John of Dominion, Alexander of New Waterford, George of Hamilton, Ontario. There are sixteen grandchildren and one great grandchild. The funeral was directed by Curry's Funeral Homes.
COMPTON, Frederick John - February 17, 1980, Frederick
John Compton, 85, of 223 Rockdale Ave, Sydney. Native of Newfoundland. Survived by wife nee Anne Elizabeth Oxford, three sons, four daughters, 15 grandchildren, eight great grandchildren. Services in Sydney.
COURTNEY, Sidney - Glace Bay. Word was received by relatives here of the death of Sidney Courtney, 65, in Burgeo Hospital, Newfoundland April 7, 1978. Born in Petites he resided in Ramea, Newfoundland for most of is life. He is survived by his second wife, the former Maria Pink, daughters (Georgina) Mrs. Ronald Smith, Petites, Newfoundland, (Una) Mrs. Harold Sibley, Wanda and Cathy all in Ramea, a brother Thomas Courtney, Quarry Road, Glace Bay, sisters (Mable) Mrs. Thomas Oake, Cornerbrook, (Nina) Mrs. Clayton Loughlin, Pasadena, Newfoundland, (Lydia) Mrs. William Munden of Glace Bay. Interment was made in Ramea, Newfoundland.
CURRIE, Mrs. C.G. - Glace Bay. Mrs. Catherine Gertrude Currie, 88, a former resdent of 163 Tenth Street, New Aberdeen, died Saturday evening at Seaview Manor. SHe had been a guest there for the past three years. MRs. CUrrie was a native of Newfoundalnd and lived in Glace Bay for the past 70
years. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael Keating. Her husband Joseph Currie died in 1961. Mrs. Currie was a member of St. John's
Parish and in her younger years was active in the parish. Mrs. Currie is
survived by daughters (Teresa) Mrs. Thomas Ford, of Glace Bay and (Cleo) Mrs.
Thomas Shay of Glace Bay, sons Michael, Thomas, Ronald, Allan, all of Glace
Bay, and Daniel of Ontario, sisters Sr. Madeline Keating of Halifax, and Mrs.
Bridget Bolger of Massachusetts, and brothers Sam of New Jersey and Mack of
Halifax. She was predeceased by three daughters and three brothers. There
are 30 grandchildren, 46 grat grandchildren and one great great grandchild.
The body rests at McGillivray's Funeral Home in Glace Bay and the funeral
DEVEREAUX, Michael - February 22, 1980, Michael Devereaux, 84, of 245 Bay Street, Sydney. Native of NewFoundland. Survived by wife nee Nellie Costello, one daughter, two sons, 12 grandchildren, two sisters, one brother. Services in Sydney.
DOYLE, William - New Waterford. William John Doyle, 75,
of 3465 Elm Street died Monday, June 09, 1986 at the New Waterford Hospital. Born at Gull Island, Newfoundland, he was the son of the late Arthur and Nora (Kinsella) Doyle. He worked 40 years with Sysco until his retirement. He was a member of St. Agnes Parish. Survivors include three daughters Florence (Mrs. William Richardson), Loretta (Mrs. James
MacNeil) of Ontario, Shirley (Mrs. Edward Ryan) of Newfoundland, two sisters Della (Mrs. Harry MacGrath) of Sydney and Marcella of Newfoundland, two brothers Patrick Doyle and Kevin Doyle of Newfoundland, 16 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren. His wife Ellen (Kelly) Doyle predeceased him as did a son James and two brothers, Michael and Joseph. The body rested at the V.J. McGillivary Funeral Home, 380 Smith Street. The funeral mass was said ad 10 a.m. Thursday in the parish church with interment in our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish Cemetery.
EVENS, Berkley G. - Sydney. May 17th, 1979, Berkley G.
Evans, 63, of 11 Ritchie Street, Sydney, in City Hospital. Native of
English Harbour West, NewFoundland. Survived by wife, nee Eva Vatcher, four daughters, three sons, 13 grandchildren, two sisters. Services in Sydney.
FLYNN, Ernest J. - Sydney. July 9, 1980, Ernest J. Flynn, 72, of 226 Victoria Rd, Sydney. Native of Newfoundland. Survived by wife, nee Jadwiga Hedwig Ostrynski, two daughters, two sons, seven
grandchildren. Services in Sydney.
GILLIS, Mrs. Maude - February 25, 1980, Mrs. Maude Gillis, 83, nee Squires, of Spring Garden Villa, Sydey. Native of Newfoundland, former resident of Glace Bay. Predeceased by first and second husbands, Harold Slaunwhite and Duncan Gillis. Survived by five sons, three daughters, one brother, one sister. Services in Dominion.
GOODING, Mrs. Hannah Jane - July 12, 1979, Mrs Hannah Jane Gooding, 90, nee Dyke of Main Street, Sydney Mines. Native of Pools Island, Newfoundland. Survived by one daughter, three grandchildren. Services in Sydney Mines.
GOSSE, Mrs. Ethel - Glace Bay. December 23, 1979, Mrs. Ethel Gosse, 79, of 25 Ling Street, Glace Bay. Native of Trinity Bay, Nfld. Predeceased by husband Roland Gosse Sr. Survived by two sons, two daughters, six grandchildren, eight great grandchildren, two sisters,
three brothers. Services in Glace Bay.
HALL, John Archibald - April 24, 1980. John Archibald Hall, 70, of 21 Norwood Street, Sydney. Native of Newfoundland. Survived by wife nee Jessie Agnes Campbell, two sons, two daugthers, four sisters. Services in Sydney.
HAWCO, John J. - February 26, 1980, John J. Hawco, 84, of 144 Gunn Street, Sydney. Native of Newfoundland. Predeceased by wife nee Mary Hannan. Survived by four sons, four daughters, several grand and great
grandchildren, one brother. Services in Sydney.
HAYMAN, Mrs. B. - Glace Bay. Mrs. Blanche Hayman, 74, of Port-aux-Basques, Newfoundland, died April 5, 1978 at Glace Bay General Hospital. She had been visiting in Glace Bay area since last August. Her body was forwarded from Patten's Funeral Home to the MacAulay Funeral Home in Port-aux-Basques where the funeral was held. She was a member of St. James Anglican Church there. A native of Port-aux-Basques, she was the widow of the late Samuel Hayman. She is survived by a daughter (Eileen) Mrs. Arthur Young, Port-aux-Basques, brothers Henry, Edgar and Fred Warren all of Glace Bay, eleven grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.
HISCOCK, Mrs. Janet - Glace Bay. Funeral of the late
Mrs. Janet Hiscock, 89, of 12 Currie Street, was held March 8 with services in St. Mary's Church of England. Interment was made in the parish cemetery. A native of Newfoundland, Mrs. Hiscock resided here most of her life. She died March 4, 1978, at the Glace Bay General Hospital. She ws the widow of the late John Hiscock, and a member of St. Mary's Church. She is survived by daughters Mrs. Phoebe Drukan, Mass, Mrs. Louise Ralph at home, Mrs. Elsie Peddle, Sydney, and Mrs. Lloyd Pace of Truro, five sons Walter, Sydney, Gordon, Fred and John Roy (Bud) of Glace Bay, and Robert of Halifax. There are 24 grandchildren, 23 great grandchildren and one great great grandchild. The funeral was directed by V.J. MacGillivray's Funeral
HODDER, Charles - Glace Bay. December 30, 1979, Charles Hodder, 73, of 13 Sherbrooke Street, Glace Bay. Native of Newfoundland, Survived by wife, nee Laura Lewis, three sons, seven daughters, 20 grandchildren, five brothers. Services in Glace Bay.
HOLDCROFT, Mrs. John - April 20, 1979, Mrs. John Holdcroft, nee Margaret lambert, 66, in Hamilton, Ontario. Native of Newfoundland and former Glace Bay resident. Survived by husband, two sons, one daughter, three step-sons, six grandchildren, five brothers, two sisters. Services in Hamilton, Ontario.
HUSSEY, Robert George - Glace Bay. August 14th, 1979,
Robert George Hussey, 79, guest at Seaview Manor, former resident of 24 Currie Street, Glace Bay. Native of Little Bay, Newfoundland. Predeceased last June by wife, nee Florence MacLean. Survived by one daughter, three grandchildren, four great grandchildren.
Services in Glace Bay.
JOHNSTON, Mrs. Caroline - July 25, 1979, Mrs. Caroline Johnston, 78, nee Newman of 71 Tobin Ave, North Sydney. Native of Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. Widow of James Johnston. Survived by five sons, three daughters, a half-brother and a half-sister. Services
in North Sydney.
KING, Mary - Glace Bay. Funeral services were held July
23 at St. Anne's Church for the late Mary King, 87, who died July 20, 1978, at Community Hospital. Interment was made in Calvary Cemetery. Native of Newfoundland, she resided in Glace Bay for the last 50 years and for the last 20 years was a resident at the home of Judge and Mrs. Leo MacIntyre. She was a member of St Anne's Parish. She is survived by a sister Mrs. Elizabeth Kane, Nfld. There are several nieces and nephews in Canada and the USA. The funeral was directed by Curry's Funeral Homes.
KNOTT, Randell - Sydney. Feb 24, 1979 Edition Randell Knott, 56, of 75 Union Street, died Friday eveining at Sydney City Hospital.
Born in Newfoundland, he was a son of the late John and Lucy (Poole) Knott. He was a taxi driver, employed by Briand's Taxi of Sydney for a number of years. He was a member of Christ Church and served overseas in the Second World War with the West Nova Scotia Highlanders. Besides his wife, the former Edith
Templeman, he is survived by one son Chesley Randell of Sydney, four daughters Shirley (Mrs. Calvin White) of Bonavista, Nfld., Cathy, Marie, Debrah Anne and
Lynn Nora, all at home. Also surviving are one brother Wilson Randell of Edwardsville, six sisters Betty (Mrs. Charlie Golden), Mrs. Lora Whitson, Eileen (Mrs. John Scott), Maude (Mrs. Edward MacLean) all living in Ontario, Sue (Mrs. John Fricker) of Neil's Harbour, Lillian (Mrs. Robert Hagell) of Sydney. Besides his parents, he was predeceased by one daughter, Nancy
Lee. The body rests at Sydney Memorial Chapel, Welton Street. Funeral service will be held Monday leaving the Chapel in time for service at Christ Church at 1 p.m. with Rev. A. Peters officiating. Interment in Forest Haven Memorial Gardens.
KYTE, Mrs. Bridget - July 05, 1980, Mrs. Bridget Kyte, 70m nee Healey, of Sydney. Native of Newfoundland. Widow of Peter Kyte. Survived by six sons, five daughters, 27 grandchildren, seven great
grandchildren. Services in Sydney.
MacDONALD, Mrs. Jessie - February 23, 1980, Mrs. Jessie
MacDonald, 71, of 157 Dominion Street, Glace Bay. Native of Newfoundland, nee Carter. Widow of Kenneth MacDonald. Survived by two brothers. Services in Glace Bay.
MacLEAN, Mrs. Margaret A. - Glace Bay. Mrs. Margaret Anne MacLean, RN., of 39 Park Street died Saturday, July 6, 1985 at the Glace Bay General Hospital. Mrs. MacLean is survived by a son Neil of Halifax, daughters Lestra (Mrs. W.R. Stewart) of St. John's, Nfld., Hildagarde (Mrs. Jack O'Neill) and Dorothy, RN., both of Glace Bay.
MacNEIL, Mrs. Martha - New Waterford. Mrs. Martha Veronica MacNeil, 71, 3407 Emerald Street died at the family residence on Tuesday April 8, 1986. A native of Newfoundland she was the daughter of the late Charles and Delilah (Kennedy) MacCarthy. For a while she
resided in Boston, Mass. She was a member of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish. Her husband Peter X. MacNeil predeceased her in 1979. She is survived by six sons Donald, Peter, John Blaise, Anthony, all of Massachusetts. Wayne of New Hampshire, six daughters Agnes (Mrs. Wilfred MacEachern) with whom she resided,
Sharon (Mrs. Frank Luppino), Gloria (Mrs. Stephen Salkin) of North Carolina, Carol (Mrs. Robert Daley) of Massachusetts, Beverley (Mrs. Roderick Gillis),
Mildred (Mrs. Richard Bryant), three sisters Elizabeth (Mrs. Maurice Dickson) of Marion Bridge, Mrs. Marie MacDonald of Glace Bay, Katherine (Mrs. Albert Penny) of North Sydney, two brothers John MacCarthy of North Sydney, James MacCarthy of Washington and by 27 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. She was predeceased by four brothers, Patrick, William, Charles and Jerry and by two sisters Elizabeth and Mrs. Mary Lewis. The body rested at the V.J.
McGillivary Funeral Home, 380 Smith Street. The funeral mass was said at Mount Carmel Church on Saturday at 10 a.m. with interment in the parish cemetery.
MacNeil, Mrs. Sadie - Glace Bay. Funeral services were
held July 24 with Mass at Holy Cross Church for the late Mrs. Sadie Elizabeth MacNeil, 24 Quarry Road who died July 21, 1978. Interment was made in St. Anne's Cemetery. A native of Newfoundland, she was a member of Holy Cross Parish. She is survived by daughters Phyllis, Glace Bay, Jeannie, Ontario, (Evelyn) Mrs. Don Raynar, Newfoundland, (Joan) Mrs. Orville Pushie, Glace Bay, with whom she resided, (Mary) Mrs. Henry Parsons, Glace Bay, sons Michael and Eric both of Glace Bay, Danny, Gordon, Gerald and Ronald of Ontario and Joseph, Stellarton. Brothers are Morris Royal and Benny Royal, sisters (Dora) Mrs. Dan MacNeil, Sydney and (Minnie) Mrs. Rod MacLeod, Cape North, there are 39 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband Joseph MacNeil in 1974. The funeral was directed by Curry's Funeral Home.
MARSHALL, Mrs. Doris - Glace Bay. Mrs. Doris Marshall, 78, of Conception Bay, Newfoundland died in hospital
in that province on Thursday, June 12, 1986. Born in Glace Bay, she was the daughter of the Late James and Lilliam Baxter and lived in Newfoundland for 33 years. She was a member of the Anglican Church. She is
survived by six sons, Lewis of St. John's. Arthur, with who she resided in Conception Bay, Clifford and James of Glace Bay, George and Chesley of Ontario, two sisters Ma (Mrs. Charles Toniczek) of Glace Bay and Violet (Mrs. Frank Peori) of Dominion, 16 grandchildren and nice great grandchildren. Her husband, Abraham predeceased her 11 years ago. She is also predeceased by two brothers James and Harry Baxter. The funeral took place at Clarkes Beach,
McCARTHY, John J. - Glace Bay. July 5, 1980, John J. McCarthy, 82, of 3 MacDonald's Lane, Glace Bay. Native of Newfoundland. Survived by wife, nee Catherine Alexander, two daughters, six grandchildren. Services
in Glace Bay.
MERCER, Isaac - New Waterford. Isaac Mercer, 85, 3457
MacNeil Avenue, died at the family residence on Monday, May 4, 1986. Born in Newfoundland, Mr. Mercer was a son of the late William and Alice (Badcock) Mercer. He was a member of the Salvation Army and the Orange Lodge, LOL 2183. Mr. Mercer was a retired miner and for awhile worked as an empoyee of the town of New Waterford. He is the last surviving member of his
immediate family. He is survived by his wife, the former Mary Emma Crane and two sons Louis and Wilfred, both of New Waterford. There are 11 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. The body rested at the V.J.
McGillivary Funeral Home, 380 Smith Street. The funeral service was held on Thursday at 2 p.m. with Captain Jacob Smith of the Salvation Army officiating.
Burial was in the Union Grove Cemetery, Scotchtown.
MILES, Mrs. Beatrice - Glace Bay. November 26, 1979, Mrs. Beatrice Miles, 79, of Woodstock, Ontario. Newfoundland native, former resident of Glace bay. Survived by husband Thomas Miles, four daughters, two
sons, 29 grandchildren, 21 great grandchildren. Services in Woodstock, Ontario.
MILLEY, Mrs. Leah - New Waterford. December 20, 1979, Mrs. Leah Milley, 61, of 3614 Ellsworth Avenue, New Waterford. Native of Newfoundland, former Glace Bay resident. Predeceased by husband Leonard Milley.
Survived by two daughters, eight grandchildren, one brother. She resided with granddaughter Mrs. Gerald MacKinnon. Services in New Waterford.
MOLLON, Wilfred Stephen - Sydney. November 17, 1979, Wilfred Stephen Mollon, 65, of 72 Richmond Street, Sydney. Native of Lake Harbour, Nfld. Predeceased by wife, nee Virginia MacLean. Survived by one daughter, four grandchildren, three sisters. Services in Sydney.
MOORES, Clarence Harvey - Glace Bay. Clarence (Charlie) Harvey Moores, 69, of 26 Highland Street died at the Glace Bay Community Hospital on Wednesday April 16, 1986. Born in Glace Bay, he was the son of the late George and Rose (Smart) Moores of Newfoundland. Mr.
Moores once held the mail contract in Glace Bay and later drove a taxi for Vets Taxi Service from which he retired. In earlier years he was very active in the
sports field. He was an adherent of the United Church of Canada. He is survived by his wife, the former Mary MacIntyre, a daughter Mrs. Rose Garland of Sydney, four sons Clarie, Jook, Al, all of Glace Bay, Robert of Oromocto, NB., eleven grandchildren. Also surviving are two brothers, John of Glace Bay and Arthur of Sydney, two sisters Mrs. Gladys Worthington and Mrs. Mabel Turner both of Glace Bay. Besides his parents he was predeceased by a brother Lee and three sisters Mrs. Mary Browns of Toronto, Mrs. Milt Kipling and Margaret both of Glace Bay. The body rested at the V.J. McGillivary Funeral Home, 16 Reserve Street. A private family service was held at the funeral home chapel on Friday at 10 a.m. with burial following in St. Anne's Cemetery. Rev. Boyce Martin officiated.
MURPHY, Mrs. Alice - April 20, 1979, Mrs. Alice Murphy, 91, of 160 Muggah Street, Sydney, in City Hospital. Native of Newfoundland, nee Walsh. Widow of James Murphy. Survived by two sons, three daughters, 37 grandchildren, 30 great grandchildren. Services in Sydney.
MURPHY, Andrew John - February 24, 1980, Andrew John Murphy, 74, of 133 Cornishtown Road, Sydney. Native of Newfoundland. Survived by wife nee Mary Florence Shaw, two daughters. Services in Sydney.
PARSONS, Norman - Louisbourg. December 10, 1979, Norman Parsons, 44, of Havenside Road, Louisbourg. Native of Rose Blanche, Newfoundland. Survived by one sister, one brother. Services in Louisbourg.
PETITE, Florence Petite - North Sydney. May 16th, 1979, Florence Petite, 87, of North Sydney, in Northside Guest Home. Native of Mose Ambrose, Fourtune Bay, NewFoundland, nee Evans. WIdow of Robert Petite. Survived by four daughters, two sons, 20 grandchildren, nine great grandchildren, two sisters. Services in North Sydney.
PIKE, Mrs. Bella - Sydney. September 2nd, 1979, Mrs.
Bella Pike, 72, nee Inkpen, of 28 Richmond Street, Sydney. Native of Burin, Newfoundland. Survived by husband, Archibald Pike, six daughters, six sons, 40 grandchildren, one step-brother, on sister. Services
in Sydney.
PINK, Mrs. Florence S. - February 27, 1980, Mrs. Florence S. Pink, 91, of 12 Lake Road, Glace Bay. Native of Newfoundland, nee Herridge. Widow of Matthew Pink. Survived by three daughters, one son, one adopted daughter, fourteen grandchildren, 16 great
grandchildren. Services in Glace Bay.
PITTMAN, Charles P. - April 17, 1979, Charles P. Pittman, 68, at home 134 Henry Street, Sydney. Native of Newfoundland. Survived by two brothers, two sisters. Services in Sydney.
POIRIER, Joseph Thomas - February 14, 1980, Joseph Thomas Poirier, 78, of 3097 East Lane, New Waterford. Native of Newfoundland. Predeceased by wife Sophie. Survived by one son. Services in New Waterford.
POWER, Thomas - Glace Bay. Funeral Mass was held at St.
Anne's Church September 11th for the late Thomas Power, 69, of 102 Highland Street, who died September 9th, 1978. A native of Newfoundland, he resided here most of his life and was a member of St. Anne's Parish. He retired four years ago after forty years
employed as a steelworker. Interment was made in the parish cemetery. The funeral was directed by V.J. McGillivray Funeral Homes.
PURCELL: Paul Patrick Feb 26, 1979 Edition: Special Tribute to the Nine Miners Killed in the No.26 Explosion (Feb 24, 1979) Purcell: Paul Patrick Purcell, of Sydney Street in the Sterling area, was 25. He was a native of Newfoundland and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Purcell of
Valleyview Complex. His wife is the former Brenda Duder and they have one son Cecil. Mr. Purcell was a member of St. Leo's Church. He attended Holy Cross
School. His mother is the former Vera Burden. Other survivors are brothers Pierce of Calvin Street and Randolph (Reg) of Bridgeport. His maternal
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Burden, resident in Carbonear, Nfld. His grandmother Mrs. Cecelia Purcell on his father's side also survives. Mr. Purcell's body is resting at Patten's Funeral Home on Union Street. Funeral Mass for Mr. Purcell will be held Tuesday at 11 a.m. at St. Leo's Church. Burial will be made in Greenwood Cemetery.
QUIBBLE, Allan - February 24, 1980, Allan Quibble,
Newfoundland, former resident of Water Street, Glace Bay. Survived by his wife nee Victoria Prosper, five children. Services in Corner Brook, Nfld.
RIDEOUT, Mrs. Isabella - February 21, 1980, Mrs. Isabella Rideout, 80, of 254 Brookside Street, Glace Bay. Native of NewFoundland, nee Trenchard, widow of Chesley J. Rideout. Survived by four sons, 11 grandchildren, one sister, three brothers. Services in Glace Bay.
SKIFFINGTON, Gideon - February 19, 1980, Gideon Skiffington, 89, pf 12 Union Street, Sydney. Native of Newfoundland, former resident of Donkin. Survived by wife nee Elizabeth Patton, two daughters, four sons, 18 grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren. Services in Donkin.
SNOOK, Hugh - Glace Bay. August 18th, 1979, Hugh Snook, 53, 112 Shutter Street, Trenton, Ontario. Newfoundland native, long-time Glace Bay resident. Survived by wife, nee Myrtle Hubbs, a daughter, one son, his father Israel Snook, Glace Bay, two sisters, four brothers. Services in Ontario.
SNOOK, Israel - Glace Bay. Oct 11, 1981, Israel Snook, of 104 Beacon St., Glace Bay. Native of Newfoundland. Predeceased by wife nee Sarah Jane Pye. Survived by sons Melvin, Ernest, Raymond, Norman, daughters
(Audrey) Mrs. Ronald Oxford, (Myrtle) Mrs. John Campbell, nineteen grandchildren, 7 great granchildren, brother Harry, sister (Nora) Mrs. Mark
Kellan. Services in Glace Bay.
STRICKLAND, Chesley - Glace Bay. Funeral of the late
Chesley Strickland, 80, of 9 Grant Street, was held March 7, with services at the Patten's Funeral Home Chapel. Interment was made in Forest Haven Memorial Gardens. Mr. Strickland died March 5, 1978 in the Glace Bay General Hospital. Long-time resident of Glace Bay, he was a native of Rose Blance, Newfoundland. He was a carpenter by trade. Mr. Strickland was a member of the Jehovahs Witness. He is survived by his wife Jane Elizabeth, a daughter (Norma) Mrs. J.S. Peat, London, Ontario, now at home, and a son Robert of Guelph, Ontario who also arrived home for the funeral.
TOMPKINS, Mrs. Phonse - New Waterford. August 31st,
1979, Mrs. Phonse Tompkins, 76, of 302 Irish Brook Road, New Waterford. Native of Newfoundland, nee Alice Doucette. Survived by husband, two daughters. four grandchildren, two sisters, one brother. Services in New Waterford.
WADDEN, Mrs. Greta - Glace Bay. Mrs. Greta Wadden, 66,
12 Anderson Street, died at Spring Garden Villa, Sydney, Sunday. Prior to entering the Villa, she was a resident at Seaview Manor. Born in Trinity Bay, NFLD, she was the daughter of Mrs. Annie (Quinton) Hewitt and the late Philip Hewitt. She was employed 24 years at the Cape Breton County Hospital, Sydney River as a nursing asistant retiring because of health reasons in 1981. She was a member of Bethel Pentecostal
Tabernacle. She was a former Sunday School teacher and organist of the congregation. She was a member of the Loyal Orange Benevolent Association. She is survived by her husband, John, a son Robert, Glace Bay, a daughter Ethel (Mrs. John Skanes) of Grand Cashe, Alberta, five grandchildren, one great grandchild, her mother Mrs. Annie Hewitt of Cambridge, Ontario. She was predeceased by a daughter Gwendolyn. The funeral and committal service will be conducted at the Patten Funeral Home Chapel, 71 Union Street Wednesday at 2
p.m. Interment will be in Greenwood Cemetery. Pastor Peter Joudry will officiate.
WALL, Leo Patrick - January 19, 1980, Leo Patrick Wall, 77, of 88 Intercolonial Street, Sydney. Native of Newfoundland. Survived by wife nee Mary MacDougall, two sons, five grandchildren. Services in Sydney.
WESTWOOD, Mrs. Christine - New Waterford. Mrs. Christine Westwood, 57, 669 St. Joseph Street, formerly of Gunn Street, Sydney, died at St. Rita Hospital in Sydney on Wednesday June 11, 1986. Born in Sydney she was the daughter of the late Tom and
Christine Robertson. She is survived by her husband Aubrey, three daughters Dale-Anne Yakimchuk of Edmonton, a son Danny Yakimchuk of St. John's,
Newfoundland, four brothers Nick and David both of Sydney, Thomas of Sydney River, Peter of Windsor, Ontario and by a granddaughter. The body rested at
Sydney Memorial Chapel Friday and the funeral mass was held at Mount Carmel Church, New Waterford on Saturday at 10 a.m.
WHITE, Eugene - Glace Bay. Eugene White, 56, of 11 Warren Street, was pronounced dead on arrival at the Glace Bay General Hospital Friday, November 1, 1985. Mr. White is survived by his wife
Jean, a step-daughter Mrs. Deborah Littler, a foster son Stephen MacNeil and son Eugene of Toronto, daughters Mrs. Rosemary CLARK of Newfoundand and Mrs. Dolores Payne of Toronto, brothers Bob, Mow, Alec, Art, Roddie, Donnie and Dave
all of Glace Bay, sisters Mrs. Florence Broughton of Ontario, Mrs. Minnie
Parsons of Ontario, Mrs. Audrey Dunlop of Glace Bay, Jessie White of Glace
Bay, Mrs. Shirley Currie of Ontario and Mrs. Isabel Lucois of Ontario and
also by eight grandchildren.
WHITE, John J. - July 13, 1979, John J. White, 90, of 234 Lingan Road. Native of Bisca Bay, Newfoundland. Survived by wife, nee Mary Currie, three sons, several grand and great grandchildren, one brother, one sister. Services at Whitney Pier.
WHITE, Mrs. Sarah - Glace Bay (photo). Sept 11, 1985 Edition Former resident of Glace Bay, Mrs. Sarah White, 78, died recently in Cambridge, Ontario. Born in 1907, she was the daughter of Abe Barrett of Spainards Bays, NFLD, and left for
Glace Bay , NS. in 1920 where she lived with her brother and wife, Joe and Lizzie Barrett, until her marriage to Tom White of Newfoundland. She lived in
Glace Bay for 46 years and was a member of the Salvation Army for all that time. She became a "War Cry" sergeant and it was a great loss to the Corps when she left for Galt, Ontario. She lived in Galt for 18 years and was active in the Corps there also. This gave her a total of 64 years of dedicated service to the Salvation Army. She was predeceased by her husband Tom and a son Joe and daughter Jessie May. She is survived by a daughter-in-law Ruth of Toronto and two grandsons, Barry of New Zealand and Tom of Vancouver. She is also survived by a great granddaughter Beth Ann. The remains rested at Little and Sons for one day in Cambridge, Ontario, and then at Pattons of Glace Bay, with funeral service at the Salvation Army Citadel and interment in Greenwood Cemetery.
WILSON, Mrs. Mabel - February 23, 1980, Mrs. Mabel Wilson, 87, nee Rockwood, of Halifax. Former resident of Sydney, native of Newfoundland. Widow of George Wilson. Survived by one daughter, one son, five
grandchildren, one sister. Services in Sydney.
WOODLAND, William H. - New Waterford. William H. Woodland, 74, of 430 Mahon Street died Monday, June 02, 1986 at Sydney City Hospital. Born in Newfoundland he was a son of the late Mr & Mrs. Eli Woodland. He was a retired coal miner and member of Calvin United
Church, New Waterford. He is survived by one son Wayne of Moncton and a daughter essie (Mrs. William Nally) of Waltham, Mass. There are eight grandchildren and five great grandchildren. His is also survived by four
brothers Clifford, Matt, Archie, and Jack, all of New Waterford and by two sisters Lillie (Mrs. Ken Schofield) of New Waterford and Mrs. Marjorie Watt of
Montreal. He was predeceased by his wife the former Cathy Grace and by a son Reginald. The body rested at the V.J McGillivary Funeral Home, 380 Smith Street. The funeral service was held Thursday at 3 p.m. in the funeral home chapel with Rev. Duncan Roach officiating. Burial took place in Greenwood Cemetery, Glace Bay.
YOUDEN, Mrs. Lillian - April 16, 1979, Mrs. Lillian Youden, 91, former resident of 37 Stanley Street, North Sydney, in Northside General Hospital. Native of Bellram, Newfoundland, nee Moulton. Widow of William Youden. Survived by three daughters, 13 grandchildren, three sisters. Services in North Sydney.
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